How Vince Hates Smokers


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I was talking with some friends recently and we got to talking about how it is rumored Vince despises smoking... Being a nonsmoker myself I began to wonder if this were true how many wrestlers may not have been pushed further because of the habit...

Here are a few wrestlers I have heard smoked and lets see how they did in McMahan Land...

1) Brian Kendrick--- Rumor has it he began smoking to get his release cause Vince hates it that much...

2) Pat Patterson--- 1 of Vinces long time employees...

3) Jake The Snake Roberts--- Big Star in the 80s & 90s

4) Scott Steiner--- To much attitude even for the attitude era...

5) Balls Mahoney--- ECW star forgotten in WWE

6) Chyna--- Forgotten when HHH hooked up with Steph

7) Ricky Morton--- 80's star in R&R Express

These are the only 7 I can think of off the top of my head who I know or have read who smoke...

It seems to me that if you look at the list I really dont think Vince & WWE avoid pushing wrestlers who smoke... Because Morton, Balls, Chyna, & Kendrick all had some success in the WWE, while Steiner, Roberts, & Patterson all had solid careers...

Please keep in mind I dont know for a fact if all the said wrestlers smoke, it is just either reading or actually seeing them is why I listed them... Patterson, Roberts, Morton, & Chyna have all been shown on TV or in magazines smoking...

Is there any other wrestlers WZ fans can think of who you have heard or have seen smoking who was either low to mid level talent or was actually pushed???
Randy orton is a smoker ( cigarettes) so I don't think that smoking has any thing to do with the above guys. Most of the above did drugs to some extent , but how do you explain Hardy of RVD's pushes in wwe.
To answer your question no I do not think that vince has a problem with his employees smoking .
As the guy above me said if RVD and Jeff can get pushes then I doubt that Vince hates it too much as both especially Jeff had very sucesful carrers in the WWE as did Jake Roberts and Scott Steiner who were mentioned on your list. So if these four can get pushed then I doubt Vince has that much of a problem with it.
I really don't see a correlation between smoking and Vince's opinion of certain people. Do I think it's stupid to be smoking and simultaneously doing something as exhausting as pro wrestling...yes...but that's not the point.

RVD smokes...a lot. And not just cigs. And he was given the WWE and ECW championships at the same time. For awhile before his departure he was the biggest thing on Raw in the eyes of the higher ups backstage...

Randy Orton smokes. least he did. I don't know if he still does, but either way it hasn't effected his career.

Balls Mahooney didn't have talent, and that's why his career sucked after ECW. Had nothing to do with smoking...

Brian Kendrick just couldn't get over. He's a good athlete and was great in Londrick, but...he could NOT get over on his own at all. His lack of charisma and mic ability is why he failed in the WWE towards the end of his tenure.

So, no...I don't see it.
i have seen jack swagger smoking leaving a event in portland was just after he lost the maybe there is a reason he lost it.
I was talking with some friends recently and we got to talking about how it is rumored Vince despises smoking... Being a nonsmoker myself I began to wonder if this were true how many wrestlers may not have been pushed further because of the habit...

Here are a few wrestlers I have heard smoked and lets see how they did in McMahan Land...

1) Brian Kendrick--- Rumor has it he began smoking to get his release cause Vince hates it that much...

2) Pat Patterson--- 1 of Vinces long time employees...

3) Jake The Snake Roberts--- Big Star in the 80s & 90s

4) Scott Steiner--- To much attitude even for the attitude era...

5) Balls Mahoney--- ECW star forgotten in WWE

6) Chyna--- Forgotten when HHH hooked up with Steph

7) Ricky Morton--- 80's star in R&R Express

These are the only 7 I can think of off the top of my head who I know or have read who smoke...

It seems to me that if you look at the list I really dont think Vince & WWE avoid pushing wrestlers who smoke... Because Morton, Balls, Chyna, & Kendrick all had some success in the WWE, while Steiner, Roberts, & Patterson all had solid careers...

