Current Day WWE Stars That'll Be In The Hall of Fame


Mastermind of ATV
The WWE Hall of Fame is home to not just WWE's finest, it's also home to some of wrestling's finest. From the Hulk Hogans to the Steve Austins to even the Shawn Michaels, there's usually someone on there that you probably know. There are also names that haven't even been entered in the HoF yet (Rock, Taker, Bulldog) and for some; they probably never will. (Owen Hart, Chris Benoit)

But then there are some of those that will one day have their name in the HoF when their career is all said and done. John Cena? Randy Orton? Chris Jericho? About as obvious as you can get.

But there are two names I feel don't get mentioned as much as they should, which is a disappointment.

Dolph Ziggler: Even though he hasn't had the world championship caliber career many had hoped for, you can't deny he's had a really good career in WWE. Six time I.C champion, one time U.S champion, Mr. Money in the Bank, x2 sole survivor, all in all i'd say he's had one heck of a career in my book. Probably enough to be in the WWE Hall of Fame.

The Miz: The Miz may be the biggest success-story in Tough Enough history, a former reality star; he worked his ass off and evolved his character to become who he is today and he ended up becoming a seven time I.C champion, two time U.S champion, former tag team champion with Morrison and Show, a WWE champion and; oh yes, He main evented WrestleMania. If that's not a solid endorsement to be in WWE Hall of Fame, I don't know what is.

Of course, those are just two names. I'd like to hear some names from the current WWE roster that could one day be in the Hall of Fame.
Honestly, it's not that difficult to make it into the Hall of Fame nowadays; there are probably a number of current wrestlers who will go in when it's all said and done.

Kofi Kingston will probably be a 2 time HOFer. On his own, the guy is a 4x IC Champ, 3x US Champ, and 5x Tag Team Champ, has been on the roster for 10 years already and could probably be around for 10 more if he chose to. He was never a main-event caliber talent but he was their rock in the mid-card division and guys like that often get thrown in sooner or later. And of course, New Day is likely to get in.

Roman Reigns could retire today and be a HOF guy given his credentials. He's already a 3x World champion and has main-evented the same amount of Wrestlemania's as Stone Cold. Like you said, The Miz is pretty much a lock and Ziggler is as close to as you're gonna get.

Sheamus has won everything there is to win. He'll go in without a doubt one day. Just like Roman Reigns, Charlotte could leave wrestling tomorrow and still be a HOFer two years into her career. And then of course there are the obvious ones; Jericho Show, Kane, Orton, etc.
Cena, Orton, Lesnar, Kane, Big Show, Undertaker, Reigns & Y2J are probably the only ones that are guaranteed (unless something major happens) to be included.

I think people like Goldust, Ziggler, Miz, Uso's, Hardy's & Kofi have a great chance due to their longevity/impact.

Two others that came to mind... CM Punk and Batista.
I think everyone that's been in the WWE for a substantial period will make it in as long as you are in the Company's good graces.

The question is who will be HOF headliners? Currently I see Cena, Undertaker, Jericho, Triple H, Randy Orton, and Brock Lesnar as headliners.
I have an honest answer for you; but, I want to explain where I'm coming from, so you don't think I'm just blowing off your question.

First, to answer your question, I think most of today's superstars will get into the Hall of Fame. I do not think they should, but I think they will.

Yes, Orton, Jericho, Kane, Big Show, HHH (who somehow hasn't been listed yet), Sheamus and several others already mentioned will get in and should.
But, I think the Hall of Fame's doors are going to be wide open in the coming years and here's why.

WWE has handcuffed themselves by making the induction ceremony part of WrestleMania weekend. They sell a ton of tickets in a nearby arena the night before Mania and they will not take away that part of the WrestleMania experience--or give away the money that comes along with it--because they don't feel they have enough deserving entrants for a particular year. If Vince has a master list of people who he wants to induct and, say in 2019, he realizes only 1 or 2 of them are available for entry, do you think he'll scrap the ceremony or only induct 1 or 2? No. He will say something like "you know, I was giving Jack Swagger's résumé a second look and..." They have handcuffed themselves. They have to have a full lineup of inductees each year and the Hall of Fame will soon be even more watered down than it already is.

Personally, I do not care much about the Hall of Fame. If there was an actual building, I would visit it. But, regarding who gets in and who doesn't, it just doesn't matter to me. I was a fan of the show. I loved watching the Bulldogs in the ring, I loved Demolition's look and music, I loved Rick Martel's Model gimmick. None of them are in and I'm fine with it. Don't get me wrong, if they go in, I'll be happy for them. I like that many of the guys I watched as a kid have been inducted and have gotten/will continue to get the honor of their accomplishments being recognized and immortalized, in a way. I also love the induction speeches and stories from the past. But, every single time there is a HOF article or post, some clown will get way too fired up with "If Koko B. Ware can get in, anyone can." First of all, Koko did a hell of a lot more for WWE than most people give him credit for. But, more to this point, I don't understand why people, on one hand, complain that the HOF means nothing, but on the other hand, care so much about who gets in. Which is it? That's rhetorical because the truth is, who is in and who isn't doesn't bother me. I have my memories from wrestling and a HOF induction or snub isn't needed to validate them. Again, that is just how I, personally, look at the Hall of Fame.

