ECW Resurrection: Ultimate Jeopardy 2001 Pay Per View

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Pre-Show Stalwart

Live from the Odeum
Villa Park, IL
Sunday February 11, 2001

(We open cold with Joey Styles, mike in hand, standing at the ECW Announcers desk, located up by the entrance way. The entrance is a Brick Wall with Ultimate Jeopary spray painted over the ECW Logo. There is an old school ramp leading down the enrtance way to the ring. The Crowd around Styles chants "ECW".)

Joey Styles: Hello Everyone and welcome to Ultimate Jeopardy 2001. I'm Joey Styles and I'm flying solo tonight. Due to heath problems Joel Gertner will not be with us tonight and I for one wish him a quick recovery. What a show we have for you tonight.

(a picture of Tommy Dreamer and CW Anderson vs. Johnny Swinger and Simon Diamond is shown. Flames surround them.)

Joey Styles: It will be The Innovator of Violence Tommy Dreamer and CW Anderson taking on "Mr. Wrestling" Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger in a flaming tables match. To win this match one member of the team has to put a member of the other team through a flaming table...its that simple.

(A Graphic of Jerry Lynn vs. ???? a Silhouette of a generic wrestler)

Styles: Cyrus made the challenge to any wrestler from the WWF or WCW to show up tonight and face Rhino. Since Rhino has his hands full. The self proclaimed "Main Event" Jerry Lynn will step up, but who...WHO will be his opponent tonight.

(Graphic of The New Impact Players opposite Yoshihiro Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck.)

Styles: And the tag titles are on the line as the New Impact Players hope to walk out tonight the new champions.

(Rhino vs. Rob Van Dam is shown.)

Styles: And the place is buzzing for the Main Event. As Rob Van Dam FINALLY...finally gets his shot at the ECW World Heavyweight title...but to do that he'll have to go through the Man Beast tonight.


The Screen goes black...drums beat as the ECW logo is torn appart by the Ultimate Jeopardy Logo.

Tonight every man in ECW are at Jeopardy...

(We return to the Odeum as "Mexican Luchadore Dancing Music" Plays. The crowd begins the "tequilla" chants. Super Crazy steps out onto the stage and points to the crowd. He is wearing a white jump suit with black flames. He carries the Mexican Flag with him.)

Joey Styles: Its time for our international show down. Ask anyone who knows Super Crazy and they'll tell you. Super Crazy's one goal is to be known as the top cruiserweight, the top high flyer in the world.

(Super Crazy waves the flag all the way down the ramp way.)

Ring Announcer: The follwoing is our special International Showdown match...Introducing first representing Mexico...Super Crazy!

(Super Crazy gets in the ring and waves the flag over his head. The crowd chant "tequilla" even harder.)

Ring Announcer: And his opponent...

("Traditional Japanese" Music plays as the crowd rises to their feet. Jushin "Thunder Foot" Liger steps out on to the ramp way with Japanese Flag in tow. The Crowd begins clapping.)

Ring Announcer Representing Japan....The Legendary Jushin "Thunder foot" LIGER!

(Liger enters the ring and the crowd fire streemers in to the ring)

Styles A traditional welcome in Japan...the ECW crowd wants Jushin Liger to feel at home here. A legendary cruiserweight going one on one with a rising star in the field.

International Showdown
Super Crazy vs. Jushin "Thunderfoot" Liger

The two circle each other as the bell rings. The crowd is standing on their feet. Quick lock up, Liger with a go behind. Quick Take down. Side headlock applied by Liger. Super Crazy powers both men to their feet. He pushes off Liger into the ropes and Liger ducks a clothesline. Liger off ropes and nails Crazy with a springboard cross body. 1..2..kick out. Both men up and staire down.

(The Crowd claps)

Styles: Both men feeling each other out here.

Lock up. Crazy with a go Behind this time, tries a take down but Liger nails a elbow to Crazy's head. Crazy stunned as Liger hits the ropes. Liger picks up speed and leaps up and nails Crazy with a head siscors take down. Liger hold Crazy to the mat with head siscors. Crazy kips up. Crazy hits the ropes and Liger hits a drop toe hold. Liger sails over Crazy and applies a front face lock. Super Crazy powers out of it and backs Liger into the corner.

Super Crazy with an Irish Whip on Liger. Liger hits hard and feeds out as Crazy hits the ropes and nails a clothesline. Super Crazy off ropes. Liger throws himself in Crazy's path. Crazy jumps over him. Liger leap frogs a charging Crazy. Crazy rebounds off ropes right into a drop kick by Liger. Crazy powders to the outside. Crazy shakes off the drop kick as Liger dives over the top rope onto Crazy with a plancha. Both Men lay on the outside. Liger up first and rolls Crazy back into the ring. Body Slam and Liger climbs to the top rope. Crazy rushes the Turn buckle and nails Liger with a Huricannrana off the top rope. Crazy covers. 1...2...kick out.

Crazy whips Liger off the ropes. Liger comes off fast into an arm drag by Crazy. Crazy over Liger now, and applies a surfboard. Liger refuses to give up. Crazy rolls him, Liger still refuses to give up.

Styles: The fans are split here. Many love Super Crazy but the respect that Jushin Liger brings with him is almost unmatches.

"LETS GO CRAZY"/"LETS GO LIGER" chants are over-welming. Crazy breaks the hold after another roll refuses to break Liger. Crazy chops Liger into the corner. Irish Whip. Liger reverses. Crazy into corner. Liger charges from Behind. Crazy leaps up as Liger goes under him. Crazy turns in mid air and nails Liger with a sunset flip. 2 count. Liger up and hits a snap mare on Crazy. Liger hits ropes and delievers a drop kick to the back of Crazy's head. Liger whips Crazy off the ropes and meets him with a back elbow. Crazy up into an adominal stretch by Liger. Crazy refuses to give up.

Crazy powers out and hits a hip toss. Liger up and Crazy with a standing drop kick of his own. Liger rolls to outside and Super Crazy runs up the turn buckle. Corkscrew Moonsault to Liger on outside!