Please keep in mind I dont know for a fact if all the said wrestlers smoke, it is just either reading or actually seeing them is why I listed them... Patterson, Roberts, Morton, & Chyna have all been shown on TV or in magazines smoking...

Is there any other wrestlers WZ fans can think of who you have heard or have seen smoking who was either low to mid level talent or was actually pushed???

Let's break down the 7 you just listed before I deliver my opinion on the smoking matter.

1. Brian Kendrick: He wasn't really ever going to be utilized properly past a tag-team wrestler due to his size.
2. Pat Patterson: First WWF/E IC champion, good solid career sans the Vince's stooges angle with Brisco.
3. Jake Roberts: It wasn't smoking that got him in trouble. It was hitting the booze a little too hard. This man, along with Ted Dibiase Sr, should have been booked to have at least ONE legit WWF title reign.
4. Scott Steiner: STEROIDS. And that series of matches with HHH including the one in the list of worst match ever. Enough said.
5. Balls Mahoney: Let's be honest, this guy was only marketable to ECW fans, and once the vision of the original ECW vanished, so did his usefulness. The guy just wasn't a good fit for the WWE since it had left the Attitude Era.
6. Chyna: I still think HHH had something to do with her being fired, but that's not the point. She was seen as a novelty being able to go with the men, but novelty wears off my friend.
7. Ricky Morton: It's not smoking that killed any chance of this guy being pushed. It's the fact that WWE didn't make him a star. And WWE has had a habit of humbling people who were mega-stars that WWE didn't create. Why do you think Gail Kim hasn't had a single title reign since she's been back?

Now then: As long as it isn't illicit, I have no problem with the talent smoking. However, that's probably against the image Vince doesn't want conveyed. As Alex said, explain Jeff Hardy and RVD's respective WWE pushes.

And let's mention one more that did some smoking. Big Show. Anyone remember him in the nWo in WCW having a smoke on the way to the ring? Best one was a match vs Disco where he put a foot on Disco's chest and lit one up.
Yeah man Jeff is a smoker, Randy Orton, and RVD and they all had great careers. The only reason Kendrick was released was because he smoked in the back of the arena during a show or something. The others smoke on their free time, so your idea is completely wrong to say the least.
It was said Vinnie Mac doesnt mine Smoking as long as you dont do it around him. He hates it when people do it around him but if it isnt around him he dont care
Guys, just because certain people have been spotted smoking doesn't mean they are regular, pack a day smokers. Randy Orton is known as a smoker because theres a picture of him smoking on this website. How would we know if Orton is or was a smoker? How do we know how many cigarrettes guys are smoking? Cigarettes are the least of worries in wrestling, I'm sure Vince would rather have guys smoke a few here rather than do hard drugs. I mean seriously do people really think Vince is going to start firing guys if they get seen with a cigarette in their hand? Wrestling is a stressful buisness....smoking relieves stress. Don't think it's a problem with the boss, I'm sure the only concern would be if guys were sending the wrong message to kids by smoking near crowds of people during events. Otherwise, I don't see this as a huge issue, there's bigger things to worry about
a don't think Vince really cares as as you can draw a crowd and put money in his pocket he aint going to give a shit if you smoke
Pretty sure Jack Swagger is a smoker, and he won Money in the Bank and a World title this year. Orton used to, but quit when his daughter was born. Those are only two examples. I really don't think whether you smoke or don't means that much.
I've heard he hates when people smoke around him. Which most nonsmokers do I doubt he has or would fire or not push someone just for smoking. I'm sure many more people other than those listed in the OP smoke. Half the guys listed had great careers. The others were never good enough to be major stars, but the all were given a chance.
As far as Vince not liking people smoking around him, I can fully get behind him there. I hate that myself. Something I'm wondering is COULD Vince fire someone for being a smoker? I imagine that would be something VKM could get in trouble for if he did it.
After WM this year(I was there :p) I saw Randy at his hotel smoking while talking with his wife. He actually had 2 cigs in his mouth, asked for a lighter, but she pulled one out(i'm pretty sure that was a joke though). So as far as I know he still smokes.
Maybe if you were already on Vince's shit list the smoking would come into it, but only as something else he could not like you for. I'm sure if you have the talent and produce good tv for Vince he could care less.
I'm sure I just repeated some of you, sorry. I'm just too fucking tired to read everything right now.
So basically what what your saying is if Cena decides to pick up smoking he should pack his bags for Tna lol nah man im not gonna to bash you i have taken intrest in this thread i too cant stand smoking but I doubt it has anything to do with the releases if you read your own post you explained their firings yourself.
I've seen Big Show smoking but read that he gave up. 2 time wwe champion, ecw champion US champion, Hardcore champion and tag team champion in wwe. Doesnt seem to have affected his career
Vince does hate smokers. I'm not sure on his policy for screening for that before hiring, but it wouldn't be unusual if he decided not to hire somebody with a history of smoking. That's rapidly becoming the M.O. for most companies of any kind across the country, for obvious reasons...the biggest being that the health coverage and costs of smokers is very expensive.

