Divas Division


Simmer down and pucker up...
The divas division has been underwhelming to say the least these past few years. Their matches and segments have been used as toilet breaks for a lot of people. There's been no real direction, storylines or effort in making the division better. Until Payback. These last two nights (Payback and Raw) have been two of the best nights for the divas division in a long time. We have seen...

-The best divas match in the past five years between Kaitlyn and AJ.

-AJ (the most over diva in the company) became divas champion.

-A good segment with Steph confronting AJ, which has set up a potential storyline.

-Several divas came together against AJ leading to a physical confrontation between Kaitlyn and AJ, this too is potentially setting up a storyline.

So overall it looks as though the WWE are finally mixing things up in the divas division and starting to care about the division. But do you care about the divas division? Here's a few questions for you...

1)Which divas would you create the division around? Why?

2)Which divas would you hire/fire? Why?

3)Do you think the WWE can make money from the divas division? Why?

4)And finally, do you actually care about the divas division? Why?

It might just be me paying some attention to the divas division making me notice that it's not actually that bad or it could be that there is actually effort being put into the divas division. Obviously you don't have to answer all/any of the questions!
I was about to create a similar thread. I felt that, just like the WWE managed to actually give the Tag Team division some life back, the Divas division might still have some hope after all.

4)Do you actually care about the divas division? Why?
Yes, when they have actual storylines and matches going on, I do care about women's wrestling.
During 2010 and early 2011, LayCool was one of the most interesting things going on in the show for me. It's one of the reasons for me to watch RAW, Smackdown and PPVs. After that, the division went to limbo, unfortunately - but showed a few signs of hope here and there, and once again now.

1)Which divas would you create the division around? Why?

2)Which divas would you hire/fire? Why?
I believe the most urgent quality that is lacking in the Divas division is the ability to cut promos. WWE needs to train (or hire) more female wrestles to be good in the microphone.
As for characters, the creative desperately needs to drop their stereotypical "weak-willed, futile-minded, women" idea, because this seems to be plaguing the division. We need some strong willed, independent, women - no one really cares for a character that just breaks down and cries when something happens, the crowd want characters that stand up to challenges.
do you actually care about the divas division? Why?

Obviously, I do, otherwise, I wouldn't be posting.

I look at wrestling as sort of a circus... You have the strongmen (Main Eventers) the trapeze act (high flyers) the clowns (comic relief). The divas have their part in the show as well

Which divas would you create the division around? Why?

Currently, I'd have to go with AJ and Kaitlyn as my "main attractions," with Natalya, Naomi, Layla and Tamina as my supporting cast. Reason being, these are the ones who get a reaction from fans and that are actually decent (if not better) as actual wrestlers.

Do you think the WWE can make money from the divas division? Why?

Of course they can... WWE obviously thinks so, too... Otherwise, why would they be doing the "Total Divas" show? A fair amount of females watch wrestling as well, so, yeah, I think there's a market that can be tapped there, though it is a niche market.

Which divas would you hire/fire? Why?

Well, I'm obviously keeping the six that I mentioned beforehand. Here's the rest of the current Divas Roster, not including Summer Rae, Vickie and Lilian, as they are fine in their current positions:

Aksana: Ideally, I'd like to keep her as a valet, but I just don't know who to pair her with. Currently, I'd probably send her back to FCW and see if I couldn't pair her with someone there, while having her continue to get better in the ring.

Alicia: Like Aksana, I'd move to make her more of a valet. The difference is, I could see her working with a few different wrestlers. The ones I'd suggest are: Ezekiel Jackson, JTG, or R-Truth.

Cameron: I turn her heel, break her from Tons of Funk and Naomi and have her as the valet of the Prime Time Players.

Rosa: The timing couldn't be more perfect for my plan for Rosa... She becomes the valet for Alberto Del Rio after he turns heel and ditches Ricardo... That also frees Ricardo up to wrestle.

Bellas: I'm thinking the only reason these two even came back was that WWE wanted a couple of known commodities for the "Total Divas" show and there was nobody on the current roster that could really fill that role. Because of that, I can't realistically release them, but I don't really want them on my roster, so my best option would be to use them in spots on the show that help promote the "Total Divas" show.

Now, for my hires:

Paige: Technically not a "hire," as she's on the NXT roster, but I'd bring her to the main roster and, to be quite honest, probably put her in the position to be the next serious challenger to AJ and the Divas Title after AJ's program with Kaitlyn has run it's course.

