Does Shawn Deserve To Headline A HOF Class By Himself?


Once & Future Wrestlezone Columnist
So we know Shawn Michaels is the "Headliner" for the 2011, Hall Of Fame. JR has gone as far to say it's "one headliner per year" in his blog?

This thread is to play Devils Advocate on whether Shawn truly deserves this honour or whether WWE should be inducting another "blockbuster" name alongside him.

I look at Shawn and see 2 different guys, 2 different careers.

I don't question what Shawn Michaels has accomplished since 2002, his return was handled correctly and his performances rarely disappointed. He was part of some of the moments of the decade and gave all he could in the name of the game. That guy deserves a HOF nod this year.


The Shawn who left WWE in 1998?

This is a man who was fired weeks into his first WWF run, given a 2nd chance and yes, he was an accomplished Tag Team star. When his singles push commenced however, problems began which in my mind rule this Shawn out of the HOF...

This is a man who NEVER was pinned for a singles belt till he dropped the belt to Sid. He was "stripped" of his first IC belt, gave up his 2nd after his infamous "Marine" incident and "lost his smile", instead of his first World title...he then "gave Trips" the Euro belt.

This was a man who was one of the main instigators of the Kliq and their ways. Only dropping belts to each other, slating other talent causing backstage drama and doing things for themselves rather than the good of the business that was a major part of costing WWE talent that COULD have made it big... Guys like Shane Douglas, Bam Bam Bigelow and ultimately, Bret Hart. Rather than using his stroke and power as a source for good like Triple H started to do once Shawn was out of the picture, he chose poorly. That the WWF won the wars in his absence is quite telling really.

This was a man who according to some, stole ideas and passed them off as his own. Bret Hart alludes to the original ladder match being his idea for he and Shawn and HBK selling it to Vince as his; who used people's personal issues against them for his own gain, for example the "Sunny Days" comment.

I don't hate Shawn, The Rockers were one of my faves, the Barbershop was my favourite moment growing up and I always enjoyed watching him. Till it became clear that he was not a likeable guy. I am not a Bret Hart apologist either and as I said Shawn post 2002 DID change, and DOES deserve a HOF spot.

But I would argue that the sins of the past should still count, that the honour of being a sole headliner, with a night geared to his career should not be given unless Shawn and WWE is prepared to address the bad in Shawn's career as well as the good. The night should belong to someone else as well, who shows the otherside of the coin.

My personal pick is Sting... If they can get him, make them joint headliners... both trod similar paths, redeemed themselves in the eyes of their families and friends and are beloved by fans. These are the 2 best of their generation, few will dispute Shawn's contribution but not all can say he was always a good man. Few will have a bad word to say about Sting full stop.

If Sting isn't available, then make it Brian Pillman the joint headliner. He was the one who made the whole DX side of Shawn's career possible. He was Shawn's WCW counterpart for most of his career and the one man who, had he stayed healthy have surpassed Shawn in the ring.

He deserves to be the headliner. They call him Mr. Wrestlemania for a reason. If you include the bad, then you can make the case that Austin shouldn't headline because he refused to work with Hogan and walked out on the company for not putting Lesnar over immediately. Shawn with out a doubt is in a league of his own as a wrestler/entertainer and should definitely be the headliner
Allow me to answer your question with a question? Who else would you have be the headliner? For this reason alone I say yes he should be able to. I agree with all the stuff said about his past. but the fact is there isn't anybody else they can put in that spot right now.
Allow me to answer your question with a question? Who else would you have be the headliner? For this reason alone I say yes he should be able to. I agree with all the stuff said about his past. but the fact is there isn't anybody else they can put in that spot right now.

I believe he did answer the question... and gave very good options. My problem with using Sting(should they be able to get him to agree to it) is that HBK's induction would so over-power Sting's that it wouldn't get the shine it deserves. Sting is the type of talent and had the type of career that he would deserve to be honored as a headliner himself. Perhaps the WWE doesn't see it that way, thinking since he never actually wrestled in their promotion that their fans wouldn't embrace him in that way.

