CM Punk vs Sean O'Haire: the perfect dream match?


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I was just writing a post talking about the Natural Born Thrillers, and the potential of one Sean O'Haire, then I started thinking about his Devil's advocate gimmick. Then i started thinking about CM Punk. Lets take a look at each wrestlers promo:

CM Punk


The actual Vids are are 2 posts down by krispix. (Thanks)

Talk about a fued that would be perfect. And both these guys could perform in the ring. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Maybe WWE should bring O'Haire back. Problem is, not sure that devil gimmick would work in PG WWE, esp if hes the face, but damn. Thoughts?

PS. I can't figure out how to post the actual Vids, if anyone knows how, maybe you can post them? I tryed the other way, wouldn't work.
Wow, so after watching O'Haire's promo, it totally reminded me yet again on an awesome gimmick that they missed the boat on. He was like the anti CM Punk, the promos these two would have would be amazing. The matches might not be so bad either, as O'Haire was always good in the ring, he had the look for success. Although O'Haire would have only stayed in the midcard, if he were around now, using this gimmick against Punk, I think it would totally be a feud to elevate him and his character.
Here are the videos, Kill Bill. You gotta do the advanced post and the youtube insertion option will be there.

CM Punk Straight Edge Promo:
[YOUTUBE]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Sean O'Haire Devil's Advocate Promo:
[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

I too really enjoyed the idea of O'Haire's Devil's Advocate gimmick. I remember it was him who convinced Spanky to streak all over Smackdown. If O'Haire were able to properly execute this hedonism persona, the face off between him and Punk would have been epic. O'Haire's counterpoint would be much more fascinating than the usual "I like to have fun but only responsibly" answer to Punk's gimmick. Extremes are awesome.

Why did O'Haire end up disappearing after they did those promos for this gimmick anyway?
It would have been great to see these guys go back and forth with each other. I mean their gimmicks were complete opposites so it would only make perfect sense for them to have feuded in a perfect world.

I agree 100% with SC, the WWE seriously missed the boat on O'Haire. The man was a great talent. He was a big man who was agile. He could cut a damn fine promo and get a reaction when needed, be it good or bad. And his wrestling skills were very good.

On the other side you have Punk who, regardless of my personal opinions, is one of the best in the business today. He is another man who is great on the mic and in the ring. The promos between these two would have been legendary and the in ring wrestling had classic written all over it.

I would gladly pay to see these two go at on a pay per view for a championship, which is something considering I am not even a C.M. Punk fan. We can always dream though, can't we?
Seeing as these two are two of my all time favs i would have loved to see this match. Both have the martial arts backgrounds, both could/can fly, and obviously O haire would have the power game to work against Punk's subs, and with Punks straightedge gimmick vs. O Haires 03 gimmick it could have been awesome.
Krispix, thanks for the info. With I found a better Straight Edge promo, but they were all way too long. Looking at those back to back, wow. The promo's alone would have been worth, or even better than the actual match. Hell, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.
im with most wwe TOTALLY missed the ball with o'haire.... that devil gimmick would of been incredibly over and he played it perfect ugh...... the only problem i see here is the fact of both would be heel........ how would it work..... both represent evil its just that punk is playing the im good for you with hidden meaning....punk= pg charles manson........ if anything these 2 would of made of made a dynamic tag team......... sigh even if ohaire was out of jail and had a interest in wrestling again, with this stupid pg rating it wouldnt work
I really thought he could have been successful in WWE or after his release TNA if they would've signed him up. He had an awesome character that fit him and he could go in the ring as well. Him against CM Punk would be epic, and he could even have good power vs power matches with Gallows as part of the feud.

I also remember thinking that when Lesnar was being pushed as a disciplined, hard working face that O'Haire being around trying to tempt him and give into various vices could have made for a very interesting feud with good matches since the two worked very similar styles; athletic big men, fireman's carry based finishers, capable of top rope moves, etc. It also would have been awesome to see a Seanton Bomb and a Lesnar Shooting Star Press in the same match.
Really good thread. I'm glad to see that I wasn't the only one who really liked O'Haire, and was way bummed that they just dropped everything. What had happened was, he was all set to go ahead with the gimmick, but then had him be Hot Rod's lackey. Ebven though Roddy really did put him over in every segment, it was a waste cause he got straight fucking future indeavors immediately following the HBO fiasco! lol So, for me, it's hard to say exactly what he could have been, but I just don't know? I think he had all of the tools, and do agree that based on where he was at before he vanished in '03, he and Punk could have had an awesome feud.

I have stated in other threads, that C.M. Punk and the Straightedge Society is my favorite gimmick in the business right now. Danielson finally wrestling on WWE TV may now take over, but that's not what we are talking about here. Both O'Haire and Punk have great timing on the mic, and don't have to yell to get their points across, they are very articulate with their tones and words. Promos would be very good. And, as stated a few posts back, they have similar base styles w/martial arts & high flying. The balance of Sean's power and Punk's strong style balance out matches. Another great example of "what could have been" in wrestling. Again, good thread.

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