Is CM Punk The Best Thing To Happen To Miz?

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Championship Contender
To all of you guys that are saying "that doesn't make any sense", just hold on for a second. Cm Punk has just been bashing the wwe and its top star John Cena. And really if you look at it the miz does all the same things that john cena does. He was in line to become the next face of the wwe before cm punk came into the picture. He is the next in line because he is an "ass kisser". So after CM Punk beats cena for the title at summerslam (and if he doesn't then the wwe is filled with idiots) the next logical opponent would be miz. And thats when the miz could fully be shown off for the heel that he could be. When the miz was facing cena, cena could only mention the miz cheating because like i said the miz is a lot like cena on every other aspect. But with punk, they can show everything that alot of that "ass kissing" that he does.

This is just a thought. I know i kind of rambled a tiny bit but hey im tired.

STAY ON TOPIC! This isn't a "Fantasy-Book WrestleMania" thread. Thank you.
I like that you mentioned this because following CM Punk's exchange with McMahon I started to thing the same thing... His entire life Miz has idolized the WWE and wanted to be the "face" of the company and now he has gotten that opportunity. Punk's blatent "disrespect" of WWE by walking out with the World Title should have been something that would piss of Miz. McMahon can't fight but could instill a corporate champion in The Miz, simliar to The Rock back in the day.

It could be an interesting dynamic with CM Punk as the anti-authority figure claiming to be the best in the world as he fueds with the McMahon/HHH figure head and their corporate champion, the charismatic lifelong WWE loyalist The Miz.... sound a bit familiar?
You raise an interesting point here (it's a valid point, as well)...I agree with you; after Punk's feud with Cena is over it would make sense (at least storyline-wise) that the Miz would end up in the title-picture. However - with Mysterio winning (and then almost IMMEDIATELY losing) the title this past Monday, they might put Rey back in the #1 contender spot after the feud with Cena has ended. I hope not, since we've seen that over & over again...but the bookers know that Punk & Rey work well together, and Punk can talk about how Rey kisses ass as well. If Rey doesn't kiss ass backstage, Punk can at least attack how Rey kisses the asses of the fans (giving kids his mask, etc). Maybe it will end up as a triple-threat (Punk, Cena & Mysterio), for Night of Champions in September. Maybe Miz will end up in there also, either as an add-on (fatal four-way) or completely replace Rey all together.

There are a lot of different ways that WWE could go next, after Cena. I think a Miz/Punk feud would be good though. It's something that I don't remember seeing, at least. You're absolutely right, Punk would DEFINITELY be able to use the same ammunition on the Miz that he's currently using on Cena. Since the summer is almost over, I wonder how WWE will go. Obviously seeing Punk doing the same routine ("...I don't like people that kiss ass!") would get stale, even if he's up against different opponents. They've got to find other ways for him to get into feuds.

I also get the feeling that a great feud would be Punk vs. Jericho (if and when Jericho decides to make a return to the squared-circle). Maybe HHH wants one more run as well? That would be a great feud...HHH could talk about how Punk used to do a variation of his move when he was still with RoH (the Pepsi-Plunge).

I hope WWE keeps the title on Punk, but I bet they want to keep the title on Cena for a while yet (so fans will think that Cena vs. Rock at Wrestlemania 2012 will be for the World Title). I like the idea of keeping the title on Punk, but I have a feeling the writers will argue that Punk's gimmick might not need the belt. Then again, I think Cena vs. Punk will work better if Cena is chasing Punk for the title after Summerslam. I guess it just depends how long they plan to keep that feud going.

This is slightly off-topic (and there's probably a separate thread for this, so I'll keep it brief), but is Punk currently a Heel or a Face? I know he's been getting cheered more, but is he kind of an anti-hero right now? I LOATHE the word "tweener" (god, every time I see it I just feel dirty...LOL!), I prefer what TNA/Impact Wrestling was calling Mr. Anderson: "a likeable heel" ("popular heel"?). So....where does Punk lie right now? Heel, face, or on the fence? Was this whole "worked-shoot" angle just a way to get Punk over as a face again?
He's the popular heel for sure. His rebel against the system attitude combined with the majority of the fans realizing how good he really is why most are favoring him over Cena.

