Fat Hardy to SD

The Greenius

Triforce Troll
Seriously can't they keep Matt on a show for more than 3 months? Ever since he was drafted to ECW he's been switching brands so many times. His run on ECW went from June to January. Smackdown was January to April. Then they draft him on RAW where I expected him to begin to be a top player, or get buried. Well he was buried. This really disappoints me since I really like Hardy. And by moving him to Smackdown, look whos there. Jeff Hardy,Edge,Rey Mysterio, ect.He's had feuds with those guys already. But then again creative will probably treat him better since it is Smackdown. Also the fact that he was injured probably ruined his chances of starting to rise on RAW. Still its probably a good thing for him. Now i ask you is it good for Matt or Bad?Do you think he'll be pushed on Smackdown?
Seriously can't they keep Matt on a show for more than 3 months? Ever since he was drafted to ECW he's been switching brands so many times. His run on ECW went from June to January. Smackdown was January to April. Then they draft him on RAW where I expected him to begin to be a top player, or get buried. Well he was buried. This really disappoints me since I really like Hardy. And by moving him to Smackdown, look whos there. Jeff Hardy,Edge,Rey Mysterio, ect.He's had feuds with those guys already. But then again creative will probably treat him better since it is Smackdown. Also the fact that he was injured probably ruined his chances of starting to rise on RAW. Still its probably a good thing for him. Now i ask you is it good for Matt or Bad?Do you think he'll be pushed on Smackdown?

I think it's bad for him, and I think he'll be "future endeavored" soon. His waistline is expanding a bit too far, he keeps getting injured, and they can't seem to find a place for him.
I think this is a good thing. He was doing nothing on Raw besides jobbing in U.S. title matches due to his hand. Now that he is going to be out for awhile with another injury, this will give him a chance to re-debut on SmackDown in a couple months and start from scratch, heel or face. I have never been a big Matt Hardy fan, but I am glad he is getting this chance to restart on another brand.
Oh, and I forgot to say that Matt is a bit too talkative on Twitter. He breaks kayfabe a lot (plenty of pics of him and Jeff or him and Helms). I think WWE is going to get annoyed with that, and it will be another contributing factor to his release.
Heres why they keep moving Matt Hardy to different shows.

He's not as good as his brother Jeff.

Oh and not to mention he sucks.

And that he cant get over as a heel or a face by himself.

I think that covers all the major points.
Matt jumping brands is silly but at least he's on the brand that offers him the greatest chance of success now. Part of me liked him on RAW to get away from Jeff but RAW is so stacked with the big name talent that rarely loses. Unless the WWE had firmly decided to get their push machine behind Matt the best he could hope for was another U.S. title reign. On SD he'll at least be allowed to just have plenty of great matches against great opponents. A feud with Rey that leads to an IC title win could be a fabulous start.

I think it's bad for him, and I think he'll be "future endeavored" soon. His waistline is expanding a bit too far, he keeps getting injured, and they can't seem to find a place for him.

I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. I'm so sick and tired of people talking about wrestlers getting fat. It's especially bad with the women but this case is silly as well. How much weight has Matt Hardy put on? It can't be more than 5-10 pounds and people are talking like he's Mark Henry.

He keeps getting injured? The guy wrestled each and every week with his cast on. Heck, it's part of his gimmick now. He turned a negative into a positive Orton Jr. style. Your points are very exaggerated.

And you second post talking about Matt breaking kayfabe online... really? No one cares. The WWE doesn't pay that internet stuff any attention unless it becomes massively detrimental to their overall plans. Showing that two real life brothers don't actually hate each other doesn't fall into that category.

A great wrestler like Matt Hardy is going to have to screw up major to get let go by the WWE.

Heres why they keep moving Matt Hardy to different shows.

He's not as good as his brother Jeff.

Oh and not to mention he sucks.

And that he cant get over as a heel or a face by himself.

I think that covers all the major points.

