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Good Gimmick: Bad Wrestler


Occasional Pre-Show
Having seen the posts made on the "Good Wrestler: Bad Gimmick" thread, I thought I would follow on and start a thread in reverse:

Good Gimmick: Bad Wrestler

My first two nominations are sure to cause controversy as they are probably 2 of the most iconic people in wrestling past and current

First off (this is just my opinion)....



The thug life/street rapper gimmick Cena has had over the years is great and would fit anyone who could do more than 5 moves in the ring...

Secondly (and probably most controveral)



Pretty much the same as Cena, in that if he had more than 5 moves in his kit bag he would be soooo muc better (c'mon a leg drop finisher that no-one kicks out of????)

There you have I have started the ball rolling, let me know if you have any others....
Well, I was going to make this thread tomorrow but looks like you beat me to it.:disappointed:

Alright, I think Val Venis had a really good gimmick and it worked good in the attitude era. He was an ex pornstar and he was really over with the ladies which was the whole point. I thought he had fit the gimmick perfectly but I don't guess he had the ring work to go far. Well, for old times sake...... "HELLOOOOO LADIES"

I agree with you on Hulk Hogan. His gimmick was so over. He had the whole crowd in the palm of his hands when he came out to the ring. But his in ring work just wasn't very good. Some may argue but I think he was terrible in the ring. What is so entertaining about your finishing move being a leg drop?
Seriously a Cena/Hogan bashing thread? Get over it, Hogan made wrestling with his five moves. Cena hasn't been a thug/street rapper since he first won the WWE title. Hogan was never a thug/street rapper. Cena has more then 5 moves (you really need to pay attention). Here is a list of moves he does regularly.

Attitude Adjustment
Diving leg drop bulldog
Fisherman suplex
Five Knuckle Shuffle (Running delayed fist drop, with theatrics)
Running leaping shoulder block
Running one–handed bulldog
Sitout hip toss
Thesz press followed by multiple punches
Throwback (Running neck snap to a bent–over opponent)
Twisting belly to belly suplex
Vertical suplex

See thats more then five moves. Seriously Cena's current gimmick is, well he is John Cena, thats who he is playing. Himself. On the other hand Hogan played a larger then life super hero who would tell you to pray and eat your vege's. I can tell your new to the IWC and want to be apart of it and hate for measly reasons that the IWC hates wrestlers for. One day you will realize that you've been hating Cena/Hogan for no reason what so ever. does mean you have to like them but to hate a wrestler for their move set is just laughable. Do you want me to start of the movesets of every other wrestler in history? As allot of the top stars tend to use the same moves over and over. Poor fella being suckered into the IWC/Smark's silly hate.

That gimmick could have worked as the next Undertaker type of character. IE, a heel or a face, lasts for a while, is a bit odd but still standardized that you can get some mileage out of it. In no way would it replace the Undertaker (who can't be replaced IMO) but you know what I mean. Undertaker had stable potential with the Ministry of Darkness....Kizarny could have had a stable of circus folk. Undertaker has played the creepy heel...Kizarny could have had that down. Undertaker has also played face. Carnival stuff is meant to be entertaining, so there you go, you can still go face. Undertaker has a special entrance with at times unique ring attire....look at what Kizarny could've worked with! Even the stupid carnival talk could have been ok if they didn't have him do it 24/7. It could have just been a catch phrase or two.

The problem was the man the gimmick was given to. Nick Cvjetkovich just fucking sucked. He looked out of shape, the handful of matches he had blew, and he was too old to be given the part and have it last for years and years anyway.

Good gimmick in Kizarny....bad wrestler in Nick.
I liked it when they had the Mordeci gimmick back in 2004 remember the dude with the sword that wore white. I was really disappointed that it did not go on for to long it only lasted like a month. And the promos where cool.
chris masters for me. when this guy debuted i really thought he was going to be over. his gimmick was "the masterpiece" the guy that was suppose to be the human sculpture. he had the look, the music, the entrance. the only thing masters lack are the ring skills and the mic skills.
@ the threadstarter

While you this is an interesting topic, your own two examples could not be more poorly chosen. You're shitting on two of the most over wrestlers in the history of the business, and you use only the most tired of arguments to suggest that they were both "bad wrestlers." Seriously, criticizing Cena and Hogan for having "only five moves"; did you really think this was an original or 'controversial' suggestion?

So, on topic: of late, I have to say that I think the Jersey Shore gimmick is fantastic, but Rob Eckos hasn't been able to do shit with it. I don't think he's a bad wrestler per se, and he has a great look, but his mic skills were nowhere near where they needed to be to make that gimmick work. It was a poor man's Zach Ryder, the guy who makes it on TV about once a month.
Hmmmmmmm.........good gimmick bad wrestler?

How about the most overrated WWF Champion of all time: The Ultimate Warrior?

It was a great character! The guy ran to the ring like a man possessed, destroyed anything and everything in his path, and would often times just put his foot on his opponent to pin them.

But they just HAD to give it to that no talent piece of garbage named Jim Helliweg (sp?).

