Hogan's Ultimatum to Aries: #1 Contender or X Division Champion?


Lord And Master
Staff member
After winning his first ever Ultimate X match, retaining his X Division Championship and extending his record breaking run, Austin Aries called out to Hulk Hogan claiming that no matter what, "He Is The Main Event". Hogan heard and then came back with one very interesting offer. Hogan acknowledges Austin is the "Greatest Man That Ever Lived", but he's still not TNA World Champion. He then offered Austin the chance to face Bobby Roode for the title at Destination X. There's catch though. Hogan does not want a Champion of 2 divisions. In order to make the match official, Austin Aries must reliquish the TNA X Division Championship and put an end to it's longest reign. In contrast, he gets the chance to truly main event a PPV and end another record breaking run in Roode's World title run.

But the real question is... How good would it look if Austin simply gave up the X Division title? We all want him pushed, but is the title gonna suffer for it? He'll essencially walk out of the X Division, unscratched and never beaten. Great for him, but with all the competition he's gone over, it leaves a lot to be desired for the potential next champion.
As awesome as an idea this is, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense if he chooses to relinquish the title and try and win the big one. Sure you might think it does, but with the BFG series now under way, I can't see AA winning the title simply because if he does win it, what will happen with Roode? And vice versa. With the BFG series I'm sure Roode is keeping the title until at least then, maybe even a full year. So with Roode keeping the title what'll happen with AA? He'd just be ending a long ass title reign for no reason, and either return to the X-Division or try and stay in the main event but never capturing the TNA title, not until the BFG series is over anyways. From a booking standpoint it makes no sense. Unless of course they plan on having the two of them feud all summer until the BFG series is over, and not just have a one off match at Destination X, but if that's the case who wants to see 3 possible title changes, 1 to AA for maybe 2 months, another to Roode, and then another to Storm (assuming that's the direction they are going, which it most likely is). In my opinion, keep AA the X-Division champ until after BFG, maybe even at BFG he'll lose or he'll decide then to relinquish it.
But the real question is... How good would it look if Austin simply gave up the X Division title? We all want him pushed, but is the title gonna suffer for it? He'll essencially walk out of the X Division, unscratched and never beaten. Great for him, but with all the competition he's gone over, it leaves a lot to be desired for the potential next champion.

Hopefully they have another X-Division Showcase tournament leading up to Destination X this year. The same tournament that brought Austin Aries and Zema Ion to TNA.

My idea would be to have 2 brackets leading to the PPV. The winner from each bracket is guaranteed a contract, but battle at the PPV to claim the vacant X-Division championship. Maybe sign 1 or 2 after who impressed during the tournament and pump some new life into the Division.
I'm not a fan of this, mostly if Aries drops the belt, for 2 big reasons. First, it devalues the X Division title. I, and everyone else, can clearly see that the World Heavyweight Championship is much more prestigious, and I won't argue that. However, if Aries just walks away from the X Division title, it increases that prestige gap and makes all of Aries success in the X Division look like nothing.

The other issue is that no other X Division wrestler gets elevated in this situation. The Ultimate X match tonight would have been the perfect situation to have Aries lose the title. He is free to move up the card, while someone else can become champion and claim to have dethroned the longest reigning champ ever. Instead, whomever gets the title, if Aries gives it up, will automatically looked at with less prestige, as he only has the belt because Aries went for the TNA Championship, and the division as a whole will suffer.

I'm glad to see that TNA recognizes the talent they have in Austin Aries, however, this transition could be handled much better.
I would rather see another X division star go over Aries for the title so the new champion can get the rub of beating him. If he just gives up the belt and walks away from the division it devalues the division even more. The X division has just gotten interesting again with Aries as the champ and this would be a big step back. I would like to see Aries go for the World title, but would rather see him lose the title to a star that can benefit from it.
I don't understand the logic behind thinking this is a bad idea or that it somehow devalues the strap. Aries has done a remarkable job as X division champion, elevating the prestige of that belt to a level it hasn't seen since AJ/Daniels/Joe were fighting over it.

