Fess up

I don't post in non spam because there are hundreds of you just swimming around with no idea what they're doing.

Like sperm.
The whole question about the 8 sided ring question wasn't really all that horriable, first thing I thought of after seeing the question was the Lions Match (which appears to be 12 sides in case anyone was wondering)
I don't post in non spam because there are hundreds of you just swimming around with no idea what they're doing.

Like sperm.

Sure but at least I know how to spell apologize. Unlike you.

You mean that time I beat your to death with your own stupidity?

You can apoligize by getting the hell out of my forum, boy.

Rings a bell! Lets not talk about the grammar either shall we. :rolleyes:

Keep posting in the Cage though. At least that way you don't stink up the rest of the forum.
Now whats your problem Numbers? I'm pretty sure none of you have seen a single post of mine in the non spam section and are just saying it.

And Pimp, grammar was never a problem. Putting space between sentences and not posting in caps was.

As for Macca I'll decide myself when I see him post. But I am sure he will appreciate your ass kissing
I know and somehow, through the majesties of the Internet and technology, I can respond to you.

Jeez, get over it.
I would red rep him, but I already put a thread of his in the trash, so I'd feel bad for getting on his case. If he does send you a PM about it, though, please tell me for future reference :lol:.
Start with yourself then fucktard. Keep those Sexual frustrations built up. you will need them for when you finally do get laid. maybe then you will last 40 seconds instead of 30

So's all the "I wanna ban everybody that posted in this thread"; comment. Especially when he has posted in it.

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