Could WWE Pull Off A Heel Cena vs. Face Orton Feud?


Legend Killer
This is my first thread. I just started thinking about this. In the past, we've seen a face Cena vs a heel Orton, which was pretty good. The way it's looking right now, Cena could be facing a heel turn. But Orton, in my opinion, is at the top of his game as a face right now. So, what if by some chance, Orton gets drafted back to RAW after Wrestlemania? By then, John Cena could be a full heel. I know many people are sick of this rivalry, but this kind hasn't been done between the two. It wouldn't even have to be for a championship, maybe, Cena costs Orton a WWE Championsjip match? I think these two guys have one more feud left in them. Thoughts?
If Cena does ultimately go heel, the success of this feud will depend upon how interesting WWE is able to make Cena's character.

We've seen so many Cena vs. Orton feuds in the past that it's easy to understand how a lot of people have just gotten burned out on the idea. At the same time, the idea of Cena being the heel does add a certain "what if" factor for a program with Orton. We're so used to seeing Cena ultimately come out on top of his feuds with Orton, including appearances by "SuperCena" sometimes, but the notion of having Cena booked in a different light could draw interest. It'd be a change to see Cena, the ultimate face of WWE during his previous feuds with Orton, being the slimy & underhanded guy that cheats his ass off to have any sort of advantage.
I think Cena could have quality feuds with any face in WWE while being a heel. From Orton right down to Kofi. I think he could pull it off. So to answer your question - yes
Well it wont happen for along time. Once Cena turns heel at WrestleMania (ohh he will). They will feed Cena some lower-end faces for a good 6 months, then at SummerSlam feed him a credible face, which might end up being Orton. Or they may wait til WrestleMania.

But yes, it would be just a matter of time before they face off in switch roles.

Obviously, it would be a refreshing twist on a once stale rivalry. It;s very safe to say, anything different than the current Cena is a good thing.
I don't think this would work at all because in my mind the same fans who cheer Cena are the same fans cheering Orton, so how would you have a heel Cena?
Well it wont happen for along time. Once Cena turns heel at WrestleMania (ohh he will). They will feed Cena some lower-end faces for a good 6 months, then at SummerSlam feed him a credible face, which might end up being Orton. Or they may wait til WrestleMania.

But yes, it would be just a matter of time before they face off in switch roles.

Obviously, it would be a refreshing twist on a once stale rivalry. It;s very safe to say, anything different than the current Cena is a good thing.
Unless im missing the point, how can Cena be a heel at Wrestlemania or any time. At Wrestlemania we are going to see the most hostile crowd in wrestling history. Plus he is hated now. So please explain how a heel Cena will work???
I'm not sure if you are familar with Florida crowds... but they are not exactly known as rabid. Combine that with a huge crowd which never transfer well, and it being an outdoor stadium ( Sun Life Stadium ) which are notorious to wrestlers for killing all sound... the crowd is going to seem completely dead.

If you are asking how Cena is going to work.. he will wrestle the same old boring crap. Then at the end will clearly do something and turn heel. Perhaps something like Stone Cold did. But for the majority of the match, he will work the same.

Obviously just a predicton, but you are gonna be highly disappointed if you are expecting a MSG or Philly type crowd.
presume cena will turn heel to lose to the rock then zero intrest in the story line and everyone will lose intrest fact is apart from story lines cenas wooden and past his sell by date
After Cena turns I would rather see him and Orton team up as heels then feud against each other. Then down the line, one of them could flip face again.
I think the whole Cena turning heel thing is just getting annoying. I was into like back in November before Survivor Series and all last year etc..But now i just give up i want him to go heel but i dont even know if he will go heel anymore. But i have a strange feeling he will at Mania. But yet Face Orton Vs Heel Cena would be great. They've obviously fueded before and would be new for them to switch roles.
A feud between a face Orton and a heel Cena would honestly be pretty awesome and the one thing that'd really be missing from their storied rivalry. People who dislike face Cena already approached their last angle by rooting for Orton and booing Cena, so the main difference would be that many of Cena's supporters would now be booing him in the villain role too. I think it would be a fantastic idea for a feud in the future because we know they work very well together and a face/heel role swap would breathe more life back into a feud that's been done numerous times.