The Warrior wound up being an almost bigger flop than the XFL, in my opinion. I've watched many of his matches on Youtube here in my older age and I can't believe I bought into this when I was a kid. Good grief!
I find it quite funny the OP stated how bland and awful the ringwork of Hogan and Cena is. I do not like Hogan but I am a fan of Cena. However, he has a picture of Goldberg as his profile picture. Quite funny to me.

My pick would be Randy Orton's Evolution days. A very entertaining and quite enviable position Mr. rKo had. However, even though I was a big fan of his character his ring work left a LOT to be desired. some argue it still does but I say he has come leap and bounds to his constant sleeper holds every match and his stomp around the world and the infamous Triple H style match of punch punch kick kick Slam Submission hold finisher over.

Have a great day!
I have to agree with Hogan he was so over in 80s 90s and yes i was a Hulkamanic. A larger than life superhero who did what was right and never was tempted to any wrong that what Hogan and i loved watching him but now i look back at old matches of him and he sucks he was poor in the ring and used that fact that he was that big to his advantage and as power over WWE and then in WCW his attitude was i am hulk hogan i am bigger than. Now he want leave wrestling he needs the lime light he not happy unless he is screwing someone over and making himself look good
You cannot really say that guys like Orton, Cena or Hogan are bad wrestlers. All of them have been a part of great matches in their careers apart from being huge draws. I would say that in ring capability was not their strongest point but if you give their gimmicks to a charismaless person, the gimmick is bound to fail. Seriously are you telling me that Chris Benoit could have worked as a rapper? Or say Mark Henry as an All American Hero?

Coming back to the topic I would say Gangrel. He had a cool gimmick and possibly the best entrance of all time. But that was all that was great about him. He sucked in the ring as well as on the mic. If this gimmick was given to some good wrestler, he could have been possibly been built up as Undertaker's greatest adversary.
Chris Masters

I mean come on, the guy has one of the best nicknames in the business as The Masterpiece. The name itself states that this guy is greatness.

With a physique that looks as if it is sculpted from granite, and looking more physically imposing that almost anyone else in the ring, Masters has an unbelievable look and gimmick. Plus, the Masterlock Challenge was awesome as it immediately made his finishing manouvre into a match ender. Who else has their finisher pushed so hard after their debut?

The brilliant entrance with the posing for ages at at the top of the ramp again emphasised the physical gifts that Masters has, and with all the promos and fanfare behind him you would have expected Vince to have pushed Masters to the moon, as we all know how much he loves muscular wrestlers.

However, Masters had such little charisma, was sloppy and dangerous in the ring and just could not talk or connect with the audience, that he has achieved absolutely nothing to date in the WWE, not even a tag title reign. After being suspended due to failing wellness tests and then disappearing, I had totally forgotten about Masters until he returned for his current run. He does seem to have improved, but is still not partularly good. I cant see him ever being a top guy in the company, thats for sure.
Robbie E

Yes thats right, Robbie E. He has the perfect heel gimmick in my books, portraying/resembling a character from Jersey Shore. Seriously people would boo that gimmick if he was saving a child from being killed, that is how much people hate Jersey Shore. Everything about that gimmick just makes you want to go up to him and punch him in the face, the music, the fist bump, the voice, the catchphrases.

It really is too bad that Robbie E is pure shit though. He is terribly green in the ring and very limited in terms of move set. He has next to no charisma, proven by the fact that the crowd chants boring nearly every time he enters the arena. He is not that good on the mic either, Cookie seems to be far superior to him in my estimation.

It is a real shame that he is so shit as like I said that is the perfect heel gimmick if you are looking for huge heat.
Having seen the posts made on the "Good Wrestler: Bad Gimmick" thread, I thought I would follow on and start a thread in reverse:

Good Gimmick: Bad Wrestler

My first two nominations are sure to cause controversy as they are probably 2 of the most iconic people in wrestling past and current

First off (this is just my opinion)....



The thug life/street rapper gimmick Cena has had over the years is great and would fit anyone who could do more than 5 moves in the ring...

Secondly (and probably most controveral)



Pretty much the same as Cena, in that if he had more than 5 moves in his kit bag he would be soooo muc better (c'mon a leg drop finisher that no-one kicks out of????)

There you have I have started the ball rolling, let me know if you have any others....

Ok, I'm going to be as tactful as I can about your statement on this board and your posting. The worst thing about it is that most of the bandwidth that your original post is taking up is via pictures and not even words. Therefore your argument has already lost merit with me and any other halfway open minded wrestling fan. To call Hogan and Cena both bad wrestlers is the most ridiculous rhetoric I have EVER heard. And to boot you can't even give us a truly solid explanation why you think these two are bad wrestlers. What you're saying is nowhere near an opinion, because there is no argument you are making here to declare why you think Hulk Hogan and John Cena are so bad. There's no substance at all to what you just said. Just to give you a polite heads up, it's not an opinion if you don't have an argument to back it up, plain and simple.