Joey Styles: OH MY GOD!

Crazy lands punches on Liger on outside. Liger fires back with a few of his own. The two chop away at one another. Crazy whips Liger into guard rail. Rolls him back in ring. Crazy on outside on the apron. He jumps up on top rope and sails off nailing Liger with a senton. 2 count. Crazy slowly to his feet, met by Liger. They trade lefts and rights. Liger over comes Crazy and sends him into the corner. Crazy out and Liger runs up Crazy's Leg and nails a sick looking kick right to the side of Crazy's skull. Liger climbs the ropes.

Joey Styles: Liger to the top rope. This could be it.

Liger off the top rope with a leg drop. 1..2..3.


(Jushin Liger raises his arms in victory as the crowd gives him a standing ovation. Super Crazy to his feet. He spins Liger around.)

Styles: Oh no...wait what is Crazy doing.

(Crazy raises Liger hand and the two hug. The fans give both men standing ovations.)

Joey Styles: A great showcase of showmanship...what a match to kick off Ultimate Jeopardy.


(Backstage Jerry Lynn is shown. He wraps his hand in athletic Tape.)

Jerry Lynn: I call myself the Main Event because Everyone knows thats where Jerry Lynn belongs. In the main event. But tonight its Rob Van Dam vs. Rhino when it should be me vs. Rhino. Thats okay. Because tonight I get to prove that I'm better than anyone from any orginazation on the planet. Who ever you are, WCW...or WWF. Tonight I'm going to take you to your limit. Then when your beaten and blown and have no more energy'll realize that I'm just playing games with you. You'll realize I haven't even broken a sweat! I'll take you to YOUR limit...then I'll shatter it. Because I can...Because I'm The MAIN EVENT...JERRY LYNN!

(Lynn finishes taping his fist as we fade to black.)
(HATE TO DO THIS...BUT MY CP IS GIVING ME HELL...I have to shut her down for the night...FUCK. I'll be back on tomorrow after noon. I hate to start a show and leave pisses me off.)
(back to the live crowd as Hot Commodity make their way to the ring. EZ Money, Julio Dinero, Chris Hamrick and Chris Chetti all dressed for action. Electra and Lou E. Dangerously fallow with Lou E. Holding a sign that reads "NOVA SUCKS".)

Joey Styles Interesting words from Jerry Lynn as we are back for more live action in an eight man tag.

(Team Hot Commodity enter the ring as the crowd begin chants of "YOU ALL SUCK" and "SHE'S GOT HERPIES" at Electra.)

(Nova's Music hits as he and his team step out on to the ramp way. Chilly Willy, Kid Kash and Spike Dudley. A "You Sold Out" chant begins.)

Styles: The fans in Villa Park have obviously heard the rumors on the internet and I can state it as a fact...Spike Dudley has signed a contract with the WWF. Tonight is his final match with ECW, and the crowd is not happy.

(Team Nova make their way to the ring. Spike stops to talk to fans giving a shrug.)

Team Hot Commodity (Chris Chetti, EZ Money, Julio Dinero and Chris Hamrick) vs. Team Nova (Nova, Spike Dudley, Chilly Willy and Kid Kash)

The match begins with Nova. He points saying he wants Chetti in the ring right now. Chetti backs out of the ring and it looks like Hamrick and Nova will start things off. Lock up and Nova nails a arm drag out of the lock up. He's up to his feet and so is Hamrick. They circle. Lock up and this time Hamrick with a go behind. Nova reverses it with on of his own. Into a side head lock on Hamrick. Hamrick powers out into one of his own. Nova out and applies a standing arm bar on Hamrick. Into a hammer lock. Hamrick reverses. Nova grabs Hamrick's leg between his own and nails a single leg take down. Hamrick kicks Nova off. Both men up. Quick Lock up and Nova shoots Hamrick off into the ropes. Nova telegraphs it putting his head down and Hamrick leap frogs Nova and applies a back slide. 2 count.

Hamrick nails a chop and works Nova to the neutral corner. Chop. Chop. Irish whip on Nova. Reverse. Nova charges, but Hamrick gets the boot up. Nova stumbles back and Hamrick nails a running clothesline.

Hamrick slams Nova's head off his teams turnbuckle. Hamrick tags in Dinero. Dinero in and nails Nova with a few chops. Dinero with a bulldog out of the corner. 2 count. Dinero whips Nova off the ropes. Nova ducks a clothesline, hits opposite ropes and nails a flying cross body. 2 count. Both men up. Nova tags in Chilly Willy.

Dinero charges Willy. Willy nails Dinero with a series of jabs. A chop and three short jabs and a discus clothesline send Dinero down to mat hard. Dinero up into a drop toe hold and Chilly applies an arm bar into a hammerlock. Dinero quickly to the bottom rope. Willy breaks the hold. He backs Dinero into corner and nails a few chops. He tells the crowd to be quiet and listen. He then makes like he is going to chop but hits a thumb to the eye. Dinero stumbles around the ring and Willy charges with a running clothesline. Quick tag to Kash who climbs the turn buck as Dinero stumbles to his feet.

Kash off the top rope with a missle drop kick. 2 count. Kash stomps away at Dinero. Dinero to his feet. Kash hits the ropes but Dinero ducks and pulls Kash into the 2nd rope choking him. Tag to EZ Money. Money pulls Kash up by the hair and slaps him across the face. "COME ON MOTHER FUCKER" he says. Money whips Kash off the ropes and nails a spinning heel kick. 2 count. Money punches away at Kash. Money whipw him off the ropes again and nails a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He tags in Chetti and lays Kash over his knees while Chetti climbs the top rope. Chetti off with a leg drop on Kash 2 count.

Chetti tosses Kash to the outside where Hamrick goes to work on him.

Inside the ring Nova storms Chetti but Chetti nails a drop toe hold. On the outside, Hamrick is joined by Dinero working over Kash. From around the ring come Chilly Willy and Spike Dudley who attack the two men.