I would also be very pleasently suprised if they chose to posthumously honor Brian Pillman. He is deserving for what he did while he was in the business; and the "what-ifs?" of Pillman's career are what truly could get people talking. The "Attitude Era" that he just really missed out on would have been the perfect environment for him- and he could've been in SCSA's roll as the mega-star tweener of that era had he been around for it. Or potentially the ultimate heel of that era opposite to Austin in a fued that would have made amazing television considering their talent and history together.

But, despite back-stage politics, HBK is as deserving of this honor as anyone. And millions of fans don't know much about/care much about those sorts of things. Shawn is being honored for being one of the truly great performers the industry has ever given us.
I think Shawn deserves to lead the class by himself. I think he is the best in ring competitor of all time and is a first ball hall of famer, thus should be leading the class. However I wouldn't mind someone else join him in headlining. My personal pick would be Sting but I don't think that will happen this year. I think, if someone should go in with him this year that it should be Randy Savage. If Vince and Savage don't get along then, Savage might go into the hall of fame some day but not lead the class. I think this year is the perfect time for him.
Of course HBK deserves to headline the HOF ceremony. The fans love him and obviously dont care about all that old crap that happened back in the day. All he had to do was say nothing SCM Del Rio and leave and that was the biggest moment of the night.

I'm pretty much ruling Sting out, I just dont think the dude cares about the WWE or there Hall of Fame. He has some deep seeded hatred because The Rock asked Booker T who he was during an on air promo while they were both in character. If Bret Hart can go back to a company that royally screwed him, why can't Sting go to a company he's never worked for and perform for fans that are dying to see him?

The only other guy I could think of that could steal the show from HBK would be Macho Man Randy Savage, and with his work with the All Stars video game, maybe its about time for him to be inducted as well.
I'm pretty much ruling Sting out, I just dont think the dude cares about the WWE or there their Hall of Fame.
Are there any WWE HOF members who have never appeared on any WWE (or any of its predecessors) programming? That may be the one thing standing in the way of Sting getting in.

The only other guy I could think of that could steal the show from HBK would be Macho Man Randy Savage, and with his work with the All Stars video game, maybe its about time for him to be inducted as well.
Rumors about Macho Man and Stephanie aside, could the real reason be more along the lines of, how do you induct Macho Man without mentioning Elizabeth, and how do you mention Elizabeth without mentioning how (and whose house she was in when) she died?

For that matter, is it the WWE keeping Savage out, or is it Savage not wanting to be involved, and if it is Savage, I wouldn't be surprised if it has something to do with the infamous 911 call being played on WWE Confidential?

-- Don
Everyone has their vices. EVERYONE

You can pick anybody that has ever been inducted into the WWE hall of fame and point out something.

Shawn is the greatest in-ring performer in history. Of course that's subjective...but most of his peers will say the same thing. If he doesn't deserve to headline a HOF class by himself, nobody should.

But it's really pointless. The main thing is him being inducted...a place that's been waiting for him for over 10 years.
It would be ridiculous to deny Shawn Michaels the chance to headline a HOF class. If you want to throw another name in there, fine so be it, but I guarantee you that no matter who else is in the 2011 HOF no one will get a bigger pop than Michaels. Why? Because he's revered for being one of the best in-ring competitors of all time.

Who will give a damn about all of his selfish politicking during the 90's when they see 45 year old HBK stand on that podium. They'll be thinking about all of the memories he gave them, whether it's as early as him being a Rocker or it's as late as him trying to end the Undertaker's streak.No man has given WWE fans more memories than Shawn Michaels, so there is no question that he should headline a HOF Class all by his lonesome
Of course he should headline the show by himself.. Like many others have said, he is the greatest in ring perfomer ever! He's admitted to being a pain back in the day and he's a chaged man and gave us 8 Great years after returning from a serious injury. He's admitted his mistakes and has been forgiven for them. Hogan has as much politics and backstage bs and is not even 1 tenth the performer that HBK was and he headlined his HOF class. Shawn should be inducted as the head of this class by himself and should be given as much time to talk as he wants.. I hope he doesn't get 11 minutes like stone cold did while flair tool over an hour the year before..
Does Shawn Michaels deserve to be the headliner at the Hall of Fame?? Of course.. without question.