Yes, there is no denying that Hulk Hogan and John Cena's strong suits do not lie in the reliability of a vast repertoire of moves. You will not see them executing planchas and hurricanranas that is true. They're not going to be at the level of a Bret Hart where they use every wear down move in the book. However to argue your less than open minded point, I've seen matches where Hogan and Cena have both stepped outside their showman role and have been able to pull off a few moves (See some of Hogan's matches against Kurt Angle, his stuff in Japan, and even the Rock and Hogan match showed him step outside the big boot, body slam, leg drop act, and Cena's shown his own against guys like Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle) you might not typically associate with either wrestler and make no mistake both men still deserve that status as a wrestler even if they don't fit your expectations of what a wrestler should be.

I'd even dare say despite how controversial it might be to say that both men are good wrestlers, why I say this? Well in my opinion, no one in theory is going to make it to the level of both these men without knowing the fundamentals of the sport. So whether you want to give them credit for being good or not, trust me, Hogan and Cena know how to wrestle, if they couldn't, they'd never be the stars they are now. Cena and Hogan might not be inventing new moves on TV every week and showing us the most athletically oriented matches of all time, but that's not what their purpose as performers were (and still is in the case of Cena). A good wrestler in my opinion has to have more than just GREAT moves of a vast repertoire of them. They have to be able to connect with a crowd, which Hogan and Cena do. They also have to know how to keep their opponents safe in the ring, you can know all the moves in the world but if you can't be competent in the ring and keep your opponent safe in that ring, you have no business there. The fact that despite how Cena and Hogan stick to certain formulas they've followed this rule of being safe in the ring as best as I can remember. After all a perfect example of someone who had all the talent in the world but became reckless in the ring are guys like Scott Hall, love the bad guy and all but what good is all that talent if you can't be relied upon in the ring. And for those that want to say people like HBK and Angle carry guys like Cena and Hogan, which I have heard multiple times could not be further from the truth. If people TRULY believe that rationale, then that would mean any one of us posting on these forums could go and put ourselves in Cena or Hogan's place against guys like HBK and Angle and then have fans and wrestling experts alike praise the finished product just because HBK and Angle happened to be in the ring. Sorry boys and girls it doesn't work that way, like they say it takes "two to tango" and while I don't doubt that a superior and competent athlete can help out a partner who's a little weaker, there's only so much that the best wrestler out there can do, his/her partner has to hold their own weight or the end result is going to flat line, no matter what the smart marks on this forum and elsewhere on the internet say.

Say what you want about Hogan and Cena but they've proven to be reliable over the years even for being such "bad wrestlers" like you said.

While I personally can't stand Cena's persona and I just don't care for his act at all, I have a respect for his athletic ability and give him credit for what he can do in the ring, even if he does not appeal to me. In Hogan's case, say what you want about moves like the Leg Drop but the guy was a superhero character performing in a pre-determined outlet like wrestling, sometimes you just have to throw realism out the window and accept that it's the nature of the game. Sure the Leg Drop was a silly move in many respects and I prefer more of Hogan's matches that ended in submission and more power based moves (Next time you want to make an argument you best go back and watch some of Hogan's older matches in his pre-Hogan persona, there's no excuse to not be able to find them with YouTube these days).

Bottom line, great idea in concept for a thread but it's dreadfully poor in its execution. Unless you yourself have ever laced up a pair of boots, and put yourself through the same physical exertion that it takes to be a professional wrestler, I'd be very careful on how you choose to criticize the workers in the business. I can respect if you think Hogan and Cena are both bad, but you better give an argument next time. Because in my opinion, your opinions were anything but opinions. Next time give us some weight and argument don't just state it and use a couple of cute little pictures with a few words to illustrate your point. Because you have done nothing to convince me that you've made an opinion at all.
You cannot really say that guys like Orton, Cena or Hogan are bad wrestlers. All of them have been a part of great matches in their careers apart from being huge draws. I would say that in ring capability was not their strongest point but if you give their gimmicks to a charismaless person, the gimmick is bound to fail. Seriously are you telling me that Chris Benoit could have worked as a rapper? Or say Mark Henry as an All American Hero?

Agreed, Rattlesnake yet again you make a good point. You cannot say Hulk Hogan is a bad wrestler. Yes he may not have a wide repetoire of moves (although he has more than he was allowed to show in WWE- look at his Japan stuff to see), but as with Orton and Cena- HE TOLD A STORY IN THE RING. That is why he was so successful, and yes he had ag reat gimmick, but without the charisma, masterful crowd working techniques of Hogan, and the ability to know when it is time to make the comeback, it wouldnt have worked. Hogan wasnt the greatest technical wrestler, but he was not a bad wrestler, he was the master of other aspects of performing, and for him that made the rest redundant.

Coming back to the topic I would say Gangrel. He had a cool gimmick and possibly the best entrance of all time. But that was all that was great about him. He sucked in the ring as well as on the mic. If this gimmick was given to some good wrestler, he could have been possibly been built up as Undertaker's greatest adversary.


