General Bound For Glory Discussion

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
It is, after all, TNA's WrestleMania. So I fully expect this to get a similar ammount of posts as the Mania thread.

I'm almost certain that we'll be seeing a Joe vs. Nash match for the title. I'm hoping that this isn't the case. Ok so I don't think this show is anything other than a regular PPV. But to TNA it is. And this show shouldn't be headlined by something like this. TNA won't make any progress as a company with Nash in the title picture.

In a way I'm hoping that Angle is champion again come BFG. No need for another Angle/Joe match. Joe can lose to Booker, Angle can then win it. The main event I want to see is Angle vs. Jarrett. The angle leading up to this could be dynamite. Have Angle on about how he's made the company, Jarrett comes out as a face. It would work if TNA built it properly.
I agree on the Nash vs. Joe encounter as that is almost a lock. I really don;t want to see it though as Samoa Joe is IMO highly overrated as a champion, and Nash is having a hard time getting into the ring nowadays. It won't be a stellar match up but it will get that fued out of the way.

I love the idea of Jarrett vs Angle as in my opinion it has money written all over it. I really don't think it should be at Bound For Glory though as that match would need some decent amount of time to be built up. If Jarrett returns soon though I see it happening at the end of the year though. Jarrett should've returned a little sooner for this one.
I agree on the Nash vs. Joe encounter as that is almost a lock.

Someone put this in their signature. I, Uncle Sam, will never, ever watch Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, nor buy any products relating to them, nor attend any live events, nor moderate their forums again if Samoa Joe competes against Kevin Nash for the TNA World Heavyweight Title in the main event of Bound For Glory 2008, or if Kevin Nash has anything to do with the main event for that matter.

Why? Because Kevin Nash is shit.

I really don;t want to see it though as Samoa Joe is IMO highly overrated as a champion, and Nash is having a hard time getting into the ring nowadays. It won't be a stellar match up but it will get that fued out of the way.

The thing is though, Monkey, the main event for Bound For Glory isn't to get a feud out of the way, is it? It's meant to be enjoyable. Sting/Jarrett just about got there, but Nash monumentally fucked up Angle/Sting by even being there, and his slow, clumsy, very fake looking interference made it the worst match on the card, and made Angle look like a complete pussy. Angle should have won that match clean, then it'd be remember far more fondly. I mean, Sting lost the belt and fucked back off to six man tag matches two weeks later anyway, so it's not as if it would've mattered.

I love the idea of Jarrett vs Angle as in my opinion it has money written all over it. I really don't think it should be at Bound For Glory though as that match would need some decent amount of time to be built up. If Jarrett returns soon though I see it happening at the end of the year though. Jarrett should've returned a little sooner for this one.

Since when did TNA give feuds time to build? Well, feuds that don't involve Kevin Nash and Samoa Joe. Nope, this'll be a one month wonder just like Sting/Angle. Oh wait, they tagged together the week before. And what a heated rivalry that made it. Of course, I'm being sarcastic. My point being that TNA are terrible at building feuds, so it's best if they do just make it a one month wonder. Keep the interference to an absolute minimum - as in, none - and there you go, a fantastic match.

Failing that, Joe vs. Storm would be nice. I'd suggest Joe/Roode but that already happened. Was good, too. Which is why they will never do anything like it again.
we all know that this match is gona happen because they have been goin at it since last year and this will be a first time ever and it will bring some big money

the feud starts with booker saying he didnt need his help when he was fighting joe and sting says the same after he battles with samoa joe at no surrender and this would be a wcw rematch and i can see the winner facing
the champion at genisis

this would be an absoulte dream match for tna this match will take place after he ends his feud with kurt angle and jay lethal will end the love triangle story and win the title from the winner i can see a.j winning and become the champion

this feud will begin again as they will both think they are better than the other.rhino and christian go their ways and kurt challenges cage to a match he accepts but he wants a stip added to the match which making this match

this would be another dream match as the m.c.m.g win a number one contenders match and lax ends the feud with beer money which leads with their only option to face m.c.m.g

the thing i hope is that abyss will get over his "no more violence" stage and come to his senses and feud with tomko but tomko hates matt morgan.rhino gets involved when he has an open challenge as matt morgan makes his way.
then abyss makes the match.

