Do You Want Hulk Hogan To Succeed?

Do I WANT to see Hulk Hogan succeed? Yes. By default.

If he succeeds it means TNA is succeeding and growing. And any fan of wrestling should want that because it breeds better competition at the top.

Do I think he WILL succeed. No. I don't think he has the chops as a backstage guy. I think he gets caught up in his own camera time and screws things up too often with his personal opinions. I think he often shows the same guys over and over again ... and then he OVER pushes non-main eventers because HE wants to be the guy credited for getting them over (almost ruined Abyss all by himself).

Obviously Hogan is an icon. Obviously he wants to stay involved in the business (for selfish reasons mostly, but I am an optimist, I think he actually likes the business also). And obviously he can equal ratings. But he CAN'T HAVE ANY REAL CONTROL. He should be nothing but an on-air personality who mostly DOES WHAT HE IS TOLD by people who are better suited to get ratings and revenues.
The moment Brooke Hogan will join TNA will be the time Hulk will have become my worst enemy, the enemy of a company I love so much and I will wish him to fail so he can leave.
On his own, without the support of wrestling company owners behind him & their willing to put up millions of dollars, Hogan doesn't have a great track record in regards to his own projects. Whether it be any of his various endorsement deals, with the exception of the Rent-A-Center commercials, Hogan hasn't exactly set the world on fire. One could argue that the Rent-A-Center commercials are working because of his interaction with Troy Aikman rather than just himself alone. His movie career never amounted to anything other than very, very low budget & bad action films. The celebrity championship wrestling show he had on CMT a few years back was a complete flop. The Micro Championship Wrestling show on TruTV was also a huge flop. His Hulkamania tour prior to his coming to TNA didn't generate anywhere close to the type of business he was hoping. I don't think I'd call Hogan a visionary so much as I'd call him a tireless self-promoter.

I'd like very much to see Hulk Hogan succeed, but I just don't personally believe he has it in him. Hogan is not the creative genius that he frequently hypes himself to be. That's not to say that he doesn't have some good ideas, we've seen some good ideas of his play out in recent months. I'm just not sure if anybody can really get TNA where the TNA brass wants it to be, at least not right now. They've done everything that they can from bringing in huge names to going head to head with WWE. Now they're changing timeslots and going live through this summer in an attempt, and rightly so, to increase viewership. I just don't see it happening in the long run. I'm sure there'll be a few weeks in which they pop a rating but what if they go right back to where they were before? Hogan himself said that he believed 75% of what's wrong in TNA would be fixed by going live, but what if it continues to be plagued with the exact same problems, with only the added expense of a live broadcast?

Like I said, I'm not sure that anybody can really put TNA on that next level, I don't think Hogan can because, if he could, I think it probably would have happened by now. The interest just hasn't been there beyond the usual 1.35-1.5 million viewers that TNA has drawn for the past several years. In the grand scheme of things on cable, TNA doesn't draw bad numbers, but Hogan isn't the guy that's going to get them to that next level.

As for the heat on Hogan, well a lot of that is his own doing. Like I aluded to earlier, Hogan has stuck his foot in his mouth plenty of times since coming to TNA. His image certainly hasn't been helped by him airing his dirty laundry in public, which sometimes looks to be by design. Aside from that, in my opinion, there have been lots of times in which Hogan has made decisions that've been designed to keep him in the spotlight more than to elevate the company. Sooner or later, in his current on-screen role as IW GM, I see him making himself the center of things again. He hasn't thus far really, but I think it's only a matter of time. He just can't help himself.

I think this sums it up, We'd all like for Hogan to make Impact a bigger hit because it filters through the business and makes everyone up their game, but I think one of the biggest issues is that he genuinely still thinks that what's best for business is liberal helpings of him on TV.

If Hogan was an ambassador travelling around promoting TNA and working behind the scenes under someone who could filter out his crazier ideas, I think he could be a help, but he just has to be on TV and they even removed Sting from a role he was doing really well in order to shoehorn him in.

I'm not as down on Garrett as many simply because his push was a storyline seemingly generated to remove Eric from TV, and so far he's not really been pushed as anything but a rookie, Brooke on the other hand is a very dubious addition.

Time will tell if Hulk can make it a hat-trick of promotions he has truly put on the worldwide map, but I just think it's too much for anyone to get TNA close to WWE and Hogan will always be hamstrung by his ego.
Depends on Hogan's definition of success.

If he simply wants to be seen on television each week and take home a fat paycheck, I suppose I'm indifferent. Do I think that's the admirable thing to do? Of course not, but we're talking about Hulk Hogan. He's a selfish guy, according to 99% of the people he has worked with. If exposure and cash are really the only two things he cares about, that's a problem TNA needs to realize and correct. It's not my money, so I guess I can't complain too much.

If he actually wants TNA to grow as a company, yes, I want him to succeed. And trust me, that's what he and EB want. They might be the only two men in TNA who see it as possible, but they're looking to make money and take on the WWE all over again. I guarantee that's the plan... along with taking Dixie for whatever she has to give.
I think Hogan is the definition of success when it comes down to it but I know what you're saying.

In my opinion I think Hogan has hit the ceiling on what he can do for TNA. His name helped get them a little more visibility and things like that but I really don't know what more Hogan can do for TNA. The truth is I don't think he has much more to offer the company. I'm sure he's trying to help them out and I actually agree with certain things he's done such as making Roode a heel but I think that's all he can do.

Hogan would be a good man to keep around for advice and little things he knows that most of TNA doesn't know but I don't see him doing anything huge for TNA. I just don't think Hogan and Bischoff were the answer for what TNA strives to do.

Overall I think TNA is fine, they can't compete with WWE right now and won't any time soon. As long as they can make a decent profit and slowly grow they'll be fine. It would take some major stars used the right way with great storylines consistently for TNA to become WWE.
Hulk Hogan is what LL Cool J is to Hip-Hop, an icon! But many now adays see the Hulkster as a shell of his former self. Working backstage in the offices of TNA/Impact wrestling politicing and such. With Eric Bischoff as Hulk's right-hand-man, and TNA signing the Hulkster's daugther Brooke Hogan to Impact Wrestling. It almost seems that Hulk Hogan is what Vince McMahon is to the WWE, a visionary.

But with all of the heat on Hogan from TNA. Will Hulk Hogan succeed on what he's trying to do with the company? Do you want Hulk Hogan to succeed?
Personally he's one of the major reasons I never watched WWE when he first went there and I hated to see him show up in WCW and TNA when he did.

That being said I like TNA/IW because it gives me wrestling to watch and I've never been a fan of and have no desire to start watching WWE now so yes I do want Hogan to succeed if it's going to keep TNA/IW around.

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