You're right. He's not as good as Jeff. He's better. As an all around wrestler who can have good matches with most any opponent Matt is much better than Jeff. He doesn't have the same charismatic it factor that his younger brother does but he is better than Jeff from a technical aspect in every way.

Nope. He doesn't suck. You just don't like him. Big difference.

Now you're just lying. Matt got molten heat with the V1 gimmick. As a face the crowd always popped like crazy when "OOOOOH YEAH" hit. He didn't need Jeff or the Hardyz music. His pop was slightly bigger with Jeff, no question. But he's never had a problem getting over without Jeff. Try again.
I agree with Black Snow.

Just because you don't like Matt Hardy doesnt mean he sucks. I hate Jeff Hardy, with a passion, yet I respect that he is getting over, and at least trying this time around. As far as being future endeavored, as far as i Know (or can recall) he has never had a drug violation. Guess who has? His brother. Twice in fact. One more slip up, and he's done. (And I can't wait for the day.)

On topic: I think this is great for Matt. Raw has become a bunch of Meat Heads and power trippin fools. I think when he comes back, he comes back face, and is in a position to run a great feud with Jericho, Edge, or Punk. Smackdown once again trumps (no pun intended) the competition.

Michael Hayes knows his shit, and he is booking a great product. Let's hope Vince can keep his nose out of it.
I want to say that I like Matt and I hope he stays healthy and they find a place for him. However, I think his future is in trouble for the reasons I outlined. But being on SD! might be good because there are more mid-card guys for him to work with.
I find it odd that the WWE are changing up talent now after they did it, what, 3 months ago? Did they realize their mistakes? I liked MAtt on Raw, but I don't think that there was really much to accomplish for him. On Raw, there are always the same 4 or 5 people in the main event. He was already an upper mid-carder when he got there, with very little chance of breaking through to main event. On Smackdown, at least he will get a chance to grow. Smackdown seems more willing to change the pecking order than Raw. Upon his return, he will probably feud with a lower card guy just to reestablish his credibilty. Once he is through with that, he will move on to the Intercontinental Title chase.
I think its great for Matt to be drafted back to Smackdown. Smackdown is a better show for him mainly because Raw is more of an entertainment show and Smackdown is the wrestling show. To be honest, I don't think he would have ever been that big on Raw even after he comes back from his latest injury. The reason I say that is because on Raw, there is all the major guys who get all the main event spots Ex: HHH, and Orton. I think if done right on Smackdown, he could become that big heel that he was expected to become.

When he gets back from his injury, he should win the IC title from Rey and then go on to have a long ass reign. Then have him drop the title to somebody like Ziggler or R-Truth and go on to have his main event push.
just when i was expecting Kane to be drafted to a different brand its happening to Matt Hardy i dont think WWE know what to do with him ever since the brother feud ended which is really stupid of WWE hes a huge draw for WWE and unlike half of the superstars getting pushed these days hes entertaining
SO, I just noticed Matt Hardy was shipped back over to Smackdown. I doubt highly hes going to continue his feud with brother Jeff, but I wouldn't at all be surprised to notice a resurgence in the Hardy Boys to team up against Rated R2J.

It'd be worth a Summerslam mid-card match-up, and nothing more. People will be crying for ladder matches and T.L.C matches for months, and never see even the slightest hint of one.

All in all, this thread is about Matt Hardy's return to the drawing board. He once again failed with his push. Not exactly for anything he did, but unfortunately because of dumb luck with injuries. I think its Wrestling Fate's way of saying.. Dude, you just aren't going to be over as anything more than your brother's Tag Team partner, quit trying already.

So, where does V.1 go from here? Will he return and continue his heel role as a Single's Wrestler? Does his brother finally sign on the dotted line, only to be subjected back into the re-shaping of the Tag Team division with a reformation of the Hardys? Or is Matt one step away from hoping Edge fucks another one of his Girlfriend's in hope that it resurrects his career - yet again?