As for a Punk/Miz feud, it could work. These two could definitely have some great back and forth on the mic. The scenario mentioned in the original post is probably the only way I would want to see this go down though. I don't see it happening anytime soon though because right now Punk is THE heel in the WWE and if they were to turn him face soon it would be jumping the shark in my opinion.
There are many ways they could go with this. Miz being a corporate champion under HHH? No. Miz being a McMahon sympathiser? Yes. With cole maybe a few others too. HHH should feud with punk & miz. As should punk & miz with each other, where does cena, truth, mysterio & even Jmo come into this? There's been rumours of roh's kings of wrestling joining punk on RAW.. & rumours of even Sean waltman coming back to be a hunter stooge.. It could go many ways OR punk could lose at summerslam & it could fuck shit up!
I'm definitely hoping for a Punk/Miz feud. Both are great on the mic albeit in very different ways, and i think their differences would be what would make the feud great. Miz embodies everything Punk hates recently, i.e. being on every piece of merchandise, doing the talk show circuit, being a puppet/ass-kisser for the corporate machine, etc. I think both the verbal and physical battles these two could get into would be great. You could possibly even employ HHH on Miz's side to give him even more of that "corporate stooge" effect.
wow miz vs punk!! Would this be the program that would turn miz face or make punk even more popular than he already is!! Miz being the coporate champion maybe and punk spitting in the face of authority the verbal battles (If they let him have free reign could be the best of all time) These two know how to talk drop the pg rating WWE.. If they drop the PG era Miz and Punk could just trash each other without even using a cuss word!! I am looking forward to this program if indeed it takes off!!
This reminds me a LOT of the Mankind vs. Rock feud in the late 90's. Mankind was the nobody that busted his ass and never got anything but the fans were behind. He wore a ripped dress shirt and tie over brown tights, had one of the worst hair cuts ever, and was never really on anything promotional. Rock was the complete opposite. He had everything handed to him for being a multi-generation star, he wore expensive suits, and his face was every where. CM Punk has had to scratch and claw his way up and is now there with the fans behind him. He doesn't have that clean look the Rock has, just like Mankind. And now the Miz gets what he wants, to be the Rock. The corporate ass-kissed with his face every where, the expensive suits, maybe not the $100 dollar haircuts because any idiot with scissors can make a faux-hawk, but I digress. This feud is gold. Yes, it's been done before, but that's what makes it work. It can't be done all the time, but this time it definitely can.

That just brings up that issue of what the hell is Cena gonna do? With Rock supposedly coming back at Survivor Series are we just going to see Cena get on the mic every week from November until April? (One can only hope...) but that leaves 5 months for him to do what? Obviously he's going to win back the WWE title before WrestleMania, but that also brings up another question. WrestleMania 28 looks like this so far:
WWE Title : Cena (c) vs. Rock
WHC : Bryan v TBD (c)

Congratulations! The Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber are now completely worthless! UNLESS they give Cena the Rumble, he challenges at Elimination Chamber, and they have just one Chamber match to determine WHC.

Anyway, I'm done ranting now. To sum up... Miz vs. Punk will be fantastic!
To answer your question, it depends on what CM Punk is gonna be. If it turns out he's the anti-hero, man against the machine character then it's ok for Miz. If Punk turns out to be a super heel then Miz is in trouble. He's not good enough to be a face, much less the face of the company. I think CM Punk's rise is at the expense of the Miz and rightfully so. Anyone who saw that match at MITB knows CM Punk is miles ahead of the Miz in every part of the game. The only way that Miz hangs on, IMO is if he immediately attacks CM Punk or joins him.
Heres an idea put Cena with Ziggler for the fall while having a tweener Punk and Miz feuding over the title. I think Ziggler going over Cena will just make the US title stronger and it wouldn't hurt Cena that bad. Then come back with either Cena MIz or Cena Punk at Survivor Series get Rock involved some way and there ya have it.
Whilst I agree that if you want a mini-cena, the mizerable one has all the backstage butt puckering to do it there's are two fatal flaws in the argument:

1.) as LaBarr pointed out in an editorial that this, possible, age of direct media driven wrestling is the type of thing the mizanin should have been at the forefront of, he is after all only a main eventer because he draws a little mainstream media attention for being a reality reject. He has shown non of the individual drive to succeed, unlike more unheralded guys like Ryder and now Danielson, and has only been on the chat so scene because Titan towers making the bookings. In short, of his own back, he's done nothing but copy the feltching habits of Cena. If we're into a 'new age' using someone stuck in the past and lacking in creativity, would be a back step. There's no point replacing one Cena with less marketable version.

2.) Punk's push also, hopefully, represents a move towards quality wrestling. Supporting evidence comes from the push, finally, for Bryan Danielson and the signing of the Kings of Wrestling (Hero & Castonogli). Given that fact, and the image of Punk taking crown the limited robot cena, putting Punk in with some has limited in the ring as Mizanin, but who again draws less and sells less, makes no sense. At least with Mysterio, McIntyre or Del Rio, you have 'corporate' guys who can wrestle.

The notion of a Punk v Mizerable would be like Mankind v Rock is a joke because the Rock is legend on the mic and at least competent in the ring, Mizanin is not fit to lace up Dwayne's boots (and I am defo no Rock mark). Mizerable should content himself with upper mid card feuds Ziggler if he wants be a face or a proper feud with Morrison if he stays heel, which I think he should. If you want a 'corporate' champion, then Del Rio or McIntyre are the ideal people - one was a VKM acquisition, the other the 'chosen one' of VKM.

So, Mizerable marks, what straw clutching responses can you come up with? Because what I say, well, that's gospel.
Whilst I agree that if you want a mini-cena, the mizerable one has all the backstage butt puckering to do it there's are two fatal flaws in the argument:

1.) as LaBarr pointed out in an editorial that this, possible, age of direct media driven wrestling is the type of thing the mizanin should have been at the forefront of, he is after all only a main eventer because he draws a little mainstream media attention for being a reality reject. He has shown non of the individual drive to succeed, unlike more unheralded guys like Ryder and now Danielson, and has only been on the chat so scene because Titan towers making the bookings. In short, of his own back, he's done nothing but copy the feltching habits of Cena. If we're into a 'new age' using someone stuck in the past and lacking in creativity, would be a back step. There's no point replacing one Cena with less marketable version.

2.) Punk's push also, hopefully, represents a move towards quality wrestling. Supporting evidence comes from the push, finally, for Bryan Danielson and the signing of the Kings of Wrestling (Hero & Castonogli). Given that fact, and the image of Punk taking crown the limited robot cena, putting Punk in with some has limited in the ring as Mizanin, but who again draws less and sells less, makes no sense. At least with Mysterio, McIntyre or Del Rio, you have 'corporate' guys who can wrestle.

The notion of a Punk v Mizerable would be like Mankind v Rock is a joke because the Rock is legend on the mic and at least competent in the ring, Mizanin is not fit to lace up Dwayne's boots (and I am defo no Rock mark). Mizerable should content himself with upper mid card feuds Ziggler if he wants be a face or a proper feud with Morrison if he stays heel, which I think he should. If you want a 'corporate' champion, then Del Rio or McIntyre are the ideal people - one was a VKM acquisition, the other the 'chosen one' of VKM.

Whats with all the hating on Miz?

So what if he works his ass off outside the ring...EVERYONE SHOULD! Every single one of the guys should want to be the face of WWE!! Miz wanted to be the face of WWE, he saw what Cena did to get there and he (just like Cena) caught the eye of McMahon and put the JBLs and Undertakers in their place!