He's beaten every guy in the division that matters, dominating the division like only Joe has ever done. In reality there are only two guys on the entire roster capable of being a realistic threat to his title and those guys are AJ and Joe. Do we really want to see either of them defeat him?

The other option would be new talent, someone like Morrison comes to mind. But again, if TNA signed him, would we really want to see him in the X division.

Does TNA kill Aries momentum by having him drop the belt to a lesser guy? He loses the belt to a guy like Zima, Sabin, or Kendrick and is then viewed as a legit challenger to the big boy belt? How does that make sense?

Cruiserweight matches are fun to watch, produce great moments, and don't draw a dime. Aries has captured something special,, and if their cruiserweight title has to suffer in order to move him to the big time and possibly turn him into a legit draw so be it.

He doesn't even have to beat Roode to make this worth while. What if he is seconds from winning and Roode either gets himself dq'd on purpose or walks away with the title. I sure wouldn't put Aries's shoulders on the mat, let alone see him tap out. Almost all the top challengers are involved in the BFG series, Sting is obviously busy, so why not make it a feud that lasts the summer?

July: Aries win cheap via dq or count out.
August: Roode wins via cheating.
September: Either Roode wins semi-clean (gimmick match, cheating, etc) or Aries wins clean. Or hell do a replay of the HHH/Y2J Raw match where Jericho won only to have the win invalidated later.

As far as Storm being the guy set to win BFG, let alone be the one to take the belt off of Roode; I don't think it's set in stone... If this years BFG is like last years, at the September ppv the top 4 had a tourney to end the series. What if it is let's say Storm/Angle (or anyone really take your pick) are in the finals and Roode (while still being champion) interferes and takes out Storm. Angle wins. Later in the show Aries beats Roode cleanly. Impact that week they have the rematch and this time Storm costs Roode his match.

Instead of the Roode/Storm title match, we get Aries/Angle for the strap and Roode/Storm in a grudge match because honestly they have enough personal issues to carry a feud that the title just isn't needed. It adds new blood to the title picture, possibly captures Aries momentum and turns him into something big, and still gives everyone the roode/storm feud they've been waiting for.
The problem with him losing it is who does he lose it too in the X-division and still look strong enough to challenge Roode? Most people would look at him as not strong enough to challenge for the World Title if he just lost to an X-division guy.

However if he drops the title they can have a tourney and maybe put it on Chris Sabin at Destination X. If AA wants it back he can then have a nice feud with Sabin in a few months.

The fact is every wrestler would give up the X-Division title for a shot at the World title because he's stepping up into the Main Event scene and who knows what might happen if he continues to be seen as a major player by people.
The only way to get the belt off of Aries and not hurt him in the process is to relinquish the title. It's not like Aries is going to throw the belt in the trash and take his title opportunity at Destination X. He's done more for the X-Division and that title than most wrestlers have done for that division in years. It's simply time for him to move on. Aries losing the belt to a guy he's already beaten definitely hurts Aries and doesn't do much of anything for the belt. Leaving the belt vacant and placing guys in a high profile tournament to name the next X-Division Champion elevates the belt as well. It places more television time on characters we might now normally see and more added emphasis and time on the belt. Aries dropping the X-Division belt to fight for the TNA Heavyweight title (which is more prestigious in the company anyway) makes perfect sense.
You can take it as a given that AA will drop the X-Division title, and go on for the one-off against Bobby Roode that's long been expected. There he'll lose, but he'll be brought up to be viewed as part of the world's title picture, instead of an overly dominant X-Division figure.

Why even bring up the idea if AA turned around and said "naw, I was just kidding, I'll hang onto my junior league strap and face Zema Ion again"? It's a classic Chekhov's Gun scenario. Don't bring up something in the first act unless you plan to use it in the second act.

