Fantasy Booking for Daniel Bryan


Occasional Pre-Show
Night of Champions

Orton(c) vs Bryan

Bryan will dominate most of the match. When referee is distracted Orton uses a chair and throws it to Bryan referees see it and disqualifies Bryan Orton retains the Championship.

Pre - Battleground

Orton will use his influence over Shield and uses them to negate the treat of Daniel Bryan far too often. Shield are starting to show some kind of annoyance but stay with him as they are friends with HHH. HHH announces that at Battleground the match will be a lumberjack match.


Orton(c) vs Bryan

Bryan and Orton both play very well and put on a back and forth match here with Bryan pinning Orton only for the heel lumberjacks to remove the referee from the ring. So the face lumberjacks and heel lumberjacks go into a fight outside the ring. Bryan tries to pin again but this time referee is distracted. Now, Shield comes in and triple bombs Bryan. Orton pins and retains the Championship.

Pre-Hell in a Cell

Shield is not happy with Orton and feel that he uses them too much and he's not good enough to be face of the WWE. They talk to HHH about this but he doesn't budge and supports Orton to the core. Bryan talks about how he was cheated out twice and says that Orton can't win without outside help.

Hell in a Cell

Orton(c) vs Bryan

This match is dominated by Orton for most of the part. Bryan comes back into the match late with his offensive moves. Orton tries to escape the cage but he was unable to go out. Both Orton and Bryan are on top of the cage. They both trade shots and both go down. Bryan goes directly into the hands of the Shield who catches him mid-air. Orton falls down resulting on his win as the touched the feet first. Shield delivers a powerbomb to Bryan. Orton retains the title.

Pre- Survivor Series

Bryan does a promo where in he says he deserves another chance, which prompts Christian to come out and say he too deserve one more chance for the wwe championship and I've been cheated too. HHH comes out and says Bryan had enough chances already and he couldn't become wwe champion and he don't deserve another title shot. HHH says he's got Orton, The Shield, Wade Barret, Ryback and asks Bryan to form a team which can beat this team and he guarantees that winners will get a title shots.

Many people come to Bryan to form an alliance with Bryan. But Bryan is very choosy and he picks up Tyson Kidd, Kofi Kingston, Ziggler, Christian and Miz for his team.

Survivor Series

Orton's Team vs Bryan's Team

Orton doesn't defend his championship in Survivor Series. The Shield and Orton remain while in Bryan's team Ziggler and Bryan remain. Ziggler eliminates a member of Shield but he too gets eliminated after. Bryan now faces two members of Shield and Orton, but two remaining members just walk off the match at this point leaving Orton alone. Bryan goes on the offesive and pins Orton. Since its not for the Championship, Orton remains the Champion.

Pre- TLC

Orton is pissed off with Shield and shouts at HHH. HHH tells him that he'll look into the matter. Bryan says now that his team won the match they deserve title shot. But HHH says that he was the only surviving member of the team he alone is eligible for the title shot. HHH says that it won't be a one on one title shot and says that they will have a battle royal and the winner also gets a title shot at TLC. Sheamus makes a surprise appearance at TLC and he wins the battle royal.


Orton (c) vs Sheamus vs Bryan

Sheamus and Bryan team up against Orton at the start and after a while they fight each other. Orton waits for the right time to strike. Sheamus brogue kicks Bryan and Orton RKO's Sheamus and pins Bryan for the win. Orton retains his Championship.

Pre- Royal Rumble

HHH is happy that Orton won the Championship. HHH says Sheamus wasn't pinned and hence Sheamus is deserving for a chance at Royal Rumble. Bryan meanwhile gets inserted into a feud with Del Rio who is World Heavyweight Champion. Bryan tells that he would prove himself by winning the World Heavyweight Championship second time.

Royal Rumble

Del Rio(c) vs Bryan

Del Rio and Bryan put on a clinical performance for 20 odd minutes and finally Bryan wins the World Heavyweight Championship. HHH comes out, Damian Sandow sneaks inside the ring and hits Bryan and then cashes his MITB on him. Damian Sandow wins World Heavyweight Championship.

Pre-Elimination Chamber

HHH says that Bryan is solid B+ and so he does deserve the World Heavyweight Championship rematch at Elimination Chamber but says since its Elimination Chamber he wouldn't be fighting it alone. Vince comes out and says that Bryan might deserve a title shot for WWE Championship but he has to chose between the Title Shot at Elimination Chamber for Heavyweight Championship or No.1 Contender for WWE Championship.

