Have All Champions Become Transitional Champs to John Cena?


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
I mean, if you really think about it, doesn't that kind of hold some truth to it?

I think that we can all establish, at this point, that John Cena is the WWE's absolute biggest draw in the WWE. He sells the tickets, as well as the merchandise, and he is typically seen as Vince's golden goose. No one can draw like the man, and because of this, the guy is typically world champion for most of the year.

But what about those men that are champion in the little periods in which he isn't? Surely Vince has to do this to freshen up things every now and then, but we all know, eventually, that John Cena will wind up with the Heavyweight Championship. Most other champions just kind of mosey along, hoping to make a name for themselves, before they eventually wind up doing the job. Then, if there was reign is decent enough, they are placed in the upper mid card to main event. See; Sheamus, CM Punk, and even Edge in his heyday. All of these men held the title during Cena abscenses, or when Vince needed to shake things up. And typically, we refer to them as Transition Champions. But really, can't the position hold true for any man that holds the belt, aside from John Cena?

If Triple H held the World Title, I wouldn't be shocked to see him get a three or four month reign. But even he is a transition champion, because we all know by the time Trips gets the belt, there's a countdown started on when John Cena retains the title. Everyone is aware that he is the WWE's top draw, and that he is the true champion of the WWE, and probably the best wrestler in the company.

So with that in mind.... Does that make everyone that comes between John Cena's reigns transitional champions?
Well, if you put it that way, everyone these days is a transitional champion. There hasn't been a champion reign ever since the long reign of Cena or JBL (before those, cannot remember so forgive me.) But it's the E not the champ they're do what they're told. I don't even know if Cena wants or needs it. The kids are crazy about him and at this point he's a future HOF w/out a doubt. Love him or hate him it's a fact. It's only the whole "Your the champ = Your the man. Which is clearly not true as the greatest right now is none other than the Undertaker but that's a diff. story. Point is, the kids NEED Cena to be the champion b/c they don't understand the depth of being a wrestler. As far as they're concerned they want that shiny belt on his waist.
Your very much true on that batista has gone threw that just now which really wasnt needed but its the fact he draws so much that they put everyone in that position i believe cena has won the title 2 or 3 times this year

Its really either pick your poison cena can be the chaser for the title and win it eventually or he can be champ and win it lose win it in that form for three months
At one point in my life I would have gotten angry over this staement. I would have belived it to be an anti-cena shot.

But times have changed.

Yes, I finally have grown tired of the Cena era and belive that everyone who holds the WWE title is only holding it to freshen things up. This is seriously becoming bullshit because ,honestly, Cena doesn't need to be champion. This guy could feud with micheal cole and still attract viewers. I'd rather see someone else become a force in WWE then just see them have their turn with the belt for a month.
Well, if you put it that way, everyone these days is a transitional champion. There hasn't been a champion reign ever since the long reign of Cena or JBL (before those, cannot remember so forgive me.)

It would appear as though you've bought into the misnomer that a long reign means not a transition champ. Let me explain what a transition champ is.

A transition champ is a wrestler that holds on to the belt until the next standard bearer, someone who proves to be the best draw in the business, can take it off him. A reign isn't created by the length you held it for, but what you did in your reign. Stone Cold had one month reigns; he was never a transitional champion.

But it's the E not the champ they're do what they're told. I don't even know if Cena wants or needs it. The kids are crazy about him and at this point he's a future HOF w/out a doubt. Love him or hate him it's a fact.

You seem of the belief I dislike Cena. Not true at all, really. As a matter of fact, you're proving my point for me. No one can inspire a draw like him, and can sell tickets like the guy. Therefore, everyone holding the title is waiting for the ultimate draw, Cena, to take back the title.

It's only the whole "Your the champ = Your the man. Which is clearly not true as the greatest right now is none other than the Undertaker but that's a diff. story

Well, actually, it is true. The champ usually is the man, if he's a real champion. Whatever the case may be, the champion is expected to draw. They're just now, you know, the best draw. That would be John Cena.

