Matt Hardy To ECW

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Matt Hardy To ECW

John Morrison & The Miz vs. Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy. If this is what's in store for Jeff, then waste of time moving him. Err, and The Hardys lose. Great for Smackdown.

Win win situation as ECW & Smackdown currenty have the talent exchange. for now anyway

Matt Hardy to ECW. This is great. Really. Matt Hardy has been on Raw & Smackdown before. So there isn't much left for him to do on either brand. He's got a mid card title. Even if it is worthless, it'll give the impression that ECW is more important. He's also one of the only guys in the past few years who's had a decent match with Kane. This is a step in the right direction for him.
Now Smackdown has no mid card or tag titles currently. What is WWE cooking with this one? They should obviously bring the cruiser weight title back as soon as Gregory Helms return and make an angle out of it. The talent change will end very soon. I always thought they would create a new ECW title not stripe Smackdown of their titles.
Well I dunno about this. It separates the Hardy Boys once again, which separation from Jeff is what Matt needs. Remember Jake, ECW is going to the Raw tapings here shortly, so that talent exchange is probably going to be scrapped at that point.

As you said, he's the only one to get a decent match out of Kane lately, and with the ton of young heel talent on ECW, an ECW title run is certainly not out of the question. I think this is a win win for Hardy, but ECW is the pits and I don't think he can do anything to change that. Anyways, Hardy as ECW champion will work. It's time for him to shit or get off the pot as far as his career goes, lets see if he can carry the C Show.
Not much to say about this, except that ECW roster members are now in possession of all of Smackdown's titles. Except for the World Title, of course. This means Finlay and Hornswoggle are gonna most likely go over at NoC.

Either way, the US Title stays with ECW regardless of what happens at the PPV. Wonder if that'll end up switching back before the touring switch.
With ECW soon being paired with RAW i wonder if Smackdown is only gonna have the World title and Tag titles.could we see the return of the cruiserweight title.maybe they will even ressurect the TV title from WCW.should be interesting to see what happens.
Well I dunno about this. It separates the Hardy Boys once again, which separation from Jeff is what Matt needs. Remember Jake, ECW is going to the Raw tapings here shortly, so that talent exchange is probably going to be scrapped at that point.

As you said, he's the only one to get a decent match out of Kane lately, and with the ton of young heel talent on ECW, an ECW title run is certainly not out of the question. I think this is a win win for Hardy, but ECW is the pits and I don't think he can do anything to change that. Anyways, Hardy as ECW champion will work. It's time for him to shit or get off the pot as far as his career goes, lets see if he can carry the C Show.

I think Hardyy is a telented individual who'll relish the oppertunity to headline a brand. Which is probably what will happen to him. I can't see Kane as a champion for long. Other than Big Show there isn't anybody else. Show is getting older, injury prone, and still overweight. I don't see him carrying on for longer without a break. Mark Henery has never been worthy of any title other than a Euro title run. Nearly 10 years later he's even less worthy of what is supposed to be the third biggest belt.

Matt Hardy will get the oppertunity. And he'll run with it. Not many people watch ECW. So he's almost gor free reign to become a star over there. By the time he's done he should be closer to main event status.
This IMO is one of the best moves of the night. I'm a fan of Matt and think he could def lead ECW as champ. He's not as over as Jeff but he still gets huge pops when he comes out. I don't think he'll ever be world title worthy but he could easily be ECW champ. I don't consider ECW champ a world title, it's one step above mid-card and one step under main event.
Poor Matt Hardy. He finally gets a big title victory and he gets moved to ECW. I do however think this could turn out for the best. Matt works decently enough as it is and being in ECW can only help him. Putting the ECW Title on him doesnt seem to far fetched either and it will give him the chance to show if he can carry a "major" title. Overall this will be good fo Matt Hardy's career in my opinion.
I really hope that this just means he'll eventually be IC champ on Raw at the very best. I do NOT want to see Hardy as the ECW champion (even though that's not saying the belt's worth a whole lot, but Matt certainly adds nothing to it).

But as I brought up in another thread....he brings the US title to ECW with him, and Kane's on Raw with the ECW title. Now, that makes no sense. They can't keep it like that. "Who's the ECW champion? Idk, let's watch Raw".

Because of that, though, wtf happens with Night of Champions? If Chavo beats Matt, the US title stays on ECW? If Big Show beats Kane, does that mean that he moves from Smackdown to Raw with the ECW title? This draft, in more ways than one, makes NO sense lol.
The U.S title no matter what will be ECW's unless Matt drops it to a Smackdown superstar. When he defends against Chavo this Sunday it'll be for the U.S title. If Chavo wins, him being an ECW superstar, the belt will stay on ECW.

Other than that, amongst the title confusion regarding Kane, I think this is great for Hardy who now has an even bigger spotlight to shine on. Had he remained on Smackdown he would've eventually become another tag team champion and that'd only push Matt and Jeff back in their careers at this point.
Poor Matt Hardy. He finally gets a big title victory and he gets moved to ECW. I do however think this could turn out for the best. Matt works decently enough as it is and being in ECW can only help him. Putting the ECW Title on him doesnt seem to far fetched either and it will give him the chance to show if he can carry a "major" title. Overall this will be good fo Matt Hardy's career in my opinion.