Like I said, I only wanted to explain because writing "everybody will get in" would seem like I am pissing on the OP's question. I mentioned who should get in, but I think because of the business and money that comes with the whole thing, they will have no choice but to keep putting in less-qualified entrants.
It can be hard to say as a good deal of whether or not someone will go in depends upon whether or not relations between them and the company stay solid. There are sometimes instances of wrestlers who're not interested, the company's not interested, there's hostility on both sides, etc. For example, it'd seem a foregone conclusion that CM Punk would be a likely candidate someday, but he and WWE management pretty much despise each other right now so if it were to happen, it won't be anytime soon.

If all parties stay on each other's good sides, guys like Ziggler, Miz, New Day, the Usos, Bryan, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Charlotte, Sasha Banks and probably a bunch of others will be Hall of Famers someday.

Ziggler and Miz are a couple of mid-card staples with a lot of mid-card title runs with occasional forays into the main event picture, New Day have the longest single tag title run in all of company history & are viewed as one of the top teams in wrestling, the Usos are also multi time tag champs and helped bring about a resurgence in the viability of tag team wrestling in WWE, Bryan held every title available to men in WWE at least once prior to the brand split and return of the CW Division and will probably go down as someone who did a LOT to help change the opinion of "indie guys" wrestling in WWE, the former Shield members are three of the men that WWE is really counting on to help carry through the next decade, Charlotte and Sasha Banks are multi time Women's Champions and probably the two most visible women on the main roster that helped make women's wrestling matter in WWE.

So yeah, there's quite a few who legitimate cases can easily be made for.
As OYDK mentioned above, it isnt that difficult to get into the Hall of Fame for anyone who gets a decent push and gets some good backing. On the current roster they are quite a number of guys like that.

A better topic would be who of the current crop might headline a Hall of Fame class eventually.

From the current roster I'd say: Cena, Orton, Lesnar, HHH, Taker, Rock, Big Show, Roman Reigns, Charlotte, Y2J and AJ Styles are the ones in line for such an honour amongst the guys that appear, lMO.
As mentioned most who have toiled for the WWE for a good period of time and manage to stay in their good graces will have a shot.

Kind of stunned to be honest that Rollins and Ambrose aren't getting the nods considering that almost everyone has projected Reigns to go in. To me the Shield was one of the best factions to ever grace a WWE ring, and it would be a shame for Reigns to be inducted and leave Rollins and Ambrose out. Wrestling fans can eff off at times.
As mentioned most who have toiled for the WWE for a good period of time and manage to stay in their good graces will have a shot.

Kind of stunned to be honest that Rollins and Ambrose aren't getting the nods considering that almost everyone has projected Reigns to go in. To me the Shield was one of the best factions to ever grace a WWE ring, and it would be a shame for Reigns to be inducted and leave Rollins and Ambrose out. Wrestling fans can eff off at times.

Reigns is pretty much already a Hall of Famer on his own merit. Rollins and Ambrose will almost undoubtedly go in one day but if their careers ended right now, they wouldn't. Or maybe they would because the WWE inducts anybody with any shred of name value these days and it will only become more common in the future, but they're not obvious choices like Roman is.

The Shield is another story. They'll (of course) go in together as a faction, but I think most people were pointing out that Reigns would go in based on what he's done on his own while the other two haven't done enough on their own for a solo induction at this point.
Anybody that has left an impression in the WWE will be in the Hall of Fame. There really isn't a set criteria for going in, except don't piss off the company. And even then it's likely they'll get in much later down the road if they made WWE enough money. I can't think of anyone on the roster who has no chance. Maybe the stunt coordinator or some off-screen technician. Those guys should, but that doesn't sell tickets to the WWE Hall of Fame.
I think the majority of today's roster will be in the hall of fame one day. Unless they do away with it like they did from 97-03. Like someone else said, as long as you have had a substantial career in wwe and are in good graces with the company, you're in. I would say won at least one title, but Bushwackers and Koko B Ware never won any title in wwe.
Neither did Junkyard Dog, Paul Orndorff, Bob Orton, Jake Roberts and several others. Seems Koko offends people for the same reasons others don't.

I guess it must be because Koko wasn't as highly pushed as the others.

To add onto the discussion. What is the possibility the following will enter in the Hall of Fame at some point?

Tyson Kidd- A part of two fantastic tag teams and had one of the finest runs in NXT history.

Jack Swagger- Former World Heavyweight champion, ECW champion, United States champion, his tea party gimmick brought new life to him.

Wade Barrett- Lead two stables (one of them that became all the rage in the summer of 2010) and part of three overall, had five I.C title runs and might have been a world champion had he not been labeled as injury prone.

Carlito- The Ruthless Aggression's answer to Razor Ramon, former I.C and U.S champion and won the latter in his first match on WWE.

Dave Finlay- Wrestling legend in Great Britain, TV champ in WCW, U.S champ in WWE, currently a road agent.