Nova and Chetti brawl on the inside. Nova backs Chetti into the corner but EZ Money attacks from behind. Chetti and Money whip Nova off the ropes. Nova ducks a double clothesline attemt, hits the 2nd rope and nails both men with flying back elbows. Kid Kash slides back in the ring. Money charges but Kash Moves. Money goes sailing through the middle ropes onto the brawling crowd of Spike Dudley, Chilly Willy, Chris Hamrick and Julio Dinero.

Kash picks up momentum and dives over the top rope onto all five men.

Back in the ring Chetti whips Nova off the ropes. Nova reverses. Chetti comes off and goes for a boot to the gut but Nova blocks. Chetti goes for a leg sweep but Nova jumps up and hits a splash on a down Chetti. 2 count. Both men up. Chetti with a single leg take down, standing senton attempt. No one home. Nova up quickly with a Standing Senton attempt. No one home. Chetti with a kick to the back of the head. Chetti goes for a elbow drop. No One home. Nova goes for a power bomb attempt. Chetti slides down Nova's Back and tries a backslide. Nova blocks, spins around and nails a DDT.

Cover but Hamrick breaks it up. Hamrick nails Nova with a spinning neckbreaker. Spike Dudley in the ring. "YOU SOLD OUT" chants begin. Spike attacks Hamrick from behind and hits an acid drop on Hamrick. Cover but Dinero is back in to break it. Chilly Willy pulls Hamrick outside the ring.

On outside, EZ Money charges Kid Kash on outside, Kash back body drops Money over Guard Rail. Kash hopes up on Guard Rail and delievers a moonsault.

back in the ring. Spike Dudley climbs to Top Rope and dives off onto Hamrick joined by Dinero attacking Chilly Willy.

Chetti makes it to his feet. Nova back to his feet. The two begin trading blows. Chetti gets the upper hand. Whip, reversed by Nova. Chetti comes off and Nova nails a Kick to his gut. Nova whips Chetti into corner and delievers a big splash. Chetti stumbles out and Nova gets the Kriptonite Krunch on him for the 3 count.

Winners: Spike Dudley, Nova, Chilly Willy and Kid Kash.

(the eight men continue to brawl with Hot Commodity slowly backing off. Chilly Willy and Kash and Spike join Nova in the ring to celebrate. "PLEASE DON'T GO" Chants directed at Spike. He waves to the fans)


(Justin Credible and Francine enter the locker room where Jack Victory is.)

Credible Where the fuck is Steve?

Victory He said he had to take care of something, a little insurrence for the match.

(Credible holds up a singapore cane)

Credible: This is all the insurence we need.

(Corino enters.)

Credible Whats this shit about insurence?

Corino: Lets just say I know we will be walking out of here tonight with Gold around our waist.

Credible: And that would be?

Credible: Not with the fucking cameras around...what do you think I'm an idiot.

(Credible heads out of the locker room with Francine in hand as Corino smiles at Victory)

(We return to the live arena as "BIG BALLS" by ACDC plays. The fans begin chanting "Balls" and singing along with the song. Balls steps out on the ramp way holding up a chair spray painted with the words Ultimate Jeopardy. Balls heads to the ring)

Joey Styles The chair swinging freak is on his way to the ring. Mahoney a fromer ECW World Tag Team Champion is trying to stake a claim in the singles market. But to do that he'll have to go through a very sick man..."Vicious" Vic Grimes.

("Vicious" hits and the crowd begin chanting "FUCK YOU GRIMES". Vic Grime enters wearing a black jump suit with the logo Vicious on the back. He has in his hand a base-ball bat wrapped in bar wire. The crowd chants "JUST FUCKING LEAVE". Grimes charges the ring but Mahoney meets him half way up the ramp.)

Balls Mahoney vs. Vicious Vic Grimes

Grimes swings the barbwire bat but Mahoney ducks and nails Grimes on the top of the head with his chair. Grimes stumbles back and Mahoney swings agin connecting yet again. Grimes bumps on the ramp. Grabs the barbwire bat and waits for Grimes to stand. He charges Grimes and Grimes drop toe holds him on the ramp way. Both men up, neither with a weapon and they brawl. Mahoney backs Grime up to the ring and goes back for the bat. He raises it and charges with it. He connects to Grimes' skull sending him over the top rope into the ring.

Styles And Vic Grimes is bleeding

Mahoney in the ring and connects with a couple jabs. He whips Grimes off the ropes and hits a clothesline. The crowd chants "Balls". Mahoney nails Grimes with a series of rights and lefts. The crowd chanting balls with ever blow. He winds up and goes to punch but Grimes Ducks and delievers a belly to back suplex. Grimes works Mahoney to the corner and hits and Irish whip. Grimes with a big Splash. Mahoney drops down resting his head on the 2nd turn buckle. Grimes sizes him up and charges nailing Mahoney with a running knee to the head.

Grimes to the outside looking under the ring and he pulls out a trash can. He also pulls out a stop sign and a table. He tosses the stop sign and trash can in and sets up the table.

Grimes slides back in and Mahoney is right there. They trade blows. Mahoney with a kick to the gut. Mahoney picks up the stop sign. He nails Grimes with it. He whips Grimes off the ropes and nails Grimes with the sign again. Mahoney goes for the trash can and comes after Grimes but Grimes drops down pulling him face first into the corner. Mahoney hits the trash can. Mahoney is now bleeding.

Grimes raises the Trash can and nails him again. Grimes sets up the Trash can in between the first and second turnbuckle and whips Mahoney into it. Mahoney feeds out into a full nelson slam by Grimes. Grimes tosses Mahoney to the outside.

Grimes whips Mahoney into the guard rail. Grimes rams Mahoney off the guard rail. Mahoney blocks a second attempt and nails Grimes' skull of the ring post. Mahoney grabs a beer from the front row, takes a sip and smashes it against Grimes' face. Mahoney clotheslines Grimes and takes a cable and chokes Grimes with it.

Mahoney whips Grimes but Grimes reverses and Mahoney hits hard into the ring post. Grimes picks up a chair and plants hit on Mahoney's skull. He then lays Mahoney across the table and enters the ring.