this would be just like the one from victory road 07 but this time it will be the strings not the elevation x structure and kick off the show with a bang

this could be an anual match for bound for glory like the kotm match is to slammiversery the one i could see winning the battle royal is robert roode.

the match is gona be awesome i hope the beatiful people spilt for one night and let one of them havethe spotlight and i can see gail kim winning from taylor wilde. the winner of the match and still champion gail kim



I read on a website that TNA is considering a Jeff Jarrett vs Sting retirement match. God i hope that isnt true because we had to suffer through that same crap just 2 years ago. with that said my predictions for Bound for Glory are as follows
Samoa Joe vs Kevin Nash for the TNA world title. (Joe finds out that it was kevin nash who was dropping the baseball bats from the ceiling and gets all pissy about it)
Jeff Jarrett vs Booker T (simple return match for Jarrett)
Sting vs AJ Styles (After Hard Justice i would say this is a lock)
And last but not least Mick Foley will debut
Well after what I have seen the last few weeks on iMPACT! I think we might see of the following matches

Booker T. vs. Christian Cage
I just see this one happening as both prolly wont have much going on after No Surrender and you ave the classic heel vs face match up so I can see that happening.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett
After seeing the guitar show up for a weeks in a row against Angle, it just leads me to believe that Jarrett will face Angle at BFG. Angle will want revenge for Jarrett costing him his gold medals and I belive that it is Jarrett that has Kurts gold medal since AJ seems not to have it anymore. Seems silly to have a match between these two and a gold medal invloved but seems like that be the case.

AJ Styles vs. Sting

I see this as AJ standing up for all the younger wrestler sin the back and trying to make a point against the man that is calling them all out. I dont see any gimmick being involved between these two for their match, but this TNA so I wouldn't be surprised to see like a Bat on a pole match or something. But these two should lock up at BFG.

TNA Championship
Samoa Joe vs. Kevin Nash

As much as I dont want see this match it looks like it will happen. And boy do I not want to see this but I guess it could changed and maybe add Booker ad Christian but again why does Booker get another title shot? Really dont care right as the championship match can not live up to Angle/Jarrett and Sting/AJ matches.

Samoa Joe vs Kevin Nash for the World Title
The only reason for this match is because it has a huge amount of build. It is indeed too late to change this but I see this match for the world title. Secondly, I believe this match shouldn't headline BFG.

AJ Styles vs Sting
The ultimate Franchise vs Franchise Match would have been awesome and in my opinion, should have headlined BFG.

Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett
A true political game between two of the biggest heels in TNA history. Angle was supposed to take over for Jarrett and now the King of the Mountain is back to claim his throne.

Christian Cage vs Booker T

Monster's Ball- Team 3D vs Matt Morgan/Rhino and Abyss/Mick Foley as referee
This would be a great opportunity for some excellent Mick Foley promos as well as bringing out the meanstreak in Abyss.

Beer Money vs LAX for the Tag Titles- If LAX loses they have to split up

Taylor Wilde vs Gail Kim for the Knockouts Championship. Kong in substitution for Gail
I would have originally had a face vs face confrontation for the crown jewel PPV of TNA but the next best thing would be another opportunity for Kong to reclaim her title. Maybe Taylor Wilde vs Roxxi.

Sheik Abdul Bashir vs Consequences Creed for the X Title
You need a one on one confrontation for your title matches because they feel more important. Creed could defend US' honor against a very anti-american Bashir

Fight for Your Right Tournament- Round One
Wrestlers to compete include: Suicide, Lance Rock, the Motor City Machine Guns, Matt Morgan/Rhino, Petey Williams, Tomko? Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt , the returning Fallen Angel and a few others. I would modify the rules to the Battle Royal to eliminate the Reverse Battle Royal portion and turn it into a normal battle royal where the remaining seven move on into the tournament for a World Title shot at Genesis. The winner of the tournament would automatically move into the final stage of the tournament.
This is a very weak card for a promotion's "Wrestlemania". What I don't understand, they can get Cute Kip in a match, but they exclude Christian Cage, AJ Styles, and Booker T. If I remember correctly, AJ recently went over Kurt Angle. So if this was being followed logically, which TNA has a hrad time doing, shouldn't AJ have a more high profile match than Angle? I am not going to order this PPV, and if this trend continues, I will give up watching TNA all together.
On paper one of the worst cards I've seen in a long time.