Its funny that when people like to criticize Shawn they always try to validate they're point by bringing up backstage politics.. or the fact that he wasn't very nice. But we're not talking about the "Niceness HOF". In that case I would totally agree with you.

Would you say John Lennon shouldn't be in the Music HOF because he abandoned Julian as a child.. Or should Elvis or Hendrix not be in because they did drugs.. Or maybe Stanley Kubrick shouldn't be in the Directors HOF because well he just wasn't a nice guy. We honor their work and their art. Why is Shawn Michaels any different? And the Entertainment he provided at live events and on TV everyweek in the 90's was second to none.

If you ONLY look at his stuff from the 90's.. He was 2 time Royal Rumble winner.. 3 time WWF champion.. 3 Time IC champ.. 2 time tag champ.. one time Euro.. First ever Grand Slam.. 4 matches of the year..Healined 3 WM's PWI #1 wrestler of the year 1996.. most popular 1995-96.. Created DX.. Was the major player behind the scenes who changed the direction of the product from PG to Attitude...and generally even back then was considered one of the greatest in ring performers of all time.. ect..ect

To think that Shawns first part of his career isn't worthy of a first ballot HOF appearance your simply not being honest..
the op forgets that shawns first title reign loss was a pinfall to jannetty and he lost his fisrt wwf title to sid before the smile thing
Here's my take on this. I agree that Shawn Michaels is a worthy headliner. But I was still disappointed when he was announced. Here me out:

Shawn Michaels just retired last year. As soon as he retired, people already knew he'd be in the hall of fame sooner than later. So what's the rush? As others have said, there can only be one headliner. I really REALLY wanted that headliner to be Sting. Or Goldberg, or some other WCW guy that we don't normally get to see. I feel like Shawn Michaels' induction could have waited a few years, and then it would mean more anyway, since we wouldn't have seen him in awhile. Especially since this year's Wrestlemania is in Atlanta, I was really hoping that the rumors were true, and that this would be a WCW themed HOF. With Shawn Michaels as the first inductee, it would seem that this isn't true.

Again, I totally feel like Shawn Michaels can headline a HOF. I just think it would have felt more special if they'd waited a few years. In other sports, I believe you have to be retired 7 or so years to even be eligible for the HOF. It feels more special when they wait a few years. It would be silly if people retired and were all inducted a year later.

Last year, when they announced Bret Hart would be in the HOF, I marked the hell out, because I never saw it coming. I couldn't get excited like that for Shawn, because there was no surprise.
Here's my take on this. I agree that Shawn Michaels is a worthy headliner. But I was still disappointed when he was announced. Here me out:

Shawn Michaels just retired last year. As soon as he retired, people already knew he'd be in the hall of fame sooner than later. So what's the rush? As others have said, there can only be one headliner. I really REALLY wanted that headliner to be Sting. Or Goldberg, or some other WCW guy that we don't normally get to see. I feel like Shawn Michaels' induction could have waited a few years, and then it would mean more anyway, since we wouldn't have seen him in awhile. Especially since this year's Wrestlemania is in Atlanta, I was really hoping that the rumors were true, and that this would be a WCW themed HOF. With Shawn Michaels as the first inductee, it would seem that this isn't true.

Again, I totally feel like Shawn Michaels can headline a HOF. I just think it would have felt more special if they'd waited a few years. In other sports, I believe you have to be retired 7 or so years to even be eligible for the HOF. It feels more special when they wait a few years. It would be silly if people retired and were all inducted a year later.

Last year, when they announced Bret Hart would be in the HOF, I marked the hell out, because I never saw it coming. I couldn't get excited like that for Shawn, because there was no surprise.

Last year? I think you have Bret confused with his father, Stu. Bret was inducted back in 2006.