Awesome entrance, awesome music, awesome finishing move, awesome look.

Gangrel was cool as fuck, and I agree he would have been a worthy opponent to the Undertaker had he actually had 1 shed of in-ring talent other than a unique style suplex and that Impaler DDT, which lets be honest is legendary. He just wasnt a good talker or a good wrestler, very very average, which was a shame as the gimmick was fantastic. That entrance through the fire is iconic
I have to agree with Hogan he was so over in 80s 90s and yes i was a Hulkamanic. A larger than life superhero who did what was right and never was tempted to any wrong that what Hogan and i loved watching him but now i look back at old matches of him and he sucks he was poor in the ring and used that fact that he was that big to his advantage and as power over WWE and then in WCW his attitude was i am hulk hogan i am bigger than. Now he want leave wrestling he needs the lime light he not happy unless he is screwing someone over and making himself look good

This is the thing about the entertainment business, it's one thing to enjoy the product and like to be entertained but now that you're out of the childhood phase of being a Hulkamaniac, you should realize that Terry Bollea isn't someone that we should put on a pedestal nor should any entertainer be put on a pedestal as well.

The fact is you liked those matches as a kid and nothing should change that, and Hogan is far from being the only one with an attitude in the professional wrestling business. Get over it and just accept it that Terry Bollea the man behind the Hulk Hogan persona is someone that looks out for a lot of his own best interests but I'd be very wise in being so certain that he screws everyone over, especially in this day and age where he's not even an active wrestler and just a figurehead in TNA.

By the way, fix the grammar and spelling if you don't mind, your point would be a lot more respected if you at least attempted some coherence with your posting.
[Long winded, unnecessary babble about pictures in a post and the OP's opinion, etc. etc...] Just to give you a polite heads up, it's not an opinion if you don't have an argument to back it up, plain and simple.
Sorry to inform you of this, but an opinion is just that, an opinion. You don't have to have an argument to back it up, that's why the word "argument" is a different one. Opinion is opinion, without any reason. Argument or debate is what should be supported by facts and such. So if you're going to bash somebody, please make better sense.

Yes, there is no denying that Hulk Hogan and John Cena's strong suits do not lie in the reliability of a vast repertoire of moves. You will not see them executing planchas and hurricanranas that is true. They're not going to be at the level of a Bret Hart where they use every wear down move in the book. However to argue your less than open minded point, I've seen matches where Hogan and Cena have both stepped outside their showman role and have been able to pull off a few moves (See some of Hogan's matches against Kurt Angle, his stuff in Japan, and even the Rock and Hogan match showed him step outside the big boot, body slam, leg drop act, and Cena's shown his own against guys like Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle) you might not typically associate with either wrestler and make no mistake both men still deserve that status as a wrestler even if they don't fit your expectations of what a wrestler should be.
Ok, here at the beginning, you say there's no denying, etc. etc. which means you got the OP's point. Then at the end you say "if they don't fit your expectations, etc. etc." which, again, is the point of "opinion". Hence more contradiction and muddling of your own definitions. That's his opinion, and he's entitled to it. Personally, I like Cena, never liked Hogan (and yes, I was a kid and grew up in the "Hogan" era) so I'll just comment on Hogan instead of Cena, and I'll try put it as best I can. I agree Hogan was a great gimmick, horrible WRESTLER (OH, NO, I JUST SAID "WRESTLER" TOO, HULKAMARKIACS UNITE!). I will say that what you were describing was a good SHOWMAN. Hogan was a terrible wrestler, but had great "showmanship". There's a difference. He lumbered around the ring like a drunken bear and honestly the only Hogan matches I can barely recall any in-ring action about was his match w/Andre and w/Warrior.
That being said, you spoke of a couple of matches you could count on one finger showing his "wrestling abilities". Why bother when he was more noted for his "showmanship"? I mean, growing up as a kid in the 80's, I didn't have a readily available outlet for seeing Hogan's matches in Japan and only knew him from the tv and matches my "opinion" is being based on. It would also be ridiculous to fault a kid for not knowing all of that info back then anyway so, going with what was known, there's not much of a reason for somebody to spend time digging up a match or two of Hogan in Japan if 98% of his work was the stuff I disliked in the first place. Plus I'm sure it wasn't that spectacular to change my attitude completely anyway.

I'd even dare say despite how controversial it might be to say that both men are good wrestlers, why I say this? Well in my opinion, no one in theory is going to make it to the level of both these men without knowing the fundamentals of the sport.
Um, no one is going to make it anywhere without knowing the "fundamentals of the sport". Hell, whether you're Hogan, Cena, Warrior, Joe Shmoe in FCW, Frankie Williams, or any other jobber through the years, you're still not going to make it unless you know the fundamentals, so not sure where you're going with this observation. Plenty of guys that knew the fundamentals still never got very far, and just knowing the fundamentals doesn't make you a "good wrestler". It gives you the basic knowledge to begin a possible career path in that field, it doesn't mean you're good in that field. I know of ball players that knew fundamentals, but you wouldn't necessarily hear of them being good ball players. You can have the fundamentals to start a business, but that doesn't make you a good businessman. So going by that simple statement doesn't refute the OPs opinion.