William Regal- Wrestling GOD in England, former King of the Ring, I.C champ, U.S champ, amongst the best characters and wrestlers in history.
I guess it must be because Koko wasn't as highly pushed as the others.

To add onto the discussion. What is the possibility the following will enter in the Hall of Fame at some point?

Tyson Kidd- A part of two fantastic tag teams and had one of the finest runs in NXT history.

Jack Swagger- Former World Heavyweight champion, ECW champion, United States champion, his tea party gimmick brought new life to him.

Wade Barrett- Lead two stables (one of them that became all the rage in the summer of 2010) and part of three overall, had five I.C title runs and might have been a world champion had he not been labeled as injury prone.

Carlito- The Ruthless Aggression's answer to Razor Ramon, former I.C and U.S champion and won the latter in his first match on WWE.

Dave Finlay- Wrestling legend in Great Britain, TV champ in WCW, U.S champ in WWE, currently a road agent.

William Regal- Wrestling GOD in England, former King of the Ring, I.C champ, U.S champ, amongst the best characters and wrestlers in history.

All have a shot of ending up in the HOF at some point. Kidd, Barrett, Swagger & Regal all had solid mid-card/tag team careers in WWE and/or WCW. Finlay doesn't have a lot of accomplishments in the states though he was a big name in several prominent British companies like Joint Promotions and Catch Wrestling Association. He'll go in because of his toughness and his eventual induction will probably happen years from now if/when the UK aspect of the brand continues to grow.

William Regal will be remembered more for his contributions as a teacher and with helping to restructure WWE's developmental system. Not that Regal didn't have a lot of tag team and mid-card success in WCW and WWE, but what most people today will remember that Regal helped train guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Samoa Joe. If/when Triple H assumes control of WWE, I don't doubt Regal may find himself with Triple H's current job as Trips has reportedly heaped endless praise on Regal as one of the primary components for NXT's success.
Other than the obvious Goldust(active legend) & Orton(main eventers) type, my list of eventual H.o.f. from the current talent are:
-Miz (main evented WM, MITB, Hollywood gimmick, possibly the most IC title reigns)
-Kofi (From ladder matches to the Royal Rumble-Mr. Highlight reel, and an amazingly successful mid-carder)
-Sasha (broke the glass ceiling for the female)
-Charlotte (same as Sasha)
-The Usos (The greatest tag team of this generation)
-The Bella Twins (Total Divas/main stream media and a few championships here and there)

One person I really don't think will be in the h.o.f. is Ziggler. I See Ziggler either not getting into the Hall of Fame or only being inducted because wwe has become low on inductees. Not that he doesn't belong, but more so that I feel like he will be forgotten. R-truth would be another who would be close to the bottom of the list.
Could be any of them. I mean, Cena, Orton, Triple H, Undertaker, Lesnar, Kane, Big Show, Jericho are all morals to go in at some stage. The rest....The Hardy Boys, Paul Heyman, Reigns, Rollins
The new day will go in together.

You can't tell me that they are not the most over stable heel or face of the modern era.

That being said, miz has also had a hall of fame career and I hope he's world champion as a heel agian one day.
Once they start indicting ECW alum, Rhyno may and should get in on longetivty alone. Never used as a main event talent in WWE, he had a great run in the upper mid-card and still managed to get over with Slater over a decade later. Like Tazz, his ECW tenure should see him get in and I think he's deserving.

Regal will go in for certain for both in-ring and backstage accomplishments.
Once they start indicting ECW alum, Rhyno may and should get in on longetivty alone. Never used as a main event talent in WWE, he had a great run in the upper mid-card and still managed to get over with Slater over a decade later. Like Tazz, his ECW tenure should see him get in and I think he's deserving.

Regal will go in for certain for both in-ring and backstage accomplishments.

Tommy Dreamer should be the first person that goes into the ECW wing if that ever gets introduced, he is considered the face of that company; so it should make sense that he gets the first induction.
Tommy Dreamer should be the first person that goes into the ECW wing if that ever gets introduced, he is considered the face of that company; so it should make sense that he gets the first induction.

I think you meant to say Shane Douglas....

WWE career or not... Without Shane in 1994, there is no extreme championship wrestling.

And likely Paul heyman and/ECW as a whole will go in
I don't think there will ever be an "ecw wing". However since wwe owns their legacy, guys that didn't have big time careers in wwe but were awesome in ecw will get inducted eventually. Especially if they have a wrestlemania in Philly.
I don't think there will ever be an "ecw wing". However since wwe owns their legacy, guys that didn't have big time careers in wwe but were awesome in ecw will get inducted eventually. Especially if they have a wrestlemania in Philly.

Except Shane Douglas. Which is a shame,no Shane,no ecw
Except Shane Douglas. Which is a shame,no Shane,no ecw

I don't think Shane wants to be part of it anyway. I've asked him and he said since they won't induct Ivan Koloff and Dom Denucci, then he doesn't want it either. Unlike Bruno wwe won't be begging him so that's another factor.

AJ Styles I could see going into the HOF even if he decides to retire in early 2019 when his contract expires. He will have done so much in a 3 year period that it will warrant a future induction.

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