Best version of Wrestling factions


Championship Contender
What would everyones opinion be of the best version of the wrestling factions, the NWO, 4 Horsemen and DX, Just curious if its always the first version people choose

My favourite NWO version, Was around the start of 1997 when they had Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Eric Bischoff etc still mainly main event guys before it got too watered down.

My favourite Horsemen group was the first one Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson and Tully Blanchard with manager JJ Dillon
Later versions I think had better quality wrestlers like replacing Ole Anderson for Barry Windham for example but when they first started out it seemed so new and different with great storylines and vignettes.

My Favourite DX was also first one with Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Chyna and Rick Rude think they all worked well together would have prefered Rick Rude to have stuck around longer and maybe develop into a part time wrestler role.
Favourite nWo was Hogan, the Outsiders, DiBiase, Giant, Syxx and Vincent before Bischoff came in.

Favourite DX was HHH, X pac, Chyna and the New Age Outlaws

Favourite Horsemen was Flair, Arn, Tully and Windham
Favourite version of the nWo was around October 1996 when they'd expanded to include DiBiase, Syxx, nWo Sting and The Giant. As soon as Vincent, Nick Patrick and Miss Elizabeth joined it started going downhill, though the addition of Bischoff helped pick things up and the feud with Sting helped carry the angle for another year.

DX for me will always be Triple H, X-Pac, the New Age Outlaws and Chyna. I know that doesn't sit right with HBK fans but that version of DX is the one that was most over, had the better feuds and did the best business.

Horsemen was probably Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson and Tully Blanchard with manager JJ Dillon but I wasn't watching NWA back then so can only go off documentaries.
NWO: My favorite incarnation of the NWO was the original 3. I know it was only the three of them together for about a month or so, but THAT is the NWO. When Hall, Nash, and Hogan were together, they were all on fairly equal playing field, whereas they treated the newer members like pieces of dirt. I think once names started getting added to the NWO, it was the beginning of the end for the younger generation of WCW, as guys like Hogan, Hall, Nash, Luger, Sting and Macho all were the ones who got the top NWO programs. Also, I dug the original because that whole angle was just off the charts incredible.

DX: HHH, NAO, X-PAC, and Chyna for me. They were my favorite just based on longevity and... yeah I kinda love the NAO too :blush:. Also, again I feel like Michaels really hurt the team with his ego. Rarely did the faces get the pay off of getting the better of Michaels in their feuds, and he spoiled some pretty great possible feuds with guys like Owen Hart and even HHH because he didn't feel they were "on his level" at the time. HHH was the much better spoil and leader imo, and the NAO, Chyna, and X-Pac were better than perfect fits.

Horsemen: The original I guess, as the later re-incarnations didn't really interest me in the least. However, I think WCW really had something with Arn/Flair/Benoit but than they went and added friggin Mongo Mcmichaels who couldn't wrestle worth a DAMN. I think if somebody like Malenko would have been the 4th guy in 96 instead of joining in 99 when Arn was already done, than they would have been great.
Favorite NWO version was Jan-March 99 - Hollywood Hogan, Nash & Hall, Steiner, & Bagwell. They purged all the fading mid carders (Henning) and never was (Horace, Norton, Virgil, etc) and had a lean, mean machine with the original core, the newest bad a## on the roster (Steiner) and the only guy who was ever associated with the group who actually grew and became a bigger star (Bagwell).

Fav Horsemen was 1987-Jan 1988 version - Flair, Arn & Tully, Lex Luger, with JJ Dillion as manager. Luger gave them the muscle and youth they lacked while the other three maintained the cunning, backstabbing heel persona that was started by the original group with Ole. The Barry Whyndam version was also good as Whyndam was a much better in ring performer than Luger (this was before his knee injury) but the Luger version was my personal favorite.

DX really hit their stride as a stable when they were at full force with Syxx & NOA, they all had major storylines and matches, like the early incarnations of The Horsemen, HBK was the star but the others were given their due, it wasn't just the "Lets Back Up Shawn" show. They lost steam fast after HBK left, although HHH benefitted with the rub from the original group and became a veritable legend.

DX really hit their stride as a stable when they were at full force with Syxx & NOA, they all had major storylines and matches, like the early incarnations of The Horsemen, HBK was the star but the others were given their due, it wasn't just the "Lets Back Up Shawn" show. They lost steam fast after HBK left, although HHH benefitted with the rub from the original group and became a veritable legend.

I may be misunderstanding your post, but Syxx/X-Pac and the Outlaws only joined D-Generation X AFTER Shawn had already retired. HHH brought X-Pac in when he seized control of DX after Shawn's career was thought to be over. He then added the Outlaws to the faction. Shawn was never in a version of DX with Pac, Road Dogg and Mr Ass.

I agree though that the 2nd version of DX (HHH, Chyna, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and X-Pac was the better one though. I'd put them up against any other faction in history.
DX- HHH, New Age Outlaws, X Pac, and Chyna

This was the best incarnation of the group imo. The same elements were there from the Shawn led group but in many ways they were a different group with a different focus and direction.

NWO- Hogan, Hall, Nash, Giant, Syxx, "Sting", Dibiase, Vincent

This was the best version. You had your top guys in Hogan, Hall and Nash, their financier in Dibiase, and the guys that would be there to get their asses kicked in Syxx, Vincent and "Sting".

