Fess up

I don't know and frankly couldn't care less.

SAMCRO, Was this your first red rep?
Who red repped you? Tell me his name SAMCRO. I'll do bad things to that guy.

I'll RED REP HIM!!!!! coz thats all I can do.

Why don't you RED REP HIM!!!!!
I think In my accidentalness I green repped him. Ugh god I'm stupid...

You took this wayyyy out of proportion. It had nothing to do with rep but everything to do with the rules listed in The Cage. I brought up a logical question (in the Administrative thread) and recieved...more bad rep because I asked a question? Really?

You need to take a look at what I said again. I was merely confused. I mean seriously; a question.
A question about getting red repped. you could red rep me about making this thread even though it's not against the rules.
A question about getting red repped. you could red rep me about making this thread even though it's not against the rules.

I wasn't aware people recieved bad reputation marks based on replying to an old thread. I figured it was given to those who break the rules. I didn't know (it's why I asked in the first place). Wasn't moaning about anything. It was a straight-forward question to the higher ups that didn't need retaliation on your part.

And seriously man; starting a thread dogging me is weak. But it's nice to know you have me on your mind. Makes a guy feel all special.
I wasn't aware people recieved bad reputation marks based on replying to an old thread. I figured it was given to those who break the rules. I didn't know (it's why I asked in the first place). Wasn't moaning about anything. It was a straight-forward question to the higher ups that didn't need retaliation on your part.

And seriously man; starting a thread dogging me is weak. But it's nice to know you have me on your mind. Makes a guy feel all special.

It wasn't just dogging you. I legitly wanted to know who red repped you... I thought it was T-digs...
SAMCRO, there are no rules on repping people. Plus you already have quite a lot of rep. Why bother?

Because I like things to have an actual reason. I have been red repped quite a few times, and all of them were acceptable on my part. But this was the first time I was ever given bad rep for bumping a thread in the "no rules" Cage. And then given more bad rep by OP because "I was moaning".

Seriously though; read my question to the administrators. Nowhere did I bitch, moan complain, etc. I was just asking a question. I figured that would be okay.

I welcome any rep given (good or bad). But I seriously think there should be an intelligent reason for it.
It wasn't just dogging you. I legitly wanted to know who red repped you... I thought it was T-digs...

It wasn't. I'm not going to address the person that did, because I was seriously just asking what rules I may have broken here. It legitimately had nothing to do with getting bad marks of any kind; I was just wondering if there was a "Don't Bump Threads" rule or something.

I'm at an understanding now that rep is based on the individual and not the rules. It's all good with me that you took the time to make this thread, just saying though to make my out as if I was whining was a bit out of context.
In all seriousness. Bumping old threads is seriously annoying. I have no legit reason why it just is.

It's duly noted. And understandable. I went in with the Manson Thought "If I haven't seen it, it's new to me." I dislike when others post the same old shit that I've already commented on once upon a time. To me that's annoying.

But it's all good. I learned. :)
Yeah it just bugs the heck out of me.

He would have got red for this too, in KB's spam zone thread.

Is there a professional wrestling promotion that exclusively has an 8-sided ring? If so which one? Trying to check out new stuff.

Crazy question. And then there's the thread that tidgs put in the trash.....
I noticed that. just didn't kno it was from the same guy. his name for some reason reminds me of NAMCO
Yeah it just bugs the heck out of me.

He would have got red for this too, in KB's spam zone thread.

How so? Other promotions have 4 to 6 sided rings...was better than the usual "What do you think [insert failed superstar's name] would have done if he stayed in the WWE/TNA?" that people were asking him left and right...

Crazy question. And then there's the thread that tidgs put in the trash.....

That I redid with his/her consent. Did you even read the reason WHY T-Digs did that?
But how successful are the promotions with 6 sides? And only one company uses 8 sides and its the UFC!
But how successful are the promotions with 6 sides? And only one company uses 8 sides and its the UFC!

I wasn't asking about the success invested in an exclusive ring though. And I asked if there was a professsional wrestling company that used 8 sides. UFC is mixed martial arts. If only UFC uses the octogon then the question is answered. Not exactly a crazy question.

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