Is Rey Mysterio The Most Consistent, Good Wrestler In WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well as the title says is Rey Mysterio the only, consistent and good wrestler in the WWE right now.

This thread is not about his size, not about his promos, not about his gimmick and sure as hell not about his injuries.

Its about the fact that Rey Mysterio since he joined the WWE. Hell even before that has yet to show a wrestling wise inefficient match. (Not counting the match against great khali). Hell even the match against big show looked ok.

Take a look at mysterio over 2011. An amazing match against cody rhodes at WM. A short yet awesome feud against cm punk, adr and even the matches against miz and cena. Nothing short of amazing. And I would even go as far as saying that his matches against CM Punk were the best matches of RAW this year.

The time for Rey to hang up his boots is coming and when it will WWE will lose an excellent performer who selflessly put others over, gained and lost a championship in a day and performed in solid, good and technical matches.

What are your thoughts ? Is Rey given way less credit than due.
In terms of consistency, Rey is able to evolve his move-set to meet his limitations. The fact that he is aware of his limitations due to his injuries makes him a better wrestler than most.

I'm not sure if I have seen Rey execute a West Coast Pop these days. His springboard hurricanranas have been replaced with simple springboard-sitting-sentons (forgive me if my terminology is wrong). He knows that his injuries have caught up with him, but the way he evolved his in-ring work makes up for it and is still very much exciting to watch.

And it doesn't matter if Rey is facing a strength reliant wrestler or a technical wrestler, a Mark Henry or a Alberto Del Rio wrestler. Rey can still carry a match even with his compromised move-set.
I agree completely with the OP he is the most consistent, good wrestler in WWE right now. He always works his hardest to put on a good match even when he's injured.
If by consistent you mean that every match is exactly the same then yes, he is the most consistent. 5 min of him getting the crap kicked out of him then he does his 5 moves of doom and wins. He's the lucha version of Cena. I'll give him credit for evolving to suit his injuries and the bad booking he has had to deal with since he joined WWE, but to call him the most consistent wrestler is an insult to about half of the WWE roster.
I personally can not stand Rey Mysterio. People bash Cena for being all about the kids? Take a look at this guy!

He is consistent at being injured if that's the question
He's one of the top two. Mysterio can have a good to great match with anyone and has proven that ever since he debuted in the WWE. He was the man of the EC this year and had a great match with Cena. Also, people need to get off of that shit about him being small and beating bigger guys because it is not realistic in a fake sport. If that's the case, then guys like Khali and Show should never lose.
The ignorance in this post is amazing. Did I not mention above that this thread is not about his injuries, gimmick etc. Its entirely about his wrestling ability which is impeccable.

See, it's not his wrestling ABILITY that's impecable, it's his maturity and determination to adapt to his physical INABILITIES. He's not the same able bodied high flyer he used to be but has done a good job of changing his move set with what his body can do. Over the years Rey has put on spectacle after spectacle but it's just getting to the point where he can't physically put on high caliber match with his style of wrestling. He's an important asset to WWE and is one of their most popular wrestlers but his matches aren't especially exciting anymore.
Why do people insult him? Because he's not exciting anymore? Don't give me that crap, at least he makes great matches with wrestlers. Sin Cara's matches are ALL shit in the WWE. Try watching Rey's matches with John Morrison, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston. Sure, they weren't classics. But they were all fantastic.

So Rey Mysterio sucks because he's not a spot monkey? He gets injured too much? Idiots.
The fact that Rey can have a match against someone like Undertaker and make it competitive is a testament to his talent. Yeah his gimmick is more aimed at kids but, it wasn't any different when he was in ECW or WCW, the only change was he had less muscle mass and the years of his wrestling style hadn't started to break his body down at that point.

As for most consistent at the moment? Not really, I'd give that to Orton because he seems to be the one headliner who "gets it" when it comes to having matches. The fact that, even if he wins in the end, 9.5/10 his opponents come off looking credible in defeat (just look at that awesome performance against Cody in the Street Fight).
It's not that he doesn't do big spots, it's because he isn't able to wrestle accordingly with the style that we all know him from. The guy is a hall of famer for sure but his performance isn't what you want from a luchador. On top of that his matches on weekly shows are very stale. His move set is limited and it shows most of all in his day to day work. I would never bash on his work ethic ever but the guy is just too old. Sin Cara is a spot and botch fest every time, absolutely, nobody is saying he isn't. But just because Rey only attempts moves he know he can hit doesn't make him consistently good.
Oh.. boy. The only good and consistent wrestler in the WWE? Man, I bet you've been getting some flack for this post. And well, you should.

