Im going for full custody


Earlier today I mentioned on Facebook I was going to get a lawyer so I could get legal joint custody of my child because my ex girlfriend was being a bitch. She responded to the comments by phoning me and threatening to kill me if I ever went near "OUR" daughter again, followed by a random text from one of her friends threatening to slit my throat if I went near my daughter again. I do not want my daughter raised by people like that, I'm pressing charges tomorrow for the death threat, and getting a lawyer on Monday and begining what is sure to be an ugly custody battle.

I know I don't come on here often, and I know people don't care, but I really need to vent and obviously Facebook isn't a safe place to do so anymore.
Death threats are sure to tilt the odds in your favor. Custody battles are ugly, messy affairs, good luck with yours Derf.
Sorry about the length, I just wanted to tell Derf he isn't alone on this. And to be careful, as some people get desperate in Custody cases.

Please, don't bring this up with me in the Cage, or somewhere else. This is really personal.

Hence why we have the option to send PMs
Derf, man, I hope that this ugly situation finds a quick solution, one that is best for all parties involved. Based on what you are saying, that would mean that ex of yours goes to fucking prison and you get the kid.
I went to the police station to press charges against whoever sent me the death threat text messages, and tonight after work I'm going to my mothers to discuss getting a lawyer. The worst part is I never wanted full custody, but I also don't want my baby girl living with people like that.
I went to the police station to press charges against whoever sent me the death threat text messages, and tonight after work I'm going to my mothers to discuss getting a lawyer. The worst part is I never wanted full custody, but I also don't want my baby girl living with people like that.

Nobody should really ever want full custody in normal circumstances, as having a relationship with both parents is usually pretty important. However, it's more important that the child not be raised by a house of violence and hatred. I don't know the laws where you live, but I do believe that legally she can't prevent you from seeing the child without a court hearing, and sinc you seemingly have never done anything to warrant not being allowed to see her, then you'll be fine.

I hope for you (and the child's) sake that the child gets put in the proper home.
lock those texts on your phone dude. make sure you show them to the judge or whoever you see,your lawyer. Godd luck
Yeah, what Hardcore said. Those texts will help a TON with the legal proceedings.

Wait, did I just agree with Hardcore? Huh....
I have been through the custody situation, and have had custody of my son since Feb. 07. One major thing that needs done is immaculate record keeping. Times, dates, what was said, etc. of every phone call, text, conversation, etc. And make sure everything is well organized. You show them you're responsible, meticulous, and organized, it can make an unforgettable, favorable first impression.

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