If someone told me I wasn't going to amount to anything while doing a job I loved...I would work my ASS OFF to prove them wrong...thats what he did.

Miz is just as good of a wrestler as ADR or Ziggler. McIntyre hasn't proved a damn thing. You say Miz isn't worthy of lacing the rocks boots!? Tell me something...did you think the Rock was worthy of lacing up Hogans boots when he first came in?

In SICK of people dogging on Miz because he isn't from ROH like Bryan or Punk. Because he was "raised" in WWE. FACT: Miz worked for other lower companies until he caught the eyes of WWE scouting.

So, Mizerable marks, what straw clutching responses can you come up with? Because what I say, well, that's gospel.

What you say is the gospel? Well you must be as crazy as R-Truth. Do you talk to imaginary people too! Look, I think I just shredded your "gospel". Get your facts straight!
If Punk gets through SS with the title I see Miz as a step down for him. Although I enjoy what he does in the ring, he has jobbed quite a bit lately and would need some type of spark to lift him back up to a credible threat to the championship.

Punk should be facing juggernauts that make us feel like his run at the top is threatened. Unfortunately, I do not know who brings that level of threat other than Cena, Orton or HHH. If he feuds with Miz it is going to diminish his interest from a lot of fans. Maybe Miz needs another lackey to seem credible again? Maybe a feud with Miz could hold Punk's popularity between Summerslam and Survivor Series? I am not sure, but I doubt it.

But to answer the original question, the best thing to happen to Miz is either the Real World or faux hawks.
A Punk / Miz feud could be awesome but the is not like John Cena yeah he appears in late night shows but all top talent does or is Austin ass kisser too
Whats with all the hating on Miz?

So what if he works his ass off outside the ring...EVERYONE SHOULD! Every single one of the guys should want to be the face of WWE!! Miz wanted to be the face of WWE, he saw what Cena did to get there and he (just like Cena) caught the eye of McMahon and put the JBLs and Undertakers in their place!

If someone told me I wasn't going to amount to anything while doing a job I loved...I would work my ASS OFF to prove them wrong...thats what he did.

Miz is just as good of a wrestler as ADR or Ziggler. McIntyre hasn't proved a damn thing. You say Miz isn't worthy of lacing the rocks boots!? Tell me something...did you think the Rock was worthy of lacing up Hogans boots when he first came in?

In SICK of people dogging on Miz because he isn't from ROH like Bryan or Punk. Because he was "raised" in WWE. FACT: Miz worked for other lower companies until he caught the eyes of WWE scouting.

What you say is the gospel? Well you must be as crazy as R-Truth. Do you talk to imaginary people too! Look, I think I just shredded your "gospel". Get your facts straight!

I like you already and you basically took the words out of my mouth. I don't understand why The Miz gets so much hate. He tries his best and it has gathered him many fans and enemies. The Miz is like JBL but he is less stiff and he isn't as good as JBL is but Miz has only had aboot 8 years of experience. When the Miz first came in he wasn't the best at all but look at him now. He has improved so much. He won't ever be a Jericho or HBK but he could be another HHH or even better.

McIntyre is a good wrestler but he has had more experience. I hate that he didn't get his push but he is still young.

The Miz doesn't have as much caliber as ADR but he is definitely up there with Ziggler. I am just so sick of everyone giving him crap.

The CM Punk and Miz feud could be awesome as I see Punk as like Austin and Miz almost like Jericho or The Rock.
Miz would be a fucking amazing heel corporate champion. Miz is soooo underrated by the few of you who still hate him because he was on a reality show. If you ever doubt Miz's ability, go to a live show and see how much of a heat magnate he is.

Miz is the reason Riley has signs in the crowd now despite still being fairly green in the ring and almost KOing Miz in the ring on a few occasions. Miz was professional and still made A-Ry look like a billion dollars.
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