Ezekiel Jackson/Mason Ryan


Dark Match Winner
Apologies if this thread has been done before, I am new to WZ forums! And also I didn't know what part of the forum to put it in, as Mason Ryan is on RAW, and Ezekiel is on SmackDown but also features on RAW sometimes.

Ok, I have a few questions to address about two superstars who in my opinion could both follow similar paths.

I'll start with Ezekiel Jackson, he has a lot more experience than Mason Ryan, but he plays a similar role, I call it 'the beasts of the stables'. The guy is an absolute machine, (has already taken out Big Show and Kane) is very well-built and a brutal man, he is also very entertaining to watch. I don't think mic skills are needed much at this moment in time because he is still in a stable, but when he does eventually go into singles competition obviously mic skills will need improving. (He might even have good mic skills, just not shown them off yet).

Mason Ryan is similar to Ezekiel, because he is the beast of the 'New Nexus' (if they don't disband after Wrestlemania obviously). He hasn't done much yet, but I think he has potential, looks to be a good in-ring wrestler (of what I've seen so far anyway) and has actually made a few comments in backstage segments with CM Punk that implicate he could possess decent mic skills.

Both of these guys could go down the same route as a certain Dave Batista, he started off in a stable (Evolution) he didn't say that much when he was with Evolution, he was 'the Animal of Evolution, he then went onto feature in very intense and good storyline with HHH, win the Royal Rumble and has numerous title reigns. He also developed very good mic skills.

My questions for you are:

What are your thoughts on both of these guys? Do you think they will make it big in the WWE?

Which one do you think he has the most potential to follow in the footsteps of Batista, and why?

Finally, if you could write the storyline for both of these guys breaking free from their respectable stables, what would your storyline be?
What are your thoughts on both of these guys? Do you think they will make it big in the WWE? I like both men, but I think Mason will get farther in the company. Jackson really isn't that good of a worker, but he can run the power portion in the mid card. Mason isn't the worst on the mic from what I've seen. But like it's been said, Vince was high on him because he is looking to replace Batista.

Which one do you think he has the most potential to follow in the footsteps of Batista, and why? I just said Mason Ryan, I believe he is the better all around tallent.

Finally, if you could write the storyline for both of these guys breaking free from their respectable stables, what would your storyline be?I'm not really good at doing this kind of stuff, but I don't want Mason to just rocket ship into the main event. He needs more time to grow as a tallent.
Big Zeke is probably one of my favorite guys in the fed right now and is one of the few reasons I tune into WWE. Personally I would rather see the belt on him anyday than someone like the Miz because Zeke strikes me as a believable champion. I hope he gets the belt sooner than later.
As for a storyline, I was thinking about this for the last little while and as to what I'd like to see done with Zeke. What I came up with was him actually leading his own stable, but more like him becoming like a Suge Knight type character and how he was the owner of Death Row Records. Ruthless and Power hungry, and yes I'd have his Faction predominantly black but not only black superstars could be in the stable. He would wear nice suits and come out in say a benz or a bentley and have his entourage with some ladies follow him wherever he goes.
I think this could really work because it could be the WWE's way of capitalizing on whats mainstream and what is "in" at the moment in popular culture, Which seems to me Vince and Co know nothing about.
i honestly dont get wat the big deal about ezekial jackson is. he has no mic skills and next to no in ring skills. ive not seen enuff of ryan to really comment on him, but i saw him at a house show against chavo gurerro (i cant spell :p) and he was ok. but jackson? i really hope they fire him once the corres finished. but i better answer your questions:
1. What are your thoughts on both of these guys? Do you think they will make it big in the WWE? as i say, dont like jackson, ryans ok. i hav a feeling that jackso will make it big as will ryan.
2. Which one do you think he has the most potential to follow in the footsteps of Batista, and why? errr... i dont think either will if im honest but who knows?
3. Finally, if you could write the storyline for both of these guys breaking free from their respectable stables, what would your storyline be? I would hav ryan get pushed around by punk for weeks until he finally snaps and attacks punk mabye leading to a grudge match? for jackson, i see him juswalking away from the corre as hes the only one with no title. i kno that last one sux.
I really need someone to explain the appeal of Ezekiel Jackson to me. The guy is the epitome of generic hoss if there ever was one. I've only seen a few of his ECW matches, but he makes Batista look like Chris Jericho in comparison. He has like three total moves, a voice that doesn't match and all the charisma of a can of beans and head rolls. Mason as least APPEARS to have some promise. He's a little green in-ring but at least he actually does more than a shoulder block.
Zeke is actually much better in the ring and mic than anyone is giving him credit for, but that's no surprise seeing as the average wrestling fan has no memory for anything older than 6 months. Go back to the end of ECW and the guy was actually putting on pretty good matches with Christian and showing legitimate ability. He also has a personality and a pretty confident delivery on the mic for someone who doesn't get to talk very often.

As for Ryan. Impossible to say really, I've seen nothing of his ring work. He will never get anywhere in the WWE with that Welsh accent though, that is simply unworkable.
What are your thoughts on both of these guys? Do you think they will make it big in the WWE?
I don't like either of them , they are both losers and won't make it far in the WWE . I say they won't be in WWE for much longer . Mason Ryan is a member of the New Nexus and that is falling apart . Ezekiel is the only one who has success in WWE since the Corre is still a great group .

Which one do you think he has the most potential to follow in the footsteps of Batista, and why?
Ezekiel Jackson because he has alot more talent and experience in the ring . I don't think that either of them will make it to the level of Batista but the one that has the most potential to do it is Ezekiel Jackson

Finally, if you could write the storyline for both of these guys breaking free from their respectable stables, what would your storyline be?
It would have to be Ezekiel Jackson beating up all of the Corre and going insane backstage . Then the Miz would come up and shut him up with a Skull Crushing Finale .
1. I like Mason Ryan. Hes pretty good for his size and to me he's already shown that hes a much better wrestler then batista ever was. Big zeke isn't good to me at all and they figured why not throw him into a stable thats not doing so well. Hes just muscles thats all. I think Ryan will eventually be main eventing (because he looks like batista and a big guy.)

