"Dashing" Cody Rhodes

I've always seen Cody higher than Ted...

With this new gimmick, obviously WWE are working on him going straight up from this point..and won't be giving up on him...It reminds me when 'The' Brian Kendrick went solo and he had Big Zeke as his bodyguard...that IMO is like the similar gimmick...I think because of his father and his background...Cody will stick out..and will make it to the top no doubt..(BTW im not comparing the wrestling abilities of cody and kendrick..no contest Cody wins..)

If he does make it to the top and elevates say to a secondary title (IC or US)...I think it's good to keep the gimmick with him, because that gimmick is what got him their and it means its working...
It's a good heel gimmick, simple and effective. We'll see how much he can get into character as time goes on. He should watch a bunch of old Ravishing Rick Rude footage. When he got that nose ring I suspected something was coming up with his character. Ted is doing good with the revived Million Dollar Man gimmick and it's about time Cody got one too. He couldn't copy his dad's since he's not a big, fat polka-dot wearing hick with an outrageous accent and charisma (and I'm a Dusty Rhodes fan).
When I was watching Smackdown, I was a bit confused as to why Cody Rhodes was given a segment to do on Smackdown. But, as soon as he started, I was just so happy to see it. It was definitely one of my favorite promos that I have seen in all 7 years that I've been watching wrestling.

Cody Rhodes never entertained me more than he did on Friday. The way he talked about his good looks just came off so natural. I love the way he said that his good looks were not hereditary, because of Dusty Rhodes and Goldust, who is only his half-brother. I loved how he used Husky Harris as the representation of the "average male". I loved the way he talked about how he can "hear the audience getting fatter." I loved every second of the segment. However, the end with his saying "Dashing Cody Rhodes" about 9 different times was quite annoyed. But other than that... I just loved it!
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but he didnt really get too much reaction out of the crowd for this thing, and this is on a show with piped in crowd reaction. Well they reacted to when he called that lady fat, but, no shit.

Personally I loved it, but things that NorCal loves doesn't always equal things that "TEH WWE UNVERSE" loves. See; Swagger, Jack. I really hope this character continues, and develops further, but with the general Charlie Haas heat he was receiving, I just dont know if it will. Add to the fact that SD is damn near an entirely heel brand by this point, and im just unsure if they will continue to devote time to him.
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but he didnt really get too much reaction out of the crowd for this thing, and this is on a show with piped in crowd reaction. Well they reacted to when he called that lady fat, but, no shit.

Personally I loved it, but things that NorCal loves doesn't always equal things that "TEH WWE UNVERSE" loves. See; Swagger, Jack. I really hope this character continues, and develops further, but with the general Charlie Haas heat he was receiving, I just dont know if it will. Add to the fact that SD is damn near an entirely heel brand by this point, and im just unsure if they will continue to devote time to him.

The problem about what you're saying is that Jack Swagger got very little heat to start with, it got massive as time progressed because most of all people seemed to hate listening to him, hatred equals good heat and makes you a good heel.

With time Cody Rhodes could just as well get heat, let's remember he has pretty much no momentum, he got a bit of heat here and there from the feud with Randy Orton, but it was obvious Ted was the talented and heat magnet of the two, while Cody got put on the shelf for a few weeks to sell the punt.

And because of that, Cody needs to rebuild his heat, and he did somewhat well this week, I'm not saying he's all there just yet, because it's obvious he isn't, but if he continues to cut promos like these, talking down to the crowd, being disrespectful, or hell if he gets boring like many thought Jack Swagger did, well there you have it, heat.
Always been intrigued by Rhodes. Definitely has the potential, the look, the in-ring skills. His mic work clearly is fine. All he needs is some good feuds and he'll take off. He needs to get in on the IC action, definitely.

Just off-topic a bit, Swagger was getting plenty of heat in his match with Big Show. I dunno why people find him boring, he's a refreshing change to the main event. I'm hoping he stays, and that Rhodes and people like these two young stars get in there soon.
I just finished watching and thought it was ok but not that great. He didn't get a lot of crowd reaction and it seemed so slow. I'm curious to see how can he go forward from this because I like his in-ring work. He's finally found a gimmick that he seems comfortable with and it could take him places so keep it up.
I think it was brilliant. It also leads a possible way into a feud with his brother.

Actually I think all the promo's he's been cutting since coming to smackdown/NXT have been great and making him stand out more... Now all he needs is some damn knee pads
Cody has been doing very well as of late, going to Smackdown and being a pro on NXT, has given him a chance to shine with his new gimmick he is using, if it culminates to a feud with his brother it should be entertaining. Both Dustin and Cody are good in the ring and on the mic, just a matter of waiting to see.
I think it was brilliant. It also leads a possible way into a feud with his brother.

