Grade my promo's please


Wrestlezones Top Heel
As You all know a I wan t to be a WWE Superstar and the face of the company to do so I need mic skills and a great moveset. I know 200 moves.But can you grade my mic skills.The Punk one is a little less than I could put school is almost up.
Calling Out Triple H in a response to him trash talking you backstage (as a face):
Triple H you want to sit there flip your lips and run your mouth about “the one”. Let me tell you something you got something to say to me you can say it to my damn face.You may be the COO but quite frankly I don’t give a damn who the hell you are.Boy I’ll smack the taste out of your ignorant mouth.The simple fact is you think this is a burial.No,this is your funeral.Check this out I’m calling you out for Wrestlemania and at Wrestlemania I’m gonna kick your old ass.Only reason your “the boss” is because of the simple fact that your married the chairman’s daughter.But the simple fact is that the cerebal assaisan is no more because now,your nothing more than a punk ass bitch.You hide behind your wifes skirt and your father in law’s clothing and your brother in law’s jock strap so much that you don’t have any balls anymore.You don’t have the balls to talk trash to my face.You don’t have the balls to come out here in the same ring with “the one” 5000 right now.

Calling out CM Punk (as a heel):
Punk you said before that your arms are too short to box with God.But the simple fact is your not God.You also said that you’re the best in the world.But what you just don’t get is I am better than the best in the world.You can’t touch me,these people can’t touch nobody can touch me.(Tell the people to shut the hell up if their booing.) Yeah,yeah,yeah you chant I suck my name is not AJ.Punk I don’t like you are these fans.Y’all are all equivalent your both are some punk bitches who are jealous of “the one”.Quite frankly you can all kiss “the one’s “ ass.Shut up (booing fans.) Punk you want a fight at Summerslam.You Got it Pipe Bomb!
If promo's interest you, you can always join WZCW if looking to develop a character. I'm not much of a promo guy, so I don't know.
Seriously some of the best stuff I've ever seen. If I were you I'd get on a camera right now and put that shit up on YouTube. Maybe you can get an online fanbase that will lead to you getting noticed by WWE, or at the very least some indy companies that can help you get into the business.
Seriously some of the best stuff I've ever seen. If I were you I'd get on a camera right now and put that shit up on YouTube. Maybe you can get an online fanbase that will lead to you getting noticed by WWE, or at the very least some indy companies that can help you get into the business.

I agree. Especially the first one. The "4/10" comes from a Bret Hart meme. I will definitely be a subscriber to your YouTube channel once you get going. How about a promo on Brock Lesnar?
I know how to apply the Sharpshooter, Ankle Lock, Figure Four, Walls of Jericho, sleeper, the major rest holds, etc, but that's probably it.

Anybody (except the two wrestlers) who can do something impressive?
I know how to apply the Sharpshooter, Ankle Lock, Figure Four, Walls of Jericho, sleeper, the major rest holds, etc, but that's probably it.

Anybody (except the two wrestlers) who can do something impressive?
I used to wreck kids with the Samoan Drop and Attitude Adjustment.
Try a somersault.

thanks I'm trying to improve on the mic but I'm getting a youtube channel for this type stuff in April
Yeah do it before as you can build steam as Mania comes round. It's the time when most people are into wrestling.
thanks I'm trying to improve on the mic but I'm getting a youtube channel for this type stuff in April

You want to get discovered as soon as possible. I said the exact same thing about getting into pro wrestling. I'll wait til later. One day a wrestler pulled me aside and told me not to wait and to start immediately. Best advice ever.
Once Mania is over and the part-timers head back to their retirement homes, WWE will undoubtedly be calling people up from NXT.

They're going to have to replace those call-ups with someone.

Don't wait. Seize the day.
Much as I appreciate the written word, I also cannot wait until your video packages.
Awww, I feel bad now...

You seriously need some Jake Roberts to counter-act the smack-talking southern influence you've clearly picked up from Austin, Rock and Punk, in that order. And some Mick Foley through the years. Throw-away lines about jock straps and the like might be good for a quick immature chuckle, but yo need to couple it with some substance.

Also, don't do the 'you say you're.... well I've got news for you...' couple, it's so tired. And don't make personal jibes at HHH, unless you've got plenty of rub. He'll pedigree you through the ring and make it look as if he didn't even know you were there. In fact, just go back and watch the Heyman promo from Raw. Try telling a narrative. Promos are all about psychology. Think of being an audience member and how best a wrestler could get you on his side or mad by speaking.

I suppose that's some actual advise. You're lucky you're 15 though. If you were any older, I'd be saying quit whilst you're behind. So far behind, in fact, that everybody else has gone home and put the telly on and are getting ready for bed. And John's left. And he was your ride home. And now you've got serious chance of getting hypothermia. And before you know it, you've making a half-tent out of twigs and ferns and juniper berries and are shacked up with a Fox called Clive, going in circles in your mind unable to fall asleep because of that accursed owl and he won't stop fu...

Just be careful.

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