Sara Del Rey: Again, not really a "hire," as she's a trainer in NXT. But, Del Rey is arguably the best female wrestler in the world currently. IMO, the main reason the division is lacking is due to how some of the women have been booked (Natalya) and how some hardly get the chance to show their skills (Naomi). A few months with Del Rey in the division, putting on good matches with the Natalyas and Naomis of the current roster could do the rest of the division a world of good.

Finally, I think that the Divas division, in order to have it stand out a bit more on it's own, should have their own GM. IMO, Stephanie McMahon at this point, isn't a good choice, as I want a GM that could actually get in the ring when the situation calls for it and put on a good match. Stephanie is also probably a little too high on the totem pole to be considered a GM for "just" the Divas nowadays.

So, my choice of Divas GM would be Lita. The fans would immediately recognize her, putting a jolt of excitement into the Divas Division and again, when the situation calls for it, she could very likely wrestle a match or two.

1)Which divas would you create the division around? Why?

Well, it would be stupid to ignore Kaitlyn and AJ, Kaitlyn is over and a good strong woman, and AJ is VERY over with the WWE Universe, as a starting point we're in a good place and, though it's going the TNA route, having Steph as GM of the Divas wouldn't be a bad move as she can put them over even more. Steph might not be the no.1 choice for working matches but she's still in good physical shape and there's no reason why she couldn't get a little physical from time to time...

2)Which divas would you hire/fire? Why?

Veterans. Pure and simple, the women who have been there and done that, who have the skills and have already gotten over with the crowd. Many of them are either ex-WWE or in the superior Women's division in TNA. They include, Maria Kenellis, Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly, Michelle McCool, Layla, Gail Kim, Tara, Mickie James, Velvet Sky, Taryn Terrell. Fire... Bella Twins, 'oh look, they swapped places'...

3)Do you think the WWE can make money from the divas division? Why?

They're launching Total Divas, someone sure thinks so!

4)And finally, do you actually care about the divas division? Why?

If they managed it like TNA managed the Knockouts, then I'd care more, hell, many people would. Once it looks like the E are taking the Divas seriously then the fans will follow suit, give them storylines, get them to work proper matches, put faith in them and give them Steph as a GM, with increased use of VKM/HHH on Raw the family dynamic could work quite well.
I'm not going to let myself get too excited about the Divas as a whole just yet. There've been far too many instances in which we've seen events take place that offer a glimmer of hope for the Diva Division only for it to disappear like a puff of smoke.

AJ is a consistent joy to watch, in my opinion, and is easily the best on the mic of any WWE Diva, maybe in the entire history of the company. Her match with Kaitlyn at Payback is the best women's match WWE has had in many years and that's not just in comparison to Diva matches as a whole. It literally was a really good wrestling match, which was the biggest surprise of the show. Basically, WWE told the gals to go out there for 10 minutes and wrestle their asses off. If I had to guess, Triple H stepped up and gave them an opportunity to show how much better the Divas can be as a whole and they made the most of that opportunity.

The next night on Raw, AJ did another great job in her promo segment and her interaction with Stephanie McMahon was interesting. For the first time in forever, there seems to be some actual storytelling going on within the Divas Division. The match plus a good promo segment were both very positive steps forward, but it'd take no effort whatsoever for Vince to just put the kaibosh on the whole thing unless he's given Triple H Carte Blanche to use the women as he sees fit, no sexual pun intended.

So it was a good 48 hours for the Divas as a whole, but I'm gonna have to see more before I really jump on this train.
The fact that everyone is going crazy over that AJ/Kaitlyn match (with good reason, it was pretty good), when it was still not even a pale imitation of the Last Knockout Standing match between Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell (TARYN TERRELL!!) at Slammiversary tells you everything you need to know about the Divas. It's great that they're getting an opportunity to actually do some wrestling, and tell some stories, but they have a long way to go before they can consider themselves a legitimately respectable division like the Knockouts are.
The fact that everyone is going crazy over that AJ/Kaitlyn match (with good reason, it was pretty good), when it was still not even a pale imitation of the Last Knockout Standing match between Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell (TARYN TERRELL!!) at Slammiversary tells you everything you need to know about the Divas. It's great that they're getting an opportunity to actually do some wrestling, and tell some stories, but they have a long way to go before they can consider themselves a legitimately respectable division like the Knockouts are.

