Extreme Rules Aftermath

Edge has never worked as a face. Am I the only one that remembers when he was booked as a huge face drafted to Raw only to come back and get either no reaction or booed. He was so boring. Luckily they heard the fans and turned him heel at I think Taboo Tuesday. This was what I like to call his Billy Gunn point.

I will point out that I don't like Edge. He has never proven to me that he has what he takes to be where he is. He overacts and lets others do the work. Now that said, if an E&C reunion or feud happen I will be all over that, I don't care who the face is. Christian is the shit.

Ok I wll give you the thing that as face he has not done well, that unfortunately is true and I get you don't like him but saying he let others do the work and has not proven to have what it takes is hilarious man. I guess than ten years in the business, tons of injuries from wear and tear and carrying people like Matt and Jeff Hardy, along with Cena and actually take the dangerous bumps on most of his matches while John looked cool just being there and applying a freaking Super FU while Edge is the one risking his butt on the fall proves he is not a deserving main eventer.

Sure I get your point.
Ok I wll give you the thing that as face he has not done well, that unfortunately is true and I get you don't like him but saying he let others do the work and has not proven to have what it takes is hilarious man. I guess than ten years in the business, tons of injuries from wear and tear and carrying people like Matt and Jeff Hardy, along with Cena and actually take the dangerous bumps on most of his matches while John looked cool just being there and applying a freaking Super FU while Edge is the one risking his butt on the fall proves he is not a deserving main eventer.

What bumps has Edge taken? He speared Jeff off a ladder. Seems to me Jeff would be more hurt and Edge could work through it. He speared Mick Foley through a flaming table. His hair may have caught on fire but otherwise Mick cushioned his fall. The Matt Hardy feud lasted what? A month or two and not much happened. And what Super FU? The WM 25 one where he slipped off and then got FU'd on Show or the one that was a weak Greenbay Plunge played huge because it was done by Cena? Speaking of that, people criticize Kennedy for being injury prone while it's almost a guarantee that Edge will be out for at least three months a year per year. I have followed Edge's career since he was on Heat and save for the 5 second pose phase he's never done anything for me. He was shoved at us insanely hard. He teamed with Hogan for christs sake.
Whether anyone likes Edge or not, it's completely wrong to disrespect the amount of work he's put in during his career and to say that he lets everyone else do the work. During the NON-PG era he put his body on the line over and over again in TLC and ladder matches against the Hardys, Dudleys, John Cena etc. He was part of a great main event at Wrestlemania 24 against the Undertaker, I defy anyone to come on here and tell me that he let the Undertaker do all the work. He also worked his ass off in excellent matches with Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit. Yes his character lately has not clicked with the fans and his he is miscast as a babyface - but let's not disrespect what he's accomplished in his career to date - through hard work and a passion for what he does. He works his ass off pretty much every time he gets in the ring.
no offense to the OP, but its a flat out LIE, that the crowd was completely silent for the strap match

granted, no one was expecting huge reaction to that type of match between cryme tyme of all people, but i bought the PPV, and ive seen MANY, MANY, MANY more wwe matches in recent memory that got worse crowd reaction

they were popping pretty decent for JTG's strap strikes to Shad
It was a solid PPV overall with MOTN being CM Punk vs. Mysterio which got the time it should have had at Mania. Good match that went back and fortha dn the right person went over without the other looking too weak. Sheamus/Triple H did what it had to in getting Sheamus over and Triple H off of TV. The King is dead, long live the king. Cena/Batista was entertaining but Mania was better. Edge/Jerichop was a good Cage match but could've been better. The tag gauntlet was an okay way to kick off the show but was a tad confusing at points. Shad/JTG was meh. Suprised at who went over. Swagger/Orton was entertaining but I think there TV match was a tad better. Swagger needed that win and it cements (partially) as champion. And beth went over Michelle which was okay. Overall I give it a thumbs up.
Boring. I fell asleep halfway through.

All of the matches were predictable save maybe the CM Punk match. I agree with a previous poster that it ewas ******ed to have a stipulation on only ONE of the wrestlers. Rey should join the SES now.

Highlight of the night was the Miz promo vs Teddy Long. That was amazing.
I was pretty impress with Extreme Rules this year. First let's get the bad stuff out of the way.

The Strap match between JTG and Shad was pretty boring and i didn'T care for this match.

The WWE woman's title match was pretty decent but the stuff outside the ring with vicki and Layla was stupid and didn't work.

Outside of that, every match were really good. The tag team gautlet match made sense since they couldn'T finish up the angle between the HArt dynasty and Showmiz so having this on the PPV made sense.

Rey vs C.M Punk was way better then the wrestlemania match they had and the intrigue was great and can wait to see were they take this angle next.

