Matt Hardy - Main Event?


The Cerebral Assassin
Do you think Matt Hardy will ever win the big one, upsetting all of his nay-sayers, a la Jeff Hardy? I'm obviously talking about him winning either the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship, and if I had thought about this a month ago I would have said no. But since Matt's heel turn, he's really elevated himself. Alot of people feel he's even going to go over Jeff at WM25, which would then confirm him to be at the pinnacle of his career at the moment. Would a world title reign then be out of the question? I'm not so sure its so outlandish, I mean, Jeff got one. I know Jeff is the more entertaining performer, but, when you look at it more closely, Matt is the better promoman, more versatile, and definitely alot more loyal to the company. So, do you think Matt Hardy, who's definitely better than ever (he's at a level I never thought he would get to), will win the big one like his brother, or do you think his ECW Championship reign is the best thing he'll ever accomplish?
I would say the US title is better then the ECW title. I don't think the ECW title is even concidered a real world title. I've always been a huge matt hardy fan. I didnt like when people called jeff the next hbk. matt always carried jeff and i hope he goes over jeff at mania, making matt one of the top heels on smackdown besides edge of course, with the draft coming i would hope they keep matt on smackdown werre his talent wont get overshadowed. i would love to see matt go over cena dirty and win the title. to further push matt as a dominat heel
I don't think so. I mean if we look at who holds the main titles just now, Triple H and Edge, I just don't see Matt Hardy on that kind of level yet. With Jeff it was different, the fans went wild for him and it was smart to put the belt around his waist. With Matt it's completely different. I think he might some main event status in the future and he may even challenge for a title but I can't see him winning a main title.
Very good question. Matt Hardy's greatest accomplishment so far in his WWE career is winning the ECW Championship, but when you think about it, for a person who's been in the WWE for as long as Matt, if you're greatest accomplishment is winning the ECW Championship... that is not very good. I would think that both Hardys were be certified main eventers by now, but they are not. I feel that Matt Hardy's match at Wrestlemania against his brother will help him solidify himself as the heel he wants to be. If they go on to fued for months after that, it will help a lot more. After Matt begins to get credit for his heel-ish mannerisms, I could very well see him challenge for the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship. I feel that he really deserves to win it atleast once in his career, but i just don't see it happening.
Very good question. Matt Hardy's greatest accomplishment so far in his WWE career is winning the ECW Championship, but when you think about it, for a person who's been in the WWE for as long as Matt, if you're greatest accomplishment is winning the ECW Championship... that is not very good. I would think that both Hardys were be certified main eventers by now, but they are not. I feel that Matt Hardy's match at Wrestlemania against his brother will help him solidify himself as the heel he wants to be. If they go on to fued for months after that, it will help a lot more. After Matt begins to get credit for his heel-ish mannerisms, I could very well see him challenge for the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship. I feel that he really deserves to win it atleast once in his career, but i just don't see it happening.

Let's be entirely honest here. As far as winning the ECW Championship is concerned, it is a big accomplishment. You're in the premier wrestling organization in the world, and you're the champion of your own brand. That's a huge accomplishment. Heck, for most, getting into the WWE and just fighting for air time on a weekly basis is a huge accomplishment. You're totally downplaying it.

Most superstars will never win an ECW Championship. On a side note, I really thought that Matt was just as over with Jeff with the fans if you listened to his reactions that he was getting on TV every single week.
Im gonna say yes i think he can and will. Matt Hardys heel turn has reminded me of JBL's from 2004, nobody expected it and it really has elevated him to a level nobody thought he could get to. His promos have been excellent for the type of character he is playing. I think it all depends on how well his Feud with Jeff works out, will he go over his younger brother? If yes were does he go from there?

I think he will beat his brother at wrestlemania and go on to feud with whoever is the champion maybe not winning it, but getting himself in the main event picture. Then maybe in a few months he could get that shot through dirty heel tactics and come out on top.