2. I don't know why they keep comparing these two to Batista but if anyone was gonna "follow in his footsteps" it would be Ryan. Looks like him, acts like him, but all in all hes the better wrestler although his mic skills aren't good. I would rather see Ryan than zeke anyways.

3. I wouldn't focus much on zeke since it seems not many people like this guy or even knew who he was when he returned. Ryan on the other hand is fresh, new and young talent and i'd keep him as a heel of course and would want him to start a feud with a face CM punk. Lets say punk loses at 'Mania and that causes everyone to put doubt in punk which leads to Ryan attacking him. Nexus is done with and now they can focus on solo careers.
I think both guys could look believable one day. I think Ryan resembles Batista more because of the lock. Ryan doesn't look so bad in the ring for his size. Both need mic work.

The one big guy I think you could push to the moon right now and look good is Brodus Clay. He's playing the squash as Del Rio's rookie; but he is ENORMOUS, his mic skills are decent, not the greatest but they are good enough. He coudl squash the midcard and other main eventers and he would look believable in doing so. Vince: Don't push Zeke, don't push Ryan, don't push Sheffield, PUSH BRODUS!!!
What are your thoughts on both of these guys? Do you think they will make it big in the WWE?

Big Zeke's got some potential and (as he has already shown) some longevity in the WWE. He's been here some time starting from back when he was The Brian Kendrick's bodyguard. He's not bad in the ring, good at the power game, and is easily believable at winning matches. He can also sell a defeat reasonably. As to his mic skills...average at best, but these can be improved with time and practice. I can only assume that's what they're doing as he continues to be the main enforcer of the Corre. He can go far.

Ryan? Well, he did get head-punted rather early and I heard of him since, so that might be an indication that. I didn't see enough of his mic skills to really judge him there. His ability in the ring...there's some possibilities here, despite the usual "big man" limitations. What he really has going for him is the fact that he looks enough like Batista for it to be noticeable. It is likely that Vince will try to capitalize on that, so if he comes back to the WWE then it's likely he will be pushed.

Which one do you think he has the most potential to follow in the footsteps of Batista, and why?

Ryan, whether he deserves it by merit or not, he looks the most like him. Vince can see that and so can the audience. It's more than likely that he'll get the Batista push...that is if he comes back from the head-punt. Recognition plays a huge part of any mass media, however you slice it, so it's more than likely Ryan that gets the Batista push.

Finally, if you could write the storyline for both of these guys breaking free from their respectable stables, what would your storyline be?

For Ryan, the hard part's been done already. Make a match between Punk and Orton and have Ryan march out, seemingly to save Punk from punishment by Orton. After a stare-down, Ryan turns and beats the hell out of Punk. He later explains his actions by recounting how Punk always "hid behind them" and "sacrificed them for his own glory" and how Ryan was not going to be Punk's meat-shield.

For Zeke, I'd actually have him go face. It would start out with a personal feud between himself and Big Show in which Zeke comes close, but cannot defeat him. The Corre begins to berate Zeke for his failure. Draw this out over several weeks until finally, sick of it, Zeke turns on his teammates. During a handicap match (Big Show vs. The Corre) Big Zeke turns on his teammates and joins Show in beating the hell out of them. This turns into an alliance between Show and Zeke and the start of his solo run.
What are your thoughts on both of these guys? Do you think they will make it big in the WWE? Big Zeke will be mid-card monster (though I love the guy. He's a beast), maybe win IC or US title. Ryan... Gots me. Dude looks like Dave but I ain't got a clue for this dude.

Which one do you think he has the most potential to follow in the footsteps of Batista, and why? Ryan, but I'm not for sure. I"d like to think Jackson will, but he won't. So Ryan, I guess

Finally, if you could write the storyline for both of these guys breaking free from their respectable stables, what would your storyline be? Both kinda become the bodyguards of Punk/Barrett. Punk takes Ryan along for the ride, starting up a new faction. Eventually Ryan loses to many times and Punk starts becoming fed-up, and kicks Ryan out of his group/team (something). Zeke also stays with Barrett, but instead leaves Barrett to his own demise dropping him and leaving to do his own thing, while Barrett becomes a main eventer.
What are your thoughts on both of these guys? Do you think they will make it big in the WWE? I think both will make it decently far, Jackson will probably hold 1 or 2 WWE or WHC but spend most of his career playing for mid-card titles and do it quite well. Mason Ryan I see winning mid card titles until he gets his first WHC and then starts winning titles left and right.

Which one do you think he has the most potential to follow in the footsteps of Batista, and why? Ryan, I am very high on this guy seeing his work in FCW I can see him doing well.

Finally, if you could write the storyline for both of these guys breaking free from their respectable stables, what would your storyline be?
First off If Ryan stays with Punk then I see him turning on Punk on during a big match, like Punk has a WWE champ up for a GTS Ryan gets in the ring hits his finisher for an instant face turn and start a feud with Punk.
Jackson, I see as just breaking up when Corre does, I see him going for the long haul with them. I dun know how they should break up
I think Zeke was perfect in his bodyguard role he started off in. I think he is in the same role that 100s have come before him. He is impressive looking but once he gets into the ring you can tell how horrible he is so fans turn on him. He is best standing around looking like a badass or jumping opponents. They should bring in Abraham Washington as a heel manager of sorts and have Zeke be his bodyguard enforcer.

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