As far as 'devaluing' the X-Division title goes, it doesn't have any value as it stands. It's a piece of gold Aries has to carry around; the value it has now is only because of the person who's carrying it. There's one title that matters right now in TNA/IW; the rest are fluffery.
As Rayne said, the only reason the X-Division belt seems to be prestigious is because Austin Aries is carrying it. Aries has been the focus, not the belt, its seen as an afterthought really, and lets be honest Aries could carry a bag of shit around and it would seem prestigious.

Aries having to give up the X-Division belt does essentially show that its a midcard belt. However if he were to drop it to someone (hopefully Chris Sabin) then it would make more sense for him to go challenge for the World Title.
It might not be good for the X Division Championship to simply be given up but, let's face it, it's really the best way to go about things without having Aries potentially devalued in any way.

Without Aries, the X Division is currently nothing. Let's face it, that's just how it is. He has been carrying the X Division on his back for nearly a year and it's pretty obvious that the same handful of guys he's been beating all this time aren't worth giving Aries a loss just as he's probably going to have his first World Championship match in TNA.

There's not going to be any real drama to Aries' decision or suspense. He's going to accept Hogan's term and go "all or nothing", otherwise, as Rayne pointed out, why even go with the scenario? If Aries actually turned this down, the only thing accomplished would be a huge blow to Aries & his credibility. I mean...shit..who is going to turn down a chance to be World Champion? Aries says he's the "main event", so having him wuss out and turn down the offer next week might have lasting damage to him as far as fan perception goes. The fans are strongly behind him right now, so why damage that by having him refuse Hogan's offer?

It might not be good for the X Division Championship but, c'mon, we knew that Aries couldn't hold onto the title forever. He's done as much as he can as champ with the X Division currently as it is and we all knew that the title was going to be devalued whenever he dropped it. There's no way around that at this time as nobody currently in the X Division is all that relevant and not in Aries' league, so this is a way of him to drop the title & move onto bigger things without suffering a needless loss.

If Aries accepts, which I think we all know he will, I don't expect him to beat Roode at Destination X. This will probably be seen as a first step for Aries into the main event picture, after which I think TNA will spend the next while really building him up by having him feud against some of the top names in the company. I don't think Aries' first World Championship win is coming anytime soon, but I do believe he's about to start down the road towards it.
There is nothing wrong with Aries going in the heavyweight division. This will make TNA want to buy more guys for the x-division:rolleyes:
Absolutely genius move to get the belt off Aries and keep him protected. I'm a little vexed that he's not in the BFG series, but if he starts a multi-PPV programme with Roode, that will more than make up for it. He deserves it.

People may complain about him not putting anyone over for the belt, but frankly, there's nobody worthy at the moment. Aries himself is the hot young star who needs putting over. Not Ion or Sabin.

Destination X is a chance for Aries to break into the main event, where he belongs, and for the X Division to start building itself again from the ground up. Yippee! Everyone wins!
i like aries and i think he could run with the main event guys but tna need to take the title in way that shows aries strength as a wrestler but doesnt take any thing for the x divison as thats what has made tna what tna is today
It might not be good for the X Division Championship to simply be given up but, let's face it, it's really the best way to go about things without having Aries potentially devalued in any way.

Without Aries, the X Division is currently nothing. Let's face it, that's just how it is. He has been carrying the X Division on his back for nearly a year and it's pretty obvious that the same handful of guys he's been beating all this time aren't worth giving Aries a loss just as he's probably going to have his first World Championship match in TNA.

There's not going to be any real drama to Aries' decision or suspense. He's going to accept Hogan's term and go "all or nothing", otherwise, as Rayne pointed out, why even go with the scenario? If Aries actually turned this down, the only thing accomplished would be a huge blow to Aries & his credibility. I mean...shit..who is going to turn down a chance to be World Champion? Aries says he's the "main event", so having him wuss out and turn down the offer next week might have lasting damage to him as far as fan perception goes. The fans are strongly behind him right now, so why damage that by having him refuse Hogan's offer?