Styles: You are about to see a man Vic Grimes' size do something nearly impossible.

Grimes hits the ropes and goes sailing over the top rope and crashes through Balls Mahoney through the table. "ECW ECW" chant breaks out.

Grimes rolls Mahoney back in the ring and climbs the turn buckle. He nails a moonsault on Mahoney. 1..2..3.


Joey Styles Vic Grimes may be a man with out a family but he has picked up a win over Balls Mahoney here at Ultimate Jeopardy.

(Grimes flips off the crowd and grabs the mic.)

Vic Grimes: From the bottom of my hearts....FUCK EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. Fuck the boys in the back. FUCK PAUL E. Fuck FX and most importantly FUCK ECW. I should be main eventing...but you know maybe I should go back on X.

(Crowd chants "SUCK OUR DICKS")

Vic Grimes: There is not a man in that locker room that can hold a candle to me or mine. FUCK YOU!

(JUST THEN "GANGSTA" hits and New Jack hits the ramp way with his shopping cart full of weapons. He pushes it to the ring and throws in the vacum. A cookie sheet, a steel chair and a cowbell.)


(New Jack enters the ring but Vic Grimes bails. He climbs up on the ramp way and backs away. HE flips off New Jack and head back through the entrance.)

Joey Styles New Jack has just called out Vic Grimes and Vic Grimes ran away.

(Balls Mahoney joins New Jack and they raise weapons over their heads as an "ECW" chant breaks out)



MARCH 11, 2001. With...


(We return to see Steve Corino, Jack Victory, Justin Credible and Francine making their way to the ring.)

Joey Styles: Our first of two title matches tonight.

(The NEW IMPACT PLAYERS ENTER THE RING. Corino tells Credible not to worry. This whole thing is in the bag.)

("SINISTER" hits as the ECW World Tag Team Champions Yoshihiro Tajir and Mikey Whipwreck step out on stage. Behind them is the Sinister Minister.)

Steve Corino & Justin Credible vs. Yoshihro Tajiri & Mikey Whipwreck(c)

Corino and Tajiri start the match off with a lock up. Corino easily back Tajiri back into the corner. Clean Break. The two circle each other. Lock up and Tajiri with a arm drag. Corino up into another arm drag. Corino up and Tajiri nails him with a standing drop kick. Corino to the outside. Tajiri follows and nails a vicious chop across Corino's chest.

Inside the ring Credible and Whipwreck lock up. Credible with a go behind and a take down. Credible paint brushes Whipwreck. Credible stomps Whipwreck to the corner.

On the outside Corino nails Tajiri with a knee to the gut and tosses him into the ring steps. Corino punches away at a fallen Tajiri.

Credible whips Whipwreck off the ropes and nails a power slam. 2 count. Credible up and chops away at Whipwreck. Corino slides in and they whip him off the ropes together. Whipwreck back and a double back body drop. Corino turns and Tajiri is right there with a hard kick to the knee. Credible turns into a spining heel kick. Whipwreck back up and he works Corino into one corner as Tajiri works Credible into opposite.

Both men whip out at the same time. Corino and Credible stop just dead of each other and turn. Whipwreck nails Corino with a DDT and Tajiri nails corino with an enzugiri. 2 count. Corino rolls to the outside and Whipwreck follows.

Tajiri with an Irish whip. Tajiri hits a handspring back flip into a elbow on Credible in the ring. Credible feeds out and Tajiri hits the second rope and hits a leg siscors on Credible for a 2 count.

Corino nails Whipwreck with an European upper cut. Corino rams Whipwreck off the railing. Corino picks up Whipwreck and drops him on the railing. Jack Victory grabs a chair and tosses it to Corino who smashes Whipwreck while he lays over the railing.

Tajiri gets Credible to the ropes and ties him up in the Taratula. The Crowd goes nuts. Corino from behind nails Tajiri with the chair and the hold is broken. Tajiri is rolled back in the ring by Corino. Credible up and stomps away at Tajiri as Corino goes over to Jack Victory and Victory hands him handcuff.

Joey Styles Wait, is this the insurrence Corino spoke of earlier.

Credible nails Tajiri with a neckbreaker as Corino and Jack Victory handcuff Mikey whipwreck to the guardrail outside the ring. The Sinister Minister is yelling at Victory and Corino. Francine from behind with a low blow. Victory DDTs Minister on the outside as Corino slides back in the ring. The crowd begins to boo.

Styles This is supossed to be a match for the Tag titles. A match of honor not of this?

Credible smiles seeing the plan unfold. Corino is handed a black bag from Jack Victory. He opens the back and pulls out a small black tazer. The crowd begins booing louder. Credible goes to whip Tajiri off the ropes but Tajiri stops him.

Styles Tajiri is still putting up a fight.

TAJIRI SPITS MIST INTO CREDIBLE'S EYES. He nails Credible with a standing side kick and turns into the tazer from Corino. Corino then piledrives him and covers.



(Corino helps up Credible and Francine enters the ring handing the mike to Corino. The fans chant "BULLSHIT")

Corino: When Justin Credible and I formed the NEW IMPACT PLAYERS, I had a game plan. I wasn't going to just be a tag were were going to be the driving force of the new era of ECW. And when we wanted a match tonight they gave us this? These two would be jobbers anywhere else in the wrestling world but here they are you tag team champions. NO! We wouldn't come out here and waist our time trying to secure a win through a wrestling match.

(The fans begin throwing trash into the ring)

Corino FUCK YOU! We came here to take the Tag Title and elevate them to our levels...and we didn't even break a sweat. So say hello the the new era of ECW...

Joey Styles This is just sick.

(The New Impact Players exit the ring with their belts as the fans continue to throw things at them.)


(backstage Rob Van Dam sets in his locker room. He is still in street clothing. Bill Alfonso steps in)

Alfonso Robbie baby, you need to get dressed. We need to get ready for you and Rhino one on one! Come on Baby!

Rob Van Dam: Fozzie. I am ready.