Elimination Chamber

No.1 Contender for WWE Championship

Bryan vs Ryback vs Big E Langston vs Big Show vs Mark Henry vs Rey Mysterio vs Ziggler

Big Show eliminates Ryback, Big E Langston eliminates Ziggler, Bryan Eliminates Big Show, Rey Mysterio Eliminates Mark Henry, Bryan Eliminates Rey Mysterio, Bryan Eliminates Big E Langston and becomes the No.1 Contender for the WWE Championship match at Wrestlemania.

Pre Wrestlemania

Now Sheamus is the WWE Champion and he is the Corporate WWE Champion as he joined hands with HHH who was not impressed with Orton as face of the WWE. Sheamus says that he will defeat Daniel Bryan in less than 10 seconds this Wrestlemania. Bryan says he might have lost a Wrestlemania match before but it won't happen again.


Sheamus(c) vs Bryan

Sheamus teases Brogue kick at the start of the match but misses it, Bryan hits his running knee and wins the WWE Championship in 18 seconds. Bryan becomes the New WWE Champion.

This is just my fantasy booking for Daniel Bryan. Hope you like it and do offer comments I'd be happy to hear them.
I think for the most part, you've managed to keep interest in the storyline's, but the feud should finish at Hell in a Cell. This PPV is the perfect finish to someone's rivalry with another. Maybe, the two can stop feuding after a great match inside the cell, then pick up where they left off later.

Maybe Bryan vs HHH should happen, obviously putting Bryan over. Bryan's motive here would be to get revenge for every opportunity that Hunter has cost him. Since the WWE Championship means so much to him, maybe trips could put him over? Plus, it'd give another guy a chance to feud with Orton for the title.

Also, having Sheamus return to face Daniel Bryan is a great way to utilise his comeback. It would give Bryan the ultimate satisfaction in defeating the one man who humiliated him in front of millions, but ironically also putting him over in the process.
so one way or another u have DB losing in a WWE title match 3 straight ppvs? idk bout that man thats kinda hard to keep that going

and i for one def dont wanna see Bryan beat Sheamus in 18 seconds at Mania. i want Bryan in the HHH vince storyline mania match in one of the top 3 matches of the card
This could be a bit to fantasy but it what I would like to see happen.

Night Of Champions

Orton(c) vs Bryan

Solid match till Bryan get Orton in the yes lock, HHH come out distracts Bryan till Orton hits an R.K.O for the win.

the next night on raw Bryan comes out says how he was screwed HHH comes out only to be attacked getting in the ring by Bryan the shield make the save triple powerbomb Bryan. HHH says he will not get a match against Orton again have fun in the mid-card.

next week HHH is getting out of his limo only to be abducted by by Bryan at the start of the show, they show Bryan throughout the night with HHH tired up in a chair being beaten by Bryan with him telling him to give him his match at battle ground againt Orton till at the end of the episode he agrees to the match.

Battle ground

Another great match till HHH comes down still looking bruised/hurt. and calls off the match as Bryan only got the match through under handed ways. (bit week I know)

pre Hell in a cell
HHH says there will be a fatal four way for hell in the cell no1 contender bryan punk wade barret and ryback - punk wins this
Week after Bryan challenges HHH to a match at H.I.A.C.

Bryan goes over HHH in a great way they destroy each other but in the end HHH taps out they can play on the 2 broken arms by brock.

orton beats punk with shields help.

survivor series
team Bryan (Bryan punk henry show RVD) vs team Orton Orton the shield wade)

team Bryan win with Bryan and Orton the final 2 Orton taps.

Pre T.L.C
Bryan says after making Orton tap he shoud get his shot in a ladders match say he won his 1 big title because of a ladder and Orton has his title From of a ladder.

Bryan Starts to climb the ladder for the win till the title starts to raise up out of Bryans reach orton push the ladder and hits a falling R.K.O orton wins

Pre Rumble
Bryan says he is going to win and regain the the wwe champ no matter what number he is. Vince tells him "he will be enter number 3 as no to seem to unfair"


Orton vs anyone relevant and wins

Bryan and Dean Ambrose co-win

Pre chamber
HHH says bryan will face Ambrose for the number 1 contendership for WM
and the us title.


Orton retains in chamber.
Bryan wins his match.

Pre mania
bryan says he will defend the u.s title at mania and fight for the wwe title to unif them.

Bryan wins after failed attempts from the shield to distract Bryan,Bryan wins from R.K.Oing Orton.
revenge for Bryan all round and no more unnessaserry IMO US tittle but goes on a high note.
There's a lot in your booking that either doesn't suit Bryan's character or just doesn't make sense. Firstly, Bryan wouldn't abduct Triple H and beat him. Triple H wouldn't let that happen. If anything, he'll take Vince, since that's who he originally had a beef with and it just makes more sense. Secondly, Ambrose isn't going to be anywhere near winning the Royal Rumble. Thirdly, Bryan should never have to feud for the World Heavyweight Title again.

