CM Punk vs The Miz


CM Perfection
I was thinking when this HHH and Cm Punk storyline ends. I think they should start up a Cm Punk vs Miz storyline, I think that would be pretty sweet. Im not the biggest Miz fan but I will give him credit he cut's some really good promo's and in my opinion he's the 2nd best wrestler on the mic in the WWE 2day. And I would think the promo's would be EPIC!!!.

What do u think would u like to see a Cm Punk and Miz Storyline????
I don't think I like the idea. The WWE needs to build both Miz and CM Punk up as their top, young stars of today, and putting them against each other wouldn't elevate both of them at the same time; one would have to look bad. Not only that, but to be completely honest, at this stage in the game, CM Punk is at the top of the WWE Pyramid and feuding with Miz would be a downgrade. I think Miz and Truth should stay as a tag team for a long time and help make the tag titles relevant again while Punk continues in the main event feuding with big name guys like Triple H and Cena.
Put Punk/Miz/Truth together to take down the HHH regime, they all have gripes against it, the promos would be awesome and you could put together some intriguing in-ring matchups

(Like Cena/Orton/Shameaus vs them, the "triple h/wwe guys" vs the anti-"wwe" guys)
Why not? I would want to see this because it would give both of them something to do, plus the fact that this feud would be a PROMO WAR. The Trips feud might carry into Hell in a Cell though so I could see this being an onscreen angle by Survivor Series or so. The two best talkers on the roster having promo battles leading up to a big match to keep them out of the title scene so Del Rio (or whoever is champion) can face someone new for a bit? Sounds like a good plan to me. Make it happen.
Well I think it could be a great feud, since both men are good at doing promos. I don;t know about the matches but The Miz seems to be improving recently. And as long as it is for the WWE title I think they both can benefit from working with eachother. I think it would be alot more entertaining than Cena going for his 12th world championship against Alberto.
this would be a great feud but it shouldn't happen now. It would destroy punk's momentum. Miz should stay with Truth for a while. They are a funny and entertaining duo.
Miz vs. Punk a few weeks ago on Raw would have to have been the most boring match I've ever seen Punk wrestle.

I'm not blaming it on Miz, but I think they have no chemistry. Itw as kind of heel vs. heel in a way but it was just a really aweful match and so I don't think it would help either guy right now.
After seeing a match with those two, the first thing I thought was too bad they couldn't form a tag team. Everybody wants a feud with them, but their styles combined, I think that they could actually be good.
I don't think I like the idea. The WWE needs to build both Miz and CM Punk up as their top, young stars of today, and putting them against each other wouldn't elevate both of them at the same time; one would have to look bad.

WoW you must be one of those guys who likes the Old wrestlers all the time then? Right? No? Why not you want young talent to not face off young talent and fight off the old.

Cena V didn't affect Cena's game. Christian vs Orton, Henry V Sheamus Miz V Cena this are young superstars that fight each other and bring tot he table what they bring and both leave as greater for it. Miz getting a open mic vs Cm Punk would be boring though. What would Punk complain about Miz isn't in control of the WWE or Ice Cream bars, Miz is holding down Cm Punk, Miz didn't sleep his way to the championship. Punk needs someone to complain about.
we saw them feud 4yrs ago for the ecw tittle then again a year later for the tag tittles i dnt wanna see it again but i do like the idea of a miz/punk/truth stable
I personally like the idea but it needs sometype of stipulation. I would like to see it in the WWE championship picture. Fatal 4 Way match? ADR, Cena, Punk, and Miz. I think fans would love it. And besides we never get a world title rivalry with more than 2 ppl anymore. i would love to see a fatal 4 way match. maybe put it at Survivor Series. And have Rock screw Cena or something and have one of te other 3 win. Then the Rock/Cena thing starts and we finally get something else in the WWE title picture than Cena and other. But this probably will neever happen -___-
I was thinking when this HHH and Cm Punk storyline ends. I think they should start up a Cm Punk vs Miz storyline, I think that would be pretty sweet. Im not the biggest Miz fan but I will give him credit he cut's some really good promo's and in my opinion he's the 2nd best wrestler on the mic in the WWE 2day. And I would think the promo's would be EPIC!!!.

