Cristiano Ronaldo Staying At Manchester United

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Cristiano Ronaldo "I will remain with Manchester United for at least another year," Ronaldo told Portuguese newspaper Publico.

Sir Alex Ferguson heard my arguments, I heard his and, in fact, it was settled that the best for both parties would be for me to stay.

Therefore, I can confirm that, next season, I will play for Manchester United.

Before rumours emerge saying that I will play against my will, I want to make this clear - whoever says or writes that is lying.

I will play for Manchester with all my heart and soul. I will fight and honour that shirt with the same commitment and dedication as always.

I was responsible for all this controversy.

I was the one who publicly expressed my desire to go to Real Madrid. I ended up being, even involuntarily, responsible for the poor relationship between the two clubs."

This is fantastic news for United fans. He is argubly the best player in the world, and without him, we wouldn't have won the Premiership or the Champions League last season. With him staying, I see us dominating the league again. F.A Cup will be ours too. He really wants to win that one, as he has said.

What does everyone think?
It is both a good thing and a bad thing that he is staying. Good as he is the world's best player and although I am Arsenal through and through I love watching Ronaldo when he is in full flow. It's a bad thing however as he was supposed to say that he wanted to go to Real Madrid and he refused to go back to United and he looked like he was trying to play Fergie for a fool
Very glad he's staying. I think Manchester are the best team to help his abilities which is great for him playing for Portugal. My whole opinion on this matter has been that he should stay with the team who will develop him best as a player. I am of the sole opinion Manchester United is that team.

He was been playing exceptionally well for Portugal, despite being quiet in the last few Euro games. But I put his success down to Manchester, as well as the excellence that is Scolari. Him staying is best for both teams. Hopefully this will help him gain some respect back, that he lost in all the controversy. It will be hard though.
He was been playing exceptionally well for Portugal, despite being quiet in the last few Euro games.


He has been worse than shit for Portugal, in all of the Euro games. Everyone said he was shocking. He didn't look like he wanted to be there, never put any effort in.

Granted, he was very good before that. Some great performances, because he actually did more than stand there waiting for the ball.
Not in all. As I said, the last few he was quiet in. And we definitely expected more. However, he's one of the main reasons we qualified after a series of disappointing results usually including draws. He played great in them. Never failing to score, or set up goals. He was the one who injected magic into the side when people thought there was nothing left.
That's cause Portugal without Ronaldo is shit, because he is everything for Portugal. You rely on him so much, it's pathetic. Without him you only have Deco as your main threat, and he is well past his prime, which has been shown during the past season, which is why he's been let go by Barcelona.
LMAO are you being serious?? I think I just choked with how absolutely absurd this statement is. Portugal are easily one of the best, most threatening teams in Europe. they have exciting, great players, a great league, great matches.

What i find ironic, is the Man Utd fan saying another team rely too heavily on Ronaldo. I laughed at that too.
Portugal are easily one of the best, most threatening teams in Europe. they have exciting, great players, a great league, great matches.

They're one of the best, but most threatening team? You're joking. I can name lots of teams who would be more sthreatening. You have a few great players, and some good ones. Ronaldo and Carvalho are great, Deco is a little iffy, not sure about him. The rest are all either good, or average. Your "great league" is behind the EPL, La Liga, Serie A and the French league. Can't be so great.

What i find ironic, is the Man Utd fan saying another team rely too heavily on Ronaldo. I laughed at that too.

I'm sorry, but Ronaldo's injured for 2 months. While we'll miss him, we won't be complaining. We have enough players to cover his loss. We rely on him, but not as much as Portugal do. Y'see, United have other GREAT players such as Tevez, Rooney, Scholes, Carrick, Hargreaves, Anderson. Oh look, that list is longer than Portugal's.
Ricardo, Carvahlo, Quaresma, Nuno, Positga, Simao, Gomes, Quim, Petit. And that's just a few. So tell me again how Manchesters list is bigger than Portugals? We were great without Ronaldo, we're great with him. He is an amazing player yes, but all players are replaceable. We don't 'need' Ronaldo, but it's betetr we have him I'm sure. However when he retires from Internationals, it's naive to think Portugal won't play just as well.
Ricardo, Carvahlo, Quaresma, Nuno, Positga, Simao, Gomes, Quim, Petit. And that's just a few. So tell me again how Manchesters list is bigger than Portugals? We were great without Ronaldo, we're great with him. He is an amazing player yes, but all players are replaceable. We don't 'need' Ronaldo, but it's betetr we have him I'm sure. However when he retires from Internationals, it's naive to think Portugal won't play just as well.

Ricardo is good for saving penalties. Other than that, he is average.

Quaresma is inconsistent. Not good enough at the highest level.

Nuno - Who the fuck?

Postiga - Average. Good finisher, but not much else.

Gomes - Who the fuck?

Quim - Haha. Again, who? :lmao:

Petit - Average. Can name many players better in his position.
Quaresma is one of the biggest new talents in Portugese football. I love the guy, and he's being tipped to become the next Ronaldo (Despite actually being older than him). But he's not inconsistent in the slightest. As an FC Porto fan also, I can tell you how great he is. You need to keep an eye on this guy.

Ricardo is a great keeper. One of the best there is.

Gomes is the captain of our team. Shows how little footballing knowledge you have if you honestly say "Who the Fuck" when hearing his name.
You need to keep an eye on this guy.

No I don't. Time after time, I've heard "He's good, but inconsistent". & the Portugese league is weak.

Ricardo is a great keeper. One of the best there is.

You are joking? Right? If he is one of the best there is, why aren't the top European clubs trying to sign him? Y'know why, because he's average like I explained before.

Gomes is the captain of our team. Shows how little footballing knowledge you have if you honestly say "Who the Fuck" when hearing his name.

:lmao: You didn't even know Capello was England's new manager. I know more about football than you. You might know more about the Portugal team, but that's it.
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