What should happen, and I've said this alraedy, is:

Bryan gets a rematch at Night of Champions, but gets screwed again because of the Shield, who become lackeys for the Corporation. He's told he's never going to get another WWE title shot again. On a Raw after NoC, he holds Vince McMahon hostage until Triple H agrees to wrestle Bryan at Over the Limit. Bryan overcomes the odds defeats Triple H cleanly. Orton, meanwhile is feuding with Punk or someone.

Vince is furious with Triple H for losing, and makes Triple H challenge Bryan to a rematch inside Hell in a Cell. Bryan manipulates the Corporation, saying he'll only agree to the match if, when he wins, he gets a WWE title match. The pride and ego of the heels cause them to agree to this stipulation. Bryan overcomes the odds once again, defeats Triple H inside the Cell, and becomes Number 1 contenders.

After HiaC, Triple H and Vince say that it doesn't matter that Bryan won, they are going to guarantee he doesn't win the title again, and the match will be No DQ or something similar. The stage is set for Survivor Series, Orton vs. Bryan. As it looks like Bryan is going to win, Vince, Triple H and the Shield run out. It looks like the Shield is about to attack Bryan, but they turn on the Corporation and take out Triple H and Orton, turning face. Bryan makes Orton tap out, he becomes the WWE champion.

The Shield explain they were sick of being lackeys for the Corporation, and they remembered that they used to be dangerous rebels, not yes men. The Corporation say that it doesn't mater that The Shield turned on them, because they've already been replaced, and we'll meet those replacements at TLC. So, at TLC, Bryan vs. Orton in a TLC match. While the Shield is keeping an eye out for their supposed replacements, the lights go out and the Wyatt Family along with Triple H attack the Shield. Orton climbs the ladder and takes the belt.

At the Royal Rumble, Bray Wyatt takes the U.S. title from Ambrose and the Family take the tag titles. But Daniel Bryan wins the Royal Rumble match, much to the annoyance of the Corporation. On a match on Raw, the night after the Royal Rumble, Bryan defeats Orton, possibly in some kind of tag match. The Corporation say they're getting sick of Orton being unable to beat Bryan by himself, so they're giving him a chance to prove he's worthy against a mystery opponent at Elimination Chamber. The mystery opponent is either a heel-turning Punk or a returning heel-turning John Cena, who takes the belt from Orton after the Corporation completely turn on Orton.

So, at Wrestlemania, we have the Wyatts against the Shield with the all titles on the line, and we have Daniel Bryan vs. heel Punk or heel Cena. The Shield can either win their titles back or lose and then break up, but either way, Bryan wins at Wrestlemania XXX.

That keeps Bryan hot and in high profile feuds, it gives Orton a decent title reign for his great match performances this year, it tests the waters for members of the Shield being faces in the future and it'll give the Wyatt's a strong programme against another strong team to help get them over. Everybody wins.

It's just a matter of whether or not Triple H will put his ego aside and do for Bryan what he refused to do for Punk; lose.
There's a lot in your booking that either doesn't suit Bryan's character or just doesn't make sense. Firstly, Bryan wouldn't abduct Triple H and beat him. Triple H wouldn't let that happen. If anything, he'll take Vince, since that's who he originally had a beef with and it just makes more sense. Secondly, Ambrose isn't going to be anywhere near winning the Royal Rumble. Thirdly, Bryan should never have to feud for the World Heavyweight Title again.

What should happen, and I've said this alraedy, is:

Bryan gets a rematch at Night of Champions, but gets screwed again because of the Shield, who become lackeys for the Corporation. He's told he's never going to get another WWE title shot again. On a Raw after NoC, he holds Vince McMahon hostage until Triple H agrees to wrestle Bryan at Over the Limit. Bryan overcomes the odds defeats Triple H cleanly. Orton, meanwhile is feuding with Punk or someone.

Vince is furious with Triple H for losing, and makes Triple H challenge Bryan to a rematch inside Hell in a Cell. Bryan manipulates the Corporation, saying he'll only agree to the match if, when he wins, he gets a WWE title match. The pride and ego of the heels cause them to agree to this stipulation. Bryan overcomes the odds once again, defeats Triple H inside the Cell, and becomes Number 1 contenders.

After HiaC, Triple H and Vince say that it doesn't matter that Bryan won, they are going to guarantee he doesn't win the title again, and the match will be No DQ or something similar. The stage is set for Survivor Series, Orton vs. Bryan. As it looks like Bryan is going to win, Vince, Triple H and the Shield run out. It looks like the Shield is about to attack Bryan, but they turn on the Corporation and take out Triple H and Orton, turning face. Bryan makes Orton tap out, he becomes the WWE champion.