Champion Samoa Joe vs. "The Icon" Sting​

I'm not sure at what point Sting became a number one contender. I haven't been active in months, so I guess I'm next in line for that title show too.

I'd be very surprised if Sting didn't win. He shouldn't, Joe needs the victory. But with this being TNA Sting will get his title win, have another pointless reign, and it'll be over before he's had chance to do anything with it.

"King Of The Mountain" Jeff Jarrett vs. Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle
Special Enforcer: Mick Foley​

It should at least be intresting. It's hardly going me wetting myself in excitment. I think I was more intrested in Sting vs. Jarrett than this. If anything i expect a cool bump off Foley. He'll cost Angle the victory. Then it's back to the same old boring Jarrett shit come iMPACT.

Booker T (w/ Sharmell) vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles​

If anything this should be the match of the night. Booker is TNA's HBK. Coasting by on his reputation. But Styles has enough talent to really do something good with both of them. Shame it's treated as nothing more than filler.

Champions Beer Money Inc. vs. Team 3D vs. The Latin American Xchange vs. Abyss & Matt Morgan
Special Referee: Steve "Mongo" McMichael​

Why Mongo is involved I have no idea. Don't TNA know thay have Foley as an Enforcer on this card as well? Special Ref/Enforcer, all the same thing. Foley will make the copunt so it's the same. Pointless inclusion in a pointless match.

Should be bloody. But it's got Abyss & Team 3D involved so it'll be nothing new. One bump after another, all will get lost. Nothing will stand out.

Champion Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Consequences Creed​

This would be more important if Bashir hadn't been squashed by Joe, and if he'd won the title more than a month ago.

Champion Taylor Wilde vs. Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi​

Meh. Hopefully Roxxi wins. She did shave her head for that company after all. Better to be 6 months late than never I guess.

The X Division superstars battle inside the steel dome to try to escape​

I predict no less than 10 wrestlers in this match. I also predict it'll be nothing but unimpressive bumps off the cage into crowds of five or more wrestlers. I'm guessing Suicide wins.

Rhino, ODB & Rhaka Khan vs. The Beautiful People & Cute Kip​

I have no idea why this is on the card.


Awful card. TNA should get rid of most of the wrestlers involved in the Terrordome match, they should have just booked a couple of singles matches that meant something. There's no need for the Prince Justice Brotherhood and all the other comedy wrestlers to be on the card. You know why Santino Marella never get's on PPV? Because he's ok as a comedy interlude on Raw. But you wouldn't pay to see him, and he doesn't draw.
The concept is simple really. You create a strong under-card to give your upper-card room to breathe. This way the entire show isn't put on their shoulders. This is such for TNA's Bound for Glory though. A show booked lazily, and with an unimportant under-card that most people will tune out for the first hour and a half. You know I want to get the full price out of a PPV when I pay for it, but it looks as if Bound for Glory will only really be worth about 15 bucks, IF the upper-card can even come through...

Bashir/Creed has to be the low-point in X-Division history. Bashir brings nothing new to the table, except an outdated anti-American Arab gimmick, and his infidel opponent? A black man who wears the United States flag on his tights. CROSS THE LINE!
Creed, while young and full of potential is not really over. At all. The very fact that the X-Division title was put on someone in the company for less than a month really says something about how weak said division is. There has been little build up, and little reason to get any fan to truly care about who wins this match.

Then the Steel Asylum. Once again, lazy. TNA needed an excuse to book all of their X-Division wrestlers in one match, how about the Steel Asylum! Well, you already did that, like a few months ago, but HEY! It works, right? NO. No it doesn't. It's lazy. it's filler. It serves no true purpose than the writing team unable to think of anything better.

The tag team match is just ridiculous. Not only are half the teams made up of singles wrestlers, but there is no real heat between Team 3D and any of the teams except Morgan/Abyss, and the same for LAX and 3D/Morgan-Abyss. Once again, this is the writing team throwing these teams into one match, because they couldn't think of anything better to do with them. There is little build up for this match. No bad blood, no reason to really care who wins the match. LAZY.