While I personally can't stand Cena's persona and I just don't care for his act at all, I have a respect for his athletic ability and give him credit for what he can do in the ring, even if he does not appeal to me. In Hogan's case, say what you want about moves like the Leg Drop but the guy was a superhero character performing in a pre-determined outlet like wrestling, sometimes you just have to throw realism out the window and accept that it's the nature of the game. Sure the Leg Drop was a silly move in many respects and I prefer more of Hogan's matches that ended in submission and more power based moves (Next time you want to make an argument you best go back and watch some of Hogan's older matches in his pre-Hogan persona, there's no excuse to not be able to find them with YouTube these days).
Bottom line, great idea in concept for a thread but it's dreadfully poor in its execution. Unless you yourself have ever laced up a pair of boots, and put yourself through the same physical exertion that it takes to be a professional wrestler, I'd be very careful on how you choose to criticize the workers in the business. I can respect if you think Hogan and Cena are both bad, but you better give an argument next time. Because in my opinion, your opinions were anything but opinions. Next time give us some weight and argument don't just state it and use a couple of cute little pictures with a few words to illustrate your point. Because you have done nothing to convince me that you've made an opinion at all.
So you don't care for Cena but respect his athletic ability. Ok. Respecting people's athletic ability and considering them "good wrestlers" are two different things. Case in point, I like Ken Anderson. I respect his athletic ability and think he's a "good wrestler", but there are multitudes of people that don't consider him a "good wrestler". That's called opinion. And what about Miz? People say he's a "horrible wrestler". Does that mean they're wrong? To them, no. They don't like his in-ring work and consider it "bad". Are they wrong in saying that? No. I can see where they could formulate that idea but again, I like the guy's work ethic and showmanship, so I find him entertaining to watch, and would classify him as decent. A little green still, sure, but decent. I don't dislike his matches like I did Hogan's. But again, my opinion doesn't make him a "good" wrestler, either.
The point is, you're saying the OP's "opinions", since they don't contain detailed "arguments", are not opinions. That's just ludicrous. I think you might want to re-evaluate your definitions of certain terms. I can have the "opinion" that a certain movie sucks. I don't have to explain that "opinion" necessarily, but if I do, then I am "supporting my opinion". If further argument/discussion supports an opinion, then the basic idea of what I'm saying is exactly that, my opinion, and I'm just further explaining it. To not explain it is not "lacking an opinion".
And as for the topic? I believe I made my opinion clear in what I wrote. I think Hogan was a great example. Will I look up his work on Youtube? No. I don't see the point because he does not interest me enough to do so. But like I said above, he definitely didn't have me glued to the chair to watch his in-ring ability in the matches and the federation that solidified his popularity and what he is noted for, which is why I would still pick him as a good example.
Another good gimmick/bad wrestler? Even though I liked him back in the day, I'd go with Warrior. Yeah, his persona, energy, and showmanship took him to the top of the mountain back in the day but his wrestling ability? I have to say that there's so many times you can shake the ropes and use clotheslines and slams without becoming old hat.
I personally think Mark Henry's Worlds Strongest Man gimmick is pretty sweet.

I mean, what is better than being able to call yourself the strongest man on the planet? Not much. That is the gimmick and nickname of a champion if there ever was one.

Pity then, that it is wasted on a man that, as far as I can remember, has never had a good match and has been a waste of space for well over a decade, getting fatter and fatter on each comeback, has little or no personality, very few moves and has achieved so little over the years that it is a miracle he still has a job. Yes, he may be over right now but apart from these last few months, Henry has been useless.
I will name a couple of names who had great gimmicks, but, the wrestlers were shit.

I already seen it, but, the Ultimate Warrior.
He was one of the worst wrestlers I have ever seen, and I was never a fan of his, even back in the day when he was the shit. He roided up, put his streamers on, painted his face, and beat someone within 5 minutes, because, he was done after that.

Number two, Great Khali.
I know its a gimmick that has been run into the ground, but, tall guy, who is being billed as a bad ass, but, seriously, the Great Khali?, and he even won the World title. Claw, chop, occasional legdrop...:banghead: ugh

Finally, for me, Lex Luger.
He had the physique, but, beyond that, nothing. All he was good for, was screaming every single time he hit someone, and then put someone across his back. Another guy who, even when he was popular, I completely hated.
Oh, I just have to chime in and say Mark Henry and Lex Luger were two great additions to the thread who I agree w/completely.
I think the Strongman thing was best on Ken Patera. Your take on Henry's wrestling career was spot on and I do still wonder to this day how, number one, he still has a job, and number two, how the hell do people cheer the guy??
Lex Luger is one I didn't think of, but I have mentioned in other threads. I never liked the guy, even when he was over, and agree that his gimmicks weren't horrible but his ability was. Like you said, he had the look, and some charisma, but his wrestling totally sucked and I could never watch him "wrestle" (if that's what you want to call what he did...)
Sorry to inform you of this, but an opinion is just that, an opinion. You don't have to have an argument to back it up, that's why the word "argument" is a different one. Opinion is opinion, without any reason. Argument or debate is what should be supported by facts and such. So if you're going to bash somebody, please make better sense.