Not a fair comparison. The Last Knockout Standing Match was a gimmick match designed to not only be a spot fest. AJ/Kaitlyn was a traditional Divas Match that delivered as such.

The Last Knockout Standing Match delivered because it provided lots of big spots and it made Terrell look better.

The AJ/Kaitlyn Match delivered because it was a traditional Divas Title Match with a true and legitimate backstory. It also had the great contrast of Kaitlyn's power and AJ's speed and versatility in ring.

I think overall both matches should be applauded for helping elevate Women's Wrestling on a national stage.
Yes I care about the Divas Division. I have always been bothered by how little the E cares.
If the AJ/Kaitlyn match proved anything it's that:
a) the Universe will care about the diva's if they are given a thought out storyline and the time to tell the story
b) you can be attractive and still deliver a hell of a wrestling match if given the chance
1)Which divas would you create the division around? Why?

AJ. No one else on the current roster even comes close. She's top tier (out of the divas anyway) on the mic AND in the ring. Not to mention she also gets a reaction out of the fans. No other girl on the roster deserves it more than AJ to be the focal point of the division except perhaps Natalya, if WWE were ever to give her a legitimate chance.

2)Which divas would you hire/fire? Why?

I'll discuss each diva on the current roster.

I would make her the focal point of the division. She gets a long Divas Championship reign where she feuds with and defeats everybody at least once to show she is truly the best the federation has to offer.

She sucks. I would fire her.

Alicia Fox
I would keep her as a jobber.

They are awful in the ring but I would keep them as valets or perhaps jobbers.

Cameron & Naomi
I would keep them around until Tons of Funk split up no longer needing valets and perhaps as jobbers to the other divas.

I would keep her, she would get a lengthy feud with AJ from now until Night of Champions. She'll get more title shots down the line too.

I would keep her, she'd get a few title shots here and there.

She is the one who would finally dethrone AJ after having been built up while AJ feuds with every other diva.

Rosa Mendes
She can stay, but as a jobber. She kinda sucks. I've met her in person though once. She was very nice.

HORRIBLE! She's the first one to get fired.

I would bring her up to the main roster from developmental. If she's as good as people say, then she's already better than half the roster so she would do fine.

So that would leave us with these tiers:

Championship tier: AJ (Divas Champion), Natalya (eventual contender)
Mid-tier: Kaitlyn, Layla, Paige
Jobbers & Valets: Alicia Fox, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, The Bellas

The championship tier and mid-tier could use a few more names. I'll list some ladies from TNA who I would try to hire as well as former WWE divas I'd want to see return.

Madison Rayne
She'd fit in well and I'd like to see her feuding with either AJ or Natalya. Maybe even a reign as Divas Champion herself someday.

Mickie James
She has been Divas Champion before and working with a veteran like Mickie could be good for today's divas. Definitely mid-tier though, I'm not in as much of a hurry to see her be Divas Champion again. I'd rather see it built around AJ and Natalya.

Along with Mickie, she too would fill the veteran role. It would be a good experience for today's divas to get to work with Tara who could go back to her Victoria persona. Mid-tier.

Beth Phoenix
Championship tier. I'd love to see her return to feud with AJ as well as Natalya.

We never truly got to see what she could do in WWE. Her run ended before it even got the chance to take off and I would want to try to bring her back, she'd go into the championship tier.

Trish Stratus
If the men can have legends working part time, then why not the divas? The greatest diva in history should get the chance to come back to put over the championship tier girls. Trish VS AJ would be amazing. A legends tier consisting of part time divas gets created for her.

I'd love to see Lita return as a part timer in the legends tier too. Why not? It would be an amazing opportunity for today's divas to work with legends like Lita or Trish.

So that update (assuming TNA ever let this many Knockouts end up in WWE or any of the former divas return, but do keep in mind I was asked who I would hire and fire to improve the divas division, so any potential signing goes.) here is how the tiers would then look:

Legends tier: Trish Stratus, Lita
Championship tier: AJ (Divas Champion), Natalya, Madison Rayne, Beth Phoenix, Kharma
Mid-tier: Kaitlyn, Layla, Paige, Mickie James, Tara/Victoria
Jobbers & Valets: Alicia Fox, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, The Bellas

Now that's a MUCH better division than what we have at the moment and it would have potential to generate interest in womens wrestling once again within the WWE. Obviously its likely never going to happen, but it sure would be great to see.