The Shield explain they were sick of being lackeys for the Corporation, and they remembered that they used to be dangerous rebels, not yes men. The Corporation say that it doesn't mater that The Shield turned on them, because they've already been replaced, and we'll meet those replacements at TLC. So, at TLC, Bryan vs. Orton in a TLC match. While the Shield is keeping an eye out for their supposed replacements, the lights go out and the Wyatt Family along with Triple H attack the Shield. Orton climbs the ladder and takes the belt.

At the Royal Rumble, Bray Wyatt takes the U.S. title from Ambrose and the Family take the tag titles. But Daniel Bryan wins the Royal Rumble match, much to the annoyance of the Corporation. On a match on Raw, the night after the Royal Rumble, Bryan defeats Orton, possibly in some kind of tag match. The Corporation say they're getting sick of Orton being unable to beat Bryan by himself, so they're giving him a chance to prove he's worthy against a mystery opponent at Elimination Chamber. The mystery opponent is either a heel-turning Punk or a returning heel-turning John Cena, who takes the belt from Orton after the Corporation completely turn on Orton.

So, at Wrestlemania, we have the Wyatts against the Shield with the all titles on the line, and we have Daniel Bryan vs. heel Punk or heel Cena. The Shield can either win their titles back or lose and then break up, but either way, Bryan wins at Wrestlemania XXX.

That keeps Bryan hot and in high profile feuds, it gives Orton a decent title reign for his great match performances this year, it tests the waters for members of the Shield being faces in the future and it'll give the Wyatt's a strong programme against another strong team to help get them over. Everybody wins.

It's just a matter of whether or not Triple H will put his ego aside and do for Bryan what he refused to do for Punk; lose.

ive said the bryan vs heel punk match would be awesome and a good choice in another thread..but idk about WWE keeping the betls on the shield for 8 more months.
This is just going to over-expose Bryan and quickly burn the program out. Pychologically you want to put up obsticles between him and another title match. This builds anticipation and drama. Getting the match is the fun part, wining the titls is the just climax. Running him out in 3 title matches is horrible way to have the fans lose interest.

NOC - Corporation refused to acknowledge DB as the number 1 contender. They put him in a undercard match. This is obviously insulting and the fans know it.

Battleground - Corporation leaves him off the PPV completely.... says there is just no room for him. He can make an appearance or run-in. But it keeps the fans on his side as the underdog being mocked.

Survivor Series - Bryan's team vs Corporate - Bryan gets a title shot if he wins. Insert CM Punk and his first alliance with DB.

TLC - Bryan wins the title

Rumble - Punk wins the Rumble

WM - Bryan (c) vs Punk.... the world has a the 2 hottest / best wrestlers in the world facing each other. Both in the prime and both at their peak.
If he takes Vince I feel it a bit to stone cold Vince again and doesn't give a gd reason for HHH Bryan to have a match. Secondly its not about getting Ambrose to win the rumble per say but just to push him ruther as the best in the shield and losing a title that is mis used in WWE.
Night of Champions-
WWE Championship-
Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton
Orton retains by dq or interference

WWE Championship-
Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton
Orton retains cleanly because of Triple H interference

Hell in a Cell-
Hell in a Cell match-
Daniel Bryan vs Triple H
Triple H wins via interference from Shield

Survivor Series-
Team Bryan vs "Corporation"
Bryan, Big Show, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler & another face vs Triple H, Shield, Wade Barrett

Grudge Match Tables or Chairs
Daniel Bryan vs Triple H
Bryan wins

Royal Rumble-
Daniel Bryan wins Rumble match/ he eliminates Sheamus early on turning Sheamus heel who returns to beat down Bryan

Elimination Chamber-
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus (now a Triple H guy)
Bryan wins

WrestleMania 30-
WWE Championship-
Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton
Bryan taps Orton
Night of Champions - Bryan makes Orton tap to the Yes lock, winning the match. HHH comes out and says that as per an order earlier in the day, the Yes lock was deemed too dangerous a hold and is now illegal. There for the winner of the match by DQ, Randy Orton.

Battleground - Some 6 man tag match. Bryan, Ziggler, Big Show vs the Shield. Filler ppv

Hell in a Cell - Triple H gives Bryan one last chance to be WWE champion...he has to beat HHH first. Brutal HiaC match but eventually Bryan wins and earns another shot at Orton.

Survivor Series - Bryan vs Orton to cap off the feud. Bryan makes Orton tap with the once again legal Yes Lock.

TLC - With Orton having failed, he is no longer HHH's man. Now, it is Ryback. By this time, Vince has turned face because of how out of control his son in law has gotten. Match turns into a cluster**** with bryan winning somehow.