Point is, the kids NEED Cena to be the champion b/c they don't understand the depth of being a wrestler. As far as they're concerned they want that shiny belt on his waist.

Well, that's really the point here; everyone waits for Cena to be champion. Therefore, by proxy, everyone between his title reigns that holds the belt is a transition champion.
I agree that everyone else is basically a transitional champ right now. No matter who wins a title, whether it be Batista, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Swagger, Shitmus, CM Punk, etc., I am just waiting for Cena to take that title. Doesn't really matter whether it's the WHC or WWE title. A year ago I would have said Undertaker was the same way on Smackdown, but I'm not sure how many title reigns he has left.

Do I like the fact that I always feel every other guy is nothing more than filler? No. I would love to see Cena go a long, long time without a Worlds title. Sure, it probably has a lot to do with the fact that I don't care for Cena. But it makes other World title reigns feel...almost not worth it. I watch a guy, especially on Raw, like Orton. He'll hold the title for however long, and I'm really into it. But in the back of my mind, I am always feeling as though Cena is just around the corner to take it from him.

Cena draws. Cena sells merchandise. I get it. Even though I am no fan of his, I get it. At this point in time, there has to be that feeling of him always lurking around the World title. The kids out there need to feel like at any moment, their hero might get that title back (even though he is champ right now). Same thing happened with Austin. Same thing with HBK. Same thing with Bret Hart. Same thing with Hogan. But that doesn't mean I have to like it.
OMFG Tenta!!!!it was about time someone notice it (or at least make a thread)...but yes, DAMN IT YES!!! I hate to say it but its true Cena has become THE champ :banghead:, if you win the title at some point you will have to defend it to Cena. not because you have to prove something to someone but because its Cena and the E wants him to be the champ. yeah guys Im a Cena hater but cmon the guys become 2 or 3 times champ per year. and even when he "lost" the title he is in a crappy feud (but yes everyone watch the lame feud) or becuase he has a real injury.one last thing, this became 100% true and real at the EC becaus I was sure that Cena wasnt going to the maint event of Mania but somehow he got the spotlight.....WTF??!!I honestly dont have any solution to this....:wtf:F U C K!!!!
I agree 100% with you. John Cena is the only non-transition champ now. Every time there's a title match with Cena in the picture, he wins. There's no surprise, but of course the WWE markets 99% to kids so they don't care about surprises. They just want to see Cena and some thing shiny and spinny at the same time. Vince has said recently that he's retired the Evil McMahon character...but that's only true for his public, in-ring, self. Behind the scenes all he cares about is the muh-nay, as he'd put it. Kid's will bug their parents for John Cena shirts and PPVs and he knows it. People 20 and older don't buy as many shirts and products. It doesn't matter that he has more than enough money all ready, he can't get enough.

And a little known fact about Cena: remember when he tore his pec muscle from the RKO on the announce table? yeah, no....he tore it from botching a HIP TOSS in that match. I'm sorry but I can't take a PROFESSIONAL seriously if he screws up a move like that, that bad. And please, no one say Orton may have no sold it, with Cena's build he should be able to hip toss any one on the roster...of course with his build and his status in such a big company he should be able to pull off more than 5 moves but we all know that will never happen. Although he did recently do his falling fist of doom from the turnbuckle....but that is just a top rope version of move #3. Baby steps I suppose.
I also agree with latino straight ed...damn man that's long lol. Cena never loses man on man. It's all ways from interference, triple threat, injury, or some thing like that. Even with him being the big draw, THE wrestler of the WWE, and all that, he should lose some times fairly. He could give a rub to SOME ONE at least. He makes every other superstar look like shit. Miz is a good wrestler, he was also a decent wrestler when he was ''feuding'' with Cena. But we all remember that PPV match -_-. Cena could have at least made him look like he stood a chance instead of seeming like some idiot who jumped the guard rail and bum rushed the ring. How about we all just smoke a lot of crack and regress decades so we can be happy with professional wrestling again lol
I don't think that anyone is necessarily a transitional champion for John Cena. First of all, Cena has gone months before October 2009 without holding the title. Second, I think WWE is testing the waters with those who were champions from October 2009 to present to see if fans would buy them being true competition for Cena and true challengers to his title.
Point well stated. Right now, Cena is the man. He is carrying the "E" throught the decade. VKM and creative work with what they got...We cheer (or jeer) for Cena. And the cheers (or jeers) are the loudest. Cena is the horse and he gets ridden. Love him or hate him, he is a company man. He is rewarded by constantly being in the title picture. So, yes, everyone has been transformed into a "place holder" until Cena gets the strap back. I actually like Cena as the chaser more, he seems to have more fire when he is fighting for his belt. We may see a departure from this trend now that Orton is getting the same (if not bigger) face pops as Cena. Gives VKM more options on what to do with the belt. And there you have it.

