Hulk Hogan wants to wrestle again?

Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
From the main page: is reporting Hulk Hogan is set to have another back surgery.

On Thursday's Impact, Hogan was attacked by the masked men known as "Aces & Eights." Hogan has had more than 10 surgeries on his back to try help the chronic pain and bone spurs he suffers from.

There was creative talk this week about Hogan wanting to wrestle in October at Bound For Glory. The plan proposed was Hogan teaming up with Sting to go against the "Aces & Eights" men who have attacked both legends.

Reportedly it's not yet known if Hogan will physically be capable of doing that match.

Now I don't provide nearly the hate towards HH that many people on here do, but I truly hope this is not true. The fact that he needs a back surgery to get back into the ring again should be hint enough for him. I wouldn't even call what he does nowadays wrestling anyways.

He's done great things for wrestling. More than most anyone has or will ever do, but I hope he stays in his current role.

Please. At least for his health's sake.
Almost all wrestlers perpetually want one more match. It is what it is. He was entertaining last BFG so I don't have a problem with him trying again.
Say what you want but Hogan is the only guy on earth who can pull off a nostalgic match these days. Look at last years Bound For Glory for example. The story was oh so cheesy but was fucking awesome viewing. And teaming with Sting will allow him to be a bit part player.

I'm fine with this.
Considering all the back issues he keeps having, Hulk should really take it easy. One bad bump can do major damage, and I'm sure he doesn't want to end up in a wheelchair.
I'm sure he'll work within the limitations of his health like he did last year. No reason to be concerned.
He can work a basic punching match, I mean all he needs to do is punch, sell a beating, blade, Hulk up and leg drop. The same basic formula won him a bunch of world title and got him a fuckton of cash. It's something he can still do once a year.
Imagine if the fifth card is turned up and it is another ace or eight, that would make a Full House. Hogan and Sting could face off with the Olsen twins. We could get outside interference from Kimmy Gibbler, it would be huge.

Of course the guy still wants to wrestle. He did it for years and made a good life doing it. Viagara has made it that he'll be able to fuck for a long time now he just needs to find a way to continue his craft and make some more money. If he can pull it off, good for him as long as it entertains and helps to lift others in the process.
He can work a basic punching match, I mean all he needs to do is punch, sell a beating, blade, Hulk up and leg drop. The same basic formula won him a bunch of world title and got him a fuckton of cash. It's something he can still do once a year.

I don't think he can actually do the leg drop now because of his back.

But I'm skeptical of this report...
At what age or surgery count does Hogan say to himself, "If I wrestle one more match, I might literally break in half?"

Well, he didn't seem to have a hard time last year. Hogan wrestled an entire tour the year before that remember, which included one match with Ric Flair that went around the fifteen minute mark. He'll know when he can't go any more. Until then if he wishes to wrestle and the angle calls for it, more power to him.
Well, he didn't seem to have a hard time last year. Hogan wrestled an entire tour the year before that remember, which included one match with Ric Flair that went around the fifteen minute mark. He'll know when he can't go any more. Until then if he wishes to wrestle and the angle calls for it, more power to him.

That tour was over 3 years ago and he was physically incapable of doing a Leg Drop even then.

I know it's a good move from a business standpoint or whatever, but I just don't want to see it. Luckily, I have that choice.
I'm sorry but now it's just plain sad watching him and Flair. Those two are going to die in the ring.
That tour was over 3 years ago and he was physically incapable of doing a Leg Drop even then.

I watched his match with Ric on YouTube, he hits the Leg Drop, he did the entire Hulk routine and didn't look too bad. Plus if it was three years ago that's my bad, thought it was two for whatever reason.

I'm sorry but now it's just plain sad watching him and Flair. Those two are going to die in the ring.

Flair hasn't wrestled in near enough to a year, so that's irrelevant.
A complete outrage.... HH doesn't need another last match I mean how many "last matche/s" does he need? TNA is teaming with talent, why does HH need to steal any time? He has nothing left to prove, he has no reason to step back into the squared circle, there is nothing left for him to do, no one left for him to have a match left, mainly no one that he could have a legit match, anything now is just a disgrace to his legacy, wincing every time he walks into the ring always worried what if something happens what if something goes wrong? Then what? Going for his 10th back surgery? That could only be good right?
Rather him than Flair. Good on him, Aces and Eights is actually quite interesting as well, plus it'll be in a tag team match with The Stinger, so it cant be bad.
Hogan is the one guy that immortalises the idea that there is much more to a match than just cool moves. He went through an entire match last year that theoretically ought to have been branded awful by most modern fans and yet despite doing little all else than striking, he produced a good match with another 50+.

I personally don't mind. All I ask is that the angle is right, and that it's good enough to justify putting Hogan back in the ring for it. And if not... well Sting can still work fine so it won't be a disaster even at worst. It might be worth saying that Hogan wrestled in the tour of Britain in late January of this year. I was in attendance, and he seemed alright then, and in fact more mobile than at BFG. His back might be doing an awful lot better at this stage.

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