Extreme Rules LD

Good show overall. I really would have liked to see both Rusev and Rollins move on, but take the good with the bad, I guess.
So it seems Payback will have Cena-Rusev, some variation of Orton-Rollins w/Kane added in, and maybe just maybe, there's another Big Slow-Reigns coming up as well, just because... #RematchMania
Don't know why people don't get that Rollins' chickenshit heel character aint supposed to come out of matches looking like a deserved winner.
The real travesty is all the BS with Kane, tbh. I wouldn't mind him and Big Slow getting so much attention if it is leading up to both their retirements shortly, but it is clear they are being 'pushed' just because and that sucks big time, lMO.

But he ain't need to come out of the matches looking like an afterthought either.

After this match, all the focus will be on Kane's intentions, Orton's response to what happened...and then somebody will say, oh yeah and Rollins is still the champ. That's not how you want to book the man who left Wrestlemania as champion. More importantly the best performer in WWE over the past year.
I dig that ending with Seth and the RKO.

Now, Orton vs Kane? or Rollins vs Orton vs Kane? Kane vs the Authority?
RAW's gonna be interesting tomorrow night, and I'm guessing Roman vs Bray coming up.

I guess we're in the minority here.
This makes me want to tune into Raw to more just to see what happens now.
But he ain't need to come out of the matches looking like an afterthought either.

After this match, all the focus will be on Kane's intentions, Orton's response to what happened...and then somebody will say, oh yeah and Rollins is still the champ. That's not how you want to book the man who left Wrestlemania as champion. More importantly the best performer in WWE over the past year.

I do agree on that part, and as I mentioned it is a travesty with regards to all the Kane BS. I guess this is all part of the ending of Mania season, and the likes of Big Slow and Kane keeping talent down, because there is no valid reason for them to be so protected and high up the card at this point with the likes of Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Wyatt, Ryback, Ziggler, Barrett, Harper, Rusev, Sheamus alongwith Cena, Orton and Bryan around to carry the Main Event and Upper MidCard.
I guess we're in the minority here.
This makes me want to tune into Raw to more just to see what happens now.

I do want to see the direction. I just hope that Kane isn't the huge focus, as there is no good reason he should be.
I don't mind a "face" turn or a return to the mask for him, but I have no interest in Orton-Kane or Rollins-Kane at this point.

Nevertheless, Payback is obviously a lazy booking throwaway PPV and will be treated as such, thus the possibility of Kane in the Main match is definitely there.

Solid PPV here. Stay tuned for RAW tomorrow night, guys.

Cheers. :)
Its pretty clear we're just gonna be in standby mode and continue feuds until Lesnar makes his return and tears shit up.

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