It might not be good for the X Division Championship but, c'mon, we knew that Aries couldn't hold onto the title forever. He's done as much as he can as champ with the X Division currently as it is and we all knew that the title was going to be devalued whenever he dropped it. There's no way around that at this time as nobody currently in the X Division is all that relevant and not in Aries' league, so this is a way of him to drop the title & move onto bigger things without suffering a needless loss.

If Aries accepts, which I think we all know he will, I don't expect him to beat Roode at Destination X. This will probably be seen as a first step for Aries into the main event picture, after which I think TNA will spend the next while really building him up by having him feud against some of the top names in the company. I don't think Aries' first World Championship win is coming anytime soon, but I do believe he's about to start down the road towards it.

This, this, this.

Fact is, anyone who actually PINS Aries at this point is going to have to engage in a feud with him over the fact, and that's just more time-wasting on the part of getting Aries to the main event in the first place.

Having him drop the title not to demand a rematch or care or engage the guy who beat him not only devalues the division, but devalues Aries tremendously, despite the fact he'd be moving up the card.

This is actually the safest way, IMO, for him to lose the title, without losing, and for the division to re-shuffle it's ranks by likely holding a huge tournament in which they can bring back a number of old X Division faces en route to crowning a new champion.
I don't know about you guys but I really like this decision for Aries. He'll no doubt accept the chance to be World Champion, who wouldn't? This is actually a pretty good way for the X-Division to be revitalized in my opinion. Aries loses no steam as he's now headed for the main event and now you can simply have a battle royal to determine the new X-Division Champion. With Sabin looking like he got hurt in the Ultimate X Match, there's really no one else in the division. I suggest they move Robbie E down and have him be a little more serious. Or at least sign some guys like Roderick Strong or anybody really. Personally, I'd like to see Kid Kash with the title. His match with Hernandez as Slammiversary was pretty entertaining despite it having no build at all.
Come on guys, this is like giving up your fries shift in the back to get a chance to manage the front. XDivision is sub par, it's a gate way. This is the leap, it's the risk, it's the actually enticing moment for once! Do it! Make it special! People are saying it will devalue the XD, but A) who cares? It's the lower tier no matter how you slice it. And B) If he DOESN'T take the opportunity, it belittles the world championship. Perhaps this: take time, think about it. Take a couple weeks, maybe make it seem like a hard decision; have some devils and angels in his ears, telling him why to and why not to drop it.

It's honestly one of the more interesting angles I've heard come out of anywhere in a while; and I'll be honest and say I'm not a fan of TNA. But this, this sounds good. I'm worried about the execution. Something tells me they will hump it up. Of course I'm also an Orioles fan, so I expect good ideas to go south.
I think it makes sense for a few reasons. Aries is so far beyond anyone else in the X division that there's really no point in him competing there anymore. Maybe if there were a long feud with Joe, but he's in the BFG series. If Aries simply gives up the belt, that allows him to continue to look strong while also setting up a possible X division tournament or Ultimate X match leading to an X division-themed PPV. It allows the division to be in the spotlight leading up to the PPV based on their talents. It also gives TNA an opportunity to introduce new X division talent. You could bring in guys from around the world & talk about how they all wanted a shot at the open title. This is another way to pump up Aries-he was simply unbeatable as champion.

Another positive of this scenario is the potential of an Aries/Roode feud. I hope it isn't a one off. Roode has beaten every other main eventer on the roster. Hopefully, he & Aries will face each other on multiple PPVs.
The way I see it, if Aries relinquishes the X division title, and then loses the title shot against Roode, he'll be in the main event scene for sure. But the problem I have is that he could get lost in the shuffle in the title chase. We all know he's arguably the best thing going on TNA's roster, and I could be very wrong in my assessment. It just seems that he potentially has more to lose in this than Roode. Another issue is the X division and the title itself. There's really no one in the division that's anywhere near AA's level. Also, and I'm making a slight reference to the shenanigans of WCW in 2000, if AA gives up the title, whoever claims it let's say at Destination X, might be frowned upon and not be looked at as the true champ being that he didn't defeat the previous holder. Again I could be way off on this. I want to see Aries elevated; he would be great. Factor in that he's a part of the BFG series, dropping his current title seems unnecessary.
I'm not a fan of the idea of Austin Aries simply giving up the X Division title. Why can't he go into Destination X as the champion?

