David Beckham and LA Galaxy

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The Todd

Championship Contender
Well it looks like Beckham just can't live a normal life. He returns to Galaxy and he is booed out of town by abusive fans who see him as a traitor.

Now, I am not Beckham's number one fan by any means but this treatment stinks. Yes he has a committment to Galaxy but if one of the worlds superpowers ask you to play for them you play for them. Beckham can still offer some of the world's best clubs a service and playing for Milan gives him a better chance to get in the England team.

The World Cup is more important to him than the MLS and so it should be. Plenty of footballers are looking to join bigger clubs to get themselves in the frame for the World Cup, why should Beckham be any different? Playing for Galaxy won't ready him for the World Cup.

Beckham's only wrong was to step down to Galaxy's level in the first place. The move was a stupid one for him to do, it should have happened three or four years later when he was no longer able to compete in Europe.

I understand what the Galaxy fans are annoyed with but Beckham has done more good than bad for them. Who outside of America had heard of Galaxy? Not many. Now everyone knows them. Hell they are selling shirts around the world, getting valuable income.

So what does everyone else make of this? Are there any Galaxy fans who want Beckham out? Or does nobody care? Thoughts please.
I never understood why he went to LA Galaxy, no offense but the MLS simply can´t be compared to any european league, Beckham went there because of his wife and because of the money, not for the sake of his career of which he probably thought was at it´s peak.

I never understood the hype surrounding him, he´s a decent player but not that great as he´s always portrayed by the media.
Players like Maniche, Marin , Zé Roberto have always been better then him but he´s considered a living legend ? For what I ask, for that goal from the middle of the field ? Which was 100% the fault of the keeper by the way.
And now he is booed at LA Galaxy because he wants to go back to a club were he actually has the chance to play in the national team of England.

That means no Tom Cruise or any other Hollywood stars around just Football, like it should be anyway.
It's a case of denial by the Galaxy fans, in my opinion. Beckham came over here to make a shitload of money and to improve his stock. By playing in a lower quality league against lower quality players, it is much easier to look good. By getting loaned to AC Milan, it became obvious that his plan was working. He was getting seen by the top European clubs again and they believed he could compete at that level.

The problem starts when you look at it from the fans' point of view. They saw a world class player coming in to take the team to the MLS Cup every year. Instead, the team hasn't made the playoffs since they acquired Becks. Also, I'm sure many MLS fans don't completely understand the loan process and blamed David for it, plus his comments about wanting to stay didn't help either.

This is a case of 2 different parties wanting two different things. It is sad, really, and I hope that somehow this can be ended before bridges end up being burned.
Basically, Beckham fucked up by going to Galaxy. He saw the pay check and didn't think about anything else, he clearly wants to be playing in a better league and I can totally understand the Galaxy fans frustration. But at the same time I can understand why Beckham wants to be playing in a better league. But as a fan, it annoys you when a player just doesn't want to be at your club, your paying their wages, and they just shit on you by not fulfilling their contractual obligations, and looking for greener pastures.

As Pebble said, Beckham's only mistake was going to Galaxy in the first place, but surely he had to expect a negative reaction from the fans after returning from Milan, because it's quite obvious that Beckham wants to be at a bigger club, in a better league. Beckham has certainly raised the status of Galaxy, but I can understand why the fans are annoyed at Beckham.

On a side note, I don't really know about booing in football, I'm in two minds about it because fans pay to go and watch a match, they have the right to boo if they're unhappy. But booing doesn't solve anything and only causes negativity.
Beckham went to LA Galaxy because of his wife who wanted to live the great life in Hollywood and because of the huge amount of money he is being paid, but I see your point Thriller, he also did it because he wasn´t as good as he was in the beginning, when he left Manchester United he also left his best days behind.

After that he was nothing but an overrated player who played on an average level, and when he went to Galaxy where he would clearly be the best player it was clear that the national coach was going to see what he´s doing over there, and what did he do ? nothing impressive.

Beckham always was overrated and still is for no apparent reason.
He probably should've never went to LA in the first place. I'm assuming it was for the money and the fame, not like there is any competition in the MLS. He obvioulsy couldn't give 2 shits about the team, but who could blame him. After being a star in Europe the MLS is nothing more than playground soccer to him. But, the fans saw right threw that and didn't take kindly to him leaving after not doing much of anything.

Beckham coming to the US was supposed to popularize soccer in America or something like that. However, he really hasn't done anything of notice and should just get out of the US as soon as possible. Beckham should be in Europe preparing for the World Cup since it his something he may actually care about.
He did nothing wrong really. During their break he decided to keep his fitness up while playing at the top level to ensure he continued to be in the England squad. He did fantastic in Italy.

So he stayed a little longer, it's not his fault. Galaxy allowed him to for a fee, if they didn't want him to stay at Milan then they should have said no. Don't blame Beckham, blame Galaxy.
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