What do u think would u like to see a Cm Punk and Miz Storyline????
i DO want a Miz and Punk feud, BUT honestly, i want either Miz or Punk as champion when it happens. these two are the two best mic workers in WWE in my book and i think a feud for the title will be epic and both can insult each other and hype up their match until it happens. so yes, i want a Miz and Punk feud.
i was thinking the same thing when punk went face, but then they had a match recently on raw and it didnt look like they worked well together, and i was a little confused at that cause punk usually works well with everyone, although you cant say the same for the miz, then i thought that it was b/c punk doesnt work a match well as a face. so w/e the reason was i dont think their matches would be that good
WoW you must be one of those guys who likes the Old wrestlers all the time then? Right? No? Why not you want young talent to not face off young talent and fight off the old.

Cena V didn't affect Cena's game. Christian vs Orton, Henry V Sheamus Miz V Cena this are young superstars that fight each other and bring tot he table what they bring and both leave as greater for it. Miz getting a open mic vs Cm Punk would be boring though. What would Punk complain about Miz isn't in control of the WWE or Ice Cream bars, Miz is holding down Cm Punk, Miz didn't sleep his way to the championship. Punk needs someone to complain about.

What the heck are you talking about? He didn't say anything at all about old wrestlers. He said, that they BOTH need to be built at the same time and that wouldn't work with them going against each other, because one of them would have to be made to look BAD. What the heck does old or young have to do with it?
I think its hilarious when people say that Miz is one of the best mic workers in the WWE right now. That either means, A. everyone else sucks completely or B. they have no idea what it means to be a good mic worker.
But I digress.
Anyway, the Miz is right where he belongs right now. In the midcard working the tag team division. If you ask me, he shouldn't have gotten the push to the ME. He wasn't ready when he got there and it showed during the entire push toward wrestlemania. His promo's with Punk would be terrible.
and stop saying that you dork.)
Punk is working the mic like an attitude era star and getting the response for it. He's needed in the main event because he can handle it. He's a great wrestler, his mic work is impeccable and he's a standout star. The ONLY reason why the Miz got the push he got is because of his connections to main stream media and his ability to kiss butt back stage. He's not a main event calibur wrestler; case in point, he's teaming with R. Truth. (really? yes.)
He perfect right where he is.
Not until it's for the WWE Championship and The Miz is a face.

"...Yes, and stop saying that you dork."
"Oh I'm sorry, am I annoying you? Am I getting under your skin just by saying the word really? Tell you what, why don't you go backstage, browse the internet forums, and I'll sit here while you figure out what you're going to say next you unoriginal punk. And once one of your internet buddies comes up with the 'generally agreed upon best response' to me, I'll come up with something else to say off the top of my head and I'll wait here some more while you go back stage to get advice on what to say next AGAIN."

I agree, the mic battles WOULD be pretty one-sided.
Miz has always worked best as part of a tag team, as has Morrison, something about his mic style just seems to fit as part of a duo. I'm agreeing with the idea that the Awesome truth needs to go on for a good long while, possibly with the Miz slowly going as Crazy as truth. I don't think this current team needs a individual protagonist everybody is out to get them. One hopes (probably in vein) that they could use this to get other med card wrestlers on the mic more.
I think it would work very well, I mean think about it, Punk had his promo where he wanted movies, attention, ice cream bars and everything right? Well Miz was the must see champion when he had the title, and think about it, he isn't champ anymore, but who is still getting spots on late night talk shows? THE MIZ! So Miz could come out and brag about I have everything you want(ed) Punk. It could start an epic rivalry maybe even a good enough one for the ages.
Yes a Miz-Punk feud makes a lot of sense. Miz is everything Punk's character hates. Miz did rip on indy wrestling during the whole Daniel Bryan thing. So he can say a lot of similiar things about Punk.

I disagree about Punk and Miz being the best two on the mic. I think both Triple H and Cena are better.
Punk or Miz are neither "young"

Why are you hated?:disappointed: you spam.

Cm punk vs the miz............ EPIC promos. two of the best mic workers ( even though I am annoyed whenever miz taunts the crowd) who both can put on great matches ( mostly punk) and deliver fantastic promos can bring out a dream feud, I am all for it.

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