Hell In a Cell: WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match

I'm really hoping they don't take the belt off Cena already. There's no reason to, and it would only work to continue the feud with Orton. I'm sure they'll book it as a great match, but I'm not sure what they can do that we haven't seen before. Adding in the cell means we might see some new spots, but it'll all end the same way. Orton uses a reverse chinlock too much, Cena busts out the 5 moves of doom, and then hits an FU or whatever they call it for the win.
Orton will lose I say he gets in 3 or four punches a rope assisted DDT and maybe a chin lock but that's it.

After that it will be a attitude adjustment and STFU except this time creative will have Orton tap out right after Cena locks his chin so maybe in one second.

It's not a matter of who will win it's a matter of creative hopefull keeping Orton's credibility in some way but I doubt that will happen, honestly this match will suck and it doesn't matter who wins. It's ok though, I expect little so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised although I doubt it.
I say we should open up a betting line set it at 5 effective moves for Orton i'll tell you I'm tempted to take the over but I can't he won't cover the spread. Orton's a bum according to creative and the way they book him, I've been taught a few things in life like never talk to somebody if your unsure of their gender girls are lying impudent twits and don't ever count out John Cena baby!!!!.
It doesn't seem right to me, but I can definitely see Orton winning the belt back somehow. The WWE is not afraid to throw the belt around, and has done so recently with Cena, they do their feuds in the best of 3 fashion now, and Cena had the upper-hand on Monday. Either way, I enjoy the build-up for this match very much and they should put on a good match with each other.
I can see Orton winning in HIAC possibly ending the feud with Cena if he can win. I remember when it was Orton and HHH this was suposed to be their match way back when they were feuding. But this is were feuds come to end as we have seen in the past so you can see Orton Cena ending. Possibly legacy costing Orton the title with all the legacy ending talk which would lead to quite a good feud between Orton and Rhodes and DiBease which would make for some good matches and get Rhodes and DiBease over as singles competitors rather than tag.
I see the WWE being in a more tougher position if Cena retains rather than Randy Orton winning. If Cena retains, who is going to feud with him. There's no other available heel ready so most likely Orton will want another shot. If Orton wins, I can see him either feuding with HHH or HBK and hopefully HBK. I don't think they are going to take the title off of Cena this early so I think he'll walk out with the victory.
Orton will definitely win for three reasons:

1. Orton has ZERO momentum going into this match. He got beatdown on Raw, then got pinned on Smackdown. Whenever a heel is booked like that leading into a ppv, they almost always win there since it'd be a "shock". How boring would it be if Orton gets destroyed all week, has no momentum, and still loses at the ppv?

2. If Cena wins, who is he going to fued with? Orton is the only main event heel and the next best option, Big Show, is busy tagging. Unless they turn HHH or HBK heel, Cena is out of big heels to fight. At least if Orton wins, Cena gets a rematch extending the fued to give time for DX to split and have HHH and/or HBK go after Orton as well.

3. Legacy have been a huge roll. So much so, that Orton almost looks like the weakest member since he's had more trouble with Cena than Legacy has had with DX. Since Orton's the leader, now would be a great time to be champion since his group have been doing great lately.

If the WWE are smart, they'll have Orton get the win here.
So, im left wondering why the fuck this was even held in the cell. They did what...2? spots involving it. Pretty shit. The whole thing was fairly shit in general. It feels like once you enter the ME, you have to...hold back? I dont know, its just feels like during these title matches, the RAW ones mainly, that they are just being overly extremely cautious and throttled back. Makes for matches that arent particularly exciting. It makes the cell, and the commentators especially, look dumb as fuck with shit all happens involving any sort of brutality. The fact they arent allowed to get some juice going anymore is extremely prevelant, and dumb, in this enviornment at all. very uninspiring. Shit.


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