In the end, I see a Hardys reunion.. as a Tag Team, not opponents. The Hardys were a cornerstone in the Tag Team division that meant something. Thats what W.W.E seems to be giving an honest shot at finally building right now.

I just can't see Matt becoming a Single's competitor back on Smackdown, when his Brother is clearly shining brighter in that spot.
It'd be too soon to team them up again. I get that this is wrestling and that plans change, but I don't think the plan is to have them reunite. If anything, I think they'll tease it but have Matt turn on Jeff in the middle of their comeback match. Maybe they could have an Austin/Undertaker situation where Jeff goes on to win the title single-handedly anyway, and Matt unwillingly becomes a tag team champion.

I'm honestly surprised they put Hardy on SmackDown after the massive impact he was having over on Raw. I am of course being sarcastic. I don't think that was entirely Matt's fault though - he was injured.

Where Matt goes from here is up in the air right now, but I'm looking forward to it being cleared up this Friday night. I'm not sure what is going to happen, but I know what I would like to happen:

Matt Hardy Version 2.

It'll give us an interesting titantron if nothing else.
Matt jumping brands is silly but at least he's on the brand that offers him the greatest chance of success now. Part of me liked him on RAW to get away from Jeff but RAW is so stacked with the big name talent that rarely loses. Unless the WWE had firmly decided to get their push machine behind Matt the best he could hope for was another U.S. title reign. On SD he'll at least be allowed to just have plenty of great matches against great opponents. A feud with Rey that leads to an IC title win could be a fabulous start.

100% agreed, Matt had no place to go on Raw the main event was too stacked for him, I think a feud with Rey would be fantastic for both men. It gives Rey a decent mid-card feud and it makes Matt Hardy look good, Remember their feud in 2003-4 it was fantastic, I'm sure they could pull of a match of that caliber again.

I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. I'm so sick and tired of people talking about wrestlers getting fat. It's especially bad with the women but this case is silly as well. How much weight has Matt Hardy put on? It can't be more than 5-10 pounds and people are talking like he's Mark Henry.

Again I agree, true he has put on a few pounds but he is not exactly at a dangerous weight is he? The fact is even at this weight he is pretty agile in the ring, just because he doesnt have a 6-pack does not make him a bad wrestler.

He keeps getting injured? The guy wrestled each and every week with his cast on. Heck, it's part of his gimmick now. He turned a negative into a positive Orton Jr. style. Your points are very exaggerated.

Exactly plus he isnt exactly on Kennedy levels of injurys. I think he has had about 5 injurys in 15 years. which If you look at the matches he has competed in is pretty decent. The fact is Matt Hardy has a passion for the business. He could have just sat and waited for his hand to heal up but no he wanted to wrestle, as long as he has the passion to come back from his injurys stronger than ever

And you second post talking about Matt breaking kayfabe online... really? No one cares. The WWE doesn't pay that internet stuff any attention unless it becomes massively detrimental to their overall plans. Showing that two real life brothers don't actually hate each other doesn't fall into that category.

Again agreed, Unless he legitimatly fucks up a storyline then there should be no problem with this.

You're right. He's not as good as Jeff. He's better. As an all around wrestler who can have good matches with most any opponent Matt is much better than Jeff. He doesn't have the same charismatic it factor that his younger brother does but he is better than Jeff from a technical aspect in every way.

Nor does he have the selling ability Jeff has, but Matt Hardy is the better overall wrestler, people say he is boring in the ring but thats just bullshit. Matt is just as entertaining as John Cena and HHH, its just differant styles of working a match. I dont remember a bad Matt Hardy match up as he always makes his opponent and himself look good.

Now you're just lying. Matt got molten heat with the V1 gimmick. As a face the crowd always popped like crazy when "OOOOOH YEAH" hit. He didn't need Jeff or the Hardyz music. His pop was slightly bigger with Jeff, no question. But he's never had a problem getting over without Jeff. Try again.

