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Did Mysterio Get as Much Heat as Daniel Bryan?


King Of The Ring
So many people are fans of Daniel Bryan, but there are a lot who don't like Daniel Bryan based on the fact that he's small, is not great on the mic, lacks charisma.... has a beard?
Anyway I wasn't much into dirtsheets or forums when Rey Mysterio was the Champ and it seems he had much the same problems as Daniel Bryan has now and it really got me interested for what people were saying about Mysterio when he was the Champion. This isn't a Daniel Bryan love or hate thread so PLEASE don't come on here ripping me for being a mark or a hater.. I'm genuinely interested in the question.

Does anybody remember if Rey got as much heat as Bryan when he was Champion? Or were the fans content?
The fans were pretty much content, although there was the general feeling that he only got the WHC thanks to Eddie's passing. Didn't really help that he was booked as a really weak champion that seemed to get his ass kicked on a weekly basis. It's also worth noting that Rey didn't get nearly as much mic or screen time as DB and there was more important stars/storylines, so if people didn't care about Rey he was much easier to ignore.
I would say DB is in a way better place. My problem with Rey as champion, is that his signature moves looked like most guys with a decent build could take them with liitle to no affect. DB moves look like they flat out HURT. It's a perception business. Rey, if you didn't pick him up, you beat him. DB's stuff just looks more legit. (Reys 170lb moonsault on top of a 450lb Big Show just doesn't project the same effect that a running knee to his face would have)
There've been a couple of other threads making that claim that there are "a lot" of fans who don't like Daniel Bryan. Based solely on the WZ forums, I don't see "a lot" of fans ragging on Daniel Bryan other than a small handful. Nothing wrong with that, don't get me wrong, but I'd like to know when the definition of "a lot" was changed to a comparative few.

Here's the thing about Bryan, he's not the "traditional" WWE superstar. Frankly, he's the sort of person that a good deal of WWE fans have wanted to see pushed for quite a while partially because he doesn't fit that "traditional" mold. As far as his size goes, while he's not some physical juggernaut, I don't know why some try to make it seem as though he's smaller than he actually is. Bryan's about 5'9" and around 210 lbs, which is about average height for a man in the United States. He's all of maybe...I dunno 2 or 3 inches shorter than Punk or Dolph Ziggler and about equal in weight. I get that they've used the size bit as part of the underdog storyline but when you leave the exaggerated aspects out, Bryan's generally just a normal sized guy.

When it comes to him not being great on the mic, I beg to differ. He accomplishes what he needs to accomplish, which is keeping the crowd interested in his programs and getting them fired up. He doesn't have the sort of smooth flow of someone like CM Punk or Paul Heyman on the mic, granted, nor does he spout of one liners & catchphrases every 10 seconds like The Rock. He probably won't be thought of as one of the all time great mic workers, but he's certainly not horrible by any stretch. I've heard horrible and horrible applies to guys like Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, John Morrison, Darren Young and quite a few others.

As far as his lack of charisma goes, again, I have to disagree. When you can get arena after arena in city after city across the world to give the kind of response that Daniel Bryan gets, I can't see how he doesn't qualify as charismatic. When you look at the response and interest that he constantly gets from fans, I don't know what else you can call it. Granted, he's not being some over the top, hyped up version of himself but, then again, maybe he doesn't have to be. Nobody likes being told by someone that they're not "good enough" because, frankly, it hurts. Everybody's been through it at one point or another it makes it easier to identify with Bryan. However, if he didn't have the goods to justify the support and interest, the fans would've moved on.