Well sorry to inform you of this "UltimateHitman", but if you are going to post an opinion on a forum and expect people to respond to you, you better damn well have an argument to back it up. It's obvious the OP wanted feedback but it'd behoove him or her to give us more than just the brief description he gave of his assessment regarding Hogan and Cena. I am making a lot more sense than you are off the bat because I have actually put thought into what I said and I challenged what the OP said. He put this in the non-spam section so therefore, I expect more out of his post and merely challenged what he was stating which was a weak post to begin with. Never said he wasn't entitled to his opinion, but I'd like to see him or support his or her opinion and if you're going to bring up something in the non-spam section you better be prepared to defend your point. If you can't recognize that then you have no business doing the OP's talking for him or her, he can back his or her own point up if he chooses too, he or she doesn't need you do it for him or her.

Ok, here at the beginning, you say there's no denying, etc. etc. which means you got the OP's point. Then at the end you say "if they don't fit your expectations, etc. etc." which, again, is the point of "opinion". Hence more contradiction and muddling of your own definitions. That's his opinion, and he's entitled to it. Personally, I like Cena, never liked Hogan (and yes, I was a kid and grew up in the "Hogan" era) so I'll just comment on Hogan instead of Cena, and I'll try put it as best I can. I agree Hogan was a great gimmick, horrible WRESTLER (OH, NO, I JUST SAID "WRESTLER" TOO, HULKAMARKIACS UNITE!). I will say that what you were describing was a good SHOWMAN. Hogan was a terrible wrestler, but had great "showmanship". There's a difference. He lumbered around the ring like a drunken bear and honestly the only Hogan matches I can barely recall any in-ring action about was his match w/Andre and w/Warrior.
That being said, you spoke of a couple of matches you could count on one finger showing his "wrestling abilities". Why bother when he was more noted for his "showmanship"? I mean, growing up as a kid in the 80's, I didn't have a readily available outlet for seeing Hogan's matches in Japan and only knew him from the tv and matches my "opinion" is being based on. It would also be ridiculous to fault a kid for not knowing all of that info back then anyway so, going with what was known, there's not much of a reason for somebody to spend time digging up a match or two of Hogan in Japan if 98% of his work was the stuff I disliked in the first place. Plus I'm sure it wasn't that spectacular to change my attitude completely anyway.

By the way have you ever heard of the return/enter key, you could benefit from using it sometime. I might rant quite a bit myself but I'm aware of keeping my paragraphs as unattached as possible. But just the same I'll try to make sense of your rhetoric anyway. You are right there is no sense in faulting someone for not seeing any of Hogan's pre-Hulkamania matches depending on what age you are in. But then again if you are going to post a thread on why Hulk Hogan or John Cena are such terrible wrestlers than you better do your research first and look at the early parts of their careers. That was what my problem with the OP was, and that's what my problem is with you at this moment, if you claim to be such a fan of wrestling then you'd at least do yourself a favor and actually research something and have some weight to the points you're trying to make. That is why I never comment on something unless I have a decent enough knowledge to back up what I am saying.

Um, no one is going to make it anywhere without knowing the "fundamentals of the sport". Hell, whether you're Hogan, Cena, Warrior, Joe Shmoe in FCW, Frankie Williams, or any other jobber through the years, you're still not going to make it unless you know the fundamentals, so not sure where you're going with this observation. Plenty of guys that knew the fundamentals still never got very far, and just knowing the fundamentals doesn't make you a "good wrestler". It gives you the basic knowledge to begin a possible career path in that field, it doesn't mean you're good in that field. I know of ball players that knew fundamentals, but you wouldn't necessarily hear of them being good ball players. You can have the fundamentals to start a business, but that doesn't make you a good businessman. So going by that simple statement doesn't refute the OPs opinion.

In my opinion, knowing the fundamentals is an important criteria and if you know them and make it to the next level in the business than you have to be a good wrestler or you just don't plain make it. It's from there where you find your specialty that keeps you a star in the business, IN MY OPINION. In the case of guys like Hogan and Cena their bread is to work to the showman style. But when they need to incorporate those fundamentals to make a coherent and entertaining match at they show that they have ability whether you want to acknowledge that or not, their track records speak better than I could. If they failed at getting that point across they would never make it to the big time, period. No matter how limited they are. Because if their fundamentals are not good, they would not be the successes they've been in wrestling.