I have never been a Rey fan... I was devoted to WCW when Rey was huge, but there were so many other cruisers that I loved more than him... La Parka, Ultimo Dragon, I loved those guys.

I will never deny that Rey has stayed true (as much as he could) to his roots, and done a damn good job at selling matches. My issue with him has always been his inability to sell hype to a match. He's just always been.. there... He never made me want to tune in for one of his matches specifically, especially in WWE where there is no talent that can really do what he does....

I always wished Rey went back to Mexico where he could have been a national star. I think his star potential faded out long ago.

RMJr is great at what he does, but for the WWE to put him in a main event, or even a big match, has always been ridiculous to me. While he's still able to, I think he should get out of WWE and get back to what he does best.
I personally can not stand Rey Mysterio. People bash Cena for being all about the kids? Take a look at this guy!

I know, right!? At least Cena never gave the kids Eskimo kisses on his way to the ring!

Also, people need to get off of that shit about him being small and beating bigger guys because it is not realistic in a fake sport. If that's the case, then guys like Khali and Show should never lose.

I expect you've already sent me a check in the mail. Otherwise, expect to hear from my lawyers.

Why do people insult him? Because he's not exciting anymore? Don't give me that crap, at least he makes great matches with wrestlers. Sin Cara's matches are ALL shit in the WWE. Try watching Rey's matches with John Morrison, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston. Sure, they weren't classics. But they were all fantastic.

So Rey Mysterio sucks because he's not a spot monkey? He gets injured too much? Idiots.

Broadly correct.

Like most of the other amateur comedians in this thread, I was aching to point out how rich it is to claim that someone who's currently injured is consistent. Unfortunately, everyone who beat me to that particular punch came across as something of a ******** in the process. Time to take a long, hard look at myself.

Yeah, Rey Mysterio is probably the most consistently good wrestler on the roster when he's fit. I could buy that. I don't want to retread all the "It's not about how many flips you can do, otherwise guys like Sin Cara wouldn't plainly be so garbage" stuff or the "Stop being full of shit, you're just cynical and bitter" stuff. Repeating the "You don't understand how wrestling works - it's about storytelling and pacing rather than pure athleticism" bit would just make me Slyfox incarnate. I don't want to dredge up the "Rey Mysterio's body of work over the past year is better than any other wrestler, with the possible exceptions of John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk and/or Christian" argument again either.

So let's just leave it at that.
Rey IS still good WHEN he wrestles, but:

1) he isn't as consistent as Ziggler, Morrison, Punk, Del Rio, Orton, Sheamus, or Bryan have been over the past year.

2) the OP doesn't want us to mention his injuries, but if you want to talk about how consistent a guy is, the frequency of matches HAS to be factored in. If you take time off out of the occasion, then the most consistent wrestler in the WWE over the last ten years is the Undertaker; not Rey.
How can his consistency not have anything to do with his injuries? If he's out for most of every year, does he not lose the ability to be a consistent wrestler? Yes, when he's in the ring he always puts on a decent-to-good showing. He rarely, if ever has a bad match, and he should be commended for that. WHEN he is around.

I don't know about being over-rated. Most people like him just fine. Even I, a former hater now respect him and look forward to Mysterio's return. Hell, the WWE put him in the Top 10 of their all-time SUperstars DVD...
In terms of consistency, Rey is able to evolve his move-set to meet his limitations. The fact that he is aware of his limitations due to his injuries makes him a better wrestler than most.

I can't say that Rey is the most consistent wrestler today since having those injuries it really affected his moveset. I liked how he did his 619-spring board leg drop before. And look now, it is just 619-diving crossbody pin. He adjusted according to his body's limitations. Without his injuries I can say he is one of the best.
To be honest....Rey is VERY can predict the outcome of the match while he is walking down the ramp....when you have a wrestler who can make you predict the match before it happens....that wrestler needs to go *cough* CENA *cough*

I really do not care if you like Cena or not or even Rey....You need wrestlers who can keep you on your toes...