And a little known fact about Cena: remember when he tore his pec muscle from the RKO on the announce table? yeah, no....he tore it from botching a HIP TOSS in that match. I'm sorry but I can't take a PROFESSIONAL seriously if he screws up a move like that, that bad. And please, no one say Orton may have no sold it, with Cena's build he should be able to hip toss any one on the roster...of course with his build and his status in such a big company he should be able to pull off more than 5 moves but we all know that will never happen. Although he did recently do his falling fist of doom from the turnbuckle....but that is just a top rope version of move #3. Baby steps I suppose.

On a side note, you know you can tear a muscle sneezing right? Doesn't matter what kind of "build" you have. I am in the military we run and do physical training 5 or more days a week. We get hurt from freak accidents just like people who don't exercise. You cannot be protected from getting hurt by your "build". It is common knowledge you lessen your chances of injury by being in good shape. BUT, as a sports entertainer, Cena puts himself in more danger of being hurt. If I attempted a top rope leg drop, I would probably tear a quad, or an ass muscle.
Before the burial, I'd like to say that I find Tenta's post intriguing. I can see in many ways how Cena's status in the WWE right now is comparable to Hogan's back in the day...except that where Cena holds the title 6-9 months of the year, Hogan held it for years on end.

The fact is that the majority loves seeing Cena. Until that changes, he will be on and off champ, much like Hogan, Austin, and Rock.

Now to the other part...

I agree 100% with you. John Cena is the only non-transition champ now. Every time there's a title match with Cena in the picture, he wins.

Wait, you? I thought your last post was days ago. Didn't you leave already? Oh well.

There's no surprise, but of course the WWE markets 99% to kids so they don't care about surprises. They just want to see Cena and some thing shiny and spinny at the same time. Vince has said recently that he's retired the Evil McMahon character...but that's only true for his public, in-ring, self. Behind the scenes all he cares about is the muh-nay, as he'd put it. Kid's will bug their parents for John Cena shirts and PPVs and he knows it. People 20 and older don't buy as many shirts and products. It doesn't matter that he has more than enough money all ready, he can't get enough.

So what do you propose he do instead? Dump Cena and push Christian to the moon? You know, I can understand not liking Cena, and not liking seeing him. I can understand Tenta's post here and the point he was trying to make. What I don't understand is how it makes McMahon evil by catering to his better paying market. Face it, kid, it's just how business works. I'm sorry if don't like it, but it doesn't make McMahon evil for doing what he's done longer than you've been alive. It just makes you a whiner.

And a little known fact about Cena: remember when he tore his pec muscle from the RKO on the announce table? yeah, no....he tore it from botching a HIP TOSS in that match. I'm sorry but I can't take a PROFESSIONAL seriously if he screws up a move like that, that bad. And please, no one say Orton may have no sold it, with Cena's build he should be able to hip toss any one on the roster

You know, I'd love to see you do this for a living. I'd love to see you march your pasty ass out to the ring, night in and night out. I'd love to see you work a schedule with no time off, no weekends. I'd love to see you maintain that kind of body with that kind of stress. Maybe then, maybe, you might have a leg to stand on here. Cena is hardly the first guy to get hurt doing a pretty routine maneuver. Why was Edge out most of last year?