3)Do you think the WWE can make money from the divas division? Why?

Yes, if they make the fans care. They will never draw the way the men do, but if they put forth the effort to get the fans to show interest then they can make a profit off of the divas. Merchandise, replicas of the Divas Championship, DVD's later down the line.... It's all very possible. If WWE wants to make it happen. That's up to them.

4)And finally, do you actually care about the divas division? Why?

Of course I do. The girls deserve to have a great division and a belt worth fighting for, just as the men do. This angle between AJ and Kaitlyn can be the start of the division turning around, but only if WWE maintain the determination to make that happen. While I don't expect the greatness of Trish or Lita to ever be replicated, at least they could get to the point where fans WANT to watch the divas again. We need more matches like what we saw at Payback and more segments like what we saw between AJ/Stephanie/Kaitlyn on Raw this week. WWE still CAN make it happen. It's whether they want to or not and unfortunately I doubt they care enough about the division to make it happen. Fingers are crossed.
AJ and Kaitlyn are at the top. They are the only divas worth anything at the moment. They can feud for the rest of their careers.

layla and naty can put on a solid match. naomi might have potential. the bellas normally get a reaction from the crowd. the rest of the wwe divas are jobbers. nothing special

NXT has a relatively stron divas division
Paige and summer rae had/have a great NXT feud. kinda stopped when summer became fandango's dancer. both have a lot of potential.

emma a lot of fun. her character clumsy and kinda stupid. it is hard not to like her. very different from anything in the wwe.
adurey marie is a decent heel and looks good.
AJ and Kaitlyn could be this generation's Lita and Trish, and there really are a lot of similarities between the two duos. Just like Trish and Lita, they came in around the same time, one is a natural wrestler and the other is a fitness model turned wrestler, both duos are best friends off screen so they have that natural chemistry in the ring and in skits together, AJ's more punk rockish just like Lita was while Kaitlyn is the fit blonde like Trish, and just like the other two I'm sure AJ and Kaitlyn will make the switch from "BFF's" to enemies dozens of times before its all said and done.

Just keep giving these girls the baton and let them run with it.

As for who else to push, PLEASE push Naomi. If you've never seen her and AJ's NXT match, watch it. I'm sure now that they're both more seasoned they could have an amazing match together.
I don't want to get too excited yet, but AJ/Kaitlynn is the first feud in a while that the regular fans seem to care about. AJ is great, and she's gotten so much exposure from working big angles with Cena, Punk, Dolph, Bryan, ect that regular fans actually care about her.

It helps that she's gotten a great character and know's how to use a mic, and can actually wrestler. Kaitlynn is decent, but it's the dynamic between the two that works.

Hopefully the WWE(and more so Vince) see's that regular fans "can" still care about and notice the girls and decides to run with it.

The diva division as a whole in the last 7-8 years has gone through periods where the diva's matter and fans actually care. Girls like Mickie, Beth, Melina, Maryse, McCool, Eve all could work and all had compelling storylines that made fans interested in the girls product. But once they get momentum they decide to fuck it up.

If you get girls who can work(either in the ring on the mic or both) and write compelling storylines and give them interesting characters people will care. Let's just hope they realize it and want to countinue.

1)Which divas would you create the division around? Why?
AJ is the star. I think Kaitlynn is great foil for her and can become something great. Naomi is amazing and needs to be given more time to shine aswell. When she's in the ring and hitting her moves, fans react. The Bellas are competent heels, same with Tamina. Nattie can still go.

Paige, Emma, and Summer(from NXT) are 3 great girls, and all have something they could bring to the division aswell.

I wouldn't fire any of them until they bring some more girls up. Even now their isn't a whole lot of options for matches. With 4-5 different TV shows, we get the same Kaitlynn Vs. Aksana match just because their isn't many options. If more girls come to the main roster I think Aksana could be given a pink slip. Alicia(who I love) is a competent ring girl, but doesn't have much more to give.

3)Do you think the WWE can make money from the divas division? Why?
I think Trish/Lita probably made some money for the company, so yes I do. TNA(although their division has gotten shittier over the years)make the women draw.