WWE gets a D- or an F for predictability!
To be honest....Rey is VERY can predict the outcome of the match while he is walking down the ramp....when you have a wrestler who can make you predict the match before it happens....that wrestler needs to go *cough* CENA *cough*

I really do not care if you like Cena or not or even Rey....You need wrestlers who can keep you on your toes...

WWE gets a D- or an F for predictability!

Yeah, because everybody KNEW that there was no way Hulk Hogan would be able to beat King Kong Bundy at WrestleMania 2. And everyone thought Stone Cold had no hope at besting Mr. McMahon. And that John Cena sure is predictable. I mean, look at all of the PPV matches he's won lately!

That was sarcasm. I feel the need to tell you that because you're clearly an idiot.

Now onto the greatest showman in the WWE in the past decade, Rey. Fucking. Mysterio. That's right, I said it, the greatest wrestler. He may never have drawn like Triple H, John Cena, or Shawn Michaels, but between the ropes that man put on some of the best matches ever seen, and he did so consistently. If you're going to a WWE show and Rey Mysterio is wrestling, you can be damn sure that you'll get at least one match on that card that you'll remember for years to come. My greatest regret is that I've never seen Rey Mysterio wrestle live. Well, it might not be my greatest regret, but it's certainly my greatest regret in terms of wrestling.

Go on, name somebody who puts on great matches more consistently than Rey Mysterio. CM Punk? He's good, but before his work with Orton he hardly had any matches worth remembering. Orton? Over the past year maybe, but he still has a dud every now and again, and he has years of shitty wrestling to make up for. Your best bet would be Shawn Michaels, but HBK had the good fortune to get to work with some of the best wrestlers the WWE had to offer. Triple H, Benoit, Cena, Jericho, and those are only a few. Rey often is tasked with wrestling with the younger, less experienced guys that might not know how to put on a great match. But, inevitably, Rey ALWAYS gets a great match out of them.

Between WrestleMania 26 and SummerSlam of this year, Rey consistently had some of the best matches on the cards, and arguably had THE best match at WrestleMania 27. But it's not just recently that Rey has had great matches in the WWE. Look at his work with Eddie, or with Edge when they were tag team partners. Watch his matches in WCW against Eddie or Jericho or Juvi. Throughout his career Rey has put on some of the best matches you will ever see.

Now this may just sound like silly gushing, but go watch Halloween Havoc 1997, Rey vs. Eddie Guerrero, and tell me that wasn't a great match. Or watch just about any match where he teams with Edge. Or really, any match that has Rey Mysterio in the title will do, because Mysterio strikes gold in the ring no matter what.
It's three twenty in the morning on Christmas Day and I can't sleep. I have a problem; there's no doubt about that. So! Without further ado, I give you...

Great White Sam's List of Stupid Reasons People Dislike/Barefaced Lies About Rey Mysterio™​

  • Rey Mysterio is too small to be a legitimate threat.
  • Anything containing the word "moveset" in a non-ironic fashion.
  • Anything containing the word "worker" in a non-ironic fashion.
  • "Children like Rey Mysterio and, in my official capacity as the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, I can't be having that!"
  • Rey Mysterio can't cut a promo.
  • Rey Mysterio always wins.
  • "I don't like good things."

The latest addition, graciously demonstrated by Hugo55 with a frankly inhuman amount of elipsis:

To be honest....Rey is VERY can predict the outcome of the match while he is walking down the ramp....when you have a wrestler who can make you predict the match before it happens....that wrestler needs to go *cough* CENA *cough*

I really do not care if you like Cena or not or even Rey....You need wrestlers who can keep you on your toes...

WWE gets a D- or an F for predictability!

JGlass has taken the diplomatic route with this. What I'm about to do, I'd liken more to assault.

The outcome of Rey Mysterio's matches are predictable? Bullshit. Bull. Fucking. Shit. This one falls slap bang in the barefaced lies category. You, sir, are a liar.

Did you predict that Alberto Del Rio was going to over Rey in his debut match? Did you predict Rey was going to go over Miz to win the WWE Championship? Did you predict Cena was going to go over Rey to win it later that night? Did you predict any of the recent Mysterio/Punk matches? Any of his matches with Jericho? Any of his matches with Jericho? His encounters with Edge? Dolph Ziggler? Cody Rhodes?

Don't lie, because you didn't. Merry Christmas.
The number of people bashing Rey in this thread comes as a shock to me. You know, Mysterio being a high-flying daredevil veteran and all, you'd think the smarks would at least give him credit for working his ass off to give the audience their money's worth when he's capable of walking to the ring and giving you guys a match.