Actually I think all the promo's he's been cutting since coming to smackdown/NXT have been great and making him stand out more... Now all he needs is some damn knee pads

Na Cody say he old school,say he not gonna wear kneepads.I say when he hurts himself beyond repair he'll be satisfied.A feud with Goldie would be nice tho.Does he still stutter?
Na Cody say he old school,say he not gonna wear kneepads.I say when he hurts himself beyond repair he'll be satisfied.A feud with Goldie would be nice tho.Does he still stutter?

Full length tights then?

Just... The short tights with no knee or kick pads make him look more like he's in underpants rather than wrestling tights.

And as for goldie, his stutter is sporadic... A feud between them for the intercontinental championship could be benificial.
What a promo! I never knew Cody had it in him to deliver such an excellent segment. It was smooth, funny and it made me hate him. Brilliant! If you look back at the Legacy days, Ted DiBiase was the main mouthpiece and Cody wasn't very good on the mic. Well, he certainly wasn't anything special.

This 'dashing' thing is interesting. I was hoping that they would ramp up the 'uncommon' gimmick. I thought that was a good concept as it is the total antithesis to his father at a time when his former partner was copying his own father.

I think the OP's idea for his gimmick is brilliant and I would love to see that happen. If that doesn't happen, I would like to see him become really snobby. Really snobby. Not even focusing on how rich he is like DiBiase. But bringing in the concept of class. Make him a Republican. Make him privately educated. Even have a Cribs-like segment. And also play up on his looks, obviously.
I am interested in seeing where this 'Dashing' persona goes to. :lmao: I admit, it was a bit funny to see the poll of the hottest male superstars and Cody at the top. This could be a good line if worked well and not mis-used. For heaven's sakes, I do kinda wished this is what they would've done with Dibiase. But Rhodes will do too. But the over-repetitive-ness of the 'Dashing' is something that will stick in my mind for sure. Right up there with 'Stone Cold, Stone Cold, Stone Cold.'

I really do hope that this is not something that would go to prove that Legacy was better as a unit and not as singles. I honestly do have high hopes for Ted and Cody. I'm wanting to see the both of them do good away from that old group. But I guess this will be the time table to use to tell. Especially considering the heritage behind their names, I really do hope this doesn't turn out to be a big joke. :confused:
I hope to see this gimmick work because I think that Cody Rhodes has some great potential, that being said... do I think this gimmick will be a success? I don't know. I didn't see enough from him to make a concrete decision. BUT, it looks positive.

Eventually Cody Rhodes will be launched into a feud with Kofi, I think that it'll be soon, because they need some new blood in the upper mid-card. Dolph also has a shot.
this has honestly made me laugh so hard, and really I am starting to really like his character. I think he will be a bit like Dolph Ziggler and Zack Ryder, he will go after the diva's, and get the title shots, I am really happy with this new gimmick change, and can't wait to see how it goes!
I'm not sure how I feel about the gimmick or the nickname, but it sounded to me like Cody has been taking promo lesson for Jack Swagger. Where did that speech impediment come from. His "s" doesn't seem to come that easy anymore. Maybe it was just me.

Cody has always had that speech impediment. That plus i also think he has had his teeth done (or they are false)
Anyway, i wish DASHING Cody Rhodes would fucking DASH right out of the WWE cause i cant stand the guy. As for some of your comments, the only way the diva's would fall at his feet is if they are attracted to guys who look 12 years old with chicken legs and gay nose peircing - cause thats Cody.

Although back to the 'lisp'. WWE should start anew faction - THe brothers of the speech impediments, and the members are Jack Swagger, Shameless (i mean Sheamus) and Rhodes. SUTHERING SOCKATASH
I loved the fact that WWE has decided to continue with this, last night with the mirror thing had me laughing at it to say the least, and the fact that they now refer to him as Dashing Cody Rhodes, even in his entrance video.

If they continue to push this, I think it could definitely bring him places, and could have some entertaining feuds, at least he could've had an entertaining feud with John Cena had he been on RAW in terms of insulting him for being dashing just like John in the way he insults Sheamus.

Cody being put in the main event as well, actually helping Jack Swagger does well for him, even if he lost he came out looking pretty good against Big Show and Rey Mysterio, which can only prove that he'll go places.
'Dashing' Cody Rhodes has to be the best thing that has happened to Cody Rhodes to date. Why? Because it is a gimmick and for once it's all about him. I just recently viewed the Smackdown promo that everyone is talking about and I'm really impressed. Cody is able to pull off the 'I'm better than you' character very well in my opinion and once he began to insult the crowd, there was no stopping him. I also liked how he kept repeating 'dashing' over and over again, as it really creates the impression that he truly believes that he is 'dashing'. Very entertaining I thought.