Fuck Matt Hardy, the boring peice of crap is finally where he belongs on the WWE's shittiest show, I'm glad the guy is on ECW cause now I don't have to put up with watching his bland worthless ass, hopefully he drops the US title to someone more worthy, then disappears into obscurity
You honestly have to see this as a step back for Matt Hardy. After all the hard work he put on SmackDown, FINALLY earning himself the United States Title, he gets Drafted to ECW. And while I think he'll be a Main Eventer there, being midcard on SmackDown is better than that. I see Matt losing the US Title in the next month or two, and then feuding for and eventually winning the ECW Title.
Welp, there is still time before SD! and ECW stop traveling together for Hardy to Drop the title to an SD! guy, and the title will be back with SD! which I think it needs to be. I see Mr.Hardy eventually picking up the ECW title, and doing what the bright Idea with Kane wouldve been which would be to have feuds with all the young heel talent on ECW. Which would work well, as he even though Hardy is about as exciting as oatmeal, he will put on more entertaining and acceptable contests with the talent on ECW than Kane would.
Again, this move creates controversy as to what happens with the titles. I can see the United States Championship staying on ECW and being renamed the ECW United States Championship just as much as I can see Version 1 dropping the belt to a SD! superstar and going after the ECW Championship....which is now most likely going around the waist of Big Show who will then become an ECW superstar as Chavo and Kane did when they won the ECW Championship.

As far as the Matt Hardy hate posts go, well just stop watching him wrestle if it pisses you off that much or keep it to yourself instead...those who don't like him are entitled to their opinion and there's nothing wrong with not liking him, but spewing profanity laced hate threads isn't going to change anything.
This could work well. Matt could be the thing to put ECW's ratings up. He would be great in fued's against Morrison, The Miz etc. I can really see Matt dropping the United states championship ant Winning the ECW Championship and having a lengthy run probly Giving some credit to the title and making ECW Much more entertaining. This would have to be one of the best Draft pick's of the night. It also keep's Matt and Jeff away from each other. That way they can't go back to tag team's. The ECW title would be a great way to put Mat over brecouse he could have that title while learning how to cut better promo's. in a year or two they should trade him back and have him win one of the two real belts.
You honestly have to see this as a step back for Matt Hardy. After all the hard work he put on SmackDown, FINALLY earning himself the United States Title, he gets Drafted to ECW. And while I think he'll be a Main Eventer there, being midcard on SmackDown is better than that. I see Matt losing the US Title in the next month or two, and then feuding for and eventually winning the ECW Title.

Do you honstly whatch smackdown? I don't on a regular basis but I do have veoh tv, I havent been whatching that lately but they do have a wwe channel on it and i've whatced some of hardys shit. Boring. The dude needs to stay in ecw with the rest of the shit. I loved both of the hardys back in the day but the best the man was ever for was mid card. And I hope and pray to god wwe dosen't pull a kane move with matt. Because of all the people in ecw right now he dosent diserve to carry a belt or even really look at one untill he can get out of this shit slump. Show me a good fude in ecw with him and I might change my mind.
This is a great move cause know they can build the brand with Matt Hardy being the main star but in a way this is also a bad thing cause Kane is now drafted to Raw and since he is the ECW champion the belt goes with him and that belt was all that was left of the oringal ECW and know thats gone and also Matt Hardy is the U.S. Champion so he brings that belt to ECW and that was a mid card belt on Smackdown and to make that belt now sort of the main event belt only brings ECW's credibility down.
This is exactly what ECW needed, because if WWE are supposed to be using ECW as an enhancement territory and to get guys up to possible main event level or make new stars or whatever, then why have the brand's only singles champion as a guy who pretty much all of the ECW roster can't compete with or possibly beat for the belt? Who on ECW's roster could take the ECW title from Kane? Tell me. Exactly, no one. So, why not have the only champion on the brand be a guy who can compete with most if not the entire roster (except Big Daddy V, Boogeyman etc.) for a belt that is designed for the mid-card and can be competed for by the mid-card. The only other belt that could be on ECW would be the IC belt, but that is never even defended, and it is around the waist of the top heel on the company's flagship program right now, so that won't be happening any time soon. And although some people may see this as a step back for Hardy, it isn't really, as he is the only champion (except Miz/Morrison) on a WWE brand now, so this obviously gives him a lot more spotlight than he got on Smackdown, which is obviously usually taken by the main eventers etc. So, as someone said before this comment, Hardy will relish this opportunity and will surely give it his all.
A good move. Especially because it separates the Hardy Boyz to allow them to both break out as singles stars. I think Matt is a great wrestler. I find almost all of his matches entertaining as he gets a decent match out of almost anyone.

Im expecting Matt to drop to United States title in a few weeks to a Smackdown superstar but I think Hardy could make a very credible ECW champ. Hardy vs Morrison and Hardy vs Miz interests me. I hope the WWE push Matt as the #1 ECW guy when he hopefully wins the ECW title.
I think this is a good move. They had to move someone to ECW, even if it isn't on anyones want list. Matt hardy will hopefully, and most probably get pushed to become the ECW champion.

I don't see why they would move him if they weren't planning on pushing him. While people may not like him, well smarks, he still gets popped well. And as long as he gets popped he will be important. As long as he is important he will be pushed for a title. That title may as well be one thats credible but not overly important.

Hardy will wear the belt well, if he gets it IMO.

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