Matt got pretty good heat as V1 but you guys have to remember that it was a differant type of heel that Matt was playing, back then it was a comedy heel which he played perfectly, even though he has allegedly no charisma. His current heel run drew heat as well and again I think he played the part of the whiney heel perfectly. As a face he didnt need Jeff to get over, he was pretty over when Jeff was in TNA he had constant good feuds and massive pops, what more could he do?

Great post here Snow I agreed with everything, Rep for you Sir
Good move for Matt. Better than the Raw move. But it's a little too late. It could've been a brilliant move were Punk not turning heel.

I guess he'll be the one who takes Jeff out of the company.
I'll bet Matt will be glad when WWE decides exactly where to put him and then stick with it for a good long while. I think Matt fits into SmackDown better than he did on RAW and he could work a program with a lot more people on SmackDown like.....his own brother Jeff. This fizzled out when the draft came and I think they have unfinished business. I posted previously that I would like for a Matt and Jeff program to go on until at least the Survivor Series and it would be fitting for it to culminate there with a 3 stages of Hell match or something that will absolutely determine who the better brother is. Also, look for Matt to work possible programs with R-Truth and Rey Mysterio.
I like Matt Hardy. I really do. But Vince needs to make up his mind with Matt and stick to it. Keep him on a show longer than a few months. Keep him in a feud longer than a month. Matt has the potential to become a huge heel or face, but he just continues to get buried, whether from injury or an overstock of talent or just no ideas for him. Moving him back to Smackdown may help him, but he needs to stay somewhere for a long time so he can build up a decent feud. Plus, he needs to stay healthy and create his own identity. Maybe an appearance/gimmick change?

I really hope they don't let Matt go. But, with Jeff pretty much leaving soon and the lack of push he's getting, you never know. They may just let both Hardys go. We'll see.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Matt feud with Rey over the IC belt, I thought their feud back in 2003 was pretty entertaining but now that 6 years have passed it'd be fresh to do it again. He's also got possible feuds with R-Truth, Morrison, and of course, Jeff. All in all, there are far more oppurtunities for a main event push on SD, especially with Taker out, Jeff probably leaving, Edge and Jericho doing their tag thing, etc.
Ergh, not fussed. He's awful anyway. They keep moving him around because there just isn't anything for him. He bombed in his fued with Jeff, and I'm guessing he'll do the same on SD!

As far as a push goes, he'll go for the IC Title at the most. Honestly, he's not even worth that. He's bland, both personality and ring wise. He should just go back to ECW, get Shelton Benjamin back to SD! At least Shelton is good in the ring.
i agree that smackdown is a better move, but does anyone else think maybe the move isn't just for him? with jeff's contract still on the fence, having matt be able to travel with him again and shane helms etc could be wwe's way of keeping jeff for a bit longer still... especially with the drawing power that hardy receives... just my opinion... i hope he does feud with rey because i think that would be a great program honestly... but if were gonna start looking into twitter tweets and such it looks as though he might be coming back face, or at least hoping to... judging by what he's texting, athough i also agree that its not much to look into, you wanna talk about breaking kayefabe, look at Jericho's tweets... obviously not in character at all.....
who knows, I feel a relleeasseee =/ although I agree with former posts saying its gonna take a little more for him to be released, I feel its eminent, as with Chavo Guerrero, Lord knows I love the Guerreros, but having Chavo lose to the tadpole splash? wtf..uhg, WWE has great talent and chooses not to use it.
Seriously can't they keep Matt on a show for more than 3 months? Ever since he was drafted to ECW he's been switching brands so many times. His run on ECW went from June to January. Smackdown was January to April. Then they draft him on RAW where I expected him to begin to be a top player, or get buried. Well he was buried. This really disappoints me since I really like Hardy. And by moving him to Smackdown, look whos there. Jeff Hardy,Edge,Rey Mysterio, ect.He's had feuds with those guys already. But then again creative will probably treat him better since it is Smackdown. Also the fact that he was injured probably ruined his chances of starting to rise on RAW. Still its probably a good thing for him. Now i ask you is it good for Matt or Bad?Do you think he'll be pushed on Smackdown?

