How Do you think The Undertaker Should Retire??

People keep saying you have to LOSE in order to retire properly. There are threads all over the place about the topic, but alas, this is about one of my all time favorite wrestlers. He's number 4, btw.

Anyway, the only way for him to retire is to retire with the streak intact. I say someone like Jericho, HHH, or some up and comer who could be at main event status by the time Wrestlemania 26 rolls around. But Taker's a legend. And his legend at Wrestlemania needs to become folklore. Like, something to shoot for.

I mean think about it. What benefit is there for Taker to lose the streak? Name one. I can't. I can't think of a logical reason for him to lose the streak.

Putting over a future star?
The fact that he's in the match with Taker in the first place is over enough.

All good things must come to an end?
No they don't. There's NO reason for the streak to end. If it was going to be done, it should have happened against HBK.

I think if you want to retire Taker... you do it at a non-Wrestlemania event...maybe at Survivor Series in a Casket Match. He made his debut at Survivor Series, so what better way to leave than in a Casket at Survivor Series. If somehow, Ted Dibiase, Jr ever became big enough, boy it'd be ironic to see him bury Taker, as it was his dad that debuted Taker at SS. But that's reaching a little too far. Dibiase would have to make a huge push to get to that level.

But don't retire Undertaker at it at Survivor Series.
I don't necessarily think you have to lose to retire properly, and the way you put it does add a lot to the argument against him losing (particularly the people could work toward it idea).

I guess I'm always looking for the unexpected move (and Im a bit of a face-hater), and that would definitely be one hell of a shocker. It would almost be the period on his career in a "not only was he a great wrestler who achieved a lot but was willing to put guys over when needed." Having him lose his last Mania would kill the inevitable rumor every damn year that would come up that he's gonna come back for one more Mania and put his streak back on the line, and if they killed it, it would just be the end for good.

But on second though the Streak is an interesting accomplishment, very different from say a world title or a royal rumble win, and destroying that would probably not be the best. I think if he was on 19-0 having him lose the 20th would be more viable, cause it would be such a dramatic emotional "so close" angle they could run, but he's at 17 I believe, so maybe it is best to leave.

Having him go at Survivor Series're definitely onto something there.
Ok heres what I think

Lets say....WM28
Undertaker is trying to go 20-0 against say..Ted Dibiase, Taker is about to lose but Kane and Paul Bearer come out and hold the Urn up to Taker, allowing Taker to go on a rampage and destroy Dibiase to win and go 20-0. After the match, Bearer gets on the mic and says something like,"Its Time To Go Home Undertaker" Taker follows Kane and Bearer out of the arena and that is the last we see of the Undertaker. Obviously this would happen at a Wrestlemania where Taker is inducted into the Hall Of Fame the night before.
Ok heres what I think

Lets say....WM28
Undertaker is trying to go 20-0 against say..Ted Dibiase, Taker is about to lose but Kane and Paul Bearer come out and hold the Urn up to Taker, allowing Taker to go on a rampage and destroy Dibiase to win and go 20-0. After the match, Bearer gets on the mic and says something like,"Its Time To Go Home Undertaker" Taker follows Kane and Bearer out of the arena and that is the last we see of the Undertaker. Obviously this would happen at a Wrestlemania where Taker is inducted into the Hall Of Fame the night before.

Pardon my possible lack of attention to details... but to the best of my knowledge I havent seen him since...

But didn't they kill Paul Bearer by burying him in cement at the 04 GAB? I know he's kind of a supernatural character, and wrestling audiences have memories like ants, and that may explain him coming back from the dead, but I think a Paul Bearer return would be far too absurd.

And does your scenario also put Kane's retirement around WM 28? If that's the case, they only have 3 years to finally give him a real world title. And I think Taker going for three more years would be a little more than needed.
There has been talk about Undertaker/Jericho at SS however I think they should save it for WM 26. Since the Dead Man's knees are starting to give way from beneath him he should possibly consider retirement at WM26.

They could build a Jericho/Taker feud, with something along the lines of Jericho bragging how he beat 3 legends at the last WM and beat the hell out of another (Flair). And now he wants to defeat 2 other legends (2 birds 1 stone). End the legend of the Undertaker and take his streak with it on the biggest stage of all.
Something I had always thought was a possibility: Taker 20-0 with about a year reign WWE title run.

After winning at WM27 putting him at 19-0, he wins the WWE title. Over the following weeks he begins to cut promos about an apprentice of the dark side, eventually revealing a new character or up-and-comer as this individual. This person wins a secondary title under Taker's guidance. Taker maintains the WWE title. Royal Rumble 2012: The protege wins the rumble and after much consideration decides its time for the student to become the teacher. Taker agrees and wins beating his protege, retaining the WWE. After the match, the lights go out, white smoke builds around the ring and on the Tron is Taker saying something like "It is finished..." rolls his eyes, lights come back, all that is in the ring is Taker's hat & WWE title. WM goes off the air without a top champ and static on the tron.
Rather than see Taker give rise to some up and comer or get someone a title run that they really deserves it, I'd rather see him retire in a way that works with his character.

One way is to face someone that seems like they could be a threat at Wrestlemania. The last few Mania matches that I rememeber of his where ones that,at atleast one point, I thought he might be losing. But the streak is something that has become a Wrestlemania staple and something that is waited upon every year, as much as the royal rumble in the past and Money in the Bank more recently. I'd like to see him go out of top, undefeated and a legend of Wrestlemania.

But, I'm not only for the idea of him winning to retire. I think that if he has some kind of Casket Match or Buried Alive match that would be a very good send off. Maybe even do something with a real funeral or making it look impossible to come back from. If something along these lines happens it would also help Taker's legendary status because even though he'll be retired there will always be the rumors that he'll be coming back for one more match or will be coming back for a fued with someone that is closing in on his Wrestlmania streak.

It could be really great depending on how they decide to go with this.
The Undertaker is and always has been a favorite of mine. As it appears his career is winding down, talks of how he should leave inevitably arise. People want to use his exit as a means to push a prospect (like DiBiase), and in theory it's a decent enough thought, especially with Ted, Jr. The coming full-circle at Survivor Series would actually be a classy, interesting way to do it. Especially if you get Paul Bearer, Kane, Brother Love, and Ted DiBiase, Sr. involved.

I think, since The Undertaker is a supernatural character, his exit should be along those lines. And I love the idea of The Undertaker and Kane retiring not only around the same time, but exactly at the same time. At Survivor Series, Buried Alive, Casket Match, or Hell in a Cell. I would love Kane to come in as World Heavyweight Champion. Some type of extreme gimmick match. Somehow they both end up in the casket, or buried, or whatever. And they both disappear from TV forever. The title is vacated, and will be decided in the Royal Rumble.

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