Daniel bryan most unbeleivable world champion ever??

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Dark Match Winner
So daniel bryan won the WHC are you serious bro he is far from worthy he wins money in the bank and then gets his ass kicked every week gets a lucky win in a fatal fourway only to be toyed with by mark henry and we're suppose to believe that he is a world champion
I think that it was too soon for Daniel Bryan to have won the WH title. However, now that he has it I think he should become more aggressive. The WWE should let him utilize more of his submission arsenal. He should defend it on a regular basis and make people start caring about who has the strap. For the record, you could not get me to care about Mark Henry's title reign at all. I did not and still do not think that he is a serious threat. I also think his promos are horrible. I do want to see where DBryan goes now, I hope that he gives the fans a new side of Bryan that the world has yet to see. Who knows he may win the crowd over so that we get past the fact that he won it before Wrestlemania.
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