Hamada & Taylor Wilde Gone From TNA


I'm a little surprised that a thread hasn't been created on this. I read about Hamada being released a few days ago and, as of last night, it's reported that Taylor Wilde is gone from TNA as well.

I can understand TNA cutting loose certain wrestlers for budgetary reasons.
After all, Hamada & Taylor Wilde haven't exactly been treated as priority performers in TNA. I think it's sort of a shame, however, as these gals were two of the best in-ring workers in the Knockout Division. I think it's just further proof that women's wrestling is no longer viewed as a serious force within TNA, even though the Knockouts are consistent draws.

Also, aren't these two the lastest Knockout tag champs? Not that the titles mean very much or anything. It's just sort of hard to keep track with those particular straps being seen or used so rarely. Ugh...I smell another tournament.
This doesn't surprise me at all really and I really don't care much at all either way. They've been on TV what, twice in a few months now? The belts mean nothing at all and never have, so why should the champions? Besides it gets rid of two more of those wrestlers or whatever they're called. They were blondes with big chests so it's not like they had any place in a wrestling company right? This means nothing but it does make me roll my eyes and say I'm not surprised at all.
you are right, they are going to have another tournament, i read that in the article when they release Hamada. I am very surprise Taylor Wilde is done with TNA but they still want to bring her in. I don't know about you, but it seems to me they act like they have ideas for Taylor when they really don't. I was hoping to see Hamada in more of one on one matches but they let her go.

This doesn't make any sense to keep the knockout tag team titles. And the reason for that is they have the beautiful people appear every week, and it seems no like there is no space for the Knockout tag team champions. Now that i think of it, i think its Management that wasted their time. I mean right after they won the knockout tag team champions they were gone for a long period of time, then came back at one point to defend the titles, but after that, they were gone again. I had no problem with Hamada because her in ring ability is very good and so is Taylor. TNA should have kept them both and get rid of the Knockout tag team title
Thats a damn shame. Both Wilde and Hamada were decent in the ring unlike the majority of the talent in the KO's divison. Still its not as if they were being used much anyway and ring talent seems to mean nothing in the KO's divison these days so no real loss. I could definetly see Wilde being picked up by the WWE she's got the looks and being good in the ring doesn't hurt.
I'm not affected by this at all. These two really brought nothing to the table of the type of Knockouts that TNA wishes to portray. Call me crazy, but TNA is looking to showcase ****ty-looking women. Taylor and Hamada just don't fit that bill. I think Taylor is attractive but she's a bit to wholesome for TNA's formula. Hamada is great in the ring but she's a bit tough on the eyes.

If TNA was to do away with anything, it should be the concept of KO Tag Titles. It's been a complete and utter waste of time since the beginning and they do not have enough female talent to fill a division that could compete for said titles.
Two baffling parts to this for me; releasing Hamada and keeping the Knockout tag belts around. Hamada's the best wrestlers in the bunch and, as plenty of people have proven thought wrestling history, you don't have to talk to be a draw. I think the TNA audience would have responded to a single push for Hamada as she'd put on some really good matches much like Gail Kim did in TNA. The Knockout Division has never been hotter than when Gail was the featured attraction.

Also, as many have said, what's the friggin' use of the tag belts now? Love, Velvet, Madison, Tara, Mickie, Winter, Sarita... the belt-to-wrestler ratio is out of whack. You also don't have the TV time to keep both Knockouts title relevant (as Hamada/Wilde clearly proved). Just a dumb move.

I've never thought Wilde was worth much. She was solid in the ring but her look and personality were just "blah." Like Roxie, she wasn't going to be competitive anymore now that the charisma level has gone up with Rayne, Tara, and Mickie joining the Beautiful People.
Oh No! Oh No! Don't tell me it's true that TNA released Hamada. Good god, I'm going to miss the five matches she ever had on TV. Good God. What is the world coming to? And now, you are telling me Taylor Wilde is gone. You are telling me that TNA released a generic looking version of Trish Stratus. I don't know how I'm ever going to watch TNA again knowing that I'll never see these two again in six months. That's it. The world's over. Game over, man.

Seriously, who really gives a damn? Taylor Wilde has never been anything more than a generic version of Trish Stratus, a woman who had the looks but never had the mic or wrestling skills to go with it. Everything Wilde did was bland, boring, and frankly uninteresting. I know that's common place in women's wrestling nowadays, but Wilde always stood out to me as a women's talent I didn't ever give a damn about.

Hamada won't be missed either. Ok, she was a solid female wrestler. But when did the company exactly use her? She was in a short-lived, mostly off-TV tag team with Awesome Kong and then she moved on to another short-lived, mostly off-TV tag team with Taylor Wilde. I can't exactly find a reason to care about Hamada's employment given the fact TNA didn't use her much at all.