...of course with his build and his status in such a big company he should be able to pull off more than 5 moves but we all know that will never happen. Although he did recently do his falling fist of doom from the turnbuckle....but that is just a top rope version of move #3. Baby steps I suppose.

See above. All you've done is the typical anti-Cena rant. You are jealous of kids, for Pete's sake, and practically arguing about fairness in wrestling booking. You should have just stayed gone after getting embarrassed in the complaint thread.
The length of a title reign means nothing if it's not booked right and neither champion nor challenger is enhanced very far. JBL's title reign was effective because he got over over the course of a month weather he won or lost. If he lost, his mic skills still convinced us all he could defeat his opponent, or at least have someone help him. Every ppv it seemed he was able to overcome the odds and pull of a victory. He had power, he had people to aid him.

Not all champions should be constructed to fall to Cena, even though that's how it looks. Cena's the biggest draw yes, but someone needs to be right behind him, if not his equal. Randy Orton is a perfect example. In his time with Legacy and facing Cena multiple times and becoming a dominate champion, so no not everyone that holds the WWE or WHC in between Cena's reigns are transitional champions.
Tenta, you're absolutely correct, and to the poster who said (sorry, I forget who) that "All champions now-a-days are transitional; the title reigns are so short," it's more of a matter of how the champions are booked.

The big problem is that Cena makes everyone else look like jobbers when he loses/regains the belt. When he loses it, it's often because of a controversial finish, or because the other person cheated to win. When he regains it, he always takes a beating for the majority of the match, then comes back to do his Five Moves of Doom and wins in usually under 3 minutes. Case in point - he never loses cleanly, and he always wins cleanly. I understand that his gimmick is "I OVERCOME ALL ODDS," but there has to be a point where the line is drawn.

No champion can be taken seriously anymore, seeing has they always get the belt from Cena in an unclean way (Sheamus pushing him through a table) and they always lose it in about 30 seconds after Cena's "hulk up" (Batista). It's a shame that he's booked this way, because everyone who steps in the ring with him is made to look weak.
Technically, the same can be said about any babyface Champion in regards to losing fairly. How many babyface Champions ever lose fairly? You could probably count it on one hand. How overprotected were Rock, Austin, Triple H, Undertaker, etc. Cena falls into the same category.

But I don't want to get off topic here so as it relates to transitional Champions and their relationship to Cena, here's what it boils down to for me:

Is he the best draw in the company? Yes, without a doubt.

Is he the top seller of merchandise and the face of the company as a result of his tireless dedication and promotion for McMahon? Yes, most definitely.

Is there really a need for him to be a perpetual Champion? No, there isn't. Maybe this is just me being biased but I grew up in the Attitude Era. This has nothing to do with the PG rating or Cena's current Superman character. Even though I despise his promos and they usually make me want to gag, it boils down to me being tired of predicting successfully, ever single Title match involving John Cena, aside from a select few.

Does every Champion in between Cena reigns need to be transitional? No, because Cena shouldn't be the ONLY guy you can depend on to draw major money. In the Era I grew up in, there were several different guys that could be depended on to draw like nobody's business and the title reigns didn't seem as stale because they didn't revolve around ONE guy. Unfortunately, that was then and this is now.

So yeah, every single freakin' Champ in between Cena reigns is transitional. Like a poster above said, this doesn't mean I have to like it.
It would appear as though you've bought into the misnomer that a long reign means not a transition champ. Let me explain what a transition champ is.

Enlighten me.

A transition champ is a wrestler that holds on to the belt until the next standard bearer, someone who proves to be the best draw in the business, can take it off him. A reign isn't created by the length you held it for, but what you did in your reign. Stone Cold had one month reigns; he was never a transitional champion.