However I don't like this whole one man headline deal with the Hall of Fame, it seems disrepectful to the others who will be inducted. Ok, yes there might be a couple who haven't done much compared with others but when you consider the likes of Brain, Jr, King etc all who wouldn't be considered for headlining a HOF if they were inducted this year, you can see where the logic is wrong.
Of course HBK deserves to headline the HOF ceremony. The fans love him and obviously dont care about all that old crap that happened back in the day. All he had to do was say nothing SCM Del Rio and leave and that was the biggest moment of the night.

I'm pretty much ruling Sting out, I just dont think the dude cares about the WWE or there Hall of Fame. He has some deep seeded hatred because The Rock asked Booker T who he was during an on air promo while they were both in character. If Bret Hart can go back to a company that royally screwed him, why can't Sting go to a company he's never worked for and perform for fans that are dying to see him?

The only other guy I could think of that could steal the show from HBK would be Macho Man Randy Savage, and with his work with the All Stars video game, maybe its about time for him to be inducted as well.

I personally think the Hall of Fame is a joke, if they will induct football players, baseball players, KOKo BeWare into the Hall of fame and not Savage, King Kong Bundy or even I think Rick Rude.

Hogan, Savage, Bret Hart and Warrior all went to WCW, Hogan and Bret Hart are in the Hall of Fame, Warrior for what I heard turn them down, Savage, not sure why he has never had his place but football and baseball players make it in to a wrestling Hall of fame show, maybe the baseball hall of fame should put savage in he did play baseball did he not
At first I wondered if you were asking the question along the lines of should he be the only one inducted this year and have the spotlight entirely on himself. Which would have been a valid question. But to ask if he should headline the class, of course he should are you nuts? Just based on what he has done this decade would be enough to validatate his status. Anyone name a top 10 moment/match feud list since 2002 and guaranteed his name is on at least half the submissions, enough said.
Certainly Shawn Michaels deserves to lead a class into the hall of fame. So the guy made mistakes? I'm pretty sure each WWE star has. If we want to look at it like that then Bret Hart didnt deserve to lead his own class because he went against Vince McMahon and even the WWE in general by switching to WCW. And hes not the only WCW star to go in. If we want to talk about people making mistakes or going against wwe at least once that would mean no WCW star should go in the HOF. EVEN HULK HOGAN competed against the company to make him a star. So Shawn Michaels was fired and made bad decisions He still Deserves It!!!
Shawn Michaels deserves to have his own Hall Of Fame Wing. So yes, he deserves to headline the Hall of Fame Class.

Should he? No. I don't believe in this 1 big star per year approach that WWE takes. It should be 2 or 3 big names. But is there anyone else who isn't in the HOF that could headline over HBK? No, not even The Rock or Macho Man would.

HBK is the greatest of all-time. The End.
Are we seriously having this discussion? He's the fucking Heart Break Kid! Of course he deserves it! The man went through hell and back (literally a reborn Christian). Who else is a better performer than HBK? Nobody! Undertaker does come in 2nd though.

He was in the best storylines the E has ever had. He had the best matches. He does deserve it.
This is a man who NEVER was pinned for a singles belt till he dropped the belt to Sid. He was "stripped" of his first IC belt, gave up his 2nd after his infamous "Marine" incident and "lost his smile", instead of his first World title...he then "gave Trips" the Euro belt.

He lost his first first Intercontinental Championship to Jennetty on Raw in 93. Clean pin, clean job. And you can't really blame him for being a victim of a violent asault and thus being stripped of the third IC title... The rest are all his fault though... Still doesn't mean that his first run didn't earn him a spot in the HOF
Shawn Michaels absolutely deserves to headline a class, his career has been amazing. From his heel turn with the Marty Jannetty incident, to his feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin, to his return against Triple H especially to his match in Wrestlemania 12 with Bret Hart.

