How many times has the ring broke in wrestling?


Getting Noticed By Management
I can only count three times, and they all happend by Bigshow.

In order



If you know of more, can you post vids of them.

Thanks :)
Did the Rockers/Hart Foundation match break the ring, or just the ropes? Does just the ropes qualify for you?
I was at an independent show in Liverpool, UK a few years ago- The King Of Europe Cup and during the Chris Hero v Claudio Castagnoli match (i think it was their match) a massive hole appeared in the ring they had had to avoid.

They had to rebuild the ring after the match.

Dunno if that is on youtube though, doubt it is.
Ring broke at two ECW events.

The one where fans were invited into the ring to have a party by Public Enemy and the second was a match featuring Taz.
An ECW match between RVD and Sabu broke the ring ropes and they wrestled in the ring even with the ropes broke. Sabu was even able to do his triple jump moonsault on the broken ropes.

Another I remember was a Dragon's gate event where the ring broke before the match started. So instead of refunding the money they got rid of the ring completely and just had the event on the floor which gave some cool spots you wouldn't see otherwise.

A third I remember was the inaugural TNA event when a wrestler named Cheeks broke the ring before they went on Live. Apparently between Ron and Don Harris basically fixed it mostly before and even during the broadcast at the very beginning. When you watch it you will see they did a ceremony with many NWA legends like Harley Race and Ricky Steamboat in the ring, they did this first because they were still fixing the ring while they were talking.

Outside of everything else mentioned those are the only 3 I can think of that haven't been said.

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