TNA needed to trim fat, and these two ladies are a prime example of talent they weren't using and should have let go months ago.`Taylor Wilde would fit in with WWE, however. She's blonde, got big jugs, and can botch moves with the rest of them. Let's book the match: Kelly Kelly vs. Taylor Wilde. May the best screw-up win with a botched cover.
I think it's sad that they couldn't come up with a way for Hamada and Taylor Wilde to lose the belts. They couldn't give them one more match vs. The Beautiful People or Tara and Madison Rayne just to drop the belts?

I don't know they dumped Taylor Wilde though. I thought she was definitely a good worker, and had great possibilities to feud with Cookie to get her in the ring. It just shows that TNA wants to go to the WWE's style of cookie-cutter women with the same builds. Only Mickie James is a little thick but she's excellent in the ring.

The Knockout Tag Team Titles are going to The Beautiful People. With the Winter storyline of "You'll never lose again, Angelina," they're the only cohesive female tag team with a storyline.
I don't even know why they release both of them. To be honest, the Knockout Division and the X-Division are done. I can't remember the last time I've watched a K.O. Division or X-Division match on Impact.

Hamada had some memorible matches, but was not an impact as Taylor Wilde. Taylor Wilde was looking like she was going to be the flagship for the K.O. division when Love left TNA, green card reason. Now we are left with only 6 K.O. for a tournament that will pull in K.O. that will lose in squeesh matches.

Rasha said it best.

Also, as many have said, what's the friggin' use of the tag belts now? Love, Velvet, Madison, Tara, Mickie, Winter, Sarita... the belt-to-wrestler ratio is out of whack. You also don't have the TV time to keep both Knockouts title relevant (as Hamada/Wilde clearly proved). Just a dumb move.

The Tag Titles of the K.O. division should be retired. Not enough K.O. to compete for the straps. TNA tried to force something to happen but, due to roster cuts, the division have been in shambles for over 2 years. TNA needs to go back to the drawing boards and decide who is the target audience. We have not seen K.O. title defended in months at a PPV, hell I can't remember when the tag have been defended since Wilde and Hamada had won them.
I don't feel like this is any way of a loss considering how infrequently used they were.

But, I do feel that the Knockouts Tag Team Championship were titles that should have never been created in the first place. What was the point with the amount of female wrestlers TNA had/have? The singles title is enough. In sticking with that, they could have used Taylor Wilde and Hamada more frequently in relevant angles. Taylor Wilde is decent in the ring. I never cared about her looks. Hamada on the other hand is above average in the ring (I think a match with Natalya would be cool). I always thought she had potential to become Knockouts Champion at least once. Before releasing these two when they were Champions, they should have just let them drop the titles in some kind of injury storyline where the new Champions should have abandoned them or something. Instead, the titles are still lingering around. Lame.
It may not be a loss for the company but it certainly is an example of what's wrong with the Knockouts division in TNA. Remember when the Knockouts division had all sorts of diverse, unique characters and wrestlers? Remember when it revolved around wrestling and was the top draw in the whole company? Whatever happened to that? TNA went the way of WWE, and now the Knockouts and the Divas are interchangeable and just reflections of one another: Mediocre wrestling, pushed aside as nothing but eye candy and fluff. Awesome Kong, Gail Kim, ODB, Roxxi, and Hamada all brought something different to the division and they could all wrestle. They're all gone now, replaced by an overload of Beautiful People and WWE Divas. It's a shame, really.

And there is ABSOLUTELY no reason to keep the Knockouts tag titles. They're meaningless and TNA has no time for them in their product, that was clearly made evident by the use of them since their inception. Get rid of them already. I remember when TNA had three titles and I use to always praise them for it, because less is definitely more.. and now they have six titles and barely do anything with more then half of them.
I think TNA really needs to stand back and look at their talents more clearly before firing or releasing people these days. I mean especially in the K O division. How many have we seen gone and then came back after a few weeks or months. The one that stand in my mind is Roxxi when she kept coming back but TNA keeps throwing her away. As a business person I think thats bad for business to bring someone here then let her go as soon as she got their or back.

We all know the K O division is going down but why is TNA so focus on getting champions for K O Tag team title so badly. It doesn't mean anything because more then likely the winners or the champions end up being off TV/PPV or sooner or later get fired. It doesn't make sense anymore. TNA just need to focus on the single title and the talents they got before letting people go.

I really enjoy both Hamada and Taylor work but they never got enough time to do a whole lot. Which is a shame.! Now with Tara and Mickie maybe getting injury or what not its a big thing to release two K O just in case you need one or both of them to fill in.

Looking at the K O doesn't have a lot depth to it. Just like male wrestlers TNA needs to make some MORE adjustments like at least another TV show to focus on used talent.

Dedicate that show towards the K O or X division or whatever. Its not rocket science here. Its a shame thats for sure.