4 Horsemen- Flair, Arn, Benoit, Pillman

By the time I started watching wrestling the Horsemen's hay day had already passed. I'm going by the best version I seen.
I agree with mostly everyone who posted so far.

Four Horsemen – My favorite version of the greatest Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment Stable of all time is Ric Flair, Barry Windham, Arn Anderson, and Tully Blanchard, with James J. Dillon as their manager. 1988, in my opinion, was their best year. This could also explain why this group was the version inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2012.

New World Order – My favorite version of the nWo has to be the original 10 members. You had the Outsiders, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, the leader, Hollywood Hogan, the financier, Ted DiBiase, the crocked Ref, Nick Patrick, the WCW defector, the Giant, the main storyline driver, the nWo Sting, the Cruiserweight contender, Syxx, the bodyguard, Vincent, the celebrity, Kyle Petty, and the eye candy, Miss Elizabeth. Anyone after this list of 10 was overkill. I think once Eric Bischoff joined, it was doomed to fail. The Ken Doll was power bombed to the arena floor. I guess if it makes dollars, then it makes sense.

D-Generation X – My favorite version of DX has to be the DX Army. In my opinion, DX wasn’t really a Stable when Shawn Michaels was the leader. It was the Main Eventer, the jobber, the insurance policy and the female body guard. Come to think of it, they appear to be the blueprint that the Impact Players seem to have copied and made their own. With the DX Army, however, now that was a Stable. They had the Main Eventer, the Mid-Carder, the Tag Team, and the Female Wrestler. It was a complete team that covered every division nicely.
I may be misunderstanding your post, but Syxx/X-Pac and the Outlaws only joined D-Generation X AFTER Shawn had already retired. HHH brought X-Pac in when he seized control of DX after Shawn's career was thought to be over. He then added the Outlaws to the faction. Shawn was never in a version of DX with Pac, Road Dogg and Mr Ass.

I agree though that the 2nd version of DX (HHH, Chyna, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and X-Pac was the better one though. I'd put them up against any other faction in history.

I wrote that wrong, my yes as a faction that 2nd post HBK retirement group I thought was the best, the original paring was too much comedy and not enough villainry, they weren't as bad a#$ as the NWO. The 2nd incarnation still had plenty of the comedy aspects but they were a more legit bad a$# group, comparable to other well known factions in their heyday (Heenan Family, Horsemen, NWO, Freebirds, Evolution, etc).
Favourite version of the nWo was around October 1996 when they'd expanded to include DiBiase, Syxx, nWo Sting and The Giant. As soon as Vincent, Nick Patrick and Miss Elizabeth joined it started going downhill, though the addition of Bischoff helped pick things up and the feud with Sting helped carry the angle for another year.

DX for me will always be Triple H, X-Pac, the New Age Outlaws and Chyna. I know that doesn't sit right with HBK fans but that version of DX is the one that was most over, had the better feuds and did the best business.

Horsemen was probably Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson and Tully Blanchard with manager JJ Dillon but I wasn't watching NWA back then so can only go off documentaries.


Many people on here prefer the original 3 and I understand why. However, the Giant at the time was billed as the dominant heel in WCW. Just that year earlier he was feuding heavily with Hogan. With the NWO just Nash, Hall, and Hogan, you could see where the The Dungeon of Doom may still be the dominant heel group given their numbers and The Giant. Once The Giant switched it was obvious their 4 guys were stronger than The Horsemen, and Dungeon. So then it became more of a matter of if the NWO's 4 were better than the WCW's top 4 IE Sting, Savage, Flair, and Luger. They did start to add to many wrestlers and low card guys just to get a kayfabe number's game over anyone they were in the ring with. I can't say that I was impressed with really anyone the NWO added after Syxx besides Macho Man and Steiner much later.

The Horsemen I grew up watching were Benoit, Anderson, Mongo, and Flair. While this was a strong faction the first group was the strongest and the basis for previous incarnations.

DX with Michaels and HHH were more of a tag team while HHH, Xpac, and The New Age Outlaws were the stable. It's similar to the Hart Foundation.
nWo, my favorite version was 1997 when the core members were the WWF stars of the 80's (Hogan and Savage) and the WWF stars of the 90's (Hall and Nash) along with Rodman, Syxx, and Bischoff.

For DX, the 1998 version as babyfaces, with Triple H as the leader, X-Pac, Chyna, and the New Age Outlaws.

For the Horsemen, the 2nd version with Flair, Arn, Tully, and Barry.
Favourite version of the n.W.o.: July 1996 - November 1996
Members: Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Ted DiBiase, The Giant, nWo Sting, Syxx, Vincent

The group was big enough to be a dominant force, but this is before Eric Bischoff joined and things got silly and the group ballooned to include too many B players like Wallstreet, Buff Bagwell, Bubba Rogers and Scott Norton. I made sure to include the initial expansion of guys like DiBiase, Giant and Syxx because I really think they were crucial to the angle and the group at the time.

Favourite version of D-X: August 1997 - March 1998
Members: Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Chyna, Rick Rude

This is when the group was at it's most entertaining. They were doing things you didn't expect to see on TV at the time. The strip poker skits, censorship skits, etc were truly original and very funny. I think after Michaels left they kind of found a formula that worked and they just stuck with it, repeating it time and time again. Whereas the original run you really had no idea what to expect with them.

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