As far as Mysterio goes, I remember that he got a pretty good share of it. While size and a wrestler's presence aren't everything, there's a limit to how far that can go. When Mysterio won the WHC, he was about 5'5" and about 160-165 lbs. Frankly, he never connected with fans anything approaching the level of Daniel Bryan. If he had, then the criticisms on his size would've been moot. As has been pointed out, Mysterio was also booked to look pretty weak at times. I remember him getting squashed in a match against Khali. Frankly, had it not been for Eddie Guerrero's death, I doubt Rey would've won the title.
I think he did but not for the same reason. I am a Bryan fan as he can actually wrestle so for me, he is as legit as Bret Hart or HBK. With Mysterio, I had a hard time buying him as champ because of his style - I couldn't see him out wrestling someone. With Mysterio, his moves are totally dependant on the other person selling them properly - they need to fall on that second rope and not the floor which would make more sense otherwise Mysterio can't hit the 619. Almost all of Mysterio's moves are like that. I get that it is wrestling and it is all about selling the move but you shouldn't be able to watch the match and think "why didn't he just do this?". With Bryan, you don't get that. I think they may have both gotten heat from some people for being smaller but I think that is all - the rest would be for different reasons.
I think he got less heat, and much less support. There was no real grass-roots groundswell of support for Mysterio. As has been pointed out, if Eddie Guerrero hadn't died, Mysterio would not have the won the title at that time. People watching at the time realized that. Even though they didn't find Mysterio believable as a champion, most of those people didn't go nuts about it.

I think the REAL heat has been on Bryan fans. This whole "anti-IWC" vibe. Those people are angry because for years they've been making their case about why Bryan can't be a top player and they've been proven wrong.
Mysterio was one of the most unpopular champions in WWE history. He was booed out of the building at WrestleMania 22, and while there was a decent pop for the title change itself, there were still more boos than cheers. In most of the cities SmackDown toured while he was champion, he was heavily booed unless it was a large Latino area. No disrespect to Latino fans, I am one myself, but they were biased towards him because of his Latino heritage. In every other city, Mysterio was booed so much he was borderline heel. Nobody wanted Mysterio as champion.

Bryan doesn't get that. There are people who LOVE Bryan, there are a few who HATE Bryan, and there's fans like me, who enjoy his work but don't think he's THE biggest Superstar in the history of the universe like a lot of people do. Overall he gets a much more positive reaction than Mysterio did as champion. It also helps that Bryan has had three reigns already to get fans used to him as champion. He may have only been WWE Champion for a combined day or so in his two previous reigns, but the IWC tends to ignore the fact that Bryan had a three month reign as World Heavyweight Champion.
Again here's the thing.. Daniel Bryan albeit,only a small handful of people dont like him. Its impossible to be liked by everyone no matter who you are.. Daniel while not carved out of granite,is not small by any standards.. He is pretty built 5'9 210 pounds or so. He is equal to the weight of Punk and Ziggler and maybe a inch or two shorter...

Daniel is full of charisma,you kidding me. Part of cutting a good promo,is you gotta believe in what your saying.. Its gotta come from the heart,if it doesn't no one is going to buy into what your saying.. You can tell Daniel believes in what he is saying,he is full of passion,and is an all world talent.. As far as Mysterio goes,Rey just cant cut a good promo IMO..

It feels when he speaks,its just not believable,like he memorized it.. Outside of the kiddos,IMO no one really believed Rey would make a good WWE Champion.. He only got it,because Eddie unfortunately passed away.. It was a sympathy reign nothing more than that.. Had rey connected with the fans maybe his reign wouldn't be viewed as a sympathy one!
Indeed I remember many people complaining about Rey Mysterio. His size was only one of the issues people had. Heck, I was one of the nay-sayers myself. Am a Rey-nayer to this day...

But here's the thing - there will always be dissent, no matter who is champion. No matter how feverishly the vast majority of fans support a guy while he is chasing the title, almost immediately as soon as he wins the belt, a whole bunch of them turn on the champ. To this day I know of no exception to this rule. That's just the nature of the beast.
Again I would like to reiterate that I personally don't think Bryan has bad mic skills or a lack of charisma. These are just some of the main arguments I've been hearing over the past couple weeks and I was just wondering if people had the same reaction to a Rey Mysterio because honestly, to me at the time, he seemed pretty over, but again I wasn't part of the IWC at the time so I wanted to know what the fans who actually GET wrestling (majority of IWC) thought about it.
And it seems like half of the people who post in these threads have a problem with DB... idk just seems like a lot.
Don't live on this board, alright?