Royal Rumble - Cena has returned, and says he never got his rematch for the WWE title. Ending of a great match sees CM Punk, who has stood by Bryan through his war with the corporation, screw Bryan with a GTS. An unaware Cena takes advantage and wins the title.

Elimination Chamber - CM Punk, now revealed to be aligned with HHH based on his obsession with main eventing Wrestlemania, pins Bryan to win the WWE title.

Wresltmania 30 - Best vs The Best. Punk defends the title vs Bryan in an iron man match. Sudden death, Bryan puts Punk in the Yes lock. After what seems like 3 minutes, Punk passes out. Bryan gets his Mania moment.
Night of Champions -

Daniel Bryan /vs/ Randy Orton - Wwe Championship

Result : Orton accidentally knocks out the ref and has the match won... no ref. Then Daniel puts him in the no lock and orton taps out. Triple H comes out and reverses the decision and declares orton the winner. Daniel Bryan goes nuts and attacks orton and triple H.


Triple H is mad by how unprofessional Daniel Bryan was and that he made the right call at NOC as the COO. Daniel Bryan Comes out and goes after Triple H but the shield take him out. Triple H announces Daniel Bryan .vs. The Shield at Battleground.

BattleGround -

Daniel Bryan /vs/ The Shield - Elimination Match

Result : Daniel Bryan eliminates Ambrose and Rollins and gets distracted by Triple H causing a spear from Reigns and the Shield Win.

Pre-Hell in a Cell :

Daniel Bryan Comes out and wants Triple H to fight, Triple H comes out and accepts a match after Daniel puts Vince in a NO Lock hold.

Hell in a Cell -

Daniel Bryan /vs/ Triple H
CM Punk /vs/ Randy Orton - Hell in a Cell (WWE Championship)

Result : Daniel Bryan wins with a roll up suprising Triple H and Pissing him off. Orton retains by beating CM Punk.

Pre-Survivor Series :

Daniel Bryan and Punk Team up and cause alot of problems for the shield and Orton causing a Survivor Series Match.

Survivor Series -

Team Daniel Bryan /vs/ Team Orton

Result : Everyone from Daniel Bryan's team is eliminated and he is all alone, but he manages to eliminate everyone making orton tap in the end to close out survivor series.


Triple H comes out and puts Daniel Bryan up against his new Friend CM Punk with the winner facing orton at TLC to stir up heat between the two. Instead Orton comes out and beats both of them up bad. Punk and bryan cause chaos until triple H makes a Triple Threat TLC Match at the PPV.


Orton /vs/ Daniel Bryan /vs/ CM Punk - Wwe Title (TLC)

Result : Daniel Bryan has the belt in reach after Triple H and the shield have all been knocked out from interfering, Orton Rkos Bryan off the top and Retains the belt again... Bryan Beats the hell out of Orton.

Pre Royal Rumble :

Shawn Michaels Returns and gets into triple H's Head about how he used to be a rebel and not a suit guy... How he needs to distance himself from vince and fight for what is right. Shawn get beats up for his troubles by the shield but Triple H is thinking maybe Shawn is right. Triple H convinces Orton that he needs to beat Daniel Once and for all and stipulates that if daniel loses he gets no more title matches. Triple H wants To Ref the Match and vince loves the idea.

Royal Rumble -

Orton /vs/ Daniel Bryan - WWE Title (Ref. Triple H)

Result : Daniel Bryan Makes orton tap and triple H rings the bell and hands it to Bryan and raises his hand admitting his mistakes. Vince comes down to the ring and yells at Triple H as Daniel Walks out the new Champion Meanwhile CM Punk wins the Royal Rumble.

Pre-Elimination Chamber

Vince Comes out and puts the the shield and orton in the chamber with the new champ daniel bryan and John Cena. Vince Would rather have cena win than Bryan at this point and puts him in the match. Triple H stirs problems for the Corporation and eventually Pedigrees Vince.

Elimination Chamber -

Daniel Bryan /vs/ Reigns /vs/ Ambrose /vs/ Rollins /vs/ Cena /vs/ Orton
-Wwe Title (Elimination Chamber)

Result : Daniel Bryan Wins by eventually beating Cena again and gets a sign of respect from him, CM Punks music hits and he challenges Bryan for a match at WrestleMania.


Vince wants this match scrapped from The card but Triple H fights for it to stay until there feud/Match boils over. Eventually Vince places orton in the match but triple H says he needs to earn it by beating CM Punk. CM Punk wins and makes the match a singles match at wrestlemania.

