Anyone else surprised at How Daniel Bryan is still world champion yet...

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Occasional Pre-Show
Yet Christian a guy who's been in the company for years, and is very over with the crowd gets big reactions as a heel or face only held the title for 5 days his first time around and only a month his second time as a heel while Daniel Bryan who's been with the WWE no more than 2 years and isn't as over as Christian will have held on to it 4 months if he loses at mania and 5 months if he retains?

Don't get me wrong I've been loving Daniel Bryan's current heel turn it's been freaking awesome lol I love the "YES! YES! YES WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPion" haha but it's just surprising that a guy such as Daniel Bryan has been booked very strong while Christian who's more over and been there for a longer period of time was only champion for a very very short amount of time was booked horribly in his feud with Orton for the title.He never once beat Orton 1 on 1 except for a DQ victory.

So did you guys ever see Daniel Bryan beeing booked like this?Victories over Big Show, Henry, Sheamus, Orton, Cm Punk all during his run as champion. And although just like Christian he hasn't beat Orton by pinfall the whole winning by DQ thing is kind of Daniel Bryan's thing right now and dude looked very strong in his matches against Punk.Anyways I can talk about this for a long time lol but I just made a video about this so I'll let that do the talking.

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