IMPACT Wrestling LD for 01.09.14 — Magnus v. Styles — Two Titles, One Champion!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

Live Discussion for January 9th, 2014




Tonight, it will be Title vs. Title as Magnus defends his newly-won TNA World
Heavyweight Championship against AJ Styles and his World Heavyweight Championship!
AJ Styles crashed the coronation for Magnus this past week - challenging Magnus to
a match to prove who the REAL World Champion is! Against the orders of TNA
President Dixie Carter, Magnus agreed to the unification bout! For one night only
on Thursday on SpikeTV, Magnus will battle AJ Styles to unify the titles and
determine the true Heavyweight Champion of IMPACT WRESTLING!

Don't miss this epic main event on a can't-miss edition of IMPACT WRESTLING!



Also on Thursday on SpikeTV, in preparation of his showdown against Bobby Roode
in a Steel Cage Match at "Genesis," Kurt Angle will be in action this Thursday
night in a "Steel Cage Open Challenge."
Who will step forward to take on Angle
locked inside a Steel Cage? Roode will be in attendance on IMPACT, and will no
doubt be watching Kurt's Open Challenge very closely!



In a match with major Tag Title implications, TNA Tag Team Champions The BroMans
will take on the team of Joseph Park and Eric Young
. Will Young and Park be able
to get a win, and become #1 contenders to the tag belts?

Find out this Thursday on IMPACT.


Plus, we've learned "Cowboy" James Storm will be on IMPACT and will have a
special challenge for Gunner
! With the former tag team partners at odds, what's
next in their ongoing battle?




All this and much more on Thursday's IMPACT WRESTLING broadcast
on SpikeTV at 9/8c!

Clearly Storm has to challenge Gunner for the case, right?

Also, is tonight's show actually live again? They taped so many I can't remember the last live one.
Clearly Storm has to challenge Gunner for the case, right?

Also, is tonight's show actually live again? They taped so many I can't remember the last live one.

Yeah, no doubt about it. He's been pretty upset with him the last few weeks, and Gunner agreeing to tag with Angle and calling it a privilege seemed to be the last straw.

Tonight is not live, though. I don't recall what point they taped up to, but this was already taped (so fuck off, spoilers).
I was wondering about that because of the whole AJ Styles thing. I just figured the main site would've repost the spoilers by now. I don't read them, just use them as a tool to know if I'm actually watching live.

Plus no chance of a slip from Madison Rayne if it's not live ;)
Looks like it's going to be a solid show. Let's hope they keep the momentum going from last week.

The change to the LD is sick by the way!
Yeah Challenge should air it on Friday. Avoiding results is frikin hard. I had to "unlike" them from Facebook to avoid any results.
You ain't just whistling Dixie - Impact has more viewers than RAW, yet we can watch RAW live and FAR more viewers than SmackDown and we get to see that BEFORE the States! I can understand it not being shown on Friday nights as Challenge probably don't wanna lose any viewers to SmackDown but don't see why they can't show it at the same time as the States or (with SD being the model) actually show the pretapes Thursday night.
Cool template IDR. none of my teams are on for me tonight, so I'm good to go.
Okay, I'll admit that I ain't been on here much in the last month or so as I've been getting over the depression of hitting my latest 'milestone' :p but I gotta ask - where's SD gone?
This should be a great match. Besides, at least it means we won't have to sit through another one of these three-way verbal contests (I hope).
I read a spoiler by mistake that wasn't marked properly so part of the show was spoiled for me but I'm in tonight anyway.

No good games on.

Looking forward to a good show hopefully. I missed most of or all of Impact last week so I'm kind of behind on things.

The Kurt Angle challenge thing is that a cage match tonight? That's how I read it in the op anyway. Just want to make sure.

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