Daniel Bryan- Re-Package?


Dark Match Winner
How would you guys feel if Daniel Bryan came back clean cut in a suit and tie and part of the corporation?!?

How would you write that into a storyline?!?
You simply can't, IMO. There are major twists, like Seth Rollins' heel turn, and then there are complete anomalies that make absolutely no sense. It would be a horrible decision to turn the most over guy in a long time (and say what you want, he's still over) and turn him heel, after months and months of fighting and scrapping against the Authority. It didn't go down well when he joined the Wyatt family, and they turned him back face as quickly as possible. Sure, it was a memorable moment, but it was still a bad move on the WWE's part to turn him heel. No reason to do it now. Without the title, he can be portrayed as the underdog again, and the WWE universe ate it up last time.
Let's just pretend this wasn't even suggested.

Bryan is the most over superstar of this past year. He gets the largest reaction easily. He far surpassed Punk as the most successful non-WWE guy on the roster.

Don't mess with a great thing.. not yet. Austin didn't turn until 3 years of being the same "Stone Cold" anti-McMahon gimmick.
I honestly don't understand why so many fans want to mess around with characters and gimmicks that shouldn't be messed with. If it ain't broke, don't fix it and Daniel Bryan's not broken.

They tried turning Daniel Bryan heel earlier this year and it didn't take. For some damn reason, even all those months of Bryan's growing popularity, Vince underestimated how over he was. They made him a member of the Wyatt Family despite the fact that people WANT to like and cheer for Daniel Bryan. Whether it be hardcore smarks, your average fan, men, women or kids; fans WANT to like Daniel Bryan. Fortunately, WWE was able to realize this without damage being done or momentum being lost. The explanation that Bryan was essentially going under cover in order to get his hands on Bray Wyatt wasn't the best in the world, but it wasn't remotely as bad as it could have been.

Putting Bryan in a suit & tie and having him join The Authority, the group that's spent almost a year screwing Bryan out of the WWE Championship in one way or another? I know it's just an idea that the OP is tossing out there and I'm not going to jump down anyone's throat, but it just doesn't make any sense from any perspective.

I wouldn't mind if Bryan came back with a bit of a harder edge towards his opponents, willing to take the fight to them as hard or harder than they'd take to him as sort of an adjustment he's felt he has to make, something he's had to learn to embrace if he's not only gonna survive but get back to where he was. After all, it'd be something of a natural progression when you consider the nature of his neck issue and that they've put it into the story with Kane ultimately being the cause of it. That is, IF they're able to ultimately keep him with the likeable "every man" persona that ultimately got him over in the first place. I don't mean to make him some cross between Rambo and the Terminator with just a dash of Stone Cold Steve Austin, just a bit less of the "aw shucks" kinda guy while still being laid back until its time to NOT be laid back.
DB is a pure face now. They may change his look with no beard and restart his journey. If john wins the mitb then he gives the chance to face DB. Otherwise authority never allowed him to chase title. right now they put roman in place of DB. So DB has wait for sometime for title. Maybe they give us or ic title to him.
The only 'repackaging' I would give him is to be just more serious - have Lance Storm teach him that. By that, just smiling less and shave, or at least trim the beard. If it were me, I would have him turn into Angle's gimmick when he was in WWE/ECW, as a wrestling machine. He has to change his style because of his neck, so instead of the high flying, have him take advantage of his mat wrestling and his kicks. Crowd goes nuts whenever he kicks somebody. He doesn't have the body mass of somebody like Taz, so if he starts throwing people around, it wouldn't look realistic, but he can still take people down and start throwing mad kicks
It would not work out, the Yes movement is so strong with momentum that even if he tried to be a bad guy the fans would still be like "Yes, Yes, Yes" look what happened when he for a very short time joined the Wyatt family, the crowd was so strong for Daniel to be the good guy again, that WWE had to go back to his old gimmick. My suggestion is if they want him to come back re-packaged, i would say make him the Dragon again, just like he was in ROH, thats the true Daniel Bryan or should i say Bryan Danielson.
I only really have one thing to say about that No, No, No, No, No!!

His gimmicks works very well with the fans it's just after Mania he went off and got married (in my opinion they should have held off a few months), Then his dad passed away, and then he was injured. Career wise he's fine with his gimmick, they've got it set up where he'll jump right into the authority storyline as soon as he returns. Technically he's be biggest face they've got when hes there so I don't see it happening at all.
uh, why?? why should anyone even consider a change to Bryan. he's the most over guy in wrestling right now. turning him would be stupid. no, what they should do is when he returns have him chase and win the title at the ppv he makes his wrestling return. i would have him come out with "his titles" and claim he's still the champion or he's the real champion and have him win it and move on from there and give him a real reign with real and better challengers and i would have Rollins win the briefcase and eventually have him cash in on Bryan....but to the point, no. if it isnt broke, dont fix it. Bryan's not broke when it comes to character.
It would work if he came out in the suit with his hair slicked back in a ponytail with clippers set to shave that beard of is. He could use the angle that it's to get his wife's job back or because the WWE universe didn't send him sympathy cards during his injury. Of course this would end similarly to his stint with the Wyatt family with him ripping off the suit and disheveling his hair and doing his YES! gimmick.

On the other hand with Roman Reigns on the rise and the inevitable face turn of Cesaro when it comes time for him to face Lesnar, either at Wrestlemania 31 or sooner, Bryan could be turned heel for real. I just don't think it is wise at this point. He is doing too well with his current deal to change that.
Definitely should not turn the most over guy since Austin heel and you DEFINITELY should not put him with the Authority at that.

But the "Aw Shucks" everyman nice guy gimmick will eventually get old/cool down. And when his fan reactions begin to cool down, you have a couple of options.

Of course he could develop a mean streak, become more aggressive.

But the best idea that I think could work is that you could pair him back with Bray Wyatt. The dirt sheets say that Bray is turning face soon and you could pit him against Triple H. Have Bryan come back and have them be an unlikely team. Almost a more serious Rock and Sock Connection.

This could be a red-hot stable as aside from the Shield, they are the two most over dudes on the roster. Imagine a stadium full of 50,000 people chanting 'YES' in the dark with YES foam fingers in one hand and their cell phones and lighters in the other. Maybe even have Glow In The Dark YES Foam Fingers.

I think Wyatt/Bryan teaming back up as faces could definitely work.
There is no point yet. We got a major heel turn in Seth, which should take all attention for a while. We have the uncertainty of the WWEWHC, Bray Wyatt, the Shield in general and so many other guys there. Bryan's turn isn't needed yet. I would like to see him in the Wyatt family at some point though, I really enjoyed those 2-3 weeks, I found him really fitting in there and could make a relentless heel with his kicks etc.
Let's just pretend this wasn't even suggested.

Bryan is the most over superstar of this past year. He gets the largest reaction easily. He far surpassed Punk as the most successful non-WWE guy on the roster.

The Yes chant gets the largest reaction because it's been something people have screamed out in orgasm since the dawn of man. His merchandise sales haven't eclipsed Punk who left 6 months ago, maybe he's the #2 guy at house shows, but that's why WWE seemingly stops talking about website sales for Bryan when they plug him. He's had the sort of title reigns one makes fun of, 3 time WWE Champion for a grand total of what, a month? And before he got hurt [bad luck], he was in Zack Ryder's plotline.

The Yes chant is the Wave.
Daniel Bryan doesn't need to be repackaged. They just need to forget about this whole "Demon Kane" garbage and not involve Brie in his story lines.

Total Divas kind of screwed over his title run because they keep wanting to involve what is happening on Total Divas in the wrestling story lines.

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