Do I think AJ or Paige or Naomi are going to bring in Cena money? No. But I think they have a niche, and the WWE would be silly to ignore it. They have so many shows and so many hours of programming a week, they might aswell give some shine to the women. WWE are the biggest wrestling company around, and you'd think they'd want to have the best product around aswell. Give a damn about all your division's and maybe fans will react.

4)And finally, do you actually care about the divas division? Why?
Yes. It's really the only thing I really care about. Although when Melina/McCool and others left and we went threw a really shitty period I really didn't care about the division. But with girls like Eve(who I miss), AJ and others getting time to shine, and girls like Naomi wowing me, and now the Kaitlynn/AJ feud I'm starting to get invested again.

The diva's division can be so much fun and compelling if they actually try, and so I'm hoping Vince and his team decide to try.
I'll discuss my thoughts on each individual Diva currently in the WWE.

AJ: I'm not that much of an AJ fan but I would definitely keep her as one of, if not, the top heel of the Division. Her character has been a breath of fresh air for the division, a much needed one at that. Her wrestling ability is good enough to keep her up there as well.

Aksana: I don't know what happened because Aksana used to put on GREAT matches at FCW but now, not so much. I'd put her in a valet role with one of the new NXT guys when they make their main roster debut; on my TEW, I've paired her up with Leo Kruger and they seem to be working well together.

Alicia Fox: Needs to be pushed as a heel. Her moveset as a heel is more crisp than it is as a face. The snobby, gossipy heel that Alicia has been seen portraying is gold and I'd love to put her in that role.

The Bella Twins: They play the bitchy characters so well so I'd like to see them in a kind of "femme fatale" role, being the downfall for babyface superstars who fall for their charm.

Cameron: Turn her heel and break her away from the Planet Funk stable and have her feud with Naomi. Cameron's got a sassy attitude that would work well as a heel.

Kaitlyn: She's working well as one of the top babyface Divas in the company. Her goofy personality connects well with the audience so she's fine where she is.

Layla: Needs to turn heel. Babyface Layla is all fine and dandy but heel Laycool Layla was off the chain.

Naomi: After some in-ring refining, I'd push Naomi to the roof. Absolute incredible athlete and could be a top Diva.

Natalya: Needs to be pushed as one of the top Divas in the WWE. She's got the personality and the wrestling ability to carry the Divas division. Preferably as a face.

Rosa Mendes: She's fine where she is although I'd like to see her paired up with an upper carder or main eventer like Del Rio. She could play well into their storylines.

Summer Rae: I want to see her break away from Fandango and adopt a Ms Hancock type gimmick a la Stacy Keibler in WWE. With the right training, she could be a top Diva in the future.

Tamina: Has the ability to be a great heel diva if used properly so I'd keep her in a monster heel type gimmick with more in-ring refining.

1)Which divas would you create the division around? Why?
AJ and Natalya because they are the most talented.

2)Which divas would you hire/fire? Why?
I'm too nice to fire anyone. As for hires, I'd love to see Lacey Von Erich in the WWE in a heel manager type role, only sparingly used in matches. I would bring up Paige and Emma to the main roster as well.

3)Do you think the WWE can make money from the divas division? Why?
Definitely if they keep to push the Divas division. The Divas division in the "Golden Era" was pushed and they made money from that methinks.

4)And finally, do you actually care about the divas division? Why?
Totes. Been a women's wrestling enthusiast since I was 5 so I always grew up liking women in wrestling more than men.
This is a part of WWE that I care much about, growing up I was seeing the best Diva talent, or Diva's managing some of the tag teams that made me a big fan of Wrestling (Hardys, Dudleys, DX, Edge & Christian).

My biggest gripe is the bad booking of Natalya, she should be the Womens Champion and be dominant. She's got the in-ring ability and good on the mic.

As for the rest of the Diva's Division I'm unsure of because there was a large time where I stopped watching wrestling due to me not having the correct resources to watch so I don't really know what's been happening in the past few years and still playing catch up.
I'm really glad you made this thread. I've always been a fan on Women's wrestling, and have had this same discussion with several friends on multiple occasions. That being said, let's get to the matter at hand.

1)Which divas would you create the division around? Why?

