Is it the Catchphrase?


Dark Match Winner
I read the article where vince was getting pissed to cause he wasn't making new stars.... And then it kind of hit me all of a sudden that a catchphrase has a lot to do with fan popularity....It doesn't even have to be a catchphrase just something repetitive that fans can get into like angles U Suck

Think about it... Austin had What, Cause Stone Cold Said So / Bottom Line
Rock had too many to mention
HHH - I am the game/that damn good/Dx catchphrases
Angle - Three I's/U suck
Hogan - Vitamins/Prayers
Cena (Early when more ppl liked him) - You can't see me
Bret Hart - Best there is/ever was/ever will be

I think that the main reason that they help is because they create distinction between wrestlers and also allow fan interaction in the promos......So should vince be incorporating that more in his new guys?
If we're gonna talk bout this, then there is something that must be said...


lol i fucking love that shit.

I think that a catchphrase CAN be useful in certain situations. I mean, let's be honest, would we give a Zack Ryder a second look without it? However, it's far from essential. Charisma and personality can still be utlized without a rhyme or rap. (see Jake Roberts)
there are still all kinds of catch phrases. Miz, MVP and Cryme Tyme all have one, so do a bunch more that i just cant think of right now. thats not where the problem is, the problem is with the talent
I think it comes down to charisma. The people previously mentioned were good on the mic and had appeal with the crowd. If we look at the up and comers, MVP is growing and the crowd is getting on his side. John Morrison is the same way so the future is there, but more talent needs to be developed such as Dolph Ziggler(Maria is his charisma, yum), Ted Dibiase, he is a talent who needs to get on the mic more. Cryme Tyme is also over with the crowd and yes these up and comers need to start winning gold so that we do not forget who they are.
Definately. Catchprases get me interested in the wrestler. Catchprases and hand gestures could get you really far. Look at Hitler he had a hand gesture, he was charismatic, and he had a lot of catchphrases. Today catchprases can help people get over . Here are some of my favorites

Zack Ryder-WOO WOO WOO You know IT
The MIz-Cause I'm the Miz and i'm AWESOME
John Cena-You can't see me
R-Truth-Whats UP?
A catchprase can help, yes, but that's not all, cause it wouldn't work if the wrestler doesn't have either the carisma or some in ring ability.
The Rock had carisma, so his catchprases worked, but it's gotta be a good one, like the "WOO WOO WOO" of Ryder, or it will never work, even with someone that has a great mic skill​
"BALLIN'" is really starting to get on my nerves though

p.s i love swagger and ziggler if they are used right they have BIG things ahead of them
Yeah, I think you are on to something there.

The Rock is the best example of this. The Rock is arguable one of the biggest successes Vince has ever had when it comes to building a star and it was for one reason: His ability to be able to cut a great promo. I was watching a promo with him and Jericho when Jericho first came to WWE and all the catchphrases that The Rock would spout would have people marking out all over the place. The Rock was exceptionally talented on the stick though and really got over with some of his catchphrases.

To my mind though, no one on the roster would be able to do anything like the Rock or Stone Cold. With the exception of Jericho and perhaps Punk, no one is extremely talented on the stick. Miz is getting there and he has his crappy "I'm awesome!" gimmick that really gets to me. I mean, you are right. People get some notoriety for their ability to make the crowd join in the promos and things. No one in the WWE could really do that now. I think that they would have to get someone new into do it they wanted to get the same pops that people like The Rock got because no one on the roster has the same electricity about them.
I think most of the guys that get mic time DO have catchphrases.

Miz: I'm awesome!
Ryder: Woo woo woo.
Cryme Tyme: Shit loads of calls.
Kofi: Boom boom boom.
Ziggler: I'm Dolph Ziggler.

It isn't an essential but it certainly does help with getting the crowd familiar with the character being protrayed. Back in the day these catchphrases came from the entertainers themselves, now however they are probably more from creative trying to fit a phrase to a wrestler rather than the Rock going out and saying some shit that the crowd jumps on and he continues with it. I hope that made sense.... :)
A catchphrase gains instant recognition. And right now, the only wrestlers with catchphrases that jump out at me are Cena, the Miz, Dolph Ziggler, The Undertaker, and Zack Ryder. If Zack Ryder ever got over enough as an actual competitor, he'd be pretty big simply due to his catchy sayings. Woo woo woo and You know it! are gold mines if used right. It's just a matter of whether the wrestler is good enough to get over without it. The Rock or Stone Cold didn't need their catchphrases, but it helped them a great deal. Zack Ryder and Dolph Ziggler need to wrestle their asses off the next few months and they'll get a bunch of TV time with their catchphrases and with catchphrases, their is merchandise. Who wouldn't buy a 'Woo woo woo, You Know It!' T-shirt?
I totally agree a catchphrase is a great way of getting over quickly. Good case in hand - Chris Jericho in his early days with his whole jerichoholics stuff or Road Dogg with his entrance speech.

Maybe thats another part of using a catchphrase about when you enter. Thats what K-kwik or whatever he is now does although its not quite working.

I really hope that this style of getting over could work for mike knox with his new evil doctor style of promo, could work and get him some decent feuds.

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