Shawn Michaels went out and earned the nickname of Mr. Wrestlemania, the Show Stopper, The Icon, The Main Event because he tore his body apart to entertain us for years and years. Shawn Michaels is absolutely worthy of being a top headliner for the WWE Hall of Fame.
First, Shawn didn't go to Vince with the idea for a ladder match at WM. Scott Hall and Shawn showed up for a house show in January 1994 and a ladder match was listed on the booking sheets for them. They worked them so well that Vince wanted them to do it at Mania. Shawn had the first WWF ladder match with Bret in the summer of 1992 and its common knowledge that the ladder match was used in the Stampede territory years before. Shawn was also legitimately hurt when he "lost his smile," and he was originally scheduled to drop the belt to Sid at that special Thursday Nite Raw that he gave the speech, but said he couldn't wrestle. I do think that he could have went out there, had some kind of short half-assed match with a cheap finish so he could save face and do the job the right way. I think he deserves to be the headliner.
Good debate... I made no bones that Shawn's achievements post 2002 absolutely earned him a slot... I just feel in his case the bad and the good almost cancel each other out for that early-mid part of his career... Shawn's antics, particularly around the "smile losing" time were a big part of why the WWF was in trouble and make no mistake, if he could have jumped with Nash and Hall, he would have done so in a heartbeat.

As someone said, he wasn't a very nice person, that's not a crime... but in the scheme of the business his impact in those early days was negative... and on the lives of others. Would guys like Bam Bam Bigelow, Chris Candido, Davey Boy and Sunny be where they are now if Shawn and the Kliq hadn't made life difficult for them? Rumors are Sunny will be inducted this year, if she can share a stage with Shawn, she's a better person than I will ever be.

If backstage politics are a reason someone shouldn't be nominated, then it should count when they are. I am sure Shawn will address some of it in his speech, if Bret inducts him more power to him, I am sure he will.

On Pillman, the reality is that HBK owes him a massive debt as does Vince, Rock, Austin, Edge and everyone who got over in that Attitude era. Without the "Loose Cannon" uttering "I respect you booker man" or threatening to urinate in the ECW ring the Attitude Era would never have happened. DX in particular, which is the reason many of the younger fans know and care about Shawn...

Sure maybe I want the HOF to mean more than it ever can... but if I am going to watch Shawn do his teary speech and thank everyone, I want to know that people get the whole story... not just an airbrushed version...
Definently Shawn is a legend. He has accomplished many things and is a true innovator of his time. First ladder match, first Hell in the Cell, First Grand Slam Champion, First man to enter Royal Rumble at #1 and win it, co-founder of DX, numerous matches at Wrestlemania that were 5 stars in my opinion, etc.

Shawn is awesome and I cannot wait to watch the HOF.
Shawn's antics, particularly around the "smile losing" time were a big part of why the WWF was in trouble and make no mistake, if he could have jumped with Nash and Hall, he would have done so in a heartbeat.

This is a beyond ridiculous statement.. A big part of why WWE was in trouble?? He was one of the few reasons they were even staying afloat as a company!

As someone said, he wasn't a very nice person, that's not a crime... but in the scheme of the business his impact in those early days was negative... and on the lives of others. Would guys like Bam Bam Bigelow, Chris Candido, Davey Boy and Sunny be where they are now if Shawn and the Kliq hadn't made life difficult for them? Rumors are Sunny will be inducted this year, if she can share a stage with Shawn, she's a better person than I will ever be.

The answer to your insane question is YES!!! Bam Bam.. Davey and Candido would be just as dead today. Candido's was an accident caused by a blood clot after a flight.. And to blame Michaels for Davey and Bam Bam's own personal mistakes is sickening. People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

If backstage politics are a reason someone shouldn't be nominated, then it should count when they are.

You of course didn't address what I said about flawed people being in the Music or Film HOF's.. I'd love to know your thoughts on why Shawn and other entertainers should be treated differently?

On Pillman, the reality is that HBK owes him a massive debt as does Vince, Rock, Austin, Edge and everyone who got over in that Attitude era. Without the "Loose Cannon" uttering "I respect you booker man" or threatening to urinate in the ECW ring the Attitude Era would never have happened. DX in particular, which is the reason many of the younger fans know and care about Shawn...

Honestly.. and Im not flaming you here.. But you have no clue what you are talking about... Brian Pillman was a minor blip on the pro wrestling radar. Was he talented?? Yes.. But Brian Pillman was always a "what could have been story" rather than a "what he was" Shawn owes BP absolutely...nothing.

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