I would rebuild the Divas Division to be have AJ Lee as its focal point, similar to how the Women's Division was revamped in 2001 to have Trish Stratus as its center. Of course, every top star has to have a top foil. Much like Lita was to Trish Stratus, Kaitlyn would be the foil to AJ Lee. In fact, I would sort of recreate a similar pattern to that of Trish & Lita's various storylines. Also, while the Divas Championship should be the ultimate goal of the Divas, I wouldn't have every Diva chasing gold. Despite what TNA feels, ALL the women on the roster do not need to be former Champions (yes, I realize that Taryn isn't a KO Champion yet, but trust it's coming).

2)Which divas would you hire/fire? Why?
I feel that the Divas Division needs a few skilled veterans to work with the younger talents. I'll start with the Divas currently on the WWE/NXT roster in Pink, and then list a hires in Purple. In a perfect world, my roster would consist of the following Divas:

AJ Lee: She is the center of the Divas Division, as mentioned before. She will almost always be in or around the Divas Championship picture.

Aksana: I realize her in-ring skills need some work. However, she is a bodybuilder, and won the 2009 Arnold Classic. I would work on her strength, literally, and make her the dark horse of the division. She'd primarily be on the midcard. If that doesn't work, she can be a valet.

Alicia Fox: She's a former Divas Champion. She's not the best in the ring, but she isn't the worst. I would have her on the Divas midcard occasionally, but her primary use would be as a valet.

Brie Bella: Apparently Vince seems to think she's the more talented of the twins. Personally, I think they're both just average. With her being a former Divas Champion, though, I would place her on the midcard.

Cameron: I'm not sure how much Cameron has improved since Tough Enough. I also like her as a valet that occasionally gets in the ring.

Kaitlyn: The foil to AJ Lee. Whether as a face or heel, she will have her biggest rivalry against AJ. Again, she will usually be in or around the Divas Championship picture.

Layla: Layla really impresses me. She's improved so much since she first appeared on the Diva Search. She's also the first British-born person to hold either the WWE Women's Championship (being the final Women's Champion), and the Divas Championship. She's another Diva I can can see near the title picture on more than just a few occasions. Upper-midcard.

Naomi: Here's an example of natural athletic ability going to waste. Naomi really does have talent. She's also worthy of being upper-midcard status in the Divas Division.

Natalya: Natalya is easily the best wrestler of all the divas on the current roster, and certainly one of the strongest. She will be a top contender. She will have reigns as Divas Champion, as well as top feuds with various other Divas.

Nikki Bella: You can't really have one Bella twin, and not the other. So, for that reason, and the fact that she's also a former Divas Champion, I would place her right alongside Brie Bella on the midcard.

Paige: She's the current NXT Women's Champion, and I've really been impressed with her. She's would hang around the midcard and upper-midcard area.

Rosa Mendes: I have seen little to no improvement from her in the ring. Besides, I think she's found her calling in the valet role.

Sara Del Rey: There is a reason she's the trainer of the Divas. She's arguably the best women's wrestler in the world today. She will hang around the title picture for some time.

Tamina Snuka: This woman is just loaded with power and potential. Problem is, she hasn't fully tapped it yet. I would have her work her way up the card, beginning at the midcard, and teasing several close calls at becoming Divas Champion, before finally getting the title.

Angelina Love: She's got amazing talent. She can float around the midcard and upper mid-card of the division.

Ashley: Valet and occasional wrestler.

Beth Phoenix: Need I say anything else? Beth would be in the upper-midcard to the title picture.

Candice Michelle: Vince tried to make her the next Trish Stratus. Because of she was so injury prone, it didn't work out, even though she managed to win the WWE Women's Championship. I'd have her used primarily as a valet. Although, she may occasionally wrestle.

Eve Torres: Granted, Eve just left to start a family with her husband. But, let's face it. She's great. She doesn't have to be in the title picture, but she'll definitely get in some high profile matches.

Gail Kim: Do I need a reason for Gail Kim? She'd be in the title picture on occasion.

Jazz: Jazz is one of the fiercest competitors ever in the WWE. She doesn't have to wrestle often, though.

Jillian Hall: She was very underrated in WWE. This time around, her athleticism will be highlighted in the midcard.

Kharma: We never got to see what she could do in WWE. But, if it's anything close to what she did in TNA, it would've been good. Plus, we can revisit the Kong/Gail feud from 2007. She'll float around the Championship picture, although I can't see her holding a butterfly.

Madison Rayne: Madison may have been annoying in TNA but she was good in-ring and on the mic. That's good enough to get her in the upper-midcard.