I'm enlightened :). But what has anyone else really do between Cena's championships aside from just holding it? The one guy that I noticed break out was Randy Orton, but he was feuding with HHH. Now when Cena and Orton went head to head it was very back and forth and it was enjoyable but we knew who was going to win. Everyone 'cept the kids knew. Orton didn't do anything MEMORABLE with his feud against Cena besides torturing him but he coulda done that with a normal feud. The one thing he did accomplish was that in his tenure Cena and Orton became the Ying and Yang to each other. But that can be done in a feud and not in a champion feud, that's why I think he was a transitional champion to Cena, along with everyone else.

You seem of the belief I dislike Cena. Not true at all, really. As a matter of fact, you're proving my point for me. No one can inspire a draw like him, and can sell tickets like the guy. Therefore, everyone holding the title is waiting for the ultimate draw, Cena, to take back the title.

No actually, I'm just clearing things up. I get shit from Cena haters and therefore have to clear my logic up and its a habit I'm sorry.

Well, actually, it is true. The champ usually is the man, if he's a real champion. Whatever the case may be, the champion is expected to draw. They're just now, you know, the best draw. That would be John Cena.

Not necessarily, Shawn, Taker, SC, The Rock, all of them didn't have too many championships but they were undoubtedly THE best in the company and for Taker is the best at this point.

Well, that's really the point here; everyone waits for Cena to be champion. Therefore, by proxy, everyone between his title reigns that holds the belt is a transition champion.

Some smarks, not all. Only some adults like him, but the majority don't. Kids love him for sure but they're cheers are outshunned by the boos.
they way i kinda saw it was cena WAS the transitional champ in a way. i mean he wins the belt only to lose it a month later to a heel just soo they can restart his chase back up the mountain. the heel's he drops the belt too may have either short or long reigns. Since you ussually never have a heel beat a heel for the belt cena is the middle man it would ussually go Hell-Cena-other or same heel. or atleast thats how it's been recently
I disagree with the term that a wrestler is a transitional champion just because they lose to John Cena. If this was the case then Macho man, Slaughter, Yokozuna were all transitional champions because they all lost to Hogan who was the biggest draw of that era.

What I would suggest is that all these wrestlers are being raised up to a level by competing with John Cena and in most cases beating him atleast once for the title. If you really want to think about it look at WCW with Sting who helped guys like Vader and Rick Rude become the top heels they should've been in WWE the path Cena takes is similar to Sting if you really look at it closely. He is one of the top draws of all time, he shows incredible strength, yet he takes on all the new talent and helps get them to the next level (Sting: Vader, Rude, Styles, Luger| Cena: Sheamus, Edge, Miz)

I honestly think though that the E will eventually back themselves into a corner because Cena will have ran roughshot through all competitors and people will say that Cena is Triple H and holds people down and yada yada yada... Right now a title reign doesn't mean much in the E because Swagger will probably drop the belt come extreme rules, and Cena will either hold the belt for 5 months or lose it to Batista just to win it back and get closer to Triple H and Flair.
Every champion right now looks, and will look like, a transition champion. A place holder if you will. Not to say that they aren't good champions or have decents reigns, only that everyone is just waiting until the reigning face of the company has the belt again. You can look back in history and there have been other examples of this, namely Austin and Hogan. Both of those example had them at the top of the company at the time, even at the top of the entire business. When you're the top dog, the guy people are paying to see, you have become the focal point. What you say and do can and will drastically change the direction of the show. When you have guys in this position, the driving factor in their quests is the top prize: the worlds championship.

Obvious booking would tell you that you can't have your top face as champion forever. The lengths of reigns have changed over the years resulting in short and more reigns overall. There remains common ground though in the fact that there always needs to be the heel challenger. Eventually he or some other heel will win the title and set in motion the journey in which the beloved face will attempt to overcome the odds and regain his title. On occasion you have another top face in the company carrying the title. In this case, most of the previously mentioned scenarios can be attributed to his reign. During this time however, you still have the Hogan or the Austin lurking in the background. People wil be waiting until they win back their title, and it is innevitable.