There should be no explanation needed about TBP/Kip vs. Rhino/ODB/Khan. I mean, Khan? Seriously? Hemme would have fit better in this. A singles match between Love and ODB would have been better. This, this is just throwing wrestlers together to get them on the card.

Note to TNA: If you really have no use for certain wrestlers...GET RID OF THEM. This goes for Kip, Rhino, Hoyt, Shark Boy, Eric Young, the list goes on. it's really a sad formula...

Overcrowded roster + bad writing = Bound for Glory!

Now, I could go into the debacle that has been the Joe/Sting feud and how poorly TNA has been putting over their top babyface (is it Sting or Joe?) or Cage/Booker/Styles because they were the only heavyweights left to use up that deserved a spot on the card, but that all should be painfully obvious. Jarrett/Angle has been the only feud that has been built up well, even if Jarrett unknowingly trashed his own company in the process.

I am so disappointed right now.
Darkshot77's Review of Bound for Glory IV

Bound for Glory...TNA's Wrestlemania of sorts. One thing I will say is that the PPV did go all the way to the 3 hour mark, something rarely seen. It was good but in some levles it did not deliver. Lets break it down.

Steel Asylum Match-It was ok, not nearly as clusterfucky as last time. The real problem with this match was the simple fact there was too much stuff. There were two good spots, one was the 4 on 3 suplex of the PJB, the other was that running Devine Intervention that nearly killed Jimmy Rave. In the end Jay Lethal escapes and wins the #1 contender spot. Match wasnt that bad but there was just too much Rating: **

Rhino, ODB, and Rhaka Khan v. The Beautiful People-there is one word that describes this match


This was so bad, it hurt. I was interested in what Rhaka Khan was gonna do, I looked at her match is japan and what she has done in TNA the verdict is...She is not that good. But TNA satill decided to hype her up and then they used her for 30 sec. No one was on there game, this was painful to watch fdrom start to Gore. Rating: 1/2*

Consequences Creed v. Sheik Abdul Bashir: TNA X-Division Title Match-Decent match The opening segment was not necessary, the whole Bashir vs. America thing was very apparent and did not need to be reemphasized. Bashir won with the ropes and now Lethal waits in the wings Rating: **1/2

Taylo Wilde v. Roxxi v. Awesome Kong: TNA Knockouts Title Match-Decent Match again, nothing to write home about, though I am getting more and more impressed with Taylor, though she needs a finisher. Bridging suplex on Roxxi and Taylor retains. Rating: **1/2

Monsters Ball Match for the TNA Tag Team Titles-This was bad, For several reasons: 1. There was too much action, and strange long segments. What I found starange is what was eveyone else doing when 3D put Abyss through the flaming table...TNA loves to to pointless camera cutbacks, why not one there. 2. Mongo. He was a major detrament to this match. He was awkward, and just flat out silly. He should have never been included in the match. 3. It went on to long. It was just boreing after a while. Hernadez got 3D'd onto a table covered in tacks, but Beer Money stole the pin. Rating: *1/2

Now after we got through a below average first half we have 3 very, very good matches.

AJ Styles v. Christian Cage v. Booker T-My personal MOTN this was very very good, Even Booker who has been sub par ever since coming to TNA was good in the match. Lots of really cool spots. one of my favories was when Cage flipped AJ over and the AJ went straigt into hitting the Pele on Booker. So after Cage hit AJ with an Unprettier of the second rope Booker hit cage with a Sicsors Kick of the second rope and got the pin. Very nice ending segment that worked. Rating: ****

Jeff Jarret v. Kurt Angle-A close second for my MOTN, Both Angle and Jarret of all people looked very good, I'm usulay not impressed with Jarret but this worked, possibly cause he was against Kurt Angle. Both Jarret and Angle sold the submissions well. in the end the ref gets knocked down so Foley assumes the part of ref. Angle hit both foley and Jarret with a chair but before the ref could count the pin Foley pulled him out and Locked the Mandable Claw on Angle who then took a Gituar Shot and Jarret wins. Rating: ****

Main event: Samoa Joe v. Sting: TNA World Title Match-Something happened here that has never happened before with me...I was imrpessed with Samoa Joe. This was a good match up until the end, The outside spots were good, and Joe was beating Sting from Chicago to Samoa and back again. But that brings me to end of the match.