So yes in my opinion it does indeed refute the OP's statement. Making the business analogy is outright stupid and outrageous because Hulk Hogan had a successful 30 year career as a professional wrestler and it looks like John Cena isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Therefore I'd say they have to have some sort of aptitude in the field of wrestling or else they'd never have made it to WWE and sustained a career in the big time. Period. The fact that you just used the analogy "Just because you know the fundamentals of business does not make you a good businessman" is irrelevant to your anti-Hogan sentiment. Because Hogan was a top draw for quite some time. Hogan still carried himself in the ring with enough fanfare to keep him going as a top star, and I've never seen his ring work cause anyone harm and therefore keeping your opponent safe and working well within your moveset no matter how limited makes you a good wrestler in my opinion. Therefore even if he wasn't a walking encyclopedia of technical expertise in no way makes him a bad wrestler. If you can work safe and you can work well and do your job and keep yourself a top star, you are doing something right even if you don't have an unlimited repertoire of moves.

So you don't care for Cena but respect his athletic ability. Ok. Respecting people's athletic ability and considering them "good wrestlers" are two different things. Case in point, I like Ken Anderson. I respect his athletic ability and think he's a "good wrestler", but there are multitudes of people that don't consider him a "good wrestler". That's called opinion. And what about Miz? People say he's a "horrible wrestler". Does that mean they're wrong? To them, no. They don't like his in-ring work and consider it "bad". Are they wrong in saying that? No. I can see where they could formulate that idea but again, I like the guy's work ethic and showmanship, so I find him entertaining to watch, and would classify him as decent. A little green still, sure, but decent. I don't dislike his matches like I did Hogan's. But again, my opinion doesn't make him a "good" wrestler, either.
The point is, you're saying the OP's "opinions", since they don't contain detailed "arguments", are not opinions. That's just ludicrous. I think you might want to re-evaluate your definitions of certain terms. I can have the "opinion" that a certain movie sucks. I don't have to explain that "opinion" necessarily, but if I do, then I am "supporting my opinion". If further argument/discussion supports an opinion, then the basic idea of what I'm saying is exactly that, my opinion, and I'm just further explaining it. To not explain it is not "lacking an opinion".
And as for the topic? I believe I made my opinion clear in what I wrote. I think Hogan was a great example. Will I look up his work on Youtube? No. I don't see the point because he does not interest me enough to do so. But like I said above, he definitely didn't have me glued to the chair to watch his in-ring ability in the matches and the federation that solidified his popularity and what he is noted for, which is why I would still pick him as a good example.
Another good gimmick/bad wrestler? Even though I liked him back in the day, I'd go with Warrior. Yeah, his persona, energy, and showmanship took him to the top of the mountain back in the day but his wrestling ability? I have to say that there's so many times you can shake the ropes and use clotheslines and slams without becoming old hat.

And yeah I sure as hell respect John Cena's athletic ability and I also think think he's a good wrestler even if he's not a "Shawn Michaels" or a "Kurt Angle" and I think that same athletic ability is what makes him good for what little he might know compared to the "technical wizards" of the wrestling world. I can't stand his act but that doesn't cloud my judgment as to how I perceive his ability and his star power. On the other hand, I think people like you have personal bias and dislike for performers cloud your judgment from what they are capable of doing. The fact that you know nothing about Hogan's career outside of the World Wrestling Federation and are unwilling to learn anything about him makes me have that opinion. Therefore I have no respect for most of what you've just said because I'm of the mind that you are avoiding the critical thinking that people like myself and other posters like The Natrual have exhibited. Your one-sidedness and your need to think that you have to speak for Simmo says that better than I could.

I also noticed that you "liked" the Ultimate Warrior, I take that as past tense so let me ask are you no longer a fan of the Warrior because you realize now that he was limited in the ring and that his "old hat" routine all of a sudden changes your opinion of him because you are all grown up now? Well I'll tell you this, Hogan in my opinion was a hell of a lot better than Warrior at any point, because to be honest, Warrior proved he lacked longevity in this business and Hogan time and again has shown he's the opposite, that's another thing that makes him a lot better than someone with your shortsightedness would give him credit for. Not to say that I don't give Warrior his due for the impression he made in the business for the short time he was a top star, but I still enjoyed his time that he was around. However, comparing Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior is outrageous and stupid, there is no comparison Hogan>Warrior any day.

I might have been a little harsh and somewhat out of line with my usage of the term opinion, but again if you're going to post something in the non-spam section and post the way the OP did with very limited verbiage and just two visual aids, I'm going to expect a little more and therefore I'd like to see his argument that justifies his opinion. I don't think there's anything wrong with asking that of the OP. Otherwise what was the point in him even creating the topic in the first place if he's not willing to support his opinion. Otherwise there's no point in creating this post in this section, it sounds like it'd have a better place in the spam section. Basically, I'm just letting YOU know that if you read the above title in this thread it's a non-spam section, opinions are welcome but let's get some critical thinking with those opinions and some good argument and discussion or else there's no point in bringing said opinions up in the first place. Maybe I just have higher standards and expect more from wrestling discussion but I'm a lifelong fan and I don't think there's anything wrong with having that disposition. It's people like you that I think have a hard time grasping at that concept. To round this whole post out, I also want to make it clear, even if I might have had issue with the OP, I'm more than glad to hear the OP's defense on the topic that was posted if he or she is willing to reply. However, it's quite cute that you think you need to chew that person's food for them, and be so bold so speak on their own behalf. I'm sure the OP can do a good enough job of speaking alone without the need to have you be so one-sided in a diatribe against me.