This all applies to Cena and his multiple reigns. He hasn't been out for more than a couple months since he won his first world championship and has been a mainstay in the title picture when he wasn't holding the belt. Even when he was World Heavywieght champion I thought to myself "This doesn't look right. I wonder how long before he has 'HIS' title back around his waist". He has laid claim to that title and on anyone else, it doesn't look or feel completely right. He is 'the guy' and that is his belt. It's literally synonymous with him and forever will be. You don't think of that belt without thinking of Cena. Until Cena is no longer the top performer in the company, every title reign to be had will only be a step in the direction of him winning the belt back.
I said it earlier in the who will break Flair's record thread that It's not like the old days where if you won the strap you were made. Back then you would hold the belt for 6-8 months minimum and sometimes even have it up for 2 years.

But you have to look at it from two ways.

A- Have transitional champions to freshen up the feel and make it unpredictable.

B- Put more prestige to the Belt by having long title runs but fear that the fans will get tired of the product (HHH on RAW 02-04) when he was Dictating the brand.
I dont no about transitional champion but i no that they will lose there title to cena at some point in time i like cena but its starting to get so tired and played out y even watch him. You no he is going to get his a** kick for the first 15 mins of the match and in the last 5 mins come back with his superman like hero gimmik and hit the fu and when the match and title
Yes most of them have I think, which is one of the most irritating things ever. The fact that Cena is a 9 time world champion in the space of 5 years is pathetic. Especially when someone like Shawn Michaels held the world title 4 times in his career. Also, they have kept his stupid spinner belt as the permanent design when other wrestlers designs have only been for them (stone cold skull belt, rated r belt, ultimate warrior). The fact that they never change the belt shows especially that most are transitional champs to Cena
WWE dosn't realise that there are more than 5 championship contenders. When Cena was injured Last Year, he made his return at Suvivor Series, Facing Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship. of course he won, but jericho's reign didn't even last 2 months.
In the time Cena was injured, WWE could of pushed the less fortunate superstars like Shelton Benjamin for the title, instead they wait for 'Money-Maker' to return, Leaving the true talent to wait for Wrestlemania and the MITB Match...Again.
Well,if you put it that way,every world champion is transitional.Jerichos last reign was, Undertaker reign was transitional and even Punk and Jeff Hardys.Who were they waited to show?Edge prehaps,who is most "transitional" champ in WWE because he has 9 world titles and none of them was very long.I putted Smackdown title as example because Cena isnt there

I agree that Cenas titles are perhaps longest than the most of the others but he is as you say "biggest draw" at the time and WWE thinks its a smart business move at this time.Do I think it should be that way?No, I think that they should mix it up more and give us more credible title reigns(other than Cenas).I finally thought Jerichos title reign is going that way when he retained at wrestlemania but WWE officialy thinks different
Doesn't this remind anyone else of the last time that the WWE was geared towards being kid friendly? They had some goof wearing Red/Yellow that hovered around the title picture for a good number of years, kids loved him, and was the biggest draw that the company had. Remember him? Hulk Hogan of that era is what Cena has become today. Whether it is for good or bad, you HAVE to have someone at the top of the mountain that kids can get behind. Kids can't get behind Orton/Jericho/Batista/Punk/Edge because they aren't sending out positive messages for them to live by: Hustle, Loyalty, Respect= Say your prayers, eat your vitamins of yesteryear. When I was a kid, I liked Hogan, but also liked Macho Man, Ted DiBiase, Andre the Giant, Demolition, and guys like that. They weren't liked by everyone, but they still had a following. If you had a building, lets use the Pontiac Silverdome as an example, and you wanted to sell that bitch out who would you use? I liked Savage/DiBiase much more than I liked Hogan/Andre but that match wouldn't of sold that thing out. Hogan/Andre was guaranteed. I would bet that if they had more seats in that stadium they could of sold it out. I think they probably could of sold out the new Cowboys stadium for christs sake. If you want tickets to sell now days, you book 1 man in/around the main event. John Cena. He is their technicolor shirt wearing golden goose and I don't blame them for pushing him one single bit.

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