Who knows maybe TNA will get their act together before things get even worse for the K O or even the X Division.!
The knock out division is now really thin on the ground, and although there is barely enough to sustain them, it would not do them any harm to have a couple more knockouts like taylor who was quite established in TNA, and Hamad who has a bit of global renound. I'm sure they fired hamada like half a year a go anyway, they brought her back and now she's gone again. OK, so we have Velvet Sky, Sarita, Angelina, Madison, Daffney, Katie Lea, Mikie James and Tara. Actually I forgot about katie lea and daffney, not quite as bad as I thought it was, so I think daffney should get her behind back on TV again and get involved.

Other then that, if you look at all the people their, they are mostly high calibur female athletes (except madison who is crap) and there is a good 7, maybe 8 should floaters like hemme get involved, either way the diviosn is still strong so I wouldn't worry
I wanted to start this thread, but I didn't want to spoil anything for Impact tonight. I'm surprised Hamada and Wilde lasted as long as they did. They say the door is always open for the knockouts to come back, but I doubt TNA will be thinking of hiring any knockout that isn't a huge name. Now that Tara, Mickie James, and Katie Lee are in the picture, other knockouts that are rarely used aren't needed.

Hamada is a great wrestler, but I doubt she even speaks one word of English. Taylor Wilde is average in every way, so that is no loss. I don't understand why TNA still has knockout tag team championships when the majority of champions are fired. Kong and Hamada were stripped of the titles for not defending them, and Hamada and Wilde will probably be stripped of them next since they are released.

There is no reason for knockout tag titles. I wouldn't be surprised to see Sarita get the axe next. It seems only big name or hot knockouts are kept on the roster.
Good for Hamada, she probably made like $200 an appearance, since that is how TNA pays most talent anyway. If women's wrestling drew, Shimmer would be seen as Competition to WWE, but it doesn't. Same for Taylor. I hope to see them both in ROH, which is where I've seen some pretty good women's matches, and I hope it will help that company grow. I do think that maybe if TNA tarted the all Knockout show, if it caught on, that these two and the belts would have a chance, but the TNA is s aturated with stars as it is.
I'm not too surprised by this. We barely see these two on Impact any more, and I don't think there's any room for Hamada and Taylor in the Knockouts division. Hamada and Wilde weren't bad. TNA is just going in another direction as far as the Knockouts go right now, and these two don't fit in. Yeah, they were the Tag Team Champions, but TNA hardly ever recognizes these titles. Hamada and Wilde won't be missed in the long run.
thread was not made, cause probably noone cares.
Hamada did nothing in here tenure
Taylor Wilde was a flash in the pan, well from a writer perspective. her ring work was good enough, but she lacked that IT factor.

In Taylor's case It's just another acase of awesome we have this person who's gonna change the face of the company. a few months later, they aren't even on TV anymore.
I'm pretty bummed about Hamada being released. She is a great wrestler with a good wrestling family lineage. I was surprised they didn't ever give her a real push. I remember she had a hardcore match with someone (can't remember who it was, I think Roxie). She did a moonsault to the outside through a table and the crowd went nuts for her.

I agree with the poster that said she could have drawn without talking much. TNA fans have shown they'll get behind a wrestler solely on their wrestling abilities. She put on good matches but was rarely given an opportunity to get over. She could have had great matches with Tara, Mickie, and even Angelina if she was given the opportunity.

As for Taylor Wilde I'm so-so on this one. She was decent in the ring and had the expected look. But she kind of floundered after her Awesome Kong feud.

I do understand the releases as the company is going in another direction with the division but I'm still a bit disappointed. As for the tag belts, fuck 'em. They were never needed in the first place.

EDIT: That match I mentioned was with Daffney not Roxie.
Im not surprised to see Hamada go, but I am Taylor. Hamada had very little connection with the crowd due to her inability to speak English, so despite being perhaps the best female wrestler on the TNA roster, there was no money or value in her.

Taylor's the one who surprised me. She was involved in several huge angles, and was a two time KO's champion, and a two time KO's tag champion. It may have been the case that she simply decided not to renew her contract, as it was up. She's apparently getting married, and is a college student, so wrestling may not even be her passion. But she was very good, and for a division thats slimmed down considerably, there certainly was room for her there. She was a good talent, and not just a blonde with a chest. It's certainly not the end of the world, as she hasnt been on Impact in a long time, but she could have been used. A shame to see her go.
Who cares? The broad with the pumpkin-head lesbian haircut and a Japanese performer with talent who was seldom used are no longer with the company? Excuse me while I don't shed any tears over this obvious tragedy! :rolleyes:

Look, Wilde had her run with Kong a few years back. It worked, she got over (momentarily), but her bland vanilla-self prevented her from mattering from every moment there after, and Hamada never had a chance. Division is built around personality, not performance, and seeing as she probably speaks seven words of English, she had no chance without a mouth-piece a la Raisha Saeed (SILENCE!)/Awesome Kong.
I was not surprised by Hamada but I was Taylor. hamada's lack of English really stunted her chances to get over IMO. Not saying TM is that much better but she can at least get her point across. I thought she might be finding a place again with the Lethal angle but dropped her Christie.

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