(turns to camera)

Rob Van Dam I have been ready for this moment since day one and now I have the chance to walk out of here tonight the ECW world champion. Rhino, you better realize I'm ready. You better realize I'm coming on at full speed. Because tonight. You get the WHOLE FUCKING SHOW.

(Rob Van Dam stands and takes off his shirt.)

Rob Van Dam ECW World Champion..yeah.


(we return to the ring to see Cyrus in ring with mike in hand.)

Cyrus: Laddies and gentleman...Some one from the big two. Some one who was on their roster but is now on ECW's is going to make their way to this ring to face "The Main Event" Jerry Lynn...And I for one can say with all certainty that Jerry Lynn will walk away from this match a winner and not a loser.

(Jerry Lynn's music hits)

Cyrus: Allow me to introduce to you at this time. He is the real WHOLE FN SHOW...the ECW Showstopper....The ECW Icon...THE MAIN EVENT....JERRY....LYNN!

(Jerry Lynn makes it to the ring to a mixed reaction. Lynn hits the ropes as he and Cyrus wait for their mystery opponent. "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins hits.)


(Out from the entrance steps VAMPIRO. The crowd goes nuts and Jerry Lynn looks shocked. Vampire is classic now. He wears black tights and black vest with no face paint.)

Joey Styles OH MY GOD! Jerry Lynn can't believe it...hell I can't believe it. WCW's former misused wrestler is now ECW's hottest new edition...Vampiro is in ECW!

(Vampiro makes it to the ring and Lynn and Cyrus bail. Vampiro says to bring it on.)

Vampiro vs. Jerry Lynn
Jerry Lynn back in the ring now. The two men circle each other. Vampiro quickly goes for a single leg take down but Lynn blocks it. They circle. Lock up. Lynn with a wrist lock. He cranks it. Behind with a hammer lock. Vampiro with the reverse. Lynn with a back elbow. The hold breaks and Lynn hits the ropes. Lynn off and Vampiro takes Lynn down with a shoulder block. Vampiro hits the ropes and Lynn dives infront of his feet. Vampiro over. Lynn up. Vampiro charges. Lynn with a leap frog. Vampiro off ropes into a hip toss by Lynn. Vampiro lands on feet and fires back at Lynn with a standing side kick. Lynn goes down.

Vampiro bows at Lynn as he slowly gets to his feet. They circle. Another Lock up. Lynn behind. Vampiro with an elbow. Vampiro hits the ropes and comes off. Lynn drop toe hold. Up and goes for an Elbow but no ones home. Lynn up into a arm drap by Vampiro. Up into a Japanese Arm drag by Vampiro. Both men to their feet and Vampiro clotheslines Lynn. Lynn powders to the outside where Cyrus coaches him.

Joey Styles So far Vampiro has the upper hand here against Lynn.

Lynn back in the ring. The two circle. Vampiro goes for a lock up by Lynn connects with a hard right. Lynn connects with a few more sending Vampiro back into the corner. Lynn with a hard chop and whips Vampiro out of the corner. Vampiro reverses it and nails Lynn with a running clothesline. Irish whip on Lynn. Vampire again tries the running clothesline but Lynn gets his boot up. Vampiro stumbles out as Lynn hits the 2nd turnbuckle. Vampiro stumbles back in and Lynn nails a Tornado DDT. 2 count

Lynn chops away at Vampiro. Vampiro fires back with a chop of his own and a European upper cut. Lynn Stumbles and Vampiro fires away with a back elbow. Vampiro behind and hits an atomic drop on the top rope, leaving Lynn straddling the tope rope. Vampiro climbs the turn buckle and jumps off delievering a spining heel kick sending Lynn to the outside.

Styles: When Rob Van Dam did that to Lynn it almost killed him.

Lynn gets to his feet and turns as Vampiro comes sailing off the top rope with cross body block. Vampiro and Lynn slowly to their feet and Vampiro nails Lynn with a hard chop. He whips Lynn into the guard rail and charges. Lynn back drops him over the guard rail into the front row. Jerry Lynn over the rail and the two change blows in the crowd. Lynn goes for whip Vampiro back to the guard rail but Vampiro reverses and Lynn goes crashing over the rail. Vampiro chases after and rolls Lynn back in the ring.

Vampiro whips Lynn off the ropes and Lynn ducks a clothesline attemt from Vampiro. Vampiro turns into a springboard cross body. 1...2...kick out. Lynn works Vampiro to the corner. Lynn with an Irish whip. Vampiro reverses and ducks under Lynn's arms and hoists him up on his shoulders. and delievers a Death Valley Driver.

Vampiro calls for the Nail in the coffin but Lynn reverses. Lynn going for the craddle piledriver. Vampiro powers out and hits the Nail in the coffin.

Vampiro covers by Cyrus in and nails Vampiro. Vampiro up stairing at Cyrus. He head butts Cyrus sending him to the mat. Jerry Lynn up and bails out of the ring and up the ramp. Vampiro just stairs. Lynn says forget you...and exits. He flips off the crowd.

Joey Styles: Jerry Lynn has abbandoned the match?

(The Fans chant "Bull Shit" as Vampiro turns to Cyrus. Cyrus begs for mercy and Vampiro smiles. He helps Cyrus up. Cyrus looks reliefed. Then Vampiro nails Cyrus with a super kick and lifts him up and hits the Nail in the coffin.)


(Vampiro exits the ring as the crowd cheers for him.)

Joey Styles The match had just gotten started and Jerry Lynn bailed...and he calls himself the Main Event of ECW?

MY CP IS FREEZING AGAIN>>>>I HAVE VIRUS> ECW's PPV will be finished soon I promise...its done but I just can load it up here.
My cp had to be rebooted all together. I saved the show on a disc and here it is. The rest of the show...sorry for delay.

(Joey Styles sits behind his announce table.)

Joey Styles: We regardless of Jerry Lynn's actions the next match is not going to be for the faint of heart. This is going to be a war. This is going to be EXTREME! Its the flaming tables match.

(Tommy Dreamer is shown in the back with CW Anderson.)