WrestleMania XXX -

Daniel Bryan /vs/ CM Punk - Wwe Title

Result : Bryan Wins and shakes hands with CM Punk, A New ERA is upon us!
Limitless, you've put a lot of thought into the booking from now til WM 30. It's very creative and the WWE becomes VERY interesting w/both SUPER CENA & his partner SUPER SHEAMUS sidelined for 4-6 months. I thought Summerslam was awesome; especially the end. The fall is set-up for D Bryan to rise, but I see him winning the WWE title at Survivor Series only to drop it to Orton at the Royal Rumble on the Road to WM 30. CM Punk wins the Royal Rumble as the ultimate foil to the Coporate Champ Randy Orton. I know they've fought before, but last time Punk was heel and Orton was in the prime of his face run. This time Orton puts over Punk and the 2nd City Saint leaves WM 30's main event WWE Champion. D Bryan will have a big match w/his former partner and soon to be newest Wyatt Family addition, Kane. Bryan will conquer his former partner beginning Kane's transition back to the Big Red Machine. Bryan's time will come and the next time he and Cena meet in the ring could set up a Cena heel turn. Maybe it will even be a Summerslam re-match where they cross paths again. The question isn't IF, but only WHEN D Bryan will be WWE CHAMPION!!! Heck, maybe they'll do some sort of Triple threat match where both matches at Elimination Chamber are for the # 1 Contendership. D Bryan wins that, CM Punk announces that he intends to go after Orton's WWE Championship and we have what could be a WM classic Triple threat Main Event: Punk vs. Bryan vs. Orton for the WWE title.
Night Of Champions- Orton vs Bryan. Orton retains the title because of DQ

Battleground - Bryan, Ziggler and Punk vs The Shield. Orton defends his title vs Big Show and Mark Henry.

Hell In A Cell - 6 man HIAC match: Orton vs Henry vs Show vs Ziggler vs Punk vs Christian. Orton retains Bryan vs Triple H in a last man standing match. HHH wins

Survivor Series - Team Bryan vs Team Orton. Bryan wins

Pre TLC: Bryan gets punted by Orton, and is out of action.

TLC: Orton vs Punk, TLC match. Orton retains.

Royal Rumble. Bryan returns and win the RR match. Orton defends his title vs a returning Cena.

Bryan makes Triple H tap put in a 1 on 1 match. Randy Orton defends his title vs Cena and Sheamus ( Sheamus turns heel here)

Bryan vs Orton at WM, after 30 minuties of a awesome match. Bryan takes out Triple H. Makes Orton tap out, and becomes the WWE champion! YES YES YES
My Fantasy scenario leading into WM...

They always multiply Cena's injury times by a factor of 2 or 3 to keep the shock factor when he returns. I can see him coming back and screwing Daniel Bryan out of his chance to win the WWE title off Randy Orton at Survivor Series, providing the catalyst not only for Cena's heel turn but also allowing WWE to stretch out DB's chase for the Title all the way to WM. Cena's the star attraction, he's the face of the company, the reason we all tune in, ect ect ect. All these valid reasons have been trotted out since 2005, but as soon as Cena himself utters them, he's a bad guy.

I'd also take those meta references a step further.

Everyone thought that WWE higher ups didn't want DB as a main eventer (initially, they really didn't) so guess what they did? They incorporated that into the story. And now, fans are saying that DB is a placeholder whilst Cena is away, that WWE higher ups want Cena vs Orton at WM. So I could imagine The Corporation making it clear they want John Cena vs Randy Orton to be the main event of wrestlemania, because they believe that's where the money is, they believe that's what the WWE universe ''really want''. And they will do whatever they can to engineer that. So Cena comes back and screws Bryan out of his chance, so that he get's his guaranteed money match & paycheck with Orton at WM. Orton and Cena play nice the night after, winding the fans up ''I respect the hell out of you Randy, and I know you and I will have one hell of a fight at WM, a fight that I know you great fans want to see'' ;)

Bryan of course disagrees, and is the spanner in the corporations well laid plan over the coming months...

Cena maybe wins the RR with the help of the corporation, screwing bryan out of his chance, but Bryan wins Cena's title shot at EC thanks to interference from the Undertaker. Pissing Cena off no end, who decides to go after the Undertaker.

Giving US....

Cena vs Taker

Bryan vs Orton (C)

It's important in this scenario that Bryan does not win the title until WM. It's a much bigger statement in Bryan gets his big win at WM, rather than him going into WM as the champion, which has been done to death since 2006.
Noc - Bryan v Orton (c)

Fairly standard. Orton picks up the win through interference from one of HHH/Vince/The Shield.

Battleground - Bryan v Orton (c)

Another match between the two but they are both fantastic in the ring. Maybe add a gimmick or stipulation - No DQ, I Quit, LMS. Possibly if Orton wins then Bryan cannot challenge for the WWE Title while he is champ. Orton wins.