Seven smarks on a wrestling message forum doesn't equal "everybody." Rey was audibly getting heat from the crowd a few weeks after his title win. And some of that came from his underwhelming match at 22 -- Kurt Angle had a lot more momentum than Rey -- he was getting boo'd even before he won the title !

Daniel Bryan ended the biggest show of the year with 75+ thousand crowd chanting his name.

What HEAT are you talking about?
I think the support came from different groups. Daniel gets everyone who likes some good wrestling.....plus, those who like the "togetherness" of group chanting. Rey, on the other hand, was given headline exposure as a nod to the kiddies. Maybe I'm completely wrong, but adult fans who come to wrestling matches because they like.....er....wrestling aren't the ones who went for Rey in a big way; they like Daniel. I find it hard to believe they appreciate the same old moves match after match, with the damn 619.....one of the most visually ludicrous moves I've ever witnessed (as far as how it's set up).....being used multiple times a match. Watching Rey lay to waste men twice his size took away from the belief the company wanted us to possess; that what we're watching is real.....and appealed mainly to children, the ones who had their parents buy the masks.

One thing seems certain; Rey Mysterio has enjoyed a lot of support, perhaps an amount equal to Daniel Bryan.....but the make-up of the support is so wildly different from Rey's that it makes the question pretty much un-answerable.
Don't live on this board, alright?

Seven smarks on a wrestling message forum doesn't equal "everybody." Rey was audibly getting heat from the crowd a few weeks after his title win. And some of that came from his underwhelming match at 22 -- Kurt Angle had a lot more momentum than Rey -- he was getting boo'd even before he won the title !

Daniel Bryan ended the biggest show of the year with 75+ thousand crowd chanting his name.

What HEAT are you talking about?

I'm not talking about the CASUAL fan here man, I'm talking about fans that actually have been watching wrestling for a while and know what the hell they're talking about it. Also I didn't say "everybody" I said a lot and THAT'S JUST THE WAY IT SEEMS TO ME. Also the crowd was the RA crowd at the time, I'm sure if Rey was in his prime right now like Bryan is, he would get, maybe not as much, but certainly more love than he got from that crowd.

It's not just "7" people as well, because a lot of the buddies I got have problems with Bryan and yes there may be a lot more Bryan lovers than haters, that doesn't mean there isn't many people who don't like Bryan as champion.

Also I don't "live" on this thread... I don't have a TV or much else, so yes this is what I use to pass the time.
I think when it comes to Rey Mysterio you have to remember 2 key facts about him:

1. He was established as a giant killer in WCW beating guys like Kevin Nash and feuding with main eventers before joining WWE.

2. In WWE even though he wasn't pushed to the championship until Eddie died, he again feuded with the current main event roster of that time guys like Kurt Angle, HBK, Triple H, etc.
I think the main issue with Reys win was he was always considered by many a pity champion based on the death of Eddie Guerrero. Even though Rey had talent many still believe to this day he wouldn't be champ if Eddie hadn't died and I believe that myself.

Now Daniel Bryan is different, he was an indie guy coming in unless you kept up with ROH or any of the promotions you didn't know what he was capable of. Daniel Bryan getsn a lot of flack for being small, but hell he's what 2 inches shorter then HBK?

This isn't an era where 260 pound 7 foot superstars run WWE anymore guys like CM Punk and Bryan and HBK and even triple H aren't big guys, champions aren't based on 24 inch pythons or being 500 pounds its back to the days of the transition where Bret Hart and HBK became champion and the heels getting title shots were the Nashs the Yokozunas the Sids the Takers the Vaders.

Daniel Bryan has talent but will never be looked at as a draw to management because they think the big guy is the draw not the wrestling. The only saving grace from this belief is if they drop the title off Bryan it can go to a talented guy like Cesaro and not a guy like Khali
Again here's the thing.. Daniel Bryan albeit,only a small handful of people dont like him. Its impossible to be liked by everyone no matter who you are.. Daniel while not carved out of granite,is not small by any standards.. He is pretty built 5'9 210 pounds or so. He is equal to the weight of Punk and Ziggler and maybe a inch or two shorter...