Dreamer: Simon Diamond...Johnny want to rule atop ECW? Well tonight me and C, we are going to put you through a test. A hardcore test to see if you have the balls to stand with the likes of men like Terry Funk, Shane Douglas, Sabu, Rob Van Dam, The Sandman and men like me...They don't call me the Innovator of Violence to sell t-shirts. They call me the innovator of violence because the name fits. And tonight you are going to go through a flaming table...then....then you may be worthy to hang your tights in an ECW locker room.

Anderson: Trust me Tommy, I've worked along them for a while now. They may have balls! They may have guts! But I can be sure of one thing, after I'm done with them...we'll see there guts....ALL OVER THE FLOOR!

(Tommy Dreamer and Anderson exit the locker room)


(Back to the live arena "TAP OUT" is playing. Out of the entrance and onto the runway steps Simon Diamond, Dawn Marie, Johnny Swinger, Jasmine St. Claire and The Blue Boy. Diamond is wearing a shirt that says "Mr. Wrestling", Swinger a shirt that says "BURN ME...I'M HOT". They head to the ring)

Styles: If you have children watching...well children shouldn't be watching ECW in the first place...but if you do, now is the time send them to bed.

(Tap Out enter the ring and Diamond takes a mic)

Diamond: Now, if I could have your attention for one minute.

(crowd chants "SHUT THE FUCK UP".)

Diamond: Now Dreamer...Anderson. You may have picked this little match here but I can assure you...we are hardcore. And tonight we have come dressed to fight. So we'll send our ladies to the two come on out here and face us. Oh, and just so you know...The Blue Boy will stick around. This is going to be a three on two match up.

(Diamond drops the mic.)

Styles: A three on two...what is happening tonight.

("MAN IN THE BOX" by Alice in Chainz hits. Tommy Dreamer and CW Anderson step out onto the rampway, Tommy with mike in hand.)

Dreamer You three are the biggest *****es I've ever seen. You want to have three guys...thats cool. I say we have three guys too.

("ENTER SANDMAN" by Metalica hits. The crowd goes nuts. Sandman steps out on stage with CW and Dreamer. He raises his singapore cane and opens a beer. He guzzles it and smashes it on his head an they head to the ring.)

Joey Styles: Oh boy, Tap Out may have bitten off more than they can chew.

(Sandman enters first nailing Diamond on the head with the cane and the bell sounds.)

The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer & CW Anderson vs. The Blue Boy, Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger

Swinger gets a cane to the head as well. Dreamer in the ring followed by Anderson. Anderson goes to work on The Blue Boy in the corner as Dreamer stomps away at Swinger in the opposite corner. Sandman follows Diamond to the outside floor.

Dreamer nails Swinger with a back elbow in the corner. Anderson whips Blue Boy into Swinger then goes to whip Dreamer into them both but Dreamer reverses and Anderson nails Blue Boy and Swinger with a big splash.

On the outside Sandman nails Diamond with the cane. WAK WAK WAK WAK WAK. Sandman whips Diamond into the guardrail and goes for another cane shot but Diamond moves and Sandman nails the rail instead. Sandman turns and Diamond nails him with a European upper cut. He drills Sandman's head off the rail.

Anderson hits Swinger with a german suplex. He holds on and hits a second. Dreamer works over Blue Boy in the corner. He whips him off the ropes. Blue Boy ducks a clothesline stops and hits a neckbreaker on Dreamer. Blue Boy up into a clothesline from Anderson. Anderson lifts Blue Boy up but Swinger hits him from behind. Blue Boy and Swinger double team Anderson.

Diamond hits Sandman with an atomic Drop on the outside and rolls back into the ring. He picks up Dreamer and delievers a belly to back suplex. Dreamer is rolled out of the ring by Diamond. Diamond yells for Blue Boy and Swinger to "GO to the outside...(he) wants Anderson.

Diamond slaps a beaten down Anderson in the face. He kicks him in the ribs. He lifts him up and whips Anderson off the ropes, Anderson comes off and Diamond hits a sleeper. The crowd begins to chant..."YOU SUCK" and "BULLSHIT".

On the outside Swinger goes to work on Dreamer. He goes under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. He sizes up Dreamer and takes a swing. Dreamer moves and the chair hits the ring post. Swinger drops the chair and Dreamer gets it. Dreamer with the chair to Swinger's gut and then he brings it down on hit head.

Blue Boy clotheslines Sandman over the guardrail and follows. They brawl through the crowd. They fist fight up toward Joey Styles' announce booth.

Anderson out of the sleeper and hits a gutrench suplex. Dreamer tosses in some weapons including a trash can lid. He then pulls out a table. The crowd begins cheering. Swinger from behind and rams Dreamer's head off the table. He rolls Dreamer back in the ring. Swinger grabs the trash can lid and nails Dreamer with it busting him open. He turns and nails CW Anderson also. Diamond is back up and on the attack on Anderson. Swinger to the outside and folds up the table and slides it in.

Sandman and Blue Boy reach the announce booth. They brawl right in front of Joey Styles. Sandman runs Blue Boy into a stack of equipment.

Styles: Please oh dear god don't let them knock out our feed. The last thing we need in the PPV is a delay.

Swinger back in the ring sets up the table. He climbs to the top rope as Diamond gets Dreamer set up to hand him up to Swinger for a powerbomb. Anderson from behind and he Germans Diamond through the table!

Styles Diamond just went through the TABLE! But to win the match the table has to be on fire.

Dreamer nails Swinger on the top rope as Anderson clears the table. Dreamer moves and Anderson rushes the turnbuckle delievering a top rope over head release belly to belly suplex. Swinger hits hard.

Sandman punches Blue Boy back toward the edge of the loft where the announce tables are. Below them sets a few tables with concessions and equipment on them. Sandman goes to toss Blue Boy off but Blue Boy catches himself and delievers a few elbows. Sandman and Blue Boy trade punches atop the loft as Sandman gets the upper hand. He then grabs Blue Boy into a DDT position.

Styles: He can't be serious.

Sandman DDT's Blue Boy and himself off the loft into the consessions stand. "ECW" chants.