And in closing, unless you’ve ever wrestled a single match in your life, I’d very careful over who you label as a good or bad wrestler. While I have people I might not care to watch, I respect any and every individual who can make it to promotions like WWE, TNA or overseas promotions like New Japan, Pro Wrestling NOAH or All Japan. To me I don’t consider anyone who’s made it to the big time a “bad” wrestler if they can make it to the big time. Sure there are some that are better than others, but they’ve all made it to a level that not everyone can make it to. Sure you might not care for guys like Hulk Hogan, but the fact is he made it to such a successful level in the business. A “bad wrestler” doesn’t reach those heights no matter how close minded you want to be about that.

I mean have you ever worked a wrestling match a day in your life? Because to be honest the truest judges of what good and bad wrestlers are the people who do it for a living and even if I might not agree with what some wrestlers might think about one another, I can understand and respect their views more than someone like you who I’m assuming has never wrestled a day in their life. If you have ever tried your hand in the business than I apologize ahead of time but I’ll take a wild guess and say you’re just like me a fan who merely watches the art of professional wrestling but has never done it for a living.

Bottom line boss, I’m not a presumptuous and self professed expert like you’re making yourself out to sound and I’m willing to challenge a point that someone’s trying to make while welcoming any counter to what I’m trying to say. However, I got a good feeling you don’t have a lick of that. Next time, think about that before you want to bother trying to speak on another OP’s post that I’m challenging.

Who knew that starting a thread with a couple of names (Hogan and Cena) would lead to so much heated arguement against and for me...

I guess this whole exercise has proved that everyone has their own opinion (on which some choose to provide arguement to back them up) - to point i I did provide an arguement for both Cena and Hogan, granted not long winded and full of horse manure like some of you but a simple starting point...

Seeing as this thread has gone to the dogs might as well not continue on anymore, would love it if people in the 15-22 age bracket knew how to add to a meaningful thread without assuming someone is attacking their idol or bashing just for the sake of bashing...

Having said that, I like the idea's some people have come up with and agree that "The Masterpiece", Mordeicei and Ultimate Warrior could have easily had longer tenures with wrestlers more capable in the ring (and in the Warriors case not so looney)...

Thanx to those who added positive input to the discussion, the rest of you need to stop living with your parents and get a life......:lmao:
I really find it annoying that in an "Old School Wrestling" section, I still can't escape people constantly arguing over whether or not John Cena is a pile of shit. Who cares? He's about as "old school" as my 4 year old nephew.

Lex Luger was a fantastic suggestion for this thread. He had the look, the momentum, that whole all American thing going on. The only trouble was he couldn't wrestle for love nor money and his matches were boring as sin.
I agree with the Original Poster. We all love wrestling whether it be WWE/WWF/TNA/WCW/ECW/etc etc So why do some of feel the need to turn a small mole hill into a mountain of argument. Solid good clean argument is great. Snippey, insulting, overbearing, egotistical argument is just counter productive.

Its a community forum that doesnt belong to ONE person to tell everyone how right they are and how theyre going to exact their typographical revenge if someone doesnt do some thing the way they want.

But the other side of that sword is you really did a number on yourself helping bring this problem along. You could have picked both those men and added a few more to dullen it down a bit. Of all the two to use. Hahah! Have a good one guys and gals!

Who knew that starting a thread with a couple of names (Hogan and Cena) would lead to so much heated arguement against and for me...

I guess this whole exercise has proved that everyone has their own opinion (on which some choose to provide arguement to back them up) - to point i I did provide an arguement for both Cena and Hogan, granted not long winded and full of horse manure like some of you but a simple starting point...

Seeing as this thread has gone to the dogs might as well not continue on anymore, would love it if people in the 15-22 age bracket knew how to add to a meaningful thread without assuming someone is attacking their idol or bashing just for the sake of bashing...

Having said that, I like the idea's some people have come up with and agree that "The Masterpiece", Mordeicei and Ultimate Warrior could have easily had longer tenures with wrestlers more capable in the ring (and in the Warriors case not so looney)...

Thanx to those who added positive input to the discussion, the rest of you need to stop living with your parents and get a life......:lmao:

While, I admit there was a great degree of hostility in my original reply to you, I felt strong in my point to defend my position because I personally felt your argument was not strong enough and as an individual that's followed wrestling for the past twenty plus years of my life, I felt the need to counter your post.

I could have been a lot more discourteous and used foul language like a lot of not so articulate individuals typically do on these forums. However, I just think you could have presented your point a little better just my two cents, if I went a little overboard I'm man enough to apologize for that.

I just think your criteria on what makes a good wrestler and a bad wrestler was very narrow. However, I look forward to more postings and think that we can agree to disagree on some of the things that were stated on this forum. However, that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate or respect any other threads you might post in the future.

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