Hell in a Cell - Bryan v HHH

This would be Bryan getting some revenge. HHH would obviously jump at the prospect of fighting little Daniel Bryan inside Hell in a Cell which is his match. Bryan would win and this could be the start of him winning respect.

Survivor Series - Team Bryan vs Team Vince

Bryan would find recruits. Ziggler, Show, Henry, RVD, Christian, Miz are obvious choices. Looking optimistically we could see Y2J, The Rock and Taker but that is very unlikely. Vince's team would be The Shield plus 2. Barrett and Ryback would be good choices. Even Triple H.

TLC - Bryan vs Wade Barrett

I'm really not sure about this one. A chair match between the two could be good and would tie up the feud nicely. Hopefully Sheamus and Cena will be back so there isn't as much importance on Bryan. Maybe at a stipulation to pick the number for the Royal Rumble ( Bryan would obviously pick 1 or 2)

Royal Rumble - Bryan wins

Simple one really. Start on the road to WM30 and he would defeat 29 others as a true underdog. This would be like Mysterio winning. The underdog who really shouldn't and he would have to enter 1 or 2.

Elimination Chamber

Another difficult one but maybe something like Bryan vs all three members of The Shield. Even having him in an EC match defending his spot as in the main-event at WM30.

Wrestlemania 30 - Bryan vs Orton (c)

Bryan finally wins the big one. After a long chase where he has been the ultimate underdog he wins in what would be an incredible WM moment. 90,000 chanting Yes! as he held the title would be pretty cool.
Here's mine:

We start at NOC where Orton beats Bryan thanks to Shield interference.

Next night on RAW....Corp 2.0 comes out and gloats and says Daniel Bryan will never get another shot at the title again. Bryan continues to fight and continues to be a thorn in the side of Corp 2.0. Show, Ziggler, and Henry start getting involved in the scenerio because they have a score to settle with the Shield. This continues for a few weeks with each side one upping the other.

Battleground: Shield vs Bryan/Show/Ziggler. Bryan, Show, and Ziggler win maybe due to some botched interference from Orton, costing one of the Shield members the win. bryan hits running knee on Rollins for the 3 count.

Corp 2.0 is frustrated...Bryan/Ziggler/Show/Henry (who'll I'll refer to as Union 2.0 from now on) vow to take down the corp 2.0 brick by brick until the only one left is HHH. Leads to a 4 on 4 Survivor Series match at Survivor Series where if Union 2.0 win...they'll all get control of RAW for the month (think of Survivor Series 2002). If Corp 2.0 win...union must dissolve. Union 2.0 win. daniel bryan forces Orton to tap out. Union 2.0 control RAW and Henry and Show win tag belts...Ziggler wins US Title. However, Daniel Bryan still is not able to fight for the WWE Title...but he's beat Orton 3 straight weeks in matches.

We go to January. Daniel Bryan is on a hot streak but Corp 2.0 isn't paying attention. We go to Royal Rumble. Daniel Bryan can't participate. But we do get Daniel Bryan vs HHH at Royal Rumble. Bryan wins and after the match announces that he's quitting. That he's beat HHH and Orton but still can't compete for the title.

Royal Rumble time. #27...John Cena returns. #29...some masked guy in a full body suit comes out. Final 4 in the ring and Cena, Masked guy, Ambrose, and Reigns. reigns and Ambrose eliminated. Down to Cena and Masked Guy. Cena smiles and climbs over top rope and as Cena goes to the floor, he pulls off mask to reveal Daniel Bryan. HHH comes out and says it's null and void because Bryan couldn't compete and no longer works for WWE. Bryan says....yes...DANIEL BRYAN could no longer compete for the WWE one ever said...THE AMERICAN DRAGON couldn't. After a few moments..."NO Chance" comes over speakers and Vince comes out...saying he's the one to sign "THE AMERICAN DRAGON" to a WWE Contract. And since he won the Royal Rumble...he'll face Randy Orton one on one.

This leads to Vince vs HHH at WM for control of WWE. HHH takes out Vince. However, Vince, being the intelligent guy he is, put a stip in the contract that if he got hurt or was unable to compete...he could find a suitable replacement. The replacement he picks....The Undertaker.

Daniel Bryan beats Randy Orton at WM to win the WWE Title.