I, Uncle Sam, will never, ever watch Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, nor buy any products relating to them, nor attend any live events, nor moderate their forums again if Samoa Joe competes against Kevin Nash for the TNA World Heavyweight Title in the main event of Bound For Glory 2008, or if Kevin Nash has anything to do with the main event for that matter.

Goodbye Sam, I'll miss you. It happened Kevin Nash screwd over Joe and Sting won the Title, just like last year and the year before that. Come on TNA I was accually impressed with Joe, and you ruin this PPV like that. Rating: ***1/2

Final Thoughts- I left this PPV with mixed feelings, on one hand the latter matches were good, but I felt an over all indifferance to the whole matter. And what botheres me the most is that this whole Old Blood vs. New Blood, Respect angle that had supposedlty everyone involved led to one thing...Sting v. Jarret for the TNA Title, which will then lead to Jarret being the Big dog on TNA again. Can't tell weather that will be a good or a bad thing.

Overall Rating: 6.5 out of 10
Champion Samoa Joe vs. "The Icon" Sting​

I'm really not sure what to make of the match. Not that it's saying much, but Samoa Joe has had a lot better. I'm pretty sure their styles just didn't clash. Thankfully they signed a fake contract that restricted them from having a rematch.

Of course that basically means a 3rd person will be added to the mix, making it a Triple Threat and not an "official" rematch. :disappointed:

I'm not surprised Sting won. Congrats to him on becoming T.N.A.'s Undertaker, only with what seems to be a "Undefeated Championship" streak. What with considering he's won the Heavyweight Championship each time he's been in a B.F.G. match.

As far as Samoa Joe goes, all I have to say is thankfully the title is off him. And welcome back Kevin Nash. A regular grudge match between those two will fill up some random card nicely.

"King Of The Mountain" Jeff Jarrett vs. Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle
Special Enforcer: Mick Foley​

I had my questions toward the end of the match on whether or not Foley was actually going to turn on Jeff Jarrett. A match-up between Foley and Jarrett might be more entertaining than one between Angle and Foley.

So Jeff wins, and I'm glad for it. Honestly not real clear on where he'll go exactly from here though. I mean, they're pushing hard on this whole "Jeff Jarrett = basic owner of the company" storyline. Which is also pushing on the fact that apparently if he ever gets hurt, the company will go down the crapper.

I'm forseeing a big 6 Man Tag Team contest at next month's p.p.v.. Jarrett, Samoa Joe & A.J. Styles v. Sting, Kevin Nash & Booker T. or course Angle v. Foley will be put in the card as well.

Booker T (w/ Sharmell) vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage vs. "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles​

The ending would've been a lot better had it not taken about 5 minutes to pull off, while Christian waited with his head down to take a top rope scissor's kick. lol Overall, this was a nice match.. but in the true ending of everything.. what'd it prove that it was "suppose to"? NOTHING.

Christian is still undecided on a side. My guess is he'll start up a 3rd 'faction' that being similar to the Terry Funk one in W.C.W.. or M.I.A.. either or. Christian isn't rich, he's borderline old (if you even think he's old to begin with) and he isn't really 'famous'.. so he truly IS in the middle of all this. I think him and Rhino will somehow be placed back together.

Champions Beer Money Inc. vs. Team 3D vs. The Latin American Xchange vs. Abyss & Matt Morgan
Special Referee: Steve "Mongo" McMichael​

Holy Crap. Does T.N.A. have to ruin my image of ALL the former wrestlers? Mongo looked awful! Short, crappy hair cut. Huge gut. Looks like he hasn't seen a gym since passing it on the way to an I.H.O.P. My guess is likely the right one in the fact that he was only there since it was in Chicago. lame.

Mongo not withstanding, this was what I'd consider the Match of the Night! Abyss got beat the fuck up! lol And Beer Money retained in the end. Not to mention the violence and fire. Even though it was basically pre-advertised.