Back in 2007 they allowed Kurt Angle to hold every single championship in the company and Gail Kim was allowed to be the Knockout champion and one half of the Knockout tag team champions at the same. So why can't Austin Aries be a double champion as well?
come one people think here. hogan gave him 1 week to decide. ah. next week is Open Fight Night & Gut check. common sense people. bet you 1000 to 1 that A double will lose his X title by a fluke victory in one of those two segments next week & go on to challenge for the W.T. at Destination X
The most likely short-term scenario seems to be this: Austin will surrender the title next week, leading to a tournament or multi-man match of some sorts leading into and concluding at Destination X, crowning a new X Division Champion while Aries ascends to the throne of main eventer, though I doubt he'll beat Roode on the first go-round. This gives a fantastic main event to Destination X that fits the theme perfectly while also solving the problem of who the hell can beat Aries for the strap. If Aries wins, things carry on in logical fashion. If he loses, I imagine he continues to hang around the main event scene as per normal, or alternatively tries to reclaim his X Division title from whoever has it now. Unfortunately I see the long term of this being the X Division receding once again, as the loss of such a phenomenal wrestler and personality as Aries will probably lead people to forget about the title again. But it's done its job, arguably - made a main eventer out of Austin Aries.
Wasn't Destination X named after and revolved around the X-Division for most years prior to Hogan signing?

I think that it almost always included an Ultimate X match and wasn't the X-Division title defended each year? How odd would it be for them not to have a title match at the PPV which was named after the X-Division so I think we will see some matches between now and then from X-Division guys and have another Ultimate X match to crown a new champion at Destination X.
Should A Double go to the main event?

Last week on Impact, hogan gave Aries the choice to stay the reigning X-Division Champion, or drop the title and move to the Main Event. I know he is seems ready. And, to me it is pretty obvious he will move up. But should he?

Look at TNA's main event scene. You have Hardy, Sting, RVD, Bully Ray, Styles, Angle, Storm, Anderson, and Bobby Roode. Most the time, these guys have little to nothing to do. Aries could end up lost in the mix, and we won't get to see the full potential of The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. Look at Hardy, RVD, and Anderson. These guys have had nothing to do other than fight each other over and over again. They aren't winning titles. They aren't being able to fully shine because of guys like Roode and Storm getting the opportunities they deserve. I don't think it is Aries time just yet. There are to many people already in line.

I think the best thing for AA to do right now is stick to the X-Division. That division needs him, and in about a months time he will need it.


EDIT: Didn't see this thread. Sorry.
This is really the only thing that makes sense right now. Let's face it the day and age of the X Division filled with Joe, Styles, Daniels, Kazarian, etc etc has come and gone. The quality of the division has greatly diminished as all the guys with potential to move up have done so and are either near the main event, or being misused(looking at you Samoa Joe.)

AA is no different. He gave the division everything he could and currently there is no one stepping up and connecting to the audience like he has and getting over enough to take the strap off him. Why damage him to save the value of the belt that only has value at this point because it sits on his shoulder? AA has hit a point where he is bringing validity to the title not the title bring validity to him, he's the one needing to be protected not the title.

If there was someone who stepped up like AA and could reasonably go over without damaging him sure, I mean back in the day Joe, AJ, and Daniels could shuffle the belt around between them and it didn't cheapen any of them, there is no one like that for AA in the X Division so they simply shouldn't force it.

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