Maria: Maria is another Diva who has come a long way. Although she isn't as polished as I'd like for her to be. She can be a valet and wrestle occasionally until she gets better in the ring.

Maryse: Maryse is the perfect heel diva. Arrogant, sexy, and obnoxious. Not to mention, she has the longest reign of any other Divas Champion. I'd give her a run with the title, and place her on the midcard when she isn't in the title scene.

Melina: One of the best women's wrestlers in the business. She'd be in the upper-midcard.

Michelle McCool: Michelle McCool. Do I need to say more? Like Jazz, she wouldn't have to wrestle often, but they'd be big matches.

Mickie James: Another veteran that could do the midcard some good.

Molly Holly: Like Jazz and Michelle, she wouldn't have to wrestle much. But she would definitely highlight the Divas Division, and produce great matches with just about anyone on the roster.

Nikki Roxx (Roxxi Laveaux): This woman is amazing, in my opinion. I'd have her start out on the midcard and work her way up to being Divas Champion.

Velvet Sky: It's a no-brainer. Let the pigeons loose. LOL. But seriously, she isn't as bad as everyone says. I'd put her on the midcard.

Victoria (Tara): Another vet who wouldn't have to wrestle that often, but would give us great high profile matches.

I realize this is a large number of Divas and all of them can't possibly be featured on the main shows Raw and SmackDown. However, they can have matches on Superstars, Main Event, NXT, and Saturday Morning Slam.

They also can't all compete for the Divas Championship, right? So, why not create another title? WWE had plans for a Divas Tag Team Championship, which they would have made for the Bellas, so why not now? The Bella Twins are on the roster, Lay-Cool, The Beautiful People, and many other teams could be forged. This would give the women two titles to chase after, featuring more women, rather than just one title and fewer women.

Also, since the GMs on Raw and SmackDown really don't do much for the Division, I would hire someone to be in charge. That someone would be a woman who can get physical if necessary. Someone who's a former multi-time Women's Champion. I would hire Trish Stratus to have total control of the Divas Division. And we all know how WWE likes these fancy titles, so I would name her (at least on screen) as the Executive Vice-President, Divas Division (or something to that effect).

3)Do you think the WWE can make money from the divas division? Why?

They absolutely can, and they know it. That's why they're doing the Total Divas TV Show.

4)And finally, do you actually care about the divas division? Why?

Of course I do. As I mentioned before, I've always been a fan of women's wrestling. I just wish the powers that be would let them show their true talent, even if it means they outshine the male wrestlers. If that happens to be the case, maybe your male wrestlers need to step up their game, or go back down to developmental.
I've NEVER been a fan of women's wrestling, because I don't hit girls and I don't enjoy seeing them do it to each other. That's why I don't get that there HAS TO BE this AMAZING women's wrestling...

A lot of the diva matches used to be hair-pulling and bulldogs exclusively, but that changed. What hasn't changed, unfortunately, is the annoying-as-shit Sharapova-like screams we've come to tolerate.

Kaitlyn... yeah... she was smiling at Payback when AJ Black-Widowed her the first time. Did she not think the camera was on, or what? So she can do the moves, but she's not the saviour of the division she's made out to be.

AJ and Kaitlyn are still very talented, though, and they should be Orton and Sheamus of this gig.

2) Beth and Tamina could be the "monsters". Emma and Paige are surprisingly over as well and once they get bumped to one of the main shows, we'll see adequate rotation in the women's division. Throw in Natalya, because of wrestling ability and I thought Eve made a good heel, so we'll add her to the mix. The rest of the divas can get fired. We don't get 20 tag-teams, so why should there be so many wrestlers competing for one title? The divas are in a worse position, too, because tag-teamers can still split up and go for the singles titles. If the demand for a divas tag division is there, I'd get LayCool and the Funkadactyls (only because they're an established team) and a random pairing of two of the ladies not involved in the singles hunt.

3) Yes. It adds variety. WWE pretty much has the little boy-demographic covered, but I'm sure they can get more little girls to watch, also bringing in more parents. I'm sure there are a lot of enlightened women who'd also enjoy a good division to "represent" them.

4) Nah. I like having the variety, but if they axed that division in favour of a hardcore or cruiserweight division, I wouldn't even notice the divas are gone, except that Tons of Funk's entrance got way less sexy somehow...

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