I'm also betting that a fair amount of wrestlers smoke weed, just like a fair amount take pills.
I'm pretty sure he would rather people DIDN'T smoke since they are aimed at being role models to younger crowds. But he probably knows he can't control what they do in their off time. If Vince had smoking as a condition to working for him, he probably would have fired RKO, Swagger, Alicia Fox, Maryse a LONG time ago. Besides, even look at Kurt Angle, dude would use chewing tobacco, and Jeff Hardy, dude was a smoker as well. Granted, its not the most orthodox job to be in and use that as a habit, since you are hopefully in better peak physical condition and smoking would negate what you do. But all in all, if he see that you get the job done, and as long as the smoking is not done around him, then no harm no foul. Personally, I'm not a smoker. I have friends who smoke, and thankfully many of them are very conscientious of us who aren't smokers and I'm assuming the WWE workers would be very understanding and hopefully mind their p's and q's if Vince does not want any kind of smoke around him in any way shape or form since he is the person who signs off on their careers. Besides, who are we to judge what these people do in their off time since they 'hopefully' wouldn't judge us if the tables were to be turned? I would prefer to look at it that way. :scratchchin:
Vince isn't like that. People start funny rumors. Chyna's push died because Steph hated her, I'm pretty sure Kendrick did drugs and Steiner was an ass. The rest didn't have any issues of the sort. Randy Orton, their second biggest star smokes... If Vince hated smokers than Randy wouldn't have a job.
I think what this thread comes down to is simple. What gets over with the fans. Names like Balls Mahoney, no matter how much I liked him in the original ECW, were not very talented. Guys like Balls and the Sandman had trouble getting over without the hardcore ECW fans a lot of us know and love. Guys like RVD, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy.. those guys put cash in Vince's pocket because the fans love them, not because the smoke or not. Vince answers to one thing and one thing only, money.
Granted, its not the most orthodox job to be in and use that as a habit, since you are hopefully in better peak physical condition and smoking would negate what you do.

As a smoker, and also as someone who is in great physical shape (all that military training pays off kiddies!) i take offence to that. There is nothing i cant do now that i could do before starting smoking.

With that being said, You know Vince use to smoke right? He quit yes, but he would never use that against anyone. He doesn't drink much anymore either, but doesn't have a hate on for Cena, or Jericho, or any of the other drinkers in the WWE, even though Jericho has been arrested while drunk! And yes, sorry to break your Cena-is-perfect bubble, but even he drinks. Ever seen the party pics with him and his wife? wow, booze hound there. But back on topic, there is no evidence of Vince ever bringing down a superstars push due to smoking.
I can actually confirm this, Vince despises smokers, a friend of mine works for the WWE headquarters in the editing department and whenever he wants to take a smoke break he has to hide if it's a day Vince is around, he's been known to go out of his way and chew out his smoking employees
Randy orton doesnt smoke - He did, but stopped when his daughter was born. (Confirmed on his twitter page)

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