How Vince Hates Smokers

Randy orton doesnt smoke - He did, but stopped when his daughter was born. (Confirmed on his twitter page)

I invented the Lightbulb

Posted on my Twitter.

Just because it's posted does not mean it's true my friend. Of course he's going to say he quit. Know how many times I told people I quit smoking and did it privately in my own home? Many times.
it is well known that Vince really hates smoking, but I cant see him refusing to push a wrestler because of it! Seems too stupid a reason not to push someone if they are over.

I have seen pics of/read that loads of current/former WWE wrestlers smoke

1. Terri (as Marlena she used to smoke cigars at ringside
2. Randy Orton
3. Rey Mysterio (my friend saw him smoking after an event)
4. Sable (Cigars)
5. Big Show
6. Jack Swagger
7. Jeff Hardy
8. RVD (Weed)
9. Sandman
10. Chyna

I have even read that Stephanie McMahon herself smokes!
The only thing that Vince cares about is if you make him money or not. Just look at Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy they both smoke but they've still had great careers.
Big Show has said he quits, and i dont think Vinces cares that much, Sure he may personally hate it and might hold you back alittle but not enough to go, you draw heaps of crowds oh well u smoke bye bye and fires them.
sure Vince doesnt want his talents smokin cigarettes and ruining their lungs and health. vince wants his starts in the best health. sure vince shouldnt fire people, but id understand de-pushing someone, think about it...u dont want your number one superstar with bad lungs running around doing alot in the ring when he smokes. but Vince doesnt despise smokers: look at hardy, rvd, and orton.

ps: chris masters smokes too, and i never knew jack swagger smokes?
Just re-reading this article and thinking about how hot Marlena was with her cigar at ringside.....;)

Dustin Rhodes you lucky SOB!

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