Stranger things have happened in the WWE, Its just a case of can Matt make this heel turn work?
I think is Matt wins the "big one" then it will have to be in a scenario similar to that of CM Punk. A champion that no one expects ans will have to prove a few people wrong. I've never really been a fan of Matt Hardy but I can see he is a good wrestler and his loyalty deserves something.
I don't think that Matt will win one of the main titles instead he'll be one of those big wrestlers who don't need a title. He'll go through his career doing amazing things without winning a major title. So the Ecw title isn't the best he'll get it's just a stepping stone for more amazing things to come
I don't think that Matt will win one of the main titles instead he'll be one of those big wrestlers who don't need a title. He'll go through his career doing amazing things without winning a major title. So the Ecw title isn't the best he'll get it's just a stepping stone for more amazing things to come

In this day and age that won't be enough. It was fine for Davey Boy Smith and Mr. Perfect as there was only one world title in WWE. Now there are two and anybody who's anybody holds one. People will look at his career and wonder what he did wrong not to get one.
I think the answer depends on whether Matt goes over Jeff or not at Wrestlemania. A win over Jeff would be huge for Matt, and help give him the rub he needs to be further towards main event level. It also wouldn't hurt Jeff at all to lose, either, he'd still be just as popular as he ever was. With Matt winning, it could further the feud between the two as well for more entertaining matches to come.

If Matt loses, it will prove that WWE will just never trust Matt Hardy to win on the big stage, and will also make Matt look incredibly weak and not a serious contender any longer. I think the smart move is to have Matt go over and further the feud a little more with Jeff, and seeing where Matt goes with the new character will determine his chances of getting the big one.

I like Matt, I just don't think we can say with any certainty whether WWE will give him the WWE title.
It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Matt got a title shot or run later down the line.When they gave Edge his title run's i think it made the WWE see that size didn't matter like how they pretty much used to think.Before Edge guys his size would be Intercontinental or U.S champs at best and i think he opened the door for smaller guys to get title runs.Matt as a heel so far seems to be a lot better then Matt as a face.

The match tonight i don't think will dictate if he ever gets his title shot though.Seriously no one can deny its always entertaining when brothers feud.When Owen and Bret fought it was classic.The Taker/Kane feud did well tho they aren't real brother's.I think win or lose this feud will continue tonight for Matt vs Jeff.The only thing that should slow Matt down is if he is injured.Other the that only time will tell on how good he becomes.

I am not comparing Edge and Matt talent wise as Edge has an edge over Matt seeing how Edge has evolved into a headliner from a midcarder/tag team specialist but if anything i can bet Matt whether he hates Edge still or not over the whole Lita issue has to look up to Edge as a trend setter or whatever you would call it.Anyway just my opinion.I'm working tonight and wont be able to watch Mania but i will no doubt be glued to the lap top to see what happens.
Well, since Matt won tonight, I guess we can say he just might win the 'big one'. Who will he fight? Bank on Cena. Simple as that. Matt Hardy broke through with his Mattitude gimmick and all his Mattisms. I really think he's due at least a World Title shot. Has to be. I say Matt v/s Punk for MITB at the next PPV. Matt wins it, then pearl harbors a champion sometime down the road.

He has potential. He's not in Edge's ballpark yet, but he's in his league. Matt can be big. It's just a matter of him being able to handle it.
After tonight I say yes. He got a big Mania win over a former World Champion, it may be his brother but still. It was a very good match. It wasn't the end of the feud, so hopefully it will continue to and help both. Also, if reports are true, Smackdown will lose many Main Event wrestlers and make a big whole on SD, so I think his chance are really good now. He just needs to continue to step up. Also, I think he will get a World Title shot by the end of the year, whether its a fatal four way or one-on-one, he will, as will Jeff.
I could definetly see him taking one of the big 2.
I think Matt is just starting to hit his stride and he could be great as a heel.
He could follow in Owens footsteps and turn his fued with his brother into a star making turn.
In a few years i could see him as the top heel of Smackdown.
I sure as hell hope not – Matt Hardy has been riding his brothers coat tales for years. If his last name was anything but Hardy no one would have given a shit about him.

I'm glad someone finally convinced him to ditch those god awful hot topic parachute pants he was wearing in the ring for a pair of tights. His looks has dramatically improved but he still cuts a promo like Jeff and AJ Styles. Must be something in that southern water that just can't get them to rationally express emotion properly.

Michaels carried Jannety, Jeff carried Matt –*these things happen.

It's rare a brother/brother feud actually see's both brothers successfully part. The only example I can even think of that ended in moderate success for the less talented brother was Bret and Owen Hart.
I think we have a new main eventer on our hands here. I liked matt before but never put much faith in his stock as a premier guy until wrestlemania. He has stepped everything up and looked liked he belonged on that team on raw last night instead of just thrown in there with main eventers. His new tights kick ass bye the way. Does anyone see a resemblence to edge now in look and how weird is that to see them look alike and team together after there history.