Orton vs Swagger was better then i thought and again can wait to see were this feud will be going next.

HHH vs Sheamus was really well done and made Sheamus look like a monster and since HHH needed time off, what better way to leave then putting somebody over on your way out.

Chris JEricho vs Edge, again great old school booking with that match and for everybody who love old school booking this was the match for you. Love the story they were telling in the ring and this match prove why Jericho is the best at what he does.

John Cena and Batista, was better then the wrestlemania match they had, they hit pretty much everything they move could have done and i loved the originality of the ending.

For me, being a wrestling fans for 22 years, Extreme rules reminded me of some of the older show from the late 80's early 90's and it took me back to what i loved about wrestling in the first place, wrestlers going to the ring and telling a story in the ring instead of getting stuck with stupid five minutes matches and backstage stuff. Sure it was a little bit predictable but at less the action was really good and even the bad matches weren't that bad.

On last thing for peoples who wanted more violence and Blood out of this PPV, go watch your old ECW tapes or better yet go watch that crap that TNA is doing right now because WWE style of wrestling is going back to what made them popular in the 80's and Early 90's and that family entertainment with Wrestlers going in the ring and telling a story with what they are doing in the ring.

For me personally, this was a really good PPV and i would give this PPV a 8/10 simply because of the Strap match and the WWE woman's title match which weren't that great compare to the rest of the card.
What bumps has Edge taken?

Sorry, but I cannot let this slide.

What bumps has Edge taken? Well lets see: Edge cemented his hardcore persona at No Mercy 1999 in a ladder match versus the Hardy Boyz, which ended in a standing ovation; then in a forerunner to the TLC match, he competed in a Ladder Match, with Christian, versus Jeff and Matt and the Dudley's at WM XVI, which happened to involve tables as well; the first ever TLC match also invloved Edge at Summerslam 2000; also, Edge is quoted as saying that the TLC Match is "A match you never had, and a match I never lost."; and finally, who can forget Edge vs. Mick Foley at WM22, as I quote, "both made hamburger out of their foreheads during this match with barbed wire. Better war than what Foley had with Orton in 2004."!

Those examples right there should be more than enough proof that Edge has taken his fair share of bumps in the business and while he may not be at the most entertaining point in his career right now, you surely cannot debate his credentials as far as earning his spot.
All of the matches were PAINFULLY predictable, there was nothing extreme or interesting about them. Not even PPV Quality. Nothing. I've seen better matches on RAW.

Pretty much sums it up ^^

An absolutly awful PPV the WWE should be ashamed of themselves , to think some people paid good money to watch an "Extreme Rules" PPV and they were instead subjected to this shit!!!

Glad I didn't have to pay for or I would be wanting my money back.

Shame on you WWE!!
I enjoyed the pay-per-view, but I'll agree that it was predictable.

The tag-team gauntlet match ending was predictable but a good way to help the Hart Dynasty get a push(as they will not continue feuding with ShowMiz seeing how Big Show is now on Smackdown and everyone else is on Raw).

I liked the Punk/Mysterio match and I'm still wondering who that unknown SES member is. I don't think the feud should continue seeing how I still don't know the backstory as to why Punk feels inclined to enlist Mysterio into the SES.

I believe crowd reaction is important when it comes to matches -- if the crowd is dead, the match will feel boring and dead. That's what I have to say for the JTG vs Shad Gaspard match. Not enough time to build it up.

I liked the WHC match and kinda flinched when Swagger got out of that RKO and Randy fell on the chair -- ouch!

Sheamus devastating Triple H was good enough to help him get heat and I'm more inclined to believe him to be a main-event player now. Triple H did good here.

That added stipulation for the Divas match was unnecessary. I really don't like Layla and her high risk of botch, but that was really fucking silly (in a bad way) how McCool blinded her and Vickie when she was going for Phoenix. I did enjoy the match, but I feel that they should really allow the Divas to go hardcore like the ones on TNA (or at least not as sexist).

I was bored with the Edge vs Jericho match for a good half of the time. But I did love that springboard codebreaker by Jericho. But I hate how cage matches can be ended with a pin or submission.

As for the Cena vs Batista match, it was pretty good. I loved how it finished with Cena taping Batista's legs -- a bit petty, but ingenious! For those who hated the finish, I don't know what will please you from Cena seeing how this will be the closest thing to a heel tactic he'll use for a good long time. And I thought this would've been a great way to just humiliate Batista (the character) if the rumors of him leaving are true.

Overall, the pay-per-view was good, but seeing how this is Extreme Rules and there was no blood...my opinion is no different than before. People need to grow up or go watch Flair bleed during a promo.

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