Now then, how would they pull it off? Let's assume Cena makes his rumored heel turn at Wrestlemania after defeating The Rock. Orton can get drafted back to Raw to join their face roster while Sheamus becomes the top face of Smackdown as its new World Heavyweight Champion. Orton could be in a title match against Punk (assuming he retained against Jericho) then Cena costs Orton the match, setting up the feud. Something like that could set it up rather well. I'd do it as a summer feud like Christian/Orton was this year, and perhaps lead into a world title match at Summerslam where Orton wins to redeem himself from their 2007 and 2009 Summerslam matches. It could work and I'd certainly be very interested in seeing it.
Turning Cena heel has been really hard for them because for years he has flat out told them no, however recently his reactions have just been "whatever" when it has been mentioned to him. I would love to see Cena heel, not just because he has become somewhat stale, but this could help out a lot of newer guys better as a heel.

Not to take away from the op's story, but what I would love to see is the tag team division flourish once again. I feel that cena would be good in a heel tag team with, and I know some ppl hate him, and it seems the wwe has issues with him atm, but with The Miz. For some reason I just think they could make an awesome tag team.
If Cena does ultimately go heel, the success of this feud will depend upon how interesting WWE is able to make Cena's character.

Oh, it will be interesting, that's for sure. In fact, it's going to set WWE on its ear. I believe Cena, as spurred by Kane's "embrace the hate" teachings, will be turning on the fans more than on other wrestlers, grabbing the mic at every opportunity to tell them: "You boo me when I'm fighting for you? Okay, I'll give you a real reason to boo."

Until the inevitable day that John turns good again, he's going to feud with every major good guy in the company.....and ambush the rest, including the hardcore heels. And yes, Randy Orton will be the most important 'tweener he attacks. The feud should be dynamic.

Of course, Orton pulled a minor swerve in disrespecting his tag team partner (Khali) this past Monday on Raw and it will be interesting to see if they do something with that. However, that's minor compared to bad Cena vs good Orton .

But Cena the heel is coming....and it's going to be the biggest thing in years.
I believe Cena, as spurred by Kane's "embrace the hate" teachings, will be turning on the fans more than on other wrestlers, grabbing the mic at every opportunity to tell them: "You boo me when I'm fighting for you? Okay, I'll give you a real reason to boo."

But Cena the heel is coming....and it's going to be the biggest thing in years.

This is exactly how I've felt about Cena for years. He's been Rocky Maivia for like, six to seven years, now. I'm not saying that Cena is at all going to ever be like the Rock, or even as good as the Rock, but his version of the Rock is coming. Honestly, if the WWE didn't see it when they booked this feud, they're just either blind or not trying.

I think it'll be like a mix between the Bret Hart heel turn and the Rock's heel turn. I've already said how it would be like the Rock, but it's a little more like Bret Hart, in my mind. That means that CM Punk would have to be Cena's Steve Austin...I'm just looking for parody now, but I think it'll go down in a similar way.

A heel Cena vs a face Orton would be as big of a money maker as the WWE has had in years. I don't know how good the feud would actually be because nobody has seen the heel Cena yet, but just the feud on paper alone would be worth the money. I like Randy Orton as a face, for the most part. He's fallen in much of the Smackdown re-run trap, where he says and does the same thing every show. But, I like him better now than I ever have before.

Finally, Orton kind of deserves a feud like this for all of the putting over of youngsters he's done on Smackdown. He's done his best to put over guys like Cody and Wade, and has done a pretty good job. He deserves some time in the big spotlight, again.

I would have Cena feud with other faces first, but this would be a good feud for him after he's sort of cemented himself as the type of heel he's going to be. When it happens, I think it would be a great way to get a heel Cena over, setting him up for CM Punk or another babyface of the future to get the win.
It would be awesome, it was something I wanted since 2004.

I always wanted Cena to turn heel since 2005 and I reeeeeeally wanted him to turn heel for over 6 years now.
Cena is better on the mic than Orton plus Cena just has the presence..something that Orton lacks.
It would be far better if it was (heel) Cena v (face) Orton.. it would be a huge draw me thinks.
When you take two of the three best workers on the planet (this coming from a guy who doesn't even like Cena), and put them into a feud, yes, it can work. It can always work, and has worked before.

However, this hasn't been seen. When you reverse the roles as they would here, it's 100% fresh, despite what some internet dopes might say. I'd love to see it.

They're polar opposites in just about every way, and with a maniac Cena on the loose, it could (kayfabe, obviously) take another maniac to stop him. Orton's that guy. He has the credibility, he's beaten him before, and he's better now than he was three years ago. At this point, I think WWE might choose Punk to be the guy to stop a heel Cena, but I think it would work just as well, if not better, with Orton in that role.

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