If TNA Folded

The Man They Call WMD

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Let me start off by saying this is not a Anti TNA thread. TNA is actually growing on me. Lets say Tomorrow, TNA goes out of business. I understand that not every wrestler would want to go to wwe, but lets say they did. How many would WWE even sign. I had a hard time thinking of many. The x division athletes wouldn't make much sense. So I pretty much throw them out. A. wwe wouldn't use them, and B they would be better off in ROH anyway. Obviously Styles would get a job, Hardy and RVD could prob get a job , but they arent true TNA. I would think angle would to. My question is more towards Beer money, Samoa Joe, Wolfe, and Eric young . Then the older guys of sting, Jarret ,Nash and hall also seem unlikely.
I think they would give AJ Styles a chance, probably reach out to Sting to finally come to the Fed (he would probably say no), certainly bring Angle back, but will probably ignore most of the others, unless they specifically wanted to resurrect a light heavyweight type division. I don't think they would ever re sign Jeff Hardy, he has burned his bridges too much. With the history of substance abuse, the upcoming legal issues he faces makes him effectively blackballed. He is more trouble than he is worth.
I don't think they would ever re sign Jeff Hardy, he has burned his bridges too much. With the history of substance abuse, the upcoming legal issues he faces makes him effectively blackballed. He is more trouble than he is worth.

He would make them money so I'm pretty sure they would, they may never put him near the world title again but he makes a lot of money, plus compared to other wrestlers what Hardy has done is rather small.

Aside from Hardy I could see Styles, Joe and Angle. TNA die hard fans love these guys so they WWE could make money off them to the lost TNA fan (like RVD and the old ECW crowd) I could see RVD, MCMG and Beer Money as well, RVD for that nostalgia feel and Beer Money and MCMG to help with the tag division (moreso Beer Money)

Some of the Knockouts as well (most likely the Beautiful People) for eye candy and they can actually perform
First and foremost, it's all about making the money and putting asses in seats.

The X Division would not be markettable in the WWE so I'd mark that out. Their Knockout Division is a head-turner so I am sure if their company folded WWE would at least take a look at TNA's women and see if any of them could make waves in the 'E. Pretty much say goodbye to The Band and Hogan, because WWE has done just about everything they could with Nash, Hall (Ramone) and Hulk. And I highly doubt Flair will be making his re-debut in the company he pretty much gave the bird to by not retiring. But hell money walks.

As for the likes of Rob Van Dam or Jeff Hardy...if WWE has any use for them still then they will add them back in a heartbeat. No matter what Hardy has done with his life, he is still a major major draw to the company. Van Dam isn't as big, but he is still an icon.

As for homegrown talent like Styles, Samoa Joe and Wolfe...repackaged. I hate to be the dark cloud here but does anyone realize that when a TNA star crosses over they are thrown into the mid-card the second they pop in? And some (Braden Walker/Chris Harris) are pretty much dropped and made a laughing stock. Mark my words- TNA Elite becomes WWE Jobbers.
As for homegrown talent like Styles, Samoa Joe and Wolfe...repackaged. I hate to be the dark cloud here but does anyone realize that when a TNA star crosses over they are thrown into the mid-card the second they pop in? And some (Braden Walker/James Storm) are pretty much dropped and made a laughing stock. Mark my words- TNA Elite becomes WWE Jobbers.

Well they would be thrown into the mid-card 1. to give them a feel of how thinks work in the 'E and 2. so they can pay their dues. How would you feel if you were a WWE mid-carder who had been there for years and finally getting a main-event push when someone from another company gets there before you??? I'd be annoyed.

Depending on if they stay there or not depends on if they have supporters in the back and/or if the crowd likes them. If AJ Styles was getting consistent big pops for each of his matches, WWE would be fools not to capitialise on it not to mention as I said before old TNA fans would tune in if they heard Styles or another TNA wrestler was World champion.
Well they would be thrown into the mid-card 1. to give them a feel of how thinks work in the 'E and 2. so they can pay their dues. How would you feel if you were a WWE mid-carder who had been there for years and finally getting a main-event push when someone from another company gets there before you??? I'd be annoyed.

I'm sure WWE mid-carders wouldn't be as annoyed as much as the TNA main eventers get annoyed when a big name from WWE decides to jump ship (Kurt Angle, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Booker T being classic examples). I would just like to think being a Main Eventer from "The Other Company" would give certain stars like The Alpha Male credibility, instead of being a mid-to-lower carder repackaged as Marcus Cor Von.

And TNA ex-talent hasn't held gold in the company yet either. There are 5 other belts they could be getting a shot at; so what's happening with guys like R-Truth? He's the only other guy I can think of that was from TNA that hasn't been let go by WWE yet.

Just saying WWE isn't going to put over TNA talent once they get them- they didn't for WCW talent and people bitched about that in another thread. WWE is going to make themselves look better than any rival promotion; so guys like Styles and Samoa Joe would have just as much credibility as Evan Bourne and Mark Henry do in the WWE if they were to sign on.
I'm sure WWE mid-carders wouldn't be as annoyed as much as the TNA main eventers get annoyed when a big name from WWE decides to jump ship (Kurt Angle, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Booker T being classic examples). I would just like to think being a Main Eventer from "The Other Company" would give certain stars like The Alpha Male credibility, instead of being a mid-to-lower carder repackaged as Marcus Cor Von.

And TNA ex-talent hasn't held gold in the company yet either. There are 5 other belts they could be getting a shot at; so what's happening with guys like R-Truth? He's the only other guy I can think of that was from TNA that hasn't been let go by WWE yet.

Just saying WWE isn't going to put over TNA talent once they get them- they didn't for WCW talent and people bitched about that in another thread. WWE is going to make themselves look better than any rival promotion; so guys like Styles and Samoa Joe would have just as much credibility as Evan Bourne and Mark Henry do in the WWE if they were to sign on.

Well the thing is WWE is more well known than TNA so WWE have to start from the ground up (repackaging them etc) with TNA talent because they are less known whereas a ex WWE employee going to TNA chances are 99% of the crowd know who they are.
I fail to see Styles and Angle becoming mid-carders. Styles may not have the same reign because they'll take away some of his moveset (The 450, several of his suicide leaps) but Styles has a large fan base (He's the entire reason I started watching TNA) and his moveset would amaze the Universe, and I could see him becoming face and taking Cena's place as "The Face" of the 'E.
Angle is already a tried and true vet, and easily over with the fans.
Sting would be asked to join the 'E, but would easily turn it down.
Morgan may get a shot, but, he'll be a midcarder, because the 'E would book him terribly, just like the did before.

If TNA does fall through, I'd really like to see the WWE pick up AJ, Angle, MCMG (Full time) and Abyss, Team 3D, Morgan, D'Angelo Dinero (Short time) to do a TNA vs. WWE story line.

Angelina Love, Madison Rayne, Sarita, Taylor Wilde, and Velvet Sky to become Divas, because they look better, and wrestle a hell of a lot better.

Sign GenMe to a developmental contract, and hope they can get beefed up. Because we all know, if they're not 225lbs of muscle, they'll never be on TV. (And get rid of that rediculous ring attire)

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