Does Rusev Remind Anybody Of A Slightly Taller Version Of Taz?


Dark Match Jobber
Just curious...but I'll try to make it a bit longer then a two word question. I thought it was a waste of two guys with a lot of talent. ECW would do that with Taz when they turned his character around. I see similarities between the two...and I did mean slightly taller version of Taz.
This thread isn't going to last. You can't start a topic and have your post be two words.

And the answer is No. For one thing he's significantly taller than Taz.
I don't post often enough here to realize all of the rules just yet, but it was a serious question. I just think he gives off that sort of vibe. The guy's a total badass, but will they let him show that in matches with better quality opponents down the line? I mean...why feed him R Truth and Woods? These are guys who actually have some talent and are a total waste in a squash match. Wouldn't a better start have been to maybe give him Duggan & Slaughter?
Shorter version of Taz? The commentator? Rusev looks taller than Taz (if that's the same person we're talking about), even without shoes.
Nope. Though a hard hitting suplex machine would be a welcome addition to WWE. If Rusev adopted a similar styles I'd be on board and I think it'd greatly benefit his career.
If you had started a thread entitled "Is Jack Swagger a significantly taller version of Kurt Angle", I bet many would've assented!

But seriously, Tazz is not only significantly shorter than Rusev, or pretty much everyone, but they both are totally different in terms of character, race, culture, in-ring style, body type, etc. I don't see Rusev as a "suplex machine". The only wrestlers who really were suplex machines were Tazz, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, and to some extent Brock Lesnar(for his extensive use of belly to belly and german suplexes).
I understood what you meant.
I can see the similarities as far as the glare and the body size. Taz was described perfectly by Vince as a sawed off monster.

I agree with a previous poster that a Taz type character would be great for WWE right now. Hell bring Taz back as his manager even maybe. But the guy will need to talk and have the attitude also.
I see what you mean and I can see some resemblances as far as more of a shoot fighting style, rather than a standard pro wrestling style. I think Tazz was more of a suplex/throw guy where as Rusev is more of an impactful striking guy (as of now). We'll see how Rusev develops as far as personality and promos. I think Taz was very underrated on the mic. If you watch his ECW promos, he brought a legitimate tough guy vibe to him, even though he is only 5'8.
I don't see any similarities other than their facial expressions. Taz wrestled a different style which was a hybrid of Judo and suplex variations. If you had to compare anyone to Rusev, I see him being more similar to Umaga in terms of wrestling style, Sylvester Terkay in terms of appearance and Vladimir Kozlov in terms of attitude.
There aren't many similarities between Rusev and Tazz. I think you're reaching a bit. Rusev reminds me of Kozlov more than anyone. This is why I am not excited to see how he pans out. We've seen this before just a couple years ago.
You know I never thought of that comparison before. It would be great to see someone of his size start suplexing everything in sight. They tried to do that with Brodus before the funk thing, but it would be great to see Big guys starting to show technical prowess.
Rusev will not get over in this gimmick made for the cold war era.

It might get the girl over but rusev is a lost cause regardless of in ring ability. Awful gimmick, awful booking.
Not really, no. They have somewhat similar builds, but that's about it. That said, I wouldn't mind if started reading Taz's playbook and began tossing guys all the way to Bulgaria. If anything, he reminds me of Kozlov, except actually intimidating.
I don't post often enough here to realize all of the rules just yet, but it was a serious question. I just think he gives off that sort of vibe. The guy's a total badass, but will they let him show that in matches with better quality opponents down the line? I mean...why feed him R Truth and Woods? These are guys who actually have some talent and are a total waste in a squash match. Wouldn't a better start have been to maybe give him Duggan & Slaughter?

Duggan and Slaughter? LOL, what? No. Just, no. So much no. You talk about him having better quality opponents, but then suggest he should have significantly worse quality opponents, guys who haven't been full time wrestlers since Lana was in middle school...why would you No.

As for the Taz comparison, aside from Rusev being significantly taller, I think I can see what you're trying to say...or what you were thinking, since you didn't really try to say it. Serious guys who are just wrestling machines. I mean, sure, though I can think of a lot of people who were/are like that, many of whom would be better comparisons for Russv. But I do get it, I think. So, sure.

...Duggan and Slaughter???

Rusev will not get over in this gimmick made for the cold war era.

It might get the girl over but rusev is a lost cause regardless of in ring ability. Awful gimmick, awful booking.

LOL. I don't know what's worse, the overuse of the word "buried" on here or the ridiculous things people blame bookers and writers for. Rusev has a fine gimmick and there's nothing wrong with the way he's been booked. He's getting on TV every week and being given a chance to shine. If he can't get the crowd into it, that's on him. Soggy with this "terrible booking" nonsense.
He's just a generic Powerhouse that shows no emotions, i think he's just meant to be a Ivan Drago type character with Lana as his controller just like in Rocky

WOnt be long and his catchphrase will be "I must break you". while sweat/water is dripping down his face and he'll keep crippling people til John Cena comes to save the day
Not at all. This makes me question what you actually know about Taz?

His wrestling style was NOTHING like Rusev's. His character was nothing like Rusev's either. I literally can't think of one reason to make this comparison. In what way are they even a little bit alike?
Duggan and Slaughter? LOL, what? No. Just, no. So much no. You talk about him having better quality opponents, but then suggest he should have significantly worse quality opponents, guys who haven't been full time wrestlers since Lana was in middle school...why would you No.

As for the Taz comparison, aside from Rusev being significantly taller, I think I can see what you're trying to say...or what you were thinking, since you didn't really try to say it. Serious guys who are just wrestling machines. I mean, sure, though I can think of a lot of people who were/are like that, many of whom would be better comparisons for Russv. But I do get it, I think. So, sure.

...Duggan and Slaughter???

LOL. I don't know what's worse, the overuse of the word "buried" on here or the ridiculous things people blame bookers and writers for. Rusev has a fine gimmick and there's nothing wrong with the way he's been booked. He's getting on TV every week and being given a chance to shine. If he can't get the crowd into it, that's on him. Soggy with this "terrible booking" nonsense.

I think it's hard for fans to get into the "unstoppable monster" gimmick because it's been done to death! New guy comes in, destroys lower-mid carders, wins handicapped matches....from Ludvig Borga to Umaga, to Vozlov....there's been a ton of these guys. I know it's been a longtime wrestling staple, but I wonder if it's time to do away with that kind of push. It never leads to anything, because as soon as he loses he's cooled off and never taken all that seriously again.
Taz is nothing like Rusev Taz was a wrestling machine badass and a crippler. So far, Rusev hasn't shown what he's capable of doing and comes off as you typical slow moving power man/ shoot fighter who will probably do well in the upper mid card with either a few IC or US title reigns or wind up in a successful tag team but other than that the only one I see currently benefitting is Lana.
I don't post often enough here to realize all of the rules just yet, but it was a serious question. I just think he gives off that sort of vibe. The guy's a total badass, but will they let him show that in matches with better quality opponents down the line? I mean...why feed him R Truth and Woods? These are guys who actually have some talent and are a total waste in a squash match. Wouldn't a better start have been to maybe give him Duggan & Slaughter?

I don't know if WWE could do this since it's PG era but how about he could be the Bulgarian version of Jeff Jarrett in the Attitude Era when he used to come to the ring with Debra.

Lana is more over than Rusev but at this point any reaction is better than no reaction like what Big E gets.

Maybe Lana could try to get more involved in his matches when he faces more credible opponents and fans could decide for themselves what they think of Rusev.

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