Edge vs. The Undertaker

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
About a week ago, we all found out that at a house show in a match against Jeff Hardy, Edge went for a spear on Jeff Hardy only to accidentally botch the move and apparently tear his achilles tendon. Of course, the storyline that Edge was involved in prior to the injury could have been very interesting, but now we don't know where that would lead. Edge and Chris Jericho were the Unified Tag Team Champions and now Chris Jericho has to find a new tag team partner to help him defend the titles at Night of Champions.

The Undertaker is 17-0 at Wrestlemania. He's defeated the likes of Triple H, Kane, Randy Orton, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, and even Edge himself. Undertaker has been away from action since a couple weeks after Wrestlemania and hasn't been seen since. I've heard that he is set to return in a short amount of time and he will come back in the best physical shape of his career.

One person who has never fueded with The Undertaker, nor been defeated by The Undertaker at Wrestlemania is Chris Jericho. The same man who held the Unified Tag Team Championships with Edge. Edge is out with an injury, while Undertaker is almost set to return. Jericho, on the other hand is supposed to find an a partner to help him defend the titles at Night of Champions.

So, I ask... if Edge is healthy by Wrestlemania 26 and WWE doesn't already have a Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker fued, who would make a better opponent for Chris Jericho? Chris Jericho has never faced either of these men one-on-one at Wrestlemania. Edge and Jericho have had history in the past. While, Undertaker and Jericho have absolutely no history with each other whatsoever.

Who do you think would make a better opponent for Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 26? You have two people who always make sure they are at the top of their game at Wrestlemania. One who's an undefeated 17-0 at Wrestlemania and another who has yet to be pinned at Wrestlemania. Edge vs. The Undertaker. Who is your choice? Please be sure to explain.
As much as I like Undertaker v Chris Jericho, I'd rather see Edge v Jericho. Would be a good way to turn Edge face, as well as putting on one hell of a show. Undertaker v Jericho is another great option though. It would be a fresh match up for Mania.
I like both ideas.I see Edge Winning the Royal Rumble or the Chamber match at No Way Out.Edge Vs Jericho would be a great way for Edge to turn face,But at the same time i would love to see Jericho Vs Taker at WM.
While I think an Edge/Jericho feud would be a fine idea, I'd much rather see a Taker/Jericho feud at WM because, quite frankly, it's something that's completely brand new. To my knowledge, Taker and Jericho have never even been in the ring at the same time, let alone even been involved in a match with one another.

When it comes to legends, Taker is the only one left in the WWE that Jericho has had nothing to do with. Given Jericho's bit about him being a "savior" out to save the hypocritical WWE fans from themselves while displaying his superiority morally to them goes perfect with the dark aspects that the Undertaker character ultimately seems to stand for. In order for it to completely work, however, I think Taker would have to spend more time on the mic than he has in the past 5 years or so. He hasn't needed any mic work really to get over, but Jericho's greatest strength is arguably on the mic and him just constantly running down Taker without some responses on the Dead Man's part just makes it too one sided.
I would rather see a Jericho/Taker fued just because those two have never fought in the ring before they've been in the same ring and have even talked ( On team WWe during the invasion.) but they haven't fought yet. Another reason is that Jericho/Taker fued could have a better build up it could start around the rumble and continue from there while Edge isn't cleared till march so we wouldn't know if we would have 4 weeks of build up or two weeks of build up. Either way it wouldn't be as big as it should've been so they should just use Jericho/Taker this year and Jericho/Edge next year because the build up for Jericho/Edge would be better next year. Also we might not be able to see Jericho/Taker at wrestlemania 27 because he said he might retire in 2-3 years and with that in sight they'll proabably try to go for an even bigger star for what might be his last wrestlemania
Ok ok ppl I like to think way outside the box when it comes to wwe storylines so here goes..

I read a lot of posts where ppl complain about not seein where the team of edge and jericho, or team ego, cudve went. Well im willin to go out on a limb and say creative had nothing planned 4 these 2 whatsoever. B4 u shut this idea down let me explain y.. Edge and Jericho are without a doubt two outta three of WWEs biggest heals [along w| Orton] and they need BIG face tagteams to fued with. Carlito n Primo r over and imo was never even a solid threat, heart dynasty is still buildin a name, crime tyme would nvr go over team ego and priceless r still 2 green, once again all in my opinion. Now as we all kno the wwe has NO big face tag teams to fued with atm. So my theory is that this "injury" cud've been staged to not onli continue a fued btwn Edge n Jericho [which startd wen Jericho first came 2 smackdown and claimed to b the face of smackdown and edge interuppted], but to also extend it until wrestlemania.

As far as Taker vs Jericho.. That'l probably happen btween summerslam and the royal rumble eithr a 2 to 3 month fued similar to jericho and mysterio or jus waisted on regular tv w|out any real buildup [lyk the undertaker vs triple h or undertaker vs jeff hardy both were on smackdown las year and both cudve easily headlined a ppv]. Not wrestlemania. I'm willin to go out on a limb and say by tha time Edge "recovers" Jericho will b champ bcus wwe will not let Punk go into their biggest show of the year champ but dnt worry Punk will b a solid main event heel by that time. Edge will come bac as a face n win the rumble. Giving us three things all in one.. 1) A shock which the wwe universe and IWC will both 'mark out' 4 [hate the phrase 'mark out' btw very lame n my opinion] 2) A fresh yet established fued to build off of and 3) another accomplishment to add to Edges long ass resume [along w| king of the ring.. Limitless title reigns.. Fareal tho look up edge on wikipedia.. And 4git cena, you'l c that edge is vinces golden boy]

N e ways if that isn't enough:

-Wasn't there rumors on this site not even a month ago sayin edge wanted sum time off??