How bout a team of edge and hardy to really get to jeff. I think if wwe lets edge, jericho or someone who really gets what being a heel is all about mentor matt he'll will turn out great. mark my words he is next main event heel. And good for him he deserves it.
Matt actually looks like he could be a main eventer now.
if he is given a chance and not just used as fodder for Jeffs rerise to a title.
I hope he keeps the mean streak and doesnt get too bland.
i think he is teetering on the edge of mid-main. if he gets pushed correctly, bu summer slam, he will be as over as his brother...:one_samuria:
The only reason matt wasn't as famous as jeff was becasue Jeff will jump off of ladders and other high things to win a match while Matt will mat wreslte and be high risk just not as much as his brother jeff. though noe w he has finally been recogninzed and is much better for some reason. I think he could surpass jeff in overness.
I think if you look at real wrestling ability, Matt would easily be one of the top talents in WWE but as we all know they prefer people who make things look explosive to an extent, Jeff got the bigger pushes. I can easily see Matt as a main eventer or even WHC contender on smackdown but it'll be a while before he's able to be a big player on RAW, I do agree that his knew tights will get him noticed though which every wrestler needs to be successful. If the fans don't notice anything about a wrestlers persona/appearance, it's harder to find success in wrestling, I'm currently struggling with the same problem haha.
I also think his new tights look awesome! He seems ready to be in the main event, but first, we have to see how he can try to improve his heel-ness and get as over as Jeff, except the opposite way. I'm looking forward to seeing how Matt will evolve into the main eventer he deserves to be.
well if you ask me Matt Hardy will be a kick butt heel maineventer. did you see that look on his face when he beat Jeff. he looked like a mass murder. he will only go up from here. its now his to lose. if he can play off these heel antics and get alot of heat. then i say you won't be waiting long for him to win the top prize people.
The problem with Matt (or the fans) is that everytime he starts to gain momentum we get tired of seeing him, back when the Matt/Edge/Lita business happened he was fired but WWE rehired him because they were flooded with phone calls, emails and every other method of communication under the sun and what happened after that feud finished? We (the fans) stopped caring. Its never been Matts fault (or Jeffs) that he didn't make it, its always been ours.
No, I don't think he will. If he does, I think it'll be a quick, lackluster reign that will end uneventfully because they'll realize that he isn't a good champion.

Matt's popular, sure, but he's nothing special. He should be a career midcarder at best in my mind. Even then, I disliked his United States title reign. Naturally, we have no clue what will be happening with the draft, but I could see Mysterio and Matt having a feud over the IC title on Smackdown. I don't think Matt would be used as a main event player. He just doesn't have it in him to carry a feud.

Its been said time and time again that the only thing Matt offers that Jeff doesn't is reliability when it comes to suspensions and such. Jeff isn't great at cutting a promo, but he's better than Matt. Jeff's more over with the crowd than Matt. Jeff's improving his in-ring skills more than Matt. Jeff's a better flyer and recently he's been showing that he can tell a better story in a match as well. If Jeff had the suspension record that Matt guy would be a multiple time champion by now lol. Matt by himself though, is just mediocre in all realms for the most part, so he doesn't deserve a world title reign in my book.
The problem with Matt (or the fans) is that everytime he starts to gain momentum we get tired of seeing him, back when the Matt/Edge/Lita business happened he was fired but WWE rehired him because they were flooded with phone calls, emails and every other method of communication under the sun and what happened after that feud finished? We (the fans) stopped caring. Its never been Matts fault (or Jeffs) that he didn't make it, its always been ours.

How is that our fault? It's definitely is his if he can't keep the fans entertained and wanting more of him. Matt Hardy got screwed over big time with the whole Edge thing. His girlfriend of so many years, and he ends up getting released for it. People felt bad for him that's why they wanted Matt Hardy back, that's why they cared. Once he came back, people still felt partially bad for Lita did to him, but eventually that wore off. People never wanted Matt back because he was entertaining, cause he's not, just cause they felt bad. And once that emotion went away, people stopped caring. It's not our fault that he's sucked so much.

With that being said, I honestly think he looks much better in tights then those ridiculous pants he wore for the majority of his career. To me, he looks way more professional. And he's better as a heel then a face, and I think that's partially cause he sucks so bad as a face but anyways he's alright now. If he can't keep the momentum going, it's his fault, not ours, not Jeff's, not anyone elses.

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