Champion Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Consequences Creed​

:lmao: Who couldn't see the ending of this match coming once they brought out the "war vet". Seriously, everything was so outrageously stacked against Bashir that for him to win, he'd instantly become one of the "most hated guys" in T.N.A. and not to mention with Jay Lethal winning the Asylum match or whatever it's being called now and earning a shot.

You know, when I see Bashir/Daivari in this gimmick.. it's not like I'm seeing Sgt. Slaughter turning on America, or even anything close to that storyline. I'm seeing DAIVARI! lol So they're failing miserably at pushing him off as being some big bad terrorist. Not to mention, the whole time I was listening to all the "We're America" crap they were spitting out.. I couldn't help but pull and cheer FOR Bashir to come out the victor.

I mean come on! What'd he ever do? Did he run a plane into the tower's? NO. Did he suicide himself into a group of people? NO. Did he even do anything to disgrace America like Test tried to do in 2003? NO. So why hate the guy? LOL He's just trying to make a living.. and some guy who got injured OVER SEAS wants to cut a ******ed promo (the guy likely was a fake to begin with) on how Bashir was the main person behind it happening to him.. uh.. no.

Seriously.. this match was entertaining to me for all the WRONG reasons. I had America shoved down my throat so much during this match, I couldn't help but wanna see Bashir go find that injured vet. and attempt pulling his fake leg off. Now THAT would've drew heat.

Champion Taylor Wilde vs. Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi​

What the fuck?! Seriously. This match was awful. Roxxi was being built, and in the end she was being built to be the female who took the pinfall.. seriously?! Awesome Kong did next to nothing.. and Taylor Wilde still (in my opinion) won via a quick out of nowhere type of way.

In the end, the ONLY thing I believe this match did was continue to make Roxxi look stupid. Kong was a pawn in this match. And Wilde.. well, if anyone can give me a good reason on why she's not only the Champion, but the current "leader" of that division.. I'm waiting. The Beautiful People do more than Wilde, and that's not saying much.

The X Division superstars battle inside the steel dome to try to escape​

10 people in this match.. I think that's 2 less than earlier this year, but I could be wrong. The "winner" earned a X-Division Championship match.. so at least it wasn't randomly pointless. My favorite part is however how much T.N.A. truly cares about this gimmick. They previewed it and ran promos for it to happen during the first week of build-up, like 4-5 weeks ago.. then quit previewing/mentioning it all together.

Shark Boy, Curry Man, Super Eric, Alex Shelley, Chris Saban, Johnny Devine, Petey Williams, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt & Jimmy Rave were all in this match. They still managed to make this match yet another in the long line of endless (and pointless) feuds between Lethal and Dutt.

The objective of matches like this, to me, would be the spots involved within them. So what spots did we get? The faces and heels taking turns running into one guy in a corner? A suplex involving multiple individuals? Only Curry Man was "brave" enough to take a fall from the top of the cell/asylum. Lethal was the most entertaining, and only because for a moment it looked like he went ape-shit on Dutt, without holding onto anything.

In the end, it didn't surprise me that Lethal would win, especially since Suicide didn't debut. I was so hoping Kaz would pick up a second victory. :(

Rhino, ODB & Rhaka Khan vs. The Beautiful People & Cute Kip​

The mere fact that Rhino and Velvet Sky took up the most time together in this match pretty much sums it up. Best part of the whole thing was seeing the Beautiful People giving the ring ropes herpes. Classic moment, it'll be top 10 on T.N.A.'s "best of year review" in their next D.V.D. addition for sure.


I'm not really sure what to say overall, except I think Bound For Glory was a let down in some ways. They pushed to have everyone on the card in some manner and the most important matches they had.. didn't truly deliver for the most part.

Don't get me wrong. I bought the p.p.v. for Sting & Jarrett, to see them win. And I got that. Not to mention, in dramatic fashion for Sting (in a ways) and Foley helped Jeff which wasn't surprising, but none the less. I loved how great the Tag match turned out (the Monster's Ball for those who didn't know) but overall the rest of the card was crap.

Booker/Christian/A.J. was okay, but again.. the ending took so long and it just felt like I was sitting there waiting forever for what everyone could see coming.