Styles OH MY GOD!

We get a close up of a bleeding Sandman and Blue Boy both of which are knocked out in the rubble of the former Consession stand.

Back in the ring, Dreamer and Anderson go to work on Swinger and Diamond. Dreamer goes under the ring and pulls out another table and a cheese gratter. He then pulls Diamond out of the ring and nails him with the cheese gratter. Diamond is now bleeding. He racks the cheese gratter across Diamond's forehead.

Anderson nails Swinger with a tiltawhirl backbreaker. He then drops a knee to Swinger's head. Swinger up and Anderson whips him off the ropes. Swinger comes off into a spinebuster. Dreamer slides the table in and comes in leaving a bloodied and beaten Diamond out on the outside. He reaches into his pants and pulls out a small black bag. He dumps the bag on the mat. Thousands of Thumbtacks hit the mat as the crowd rise to their feet.

Swinger up and Dreamer positions him over the tacks. He hoists him up into the Death Valley Driver. He launches Swinger into the thumb tacks. He then turns to Anderson and tells him to get the table ready. Anderson sets up the table and tells the ref to get him the lighter fluid. The ref hands him the lighter fluid and lighter and Anderson sprays down the table.

Diamond Slowly gets to his feet. He attacks Anderson before he can light it. Dreamer turns and Diamond sprays lighter fluid into Dreamer's eyes. Dreamer drops to the mat Screaming. Swinger up and he nails Anderson from behind and hits a brainbuster and rolls him to the outside.

Diamond begins taunting a blind Tommy Dreamer. He slaps him and kicks him in the face. Diamond picks up the lighter and goes to light the table. From behind Sandman slides into the ring and raises his singapore cane in the air. Diamond lights the table.

Diamond turns into a cane shot to the head. Swinger back in and gets a shot to the the head. Sandman points to the flaming table and goes to power bomb Diamond. Lowblow from Diamond and Swinger is on the attack. Swinger and Diamond whip Sandman off the ropes and back drop him through the flaming table.

Winners: Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger and the Blue Boy

(Diamond and Swinger quickly exit the ring and head up the ramp way. Security and EMT's hit the ring and spray down Sandman. Dreamer is still screaming as Anderson and the EMT's check him.)

Styles Tommy Dreamer has lighter fluid in his eyes! That Son of A Bitch squirted lighter fluid into Tommy Dreamer's Eyes!

(Dreamer has a towl around his eyes as he is helped to the back by Anderson. Sandman shrugs off help and follows.)


(We go to the back where Rhino is shown getting ready. He has the ECW belt around his waist and holds the Television title.)

Rhino: You know I've worked too hard. And too long to let you take my belt from me Rob. I've put too much blood into them. Granted most of that blood belonged to other people. And tonight I plan on shedding some more blood. Yours. I plan to pay with your crimson Rob. I plan to sacrafice YOU! So that I can take ECW to the next level. NOT YOU! I am the future of this promotion. YOU are just a ghost of its past that won't die. Rob you want this title...KILL ME! Because I am willing to kill for it....ARE YOU?

(Rhino heads off to the ring.)

Styles: Chilling words from the champion.


(Back to the live crowd. The bell rings.)

Ring Announcer: Laddies and gentleman...this is our MAIN EVENT!

("WALK" by Pantera hits and the crowd rises to their feet. Out of the entrance come RVD with Bill Alfonso. The crowd sings along as Rob head to the ring all smiles slapping everyone's hand. He climbs up the gaurdrail and embraces the fans. "RVD" chants grow louder and louder. He climbs up to the ring apron as Alfonso climbs in. Van Dam hops over the rope and waits.)

("KILL OR BE KILLED" hits. Rhino steps out on the ramp way. He heads to the ring, eyes never leaving RVD. He climbs in the ring and hits the turnbuckle. The crowd has a mixed reaction to him.)

Ring Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit...and it is for the ECW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

(crowd hoots and hollers)

Ring Announcer Introducing first the challenger...he is lead to the ring tonight by the Manager of Champions...Bill Alfonso. Weighing 237 pounds from Battle Creek, MI. He is known the world around as Mr. PPV, The whole FN Show...he is ROB...VAN...DAM.

(the crowd say RVD's Name along with the intro.)

Ring Announcer And now introducing the champion...He weighs in tonight at 277 pounds...hailing from Detroit, MI. He is knows the world around as the Man Beast and the Animal...He is the current reighing...undisputed...Heavyweight Champion of the World! He is Rhino!

(Mixed reactions. The ref brings both competators to the center of the ring and they go nose to nose.)

Ref There are no count outs. There are no dqs. This match is for the ECW Title. I'm here to make the final count. Are we clear on the match?

(both men nod and Rhino hands the ref the belt. He holds it up as both RVD and Rhino return to their corners.)

Rob Van Dam vs. Rhino(c)

The bell rings and the match begins. Both men eye to eye as they come face to face, nose to nose. They begin trash talking. A slap from Rhino to Van Dam. RVD returns the favor. Punch from Rhino, forearm from RVD. They begin trading punches. RVD hit’s a elbow to Rhino and hit’s the ropes he comes off the ropes right into a hip toss from Rhino. RVD up and feeds into a clothesline. Rhino tosses RVD into the corner and hammers away with a few stiff elbows. Irish Whip sends RVD into corner. Rhino charges behind and RVD up and over Rhino. Rhino hit’s the turnbuckles hard and stumbles back as RVD hit’s the 2nd rope into a springboard side kick to Rhino’s chest. Rhino hits hard and RVD hit’s the ropes and hit’s a rolling senton bomb.

Cover. 2 count. Rhino kicks out. RVD works Rhino to the ropes. He shoots Rhino off the ropes and Rhino ducks a high kick from RVD. Rhino hits opposite ropes and comes in and nails RVD with a flying shoulder tackle. Both men up quickly and RVD into a arm drag into an arm bar. Rhino works RVD to his feet and twists a wrist lock. Rhino nails RVD with a short arm clothesline. RVD up and Rhino nails him with a belly to belly suplex. Rhino stomps away at Rob Van Dam on the mat. Rhino hoists RVD into the corner and delivers a series of chops and punches. Irish Whip on RVD and he nails a running clothesline. Irish whip but RVD reverses it. RVD charges Rhino into the corner but Rhino back body drops RVD over the top rope onto the apron. He then clothesline RVD to the floor. Rhino follows to the outside.