And for those saying he didn't get much of a reaction, what the hell do you expect?? They do sweet bugger all with the guy for weeks and then you expect him to go out and garner a huge heel reaction the first night on the job with his new gimmick? For the love of God, give him time to grow in to the new role before damning it to hell. Anyway, from what I seen, once he began laying into the crowd and getting personal, as well as annoyingly repeat 'dashing', they did in fact begin to respond. Give it time.

Then on the most recent Smackdown, when he appeared backstage grooming himself and then pretending to be a news reporter of sorts (using his hair brush as a mic no less) to interview himself, I laughed a lot because it was entertaining. There's no doubt that this gimmick is a take on 'Ravishing Rick Rude' and we all know how well the 'pretty boy' character worked then....I don't see any reason why Cody can't make it work now. Just look, already he is in the Smackdown Money in the Bank Ladder Match and has main evented a Smackdown episode. Very impressed, I hope they keep this up with him....definitiely one of my favourites on the blue brand right now.
"Dashng" Cody Rhodes is now probably the most exciting prospect on Smackdown. If you'd have asked me 6 months ago who would be bigger out of the 2 former Legacy stars (Cody or Ted), I would have said Ted. Now it seems that Cody's star shines the brightest and Cody is putting himself in the world title picture, while Ted is fading into obscurity on Raw, fast.

Cody was extremely entertaining on Smackdown yesterday, interviewing himself. This all looks very promising, to the point that in the not-too-distant future, Cody could be THE main heel of Smackdown.

So to all those who said that Cody would be bigger than Ted, you were right and I hereby eat my words from 6 months ago.
Dashing Cody Rhodes? well i dont much mind him in the ring, i cant stand the name. it's kinda lame actually. do i agree he's bigger than Ted? no. Ted was injured, so they had to use him as little as possible for a while, now he's back and in the title run also. i say Ted definitely has the bigger career ahead of him. what would be good for cody, is if him and his brother had a fued, that would be pretty entertaining
I love it. First time Rhodes has been the least bit interesting. Interviewing yourself in the mirror? Enjoyable. Really enjoyable.

He ain't bad in the ring. Isn't really good either, just kind of there. Cross Roads is a good lookin' finisher though. I actually think he can go quite far with this gimmick and make it work. Already is more relevant on Smackdown than he ever was as a part of Legacy.
I too am starting to like his new gimmick. He's a lot better on the mic and everything just seems more natural to him. The whole "dashing" gimmick works very well with him and I'm curious as too how far he can go with it. I actually find him entertaining to watch now.

I do think he needs to change his theme music. Too jobberish and he'll be much better off with music that actually fits with his character.

And is it just me, but did he get his nose pierced? You can see this tiny thing on the side of his nose.
And is it just me, but did he get his nose pierced? You can see this tiny thing on the side of his nose.

Yep - saw that on NXT - nice touch.

I quite like this gimmick. It's not revolutionary, no, but it makes him stand out atleast a little bit from the crowd, and it gives him an angle to talk about in his promo's.

I think it's a good way for him to build heat over the coming months as he goes for the Intercontinetal Title.

For once on a gimmick front WWE: good work.
At the very least, Cody isn't emulating anything about his father. He is doing something that hasn't been done before under his ancestry (from my memory) and he seems to have the natural charisma to pull this off. He's quite believable with the look he has and even though it's been only a couple of weeks, he's improving. All he needs to do is transition his persona into the ring and wrestle psychologically with his character. Give off some smiles to the crowd every time he has the advantage, or after stopping the momentum of his opponent, fix up his hair and good looks. It's pretty simple stuff and easy to pull off, but it adds that much more to his character and the match. It won't hurt anyone.

Let's give Cody a few more weeks to grow into his character and we should be able to definitively judge him for what he's worth under his "Dashing" gimmick. I love how Chimel actually pronounces "Dashing" Cody Rhodes as well, adds more heel to his character.
This gimmick is a huge success for "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, as he pulls it off rather nicely. I never knew Cody had this type of gimmick in him, and it really makes me like it even more, as he play it off so well.

His promo in front of the mirror was excellent on Smackdown, and I love how he just disses everybody saying they are uglier then him. He hads a whole new dimension to his gimmick, and has pulled it off better then most have done with this gimmick in the past.

Lets see how Cody does as his character develop and grows, and hopefully WWE gives him the proper push he deserves.

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