Undertaker beats HHH to give control of WWE to Vince.
Night of Champions

Bryan vs Orton (c)

Orton wins all be it under controversial circumstances with The Shield getting involved helping Orton to retain the title when the ref is knocked out, they come in and Triple Powerbomb Bryan with Orton taking full advantage


Bryan vs Orton (c) (Last Man Standing Match)

These 2 would put on an absolute classic with the added stipulation that if Bryan loses this match he doesn't get a WWE Championship match as long as Orton is the champion and Bryan is well on his way to victory until Triple H comes out sledgehammer in hand and hits Bryan right in the head with the sledgehammer with Orton afterwards RKOing Bryan directly on the sledgehammer and Bryan not being able to answer the 10 count which means Bryan can't get another WWE Championship match as long as Orton is the champion

Hell In A Cell

Bryan would get his much needed revenge here against the man who has cost him the WWE Championship at almost every turn with Triple H accepting Bryan's match for Hell in a Cell as long as it is in Satan's structure because this is Triple H's match where he excels in. Bryan would win cleanly inside the Cell beating Triple H getting his revenge with Triple H putting over Bryan in the process but afterwards he gets beat down after the match is said and done by The Shield who come in and do Triple H's dirty work. Orton ends up facing Punk at Hell In A Cell for the WWE Championship with Orton retaining.

Survivor Series

Bryan's team of himself, Ziggler, Big Show, CM Punk and Mark Henry to take on Triple H's team of Orton, Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose and Ryback with the winning team winning control of RAW for 1 whole month similar to Survivor Series 2004 where it was Team Triple H vs Team Orton and the winning team got control of RAW for a month. Bryan's team would win with Bryan and Punk being the sole survivors for their team.


Orton defending his WWE Championship against Punk and a returning Sheamus in a Triple-Threat TLC Match with Orton winning and Sheamus turning heel in the process and Bryan ends up facing another Triple H stooge that being the bully Ryback with Bryan beating Ryback cleanly.

Royal Rumble

Orton ends up losing the WWE Championship to CM Punk with Orton dropping the title here at the Rumble in a hard-fought back and forth match-up with The Best In The World coming out on top finally because he would have been feuding with Orton too up to this point and Punk sticking it to the Corporation 2.0

Bryan would win the Rumble from the #1 entry only becoming the 3rd man in history to start the Rumble from the #1 position and overcoming 29 other superstars enduring over an hour of hell becoming the ultimate underdog here because this could be the COO's doing of Triple H stacking the deck against Bryan and Bryan coming out on top

Elimination Chamber

Bryan has to run the Gauntlet as a way to keep his WrestleMania 30 main event spot with Triple H stacking the deck yet again against Bryan in this Gauntlet Match by going through all members of The Shield, going through Ryback and the 5th man in the gauntlet ultimately being Triple H who Bryan beats again in the middle of that ring. Bryan is going to WrestleMania 30 in the main event

Punk the WWE Champion defends his WWE Championship inside the Elimination Chamber facing Orton, Sheamus, Ziggler, Miz and a returning John Cena with Punk retaining the WWE Championship by eliminating Cena last which sets up Bryan to come out to challenge Punk setting up WrestleMania 30's main event

WrestleMania 30

Punk vs Bryan in the main event for the WWE Championship in an 1 Hour Iron Man Match reminiscent of Hart/Michaels at WrestleMania 12 with Punk and Bryan putting on an absolute classic definite Match of the Year candidate with Bryan going over finally at WrestleMania 30 having his WrestleMania moment re-claiming the WWE Championship with Punk and Bryan shaking hands in the middle of the ring hugging it out to close the show

Cena vs Taker in a Streak Match would also happen at WrestleMania 30 with Cena winning the right to become Taker's opponent by winning a Fatal 4-Way to determine just who would face Taker at Mania 30 with Cena beating Orton, Sheamus and Ziggler

Orton vs Lesnar at Mania 30 would be my match that I would have happen with Lesnar returning and attacking Orton so brutally that it sets up their match for Mania 30 with Orton being excommunicated or in other words forced out of the Corporation 2.0

And Triple H facing off against Vince's representative at Mania 30 with these 2 men fighting for control of the WWE, Triple H would be representing himself and Vince's representative I would have it be either The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin most likely Austin because Rock might not even be at WrestleMania 30
I wanted to have some go to upper card with the help of Daniel Bryan guys like Big E & Damien Sandow certainly can get some attention if they got involved in some form against Daniel Bryan but it would a step down for Bryan now and would be a hindrance to his momentum. So I placed them on difference matched across PPV's. I have put in some thought in the OP when i posted.

Now looking at various news coming up, i think Bryan will be in Championship picture till Hell in the Cell. Hope the post can very well happen then.

I always wanted to fantasy book someone and Bryan was the one i was interested in apart from Punk. I didn't want Punk invloved with Bryan as i think Punk might steal his thunder. Also, I hope they don't bring in John Cena as Bryan's savior when he returns and makes this into a routine every WWE Cena story. Thanks for all your replies. Appreciated .

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