The "battle lines" aren't anymore drawn out than they were before the p.p.v. except Nash finally turned on Joe. I'm still betting money that before the next p.p.v. Joe and Nash are mentor and student again. :lmao: I'd say Bound For Glory is a 5 outta 10, just because Sting, Jarrett & the Monster's Ball.
Pure shit? I mean I was THIS close, THIS THIS THIS close to ordering the PPV. I was so excited. Monsters Ball, Angel and Jarrett, Sting Joe Cruiserweights, American vs "Terrorist". Just good good stuff..

Then...the PPV started. Opening match was good, a very nice spot match indeed. Inf act i think every move WAS a big spot.

Then we got the womens with the pointless men. Why the hell is Kahn even IN this fued. Has that ever been explained? She just appeared one day, said HEY I can save her and poof, angle it was. Weird. Pointless match. In fact besides the girls hot butt jiggles it was downright awful

Womens 3 way. WOW Now I was REALLY looking forward to this. They hyped it, New girl vs Beast vs Hardcore. But what do we get? We get Roxxi yelling useless shit MORE than wrestling. She is SUPPOSED to be hardcore, but wasn't an ounce of hardcore in that match. Add some chairs, some barbwire hell I dont know. Anything. And DON'T hand me that shit about it would have ruined the monsters ball match. If the men can't outperform 3 women then they had no business in the fucking match. Point is, it was stale, it was short, and Roxxi looked like a regular yelling pointless bimbo. Not the tough take no shit will take a chair shot better than the Rock KNOCKOUT. That night, she was a DIVA and thats what is supposed to be the opposite of their "Knockouts"

Booker AJ and Christian. That is beyond crap. The match sucked, the ENDING sucked, I mean look we know its fake but Jesus Christian, don't just bend over for half a minute so Booker can set up. And WHY THE HELL did Booker Win ANYWAYS. This is SUPPOSED to be your big PPV, your WM your Starrcade. So you let an overrated wrestler beat two GREAT wrestlers who can work the stick 10x better than you? And you sure this isn't WWE? Hrmmm

Monsters Ball. What is there to say. It was ok. Nothing great, nothing bad. Mongo counted so damn slow, it really hurt that match. And speaking of hurt, didn't Abyss think to put something that wasn't so damn flameable on? Just curious I mean if Im going through a table, I probably wont wear a damn sleeveless dress that apparently cant be put out when it TOUCHES FIRE.

Angle and Jarrett could have been great. Might still will be. But the ending was just garbage. Somebody should have went over clean. Plain and simple. if HHH can lose clean back to back WM, then another in what a few years later? I bet Angle could. Same shit, guitar, socko, blah blah blah same shit in WWE and WCW 10 years ago.

Which brings me to the Main Event, their End all Be all Is All Match. Sting NEVER wrestles. So when he does, you have the guy who is DROPPING the title to him, just dominate him majority of the match. Sting looked old, washed up, and he looked like an old man trying to defend himself from a bully but can't. And how does that end? In a stupid ass bat shot from Nash? Jesus and TNA WONDERS why they can't do a fucking thing right. Who books this shit? I won't say Russo cause frankly I don't know. But whoever it is needs to be fired.

Oh almost forgot the X Division Match. USA vs "Them". This was a HUGE situation that could have REALLY had a great feeling. You bring in an injured miracle to be alive Solider to watch "USA" Fail? ******ed. Worse than that you let the USA guy lose to the guy that couldn't beat ANYBODY in WWE 6 months earlier? Even worse than ******ed.

let Roxxi win the title, then Kong can beat her whenever and Taylor doesn't have to lose face. Not only that but maybe MAYBE Roxxi could bring in some hardcore style womens matches, like Moose was doing. Remember Trish and Victoria's classic Womens titles hardcore matches. THOSE were great.

Id have Christian win the 3 way. Id probably have beer money retain like they did.

Would have had Sting still take the title, but have him win clean. I would have built it up different. Old man vs Young Bull. Expierence vs Raw Talent. Then vs now. Like Flair and Vader. That way when Sting won it would actually mean something. Instead he looked like an old out of shape wrestler who needed a bat to not get killed. Cool, Joe looks awesome, and your champ looks ridiculous.

Yeah its 4:20 here so cut me some slack. Heres to hoping some good Impact tapings make me forget about Bound4Glory

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