Daniel is full of charisma,you kidding me. Part of cutting a good promo,is you gotta believe in what your saying.. Its gotta come from the heart,if it doesn't no one is going to buy into what your saying.. You can tell Daniel believes in what he is saying,he is full of passion,and is an all world talent.. As far as Mysterio goes,Rey just cant cut a good promo IMO..

It feels when he speaks,its just not believable,like he memorized it.. Outside of the kiddos,IMO no one really believed Rey would make a good WWE Champion.. He only got it,because Eddie unfortunately passed away.. It was a sympathy reign nothing more than that.. Had rey connected with the fans maybe his reign wouldn't be viewed as a sympathy one!

HOLD UP NOW lol...dont let the wwe fool you into believing their billed weights and heights

DB, ive met him personally several times and he is nowhere near the size you just said. Id give him about 5'7 180-185lbs...Mysterio is tiny, like midget small, Im only 5'5 maybe 5'6 and I tower over Mysterio. He has to be like 5'1. My girl is 5'6 1/2, yea she is taller than me, and she is almost eye to eye with DB. Sorry I dont know how to upload pictures on here but if you google Jericho and Daniel Bryan than a picture will come up of them two face to face before their nxt match OR you could simply watch the match on youtube. Jericho has said multiple times that he is 5'9 and he clearly has more than an inch on DB when they are face to face.

I think that the biggest difference here is in the titles.

DB won the top belt, Rey did NOT. If Rey had won the wwe title and that was the only major title at the time like DB did, than Rey would have probably been boo'ed out of buildings like he was at Royal Rumble.
DB won the top belt, Rey did NOT. If Rey had won the wwe title and that was the only major title at the time like DB did, than Rey would have probably been boo'ed out of buildings like he was at Royal Rumble.

Both Rey Mysterio and Daniel Bryan have won both the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship. Rey won what you obviously consider the secondary title (I disagree, but that's another discussion) at WrestleMania 22 and WAS booed out of the building. So what exactly is your point?
I would agree that DB is more over across the board, but I always thought Rey was more over than a lot of people here are giving him credit. The botched turnbuckle post 619 at WM 22 and the general lackluster feel of the match hurt him at that show, but is though thus feud with JBL was great, and it really raised both guys when they both needed it.

Speaking of Rey, I was thinking about this the other day, does he officially have X-PAC heat now?
To be honest, I don't consider either one to be some of my favorites. I don't love them being champs, but I don't hate it, either. I guess I just don't care...though, I care less for Rey. I also believe that he was only given it due to the relationship with Eddie. But, I think it would have made more sense if Chavo got some of that, too, By the time they gave him anything relevant to that, it seemed to be more of a mockery.
Both Rey Mysterio and Daniel Bryan have won both the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship. Rey won what you obviously consider the secondary title (I disagree, but that's another discussion) at WrestleMania 22 and WAS booed out of the building. So what exactly is your point?

um what was your point? U pretty much repeated what I said but stated it as if I said something wrong. Mysterio held the WWE title for half of an episode of Raw...are we really counting that?

Rey Mysterio has never truly held the top belt. He has never been the man like how DB is right now and never was. His world title win didn't even close WM, the real top belt did in the Cena vs HHH match.

my point is that we really can't even compare these two because the fans have never had Mysterio take the top belt and the top spot...so how the hell would we know what the reaction would be??? Imo it would be worse but that just an opinion and it doesn't mean shit

you disagree that the world title was the secondary title when Rey won it??? um ok I guess
you disagree that the world title was the secondary title when Rey won it??? um ok I guess

You are correct, it was the secondary title. And anyone who says otherwise is just trying to be contrarian. Whichever belt was the "Smackdown" title, was the secondary belt. Case closed.

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