Hell in a Cell LD Will RKO Your Grandmother and Cut Your Hand Off on 10/3/10

Ok, that whole show was pretty awesome. The swerve at the end was pretty easy to see coming. The beginning and the coming in gave it away. Pretty badass though. Makes me anxious for the coming weeks.
I wonder if what type of match of they're going to have at Bragging Rights? I hope it's not another no DQ match.

Not for Taker and Kane, but for Bragging Rights in general, Id like to see an elimination match.. one where the first elimination is by pinfall.. then submission.. pinfall.. submission.. then when it gets down to the last 3 (in a 3-way dance) go to Falls Count Anywhere.. Then Submissions Count Anywhere to end it. Obviously not everyone can participate in this type of match, but with the right people, I think itd be highly entertaining.
Much better than last year's PPV

Pros: CENA LOSING and the WWE not flushing Nexus and all the work they have put into them down the drain. Best Match of the Night.
Edge/Swagger/Alberto Promo. Loving the whole "Crusade on Stupidity" Edge is on. He is literally the voice of the IWC right now.
Triple Threat Submissions match. Second best match of the night, and a great way to open the show. These three guys are literally the future of the business and they did a great job showing why tonight.
Bearer turning on Taker and keeping this feud alive. Can't wait to see what they come up with next.

Cons: Orton vs Sheamus. Okay match, but not Great. Would have been much better if they had used the Cage more!
Same for Taker vs Kane. The biggest problem is that you have this awesome gimmick match that has produced some of the most memorable moments in the history of the WWE and you have diminished it to the point where they hardly ever use the Cell anymore, and it is basically a weak looking street fight in the cage. Why have the Cell at all if you never use it!? I am not saying that people need to go to the top, or that people need to bleed, I just wish that the cell had been utilized more as a weapon. That is what it is there for!

Overall you had 2 awesome matches, 2 okay matches, one diva's match, which is in a category all on its own, and then ONE AWESOME AND AMAZING END to the match. That makes for a damn good show.

Overall Score: 7.5 out of 10
The biggest problem is that you have this awesome gimmick match that has produced some of the most memorable moments in the history of the WWE and you have diminished it to the point where they hardly ever use the Cell anymore, and it is basically a weak looking street fight in the cage. Why have the Cell at all if you never use it!? I am not saying that people need to go to the top, or that people need to bleed, I just wish that the cell had been utilized more as a weapon. That is what it is there for!
It's sort of a double edged sword. How do you use the cage as a weapon and NOT make them bleed? Most cage/cell use involved the face of the combatant. If you constantly make the opponents face contact the steel, you would force blood, which WWE doesn't want anymore.

Overall you had 2 awesome matches, 2 okay matches, one diva's match, which is in a category all on its own, and then ONE AWESOME AND AMAZING END to the match. That makes for a damn good show.
DId you even watch the Divas match? It was actually a good match, male or female combatants.
It's sort of a double edged sword. How do you use the cage as a weapon and NOT make them bleed? Most cage/cell use involved the face of the combatant. If you constantly make the opponents face contact the steel, you would force blood, which WWE doesn't want anymore.

Well, that is the challenge of the WWE isn't it? How do you use the cell more without making them bleed? I am sure if they thought about it for more than 2 seconds they could come up with some creative and innovative stuff. The fact that they haven't just makes me feel even more short changed, you know? The Cell needs to be used, otherwise, why have them in the cell to begin with?

DId you even watch the Divas match? It was actually a good match, male or female combatants.

It was borderline good, and I liked the little submission battle that they had at the end. That was good stuff, and I wish it had gone on for a little bit longer, but then the shoes got involved, and that stopped it from being a good match all together. Lame lame ending.
Well, that is the challenge of the WWE isn't it? How do you use the cell more without making them bleed? I am sure if they thought about it for more than 2 seconds they could come up with some creative and innovative stuff. The fact that they haven't just makes me feel even more short changed, you know? The Cell needs to be used, otherwise, why have them in the cell to begin with?
OK. You have 20 seconds to come up with creative ways to throw people into the cell so that they can't bleed. GO!

It was borderline good, and I liked the little submission battle that they had at the end. That was good stuff, and I wish it had gone on for a little bit longer, but then the shoes got involved, and that stopped it from being a good match all together. Lame lame ending.
See, I loved the ending. Layla realized she was going to lose the championship, and her only chance at keeping it was to cause a DQ. She didn't have time to slide in the ring and attack Natalya, so she used a readily available projectile. Nothing at all wrong with that. In fact, I would say it was pretty brilliant.
OK. You have 20 seconds to come up with creative ways to throw people into the cell so that they can't bleed. GO!

Obviously it is going to take more than 20 seconds to come up with something. It might even take more than a day. They have had this PPV coming up for a year though. They have had this match type for 13 years. Your telling me that in all that time they couldn't have come up with creative ways to use the cell without someone bleeding? WOW! WWE is stupider than the average person thinks then.

See, I loved the ending. Layla realized she was going to lose the championship, and her only chance at keeping it was to cause a DQ. She didn't have time to slide in the ring and attack Natalya, so she used a readily available projectile. Nothing at all wrong with that. In fact, I would say it was pretty brilliant.

See, I am of the opposite opinion. I know that LayCool are heels and everything, but you don't want them to look weak either though. I admit that I haven't really be watching Smackdown, but the last two PPV matches I have seen with them have ended on Interference. I would like to see one of them win clean, that's all.
Obviously it is going to take more than 20 seconds to come up with something. It might even take more than a day. They have had this PPV coming up for a year though. They have had this match type for 13 years. Your telling me that in all that time they couldn't have come up with creative ways to use the cell without someone bleeding? WOW! WWE is stupider than the average person thinks then.
No, what I'm saying is that the only real options for using the cell as a weapon are to attack the face or back. And throwing someones back into the cage isn't as effective as throwing them to the ground. Hence why the limited Cell use. Also, constant cell use would kill all the creativity.

See, I am of the opposite opinion. I know that LayCool are heels and everything, but you don't want them to look weak either though. I admit that I haven't really be watching Smackdown, but the last two PPV matches I have seen with them have ended on Interference. I would like to see one of them win clean, that's all.
They are cowardly heels, they should cheat to win. They have won clean on TV some, but when they are in peril, they are smart enough to cheat. That's smart booking.
Just dropping in to say what an amazing turn of events with Nexus.

I was watching at a Winghouse in Tampa by myself when a woman came to ask if her and two friends could sit with me; her friends happened to be Mrs. Tarver and Mrs. Slater. They were so nervous because they didn't know what the match outcome was and if their husbands would still be on the big show after tonight. Definitely added another layer of personal suspense to the match! When the ladies stood and cheered at the end it was awesome.

Mrs. Tarver showed me a picture on her phone of her with Michael's mask on, and when Barrett won, she stood and did Tarver's T sign with her arms right in front of a bunch of aghast Cena fans. One particularly obnoxious woman called out, "NEXUS CANT WIN ON THEIR OWN," to which Mrs. Tarver responded, "CENA IS A BITCH." Epic.

Oh, and Mrs. Slater made a Wendy's joke about her man. I passed on the "you know when it's real" catchphrase suggestion I've seen around the forums and she laughed. Maybe we'll see him bust it out...
Watching the show at the moment. First match was good, second I gave a D+. If it was a regular street fight it's a B+ or so.

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