Is the end in sight?


Leading A Revolution
August 18th 2013, Triple H dropped Daniel Bryan with a pedigree to help Randy Orton cash in his MITB only moments after Bryan achieved his dream. That was the day the Authority was born. Come this August it will be two years of the Authority being the main heel vocal point of WWE. So my question is simple is the end of the Authority's end in coming soon? Or maybe it could eventually come to a point where their are no more active wrestlers in the Authority, and its just Stephanie and Triple H running Raw and being referred to as the Authority, but not having any big role in feuds. What do you guys think?

I honestly thought the Authority was going to disappear by Summerslam last year, but then Daniel Bryan got injured, and Rollins joined the Authority and it came clear they would be around for much longer. I personally think they need to break it apart in the coming months, Its going to become long in the tooth for many fans, and people wil start to get bored of seeing it, while some already have. I think they should have Rollins eventually become so big and arrogant he doesn't think he needs the authority anymore, and it could lead to a match with Triple H. If Rollins wins the Authority leaves Monday Night Raw. Think about that, the same guy who boasts that he made and destroyed the Shield, could say he did the same with the Authority.
Stephanie and HHH are the first good TV authority figures since....Vince and later Stephanie in the late 90's-early 00's.

We've seen so many terrible authority figures in the years in between. Why are we wishing them away?
Stephanie and HHH are the first good TV authority figures since....Vince and later Stephanie in the late 90's-early 00's.

We've seen so many terrible authority figures in the years in between. Why are we wishing them away?

I don't think many would argue that they're bad at all, but every angle has it's sell by date. I think they've both been heeling it up well, but it really has become quite regurgitated lately. I can only watch so much "keep the underdog down" stories before it feels like I'm watching the same thing from two years ago and less. Rollins has become what Orton was. Whoever Rollins faces almost takes the Daniel Bryan role. To a much lesser degree of course, but it's still the babyface getting screwed by the Authority so their chosen one remains champion. Ambrose in particular fits that anti-Authority underdog role well.

I don't think it's a case of wishing them away. Personally, it's just a little repetitive. What's gonna happen next? Rollins turns face and gets cast aside from the Authority while Kevin Owens takes his spot? I'm not onboard with another rinse, repeat Authority angle.
In my opinion, this HEEL Authority angle has to end sooner or later. HHH and Steph are much too good at their jobs to keep them off of TV permanently, but their "corrupt power couple" shtick is getting a little stale. Personally, I think the whole show (RAW) revolves around The Authority, more specifically HHH and Steph, and taking them off TV would hurt the product at this point.

That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing HHH turn face after a program with Rollins, in which Steph sides with Seth, leading to a power struggle between good (HHH) and evil (Stephanie McMahon). I see HHH being a part of the product for many, many years to come. Of course there will be breaks in which we don't see him for a while, but he'll always end up coming back. The trick is keeping him fresh and over in a predominantly non-wrestling role.
Yeah I agree keep Hunter and Steph in power, but do new things with them. Vince didn't need The The Corporation his whole time as heel. and if you go too long with this type of stable, That hardly ever gets knocked down a peg (Survivor Series doesn't count because Rollins, Kane, and JJS where still The stable, and Hunter and Steph were back on TV 3 weeks later), and have the same story lines again and again. what you get is the nWo.
If you take them off tv though you might have to give that first 15 minute opening monologue to someone else. That would be a travesty.
I like the idea of the Authority. I agree that they need something different than the underdog story that has been playing for essentially the past 2 years.

I think it'll all change though when Brock Lesnar comes back and fueds with Rollins, assuming that's where they go. For the first time the Authority may get dismantled one by one and Rollins will be the ultimate underdog in that match.

I do think eventually Rollins will break off from the Authority and start his own faction with J N J Security and maybe one or 2 other guys. Eventually we will see Triple H vs Rollins because Rollins will become to the Authority what Randy Orton became to Evolution, the bigger star with a massive ego, and eventually will get Triple H into more battles than he needs to be in because of it.
I don't think the authority angle is coming to a end anytime soon because of there plan B gimmick that they can't lose even if Seth Rollins departs they will find someone else with "plan B" and putting them in match to where they have to leave will prove no avail like it didn't with cena but someone will get the stipulation to make this happen again though hopefully it still be Reigns but I don't see them going anywhere soon
It is getting a little tiresome at this point but what are ya gonna do? The Authority is the single best Heel faction they got going. I do wish they'd cut down on all the interference in matches though. It's getting repetitive. Even at the live event I was at last Saturday. Rollins vs Orton, J & J just turned that main event into absolute chaos and a DQ finish. I'm sure the Authority storyline will end eventually and I hope Sting somehow gets involved seeing as it was never really resolved with him anyway.
That being said, I wouldn't mind seeing HHH turn face after a program with Rollins, in which Steph sides with Seth, leading to a power struggle between good (HHH) and evil (Stephanie McMahon). I see HHH being a part of the product for many, many years to come. Of course there will be breaks in which we don't see him for a while, but he'll always end up coming back. The trick is keeping him fresh and over in a predominantly non-wrestling role.

This. Probably something to the effect of "I don't need the Authority and I don't need you." It also wouldn't surprise me if this split happens sooner than later and we get a true Survivor Series match. Team Steph vs Team Trips. I could see HHH going to the NXT well while Steph claims Kevin Owens beforehand. May be a good time to see what Samoa Joe is doing...
I feel like Triple H should focus his heel tendencies against the males and Steph should be helping out with the Divas. Her presence can really shed light on the division and can create a female version of Vince vs Austin.

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