-How many matches did jeff n edge hav over the las few months..includn house shows.. What.. 10? 15?..[includin a 2 ppv main events and a ladder match w| sum crazy spots] n both prevailed injury free.. Than out of the blue 1 botched spear.. Ill repeat 1 BOTCHED SPEAR.. was enuff 2 put edge out of commision? Really? How does a botched spear even cause injury? Unless u trip over ur own foot fallin through the ropes.. on ur face.. Yea highly unlikely 4 a veteran like edge who's hit more spears than n e othr wrestler n history. It shud b noted that faking an injury on a taped smackdown show wudve been much more obvious and the IWC wud've caught on.. also doing it on a house show adds certain elements of suprise and realism since we naturally assume house shows would never be utitlized to further any wwe storyline.

-while I wish edge a speedy recovery [if this isn't kayfabe] like the rest of yall.. We hav to remember this is the same company that staged vince mcmahons "death" on Raw a few years ago 4 publicity.

Point is..never rule n e thing out with the wwe..we'v seen them go much lower then fake injuries to continue fueds.

So 2 answer ur post. Edge vs Jericho WM26. All u marks.. smarks.. whateva u wanna b called can mark BLIZZYs words. Edge vs Jericho World Heavyweight Championship

Also look out 4 Cm Punk vs Taker or Cena vs Taker but most likely Punk since wwe wouldn't want Cena to lose one on one on the grandest stage of them all.

{That was Blizzy101.. remember I'm only here 2 open your Mind ;)}
Ok so I'm going to say 'taker, now jerico edge would be great but I'm realy looking forward to 'taker vs Jericho. It would be epic. edge vs jerico would be good but IMO it would be the same as Edge vs Jeff Hardy or CM Punk.

vive la révolution de catch
Jericho vs 'Taker at 'mania is something I really wanted to see when the draft was made. However, Edge vs Jericho is too perfectly set up to not happen at this years 'Mania. If 'Taker is fit soon they can do him and Jericho at Summerslam, though it will be too rushed. You can't have Edge returning and not facing Jericho or giving it away at No Way Out or something like that. Edge/Jericho is a WrestleMania match. That is the one I would go with purely for the storyline that is readily set up.

'Taker will have another year to face Jericho, this year there are plenty of other options. A dream match up with Cena, a potential match with top heel CM Punk which would do Punk wonders or a HHH re-match from WM 17 (extremely unlikely).
LOL what is this Jericho vs Underfaker seriously Chris Jericho will job to him in 10 mins unlike Shawn Michaels he is tough and played mindgames I d rather see Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker at Summerslam one more time and beat him but unless from rumors and speculations Undertaker is losing this WM26 since it his last one I suggest Chris Jericho should indeed wrestle underfaker and beat him but I don't see it unless they give us repeat matches seriously WM25 sucked big time and only 2 matches were fine rest was empty fillers replaced the Divas match and not even showing Colons vs Morrison and Miz was a letdown seriously ! Yet again Chris Jericho is a coward he is afraid to face Undertaker and he is afraid to face Great Khali as well and I am right on those 2
Wasn't there rumors on this site not even a month ago sayin edge wanted sum time off??

That was one of the thoughts that went through my mind when I heard this injury happened. I've never been a real Edge-a-maniac, or a fan of his 4 year lasting Gimmick. But I think that this is not a good thing. If it is staged like Blizzy is suggesting, not good. I mean, I really want to believe that its a fake, but I just find it hard to believe that Vince would let Edge have his time off with superstars like Batista, Undertaker, and Shawn Michaels out. WWE needs everyone they can get, hell, look at how quickly they pushed John Morrison, matter a fact, look at Smackdown's condition in which they don't have a line between Main Event and Mid-Card. I mean, I wouldnt be suprised if Rey Mysterio and Jericho Main-Event a PPV for the Intercontinential championship. Its not really a bad thing, but i'll explain in another post.

I don't want to say whats going to happen at WM26 because at this point, its a toss up. I'm going to stay with my idea that Cena should be Undertakers last opponent at Mania. If not Cena, then Jericho. I want to really see Jericho Vs Undertaker at Mania 26. But I just don't see it happening unless Edge is legitimately hurt til March. If this is staged like Blizzy is suggesting, then theres no other option then Edge vs Jericho. If Jericho fights Undertaker, then there probably going to have CM Punk vs Edge (they might have fought on Smackdown, but i've never seen it). But im just speculating.
I'm going to have to go with Taker/Jericho. Undertaker is a living WWE Legend and Jericho is on his way to legendary status. It would be a great match. You could have Jericho calling the fans stupid and hypacritical for cheering for a man who says that he is evil and comes from hell and blah blah. Have Taker play some good ole mind games that we haven't seen in a while, you know, a little lightening, some explosions and such. Then the match itself has the potentional to be as huge as HBK/'Taker cause Jericho is a good in ring performer. The only way that this match couldn't be huge is if WWE makes it a gimmick match, and it could be bigger if it is for a championship.
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Jericho/Undertaker would be a great feud considering they haven't feuded before, but I don't think it will happen at Wrestlemania, at least not this year. Jericho vs. Edge is just too perfectly set up for Wrestlemania 26.

The whole "turning on your partner" storyline was a great way to turn Edge face. Since he likely isn't coming back until the Royal Rumble, his face character will still be fresh to the fans at Wrestlemania. The WWE has it set up so 2 of the best guys in the company, both in the ring and on the mic, will be facing each other at the biggest stage of them all. Ideally, Jericho should have the title so the match has even that more importance.

As for Undertaker, I think a match with Cena is likely. Cena has been in a title match for 6 straight years at Wrestlemania. Him going after Undertaker streak will be something different and it will also give us a new main event. The two haven't had any extended feuds and I think that their styles would mesh very well together in the ring.

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