He'll be pushed on Smackdown for sure. The members of The Hart Dynasty aren't over enough to be pushed for singles titles just yet. Dolph Ziggler and Kane are realistically the only competition for Rey-Rey. I believe Jericho will go back to fighting for the World Heavyweight Title.

The Undertaker will be the only Main Event face on Smackdown after Jeff leaves. Morrison isn't ready, and R-Truth is stuck in between. Unless Edge turns, we won't have many faces on Smackdown. So Matt Hardy will return Chris Jericho-style as Matt Hardy v2 (or v3, I haven't been keeping count) as a face, to either challenge CM Punk or whoever the I-C champ will be. If he challenges Punk, he lose Chris Jericho-style via interference, however he will still be a top face, just like Jericho was.


They'll have him come back as a heel, and be the one to beat Jeff Hardy in a Loser Leaves the WWE match at Summerslam (the date Jeff Hardy agreed to work through) and get him over as a heel big time. But it was reported than his injury was a serious one, so I doubt he will return in time for Summerslam.
i really hope they dont team them back up, theres no need to, the hardy's time as a tag team is over and they aint gonna come back, besides there is no tag team division for them to do anything with. As for the rated R2J thing it would be terrible booking them and the hardys into a fued becasue it takes the top face and the top heel out of the brands championship hunt. I hope matt will come back as a face, team with morrison and then fued with edge and jericho if they are still the champions this will do wonders for morrison imo i know he's already done the whole tag team thing but he didnt have competition like Edge and Jericho
I'll post what I posted over in the Matt Hardy to Smackdown! Thread:

He'll be pushed on Smackdown for sure. The members of The Hart Dynasty aren't over enough to be pushed for singles titles just yet. Dolph Ziggler and Kane are realistically the only competition for Rey-Rey. I believe Jericho will go back to fighting for the World Heavyweight Title.

The Undertaker will be the only Main Event face on Smackdown after Jeff leaves. Morrison isn't ready, and R-Truth is stuck in between. Unless Edge turns, we won't have many faces on Smackdown. So Matt Hardy will return Chris Jericho-style as Matt Hardy v2 (or v3, I haven't been keeping count) as a face, to either challenge CM Punk or whoever the I-C champ will be. If he challenges Punk, he lose Chris Jericho-style via interference, however he will still be a top face, just like Jericho was.


They'll have him come back as a heel, and be the one to beat Jeff Hardy in a Loser Leaves the WWE match at Summerslam (the date Jeff Hardy agreed to work through) and get him over as a heel big time. But it was reported than his injury was a serious one, so I doubt he will return in time for Summerslam.

These two possibilities are what I think will make the most sense. I never even thought of the Hardys teaming back up together. One reason is because I thought that Hardy's latest injury was a serious one, so I don't think he'll make it in time for Summerslam, and I don't know if Rated R2J will last past Summerslam. You also have to factor in that Jeff won't work past Summerslam, or at least that's the most we know. Another reason is that.... Well it won't make sense. Why the fuck would Matt Hardy kick his brother's ass for the first half of the year, then all of a sudden be all lovey-dovey for the second half. It wouldn't make sense. However, they could pull a DX 2006 and have Rated R2J (I just love saying, or typing that) make both of their lives a living hell, thus having The Hardys all of a sudden make up after months of fighting to prevail evil once and for all!


Shit, who am I kidding.

That still doesn't even make sense, but this is WWE, nothing makes sense here!!!
Matt was getting a pretty good push, he beat his brother at WM and in the smackdown Stretcher match, then got hurt in their PPV match. Then he did this gimmick of wrestling while injured, then got injured again, so i blame the injuries over WWE creative or anything else. Matt needs to get healthy and im sure he'll come back strong once he returns from injury. He was strong until he got injured the first time

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