Rhino and RVD trade punches on the outside. RVD wins the punch trading encounter and nails Rhino with a knee to the gut. He then whips Rhino into the guard rail and grabs a chair. He tosses it to Rhino and goes for a Van Daminator but Rhino ducks and plants the chair on RVD’s skull. Rhino sends the chair into RVD’s ribs three times then tosses the chair aside. He hammers away at RVD around the ring.

Rhino slams RVD’s head off the apron and then atomic drops him onto the guard rail. Rhino clotheslines him hard off the rail and he slumps over into the front row. Rhino steps over into the front row as he and RVD trade punches. RVD looks stunned as Rhino punches away. They move through the crowd. Rhino opens up a space and goes to whip RVD toward the guard rail but RVD reverses and Rhino nails the rail hard. RVD then atomic drops Rhino onto the guard rail and tosses a chair and hit’s the VAN DAMINATOR! Rhino hits face first on the outside of the ring floor.

Rhino barley makes it to his feet as RVD hops up on the rail and flies off with a tornado DDT on the arena floor.

Styles Rhino just went skull first into that bare concrete floor!

RVD climbs back in the ring and points to himself. “R…V…D”. Rhino up to his feet on the outside and he is bleeding. RVD hit’s the ropes picks up momentum and dives over the top rope into a front flip landing on Rhino. “ECW/RVD” chants break out.

RVD stomps away at Rhino and rolls him in the ring, leaving his head laying on the apron. He then stands up on the apron beside Rhino and delivers a springboard guillotine leg drop. RVD in and covers. 1...2...kick out by Rhino. RVD whips Rhino off the ropes and hit’s a spinning heel kick and covers. 1...2..kickout.

Both men to their feet and RVD goes for a go behind. He locks his arms around Rhino’s mid-section and goes for a take down but Rhino stops him. Rhino reverses into a go behind and hit’s a German Suplex into a back bridge pin. 1...2...kick out. Rhino back on top of RVD kick to the gut. Snap Suplex and covers. 2 count.

Rhino whips RVD off the ropes and drop toe holds him. Rhino applies a Camel Clutch on RVD and yanks back. RVD refuses to give up. Rhino begins blasting RVD in the face with forearms. The crowd begins to chant “RVD”. Rhino up and plants a boot in RVD’s face. He works RVD to the ropes. He whips off RVD and nails him with power slam. 2 count.

Rhino begins slamming the mat. He goes to the outside and goes under the ring. He pulls out a table. He sets it up on the outside and slides back in the ring. He hammers away at RVD and rolls him out to the apron. Rhino kicks RVD and gets him ready to power bomb him

Styles : It looks as Rhino is going to send RVD right through the table.

Rhino goes to lift him up but RVD grabs the second rope. Rhino sets him back down as the two begin trading punches. RVD nails a European Upper Cut and Rhino falls off the apron drilling his head on the table but it doesn’t break.

Rob Van Dam climbs to the top turn buckle and dives off with a cross body but Rhino catches it. Rhino hit’s a fall away slam through the first table. A “HOLY SHIT” chant breaks out as RVD goes limp. Rhino stands up and screams. He screams to the crowd. “DON’T FUCK WITH ME!” He then pulls RVD up by the hair and rolls him in the ring and covers. 1...2...kick out.

The crowd goes nuts as Rhino just sits above a broken RVD in shock.

Styles: Rhino can’t believe it!

Cyrus hit’s the ring with a chair and hands it to Rhino. Bill Alfonso in the ring and Rhino lays him out. Rhino circles RVD screaming get up! RVD slowly to his feet in the corner and Rhino waits. He turns and Rhino charges. RVD up and drop kicks the chair into Rhino’s FACE! RVD falls back to the mat. Both men down.

Styles Van Dam and Rhino both want this title so bad! They are giving it everything they have.

Cyrus grabs the chair and goes over to a slowly standing RVD and whacks it across RVD’s back. RVD turns and looks at Cyrus like he is an idiot. Cyrus drops the chair and begs as RVD goes to punch him he is turned around by Jerry Lynn and Lynn nails RVD with a face plant. Rhino up in the corner as Lynn holds up Rhino charges but RVD moves and Rhino nails Lynn who rolls to the outside. Rhino turns into a super kick from RVD. Cyrus charges and gets a spinning heel kick and slides out of the ring.

RVD plants Rhino in corner with a DDT and hit’s a split legged moonsault for a 2 count. RVD works Rhino up and hits an Irish Whip, Rhino reverses and RVD hits hard. RVD feeds out into a GORE!

Rhino covers. 1..2..3.

Winner and Still ECW World Champion: Rhino

(The crowd chant “BULLSHIT” as Rhino goes back to his corner and waits. RVD slowly up and there is a 2nd Gore. Rhino stands over RVD as Cyrus is in and hands Rhino the two titles. He holds them up over RVD and smiles. He then rolls RVD to the corner as Jerry Lynn is back in.

Styles: Rhino has just won the match but he isn’t done yet.

(Rhino climbs to the top Turnbuckle and signals to Lynn. Lynn hoists RVD up onto Rhino’s Shoulders as Rhino has RVD in power bomb position. Rhino turns and plants RVD through the ramp way. The crowd stand to their feet and a “HOLY SHIT” chant begins.)
Styles OH MY GOD!!!

Rhino hops down and goes over to the hole. He holds up the title and looks down smiling. The cameras get a peek as EMTs head to RVD. RVD lays in a cave in…knocked out.)

Styles Rhino just killed Rob Van Dam! We are out of time but Rhino just killed Rob Van Dam.

(The camera goes to black with Rhino and Lynn looking down at RVD in the caved in ramp way)



sorry about the delay...won't happen again

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