But no, he has to be bad-ass, he has to deny his crowd appeal, he has to transcend his limitations like it's some quaint Zen koan, he has to act his size and lose when a bigger wrestler is presented to him - after all, he's, what, 5 foot 7?

But you know what? I'll leave you bashers to check, on your own power, the subject of your bashing, since you're so capable of bashing things you barely care about. Or - what is more probable since you guys generally bash anything who's not a bad-ass high-flyer - I'll leave you to fester in your own prejudices.

Buh-bye. :lmao:
Rey is one of my least favorite wrestlers ever. I would prefer that he never came back to television. He has a limited number of moves, he injures other wrestlers, he is regularly sidelined with injuries, and 1/5th of his moves are not even moves, they are simply a set up for a spot. Evan Bourne will do some of the same moves as Rey except for the fact that Evan makes them look like actual moves and not just spots. I am not discounting what Rey has already accomplished, but as far as 2011 was concerned his career is a joke and it is time to hang up the boots.
I stand by what I say, i don't care if you trolls want to jump all over me because you are butt hurt over my opinion....WWE now is very predictable.....if you want to retaliate because I have voiced my opinion then make yourself feel better by attacking me.

Only thing recently enjoyable has been CM Punk

So you support the feeble-headed misguided notion that movesets makes pro wrestling a draw for the majority of its audience, that predictability is an asset rather than a distraction, and that Evan Bourne is somehow better than Rey because he ain't old.

Rey is one of my least favorite wrestlers ever. I would prefer that he never came back to television. He has a limited number of moves, he injures other wrestlers, he is regularly sidelined with injuries, and 1/5th of his moves are not even moves, they are simply a set up for a spot. Evan Bourne will do some of the same moves as Rey except for the fact that Evan makes them look like actual moves and not just spots. I am not discounting what Rey has already accomplished, but as far as 2011 was concerned his career is a joke and it is time to hang up the boots.

What about 2011 was a joke? His extraordinary performance in the EC? How about his matches with Rhodes and Punk? How about his matches with Miz and Cena? Are those jokes? Bourne couldn't be Mysterio on his best day.
Yeah, for those of you who keep pointing to other wrestler with "better in ring skills" than Rey and citing CM Punk in your argument, please stop. I know everybody is busy wiping the Punk splooge from their mouth, but I cannot tell you how many times I have seen him botch what seems like a simple counter. Has he ever landed correctly when he tries to flip out of an Attitude Adjustment?

Punk is a fantastic personality, but anyone who has seen the kind of counters that Mysterio has been able to pull off over the years should be absolutely in awe of that guy's skill. I don't know what it is about Mysterio that irks so much of the IWC, but to say that Mysterio constantly wins is down right ******ed. He put over Cody Rhodes. He put Alberto Del Rio on the map. He reinvigorated Kane's career. Come on, what does this guy have to do to earn your respect.

I know his finishing move is incredibly predictable, but that is not only his fault. Look at the people he's dealing with. The wrestlers today do not have the kind of technical prowess that Eddie Guerrero, Jericho, Chris Benoit, and many of the cruiserweights had. Cena, Miz, and Big Show have to be easily placed on the ropes for the 619 or else they are bound to mess up.

Take a look at his work with CM Punk(entire hair/mask feud), Edge(Elimination Chamber), Ziggler (Summerslam), and Jericho(any place and time). No one can honestly tell me that they were not entertained by any of those matches. Bull crap. And he was never carried in any of those matches. It was always 50/50. Give the guy a break.
I agree that Rey has been one of the most consistent performers over the past decade, despite his injuries and few horrific storylines (The Dominic ladder match was good, though the story was shit). He can work well with wrestlers of various styles and sizes, and is LOVED by the crowd. His in-ring action is very exciting and is still at a better pace than most guys can even dream of.
I think from late 2008 to his latest injury, Rey's been the best in-ring performer in the WWE.

He's had so many great matches and feuds over the past 3 and a half, 4 years.

Punk, Jericho, Taker, Del Rio, Morrison, Swagger, etc. have all had great matches with him.

Even with pretty much no knees, he was still able to go out and have great matches.

The match in July against Cena on Raw was outstanding.

He had a really good match against Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania.

If he's anywhere near the level of performance he was when he was injured, when he gets back he's gonna be great.

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