Better Feud: John Cena VS Edge Or Triple H VS Randy Orton?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
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Over the years, John Cena VS Edge and Triple H VS Randy Orton have been two of the biggest feuds in the WWE, but I want know which one was better?I'll start by reviewing the Triple H VS Randy Orton feud:

The Randy Orton VS Triple H feud goes all the way back to the days of Evolution. After winning the World Heavyweight Championship from Chris Benoit at Summerslam, Randy Orton was kicked out of Evolution the very next night by a jealous Triple H. HHH demeanded Orton hand over the title, but Orton refused, and spit in his face, literally. At Unforgiven 2004, HHH regained the world title with the help of Batista and Flair. Orton would continue to challenge HHH for the title, but he was never able to defeat HHH.

Fast forward to 2007, Orton is now a heel, and Triple H is a face. After John Cena had to relinquish the title due to injury, Orton was awarded the WWE title at No Mercy 2007. But after a match with HHH, Orton lost the WWE championship. Although, later on in the night, Orton regained the title in a last man standing match against HHH. At Backlash 2008, HHH became WWE champion again after winning a fatal four way match, where he pinned Orton. Orton would try to regain the title from HHH, but he would be unsuccessful again, and at One Night Stand 2008, Orton broke his collarbone. This injury put him on the shelf for a while.

Orton won the 2009 Royal Rumble by eliminating HHH. Although, there was something else major going at this time that would later involve The Game. Orton had punted Vince McMahon, and he had begun to terrorize the McMahon family. Orton crossed the line when he delivered an RKO to Stephanie McMahon. HHH was in a rage after his wife was bit by The Viper, and this set up the match at Wrestlemania 25. Orton lost to HHH again, but he was able to turn the tables on HHH at Backlash. He won the WWE championship in a six man tag team match, and he punted HHH after the match was over. Although, HHH returned, and challenged Orton for the title at The Bash 2009. This time Orton prevailed with the help of Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase in a 3 stages of hell match.

If you ask me, the Orton VS Triple H feud never really reached the level I thought it could. It had a big time feel to it, but a lot of the matches they had were either mediocre, bad, boring, or solid. They never really had that one epic match. I feel that the best match Orton and HHH had was the Last Man Standing match from No Mercy 2007. It wasn't great, but it was pretty solid.

Now on to John Cena VS Edge. This very intense rivalry started back at New Year's Revolution 2006. After competing in a very brutal Elimination Chamber, Cena lost the title to Edge after he cashed in his Money In The Bank briefcase. Although, Edge would lose the strap back to Cena at the Royal Rumble just three weeks later. But Edge would not go away quietly. At ECWOne Night Stand 2006, Edge interfered in the match between Cena and RVD, costing Cena the WWE championship.

On an episode of Monday Night Raw, Edge became WWE champion once again after he won the title in a triple threat match that also involved Cena and RVD who was the WWE champion at the time.Things got personal between the two. Cena would attacked Edge and Lita, but Edge would retaliate by slapping Cena's dad. Cena would challenge Edge for the title at Summerslam, but Edge managed to escape with the title again, with some help from Lita. At Unforgiven, Cena would face Edge in a TLC match. Not only was this Edge's specialty match, but Cena agreed to sign a contract to become a Smackdown superstar if he lost this match. Of course, Cena won, and he was WWE champion once again.

At No Way Out 2009, Cena would lose the World Heavyweight Championship to Edge in a Elimination Chamber match. Cena regained the title from Edge at Wrestlemania 25 in a triple threat match that also involved Big Show. But Edge would get the last laugh as he was able to win the title from Cena at Backlash with the help of Big Show.

The Cena VS Edge feud was very good. The promos and segments between these two were awesome, and a good majority of their matches were entertaining. My pick for the best match in the Cena/Edge rivalry would have to be the TLC match from Unforgiven 2006. This was a very good match, and it was filled with a bunch of jaw dropping spots.

My pick for the better feud would have to be Edge VS Cena. I'm a fan of Triple H, but the feud with Orton never really reached the level that I thought it would. I thought they would reach that level when they were feuding heading into Wrestlemania 25, but the match was a huge let down. Cena VS Edge over the hand, did have that one very good match. The hatred between both of these men was at it's peak when Unforgivne 2006 came around, and that match did live up to it's potential. Now of course Cena VS Edge never made it to Wrestlemaina, but the overall body of work in their feud is still very impressive.

What's your pick for the better feud? Which feud had the better matches, promos, segments, and storylines? Also, I want to know which feud was better overall. I'm not talking about certain parts of both feuds. I want to know which one was better over the years.
Man, great question. In terms of actual payoff, neither feud did anything for me whatsoever, but in terms of actual building up, I think the Orton vs. HHH feud had a much bigger feel to it. As you pointed out, none of their matches were fantastic, but I was pretty blind to that fact due to the incredible job these two did with their promo work for most of those years. Especially the Wrestlemania 25 buildup, which was without a doubt the best buildup to a feud in quite some time. The match itself was absolute garbage and very disappointing, but I feel the work done to build it up was more than adequate enough for me to pick their feud over Edge and Cena's.
Hands down the better feud was Cena vs Edge. In fact I think that rival will wind up being looked at on the same level as Stone Cold vs. The Rock, Ric Flair vs. Steamboat and other classic feuds. Edge and Cena made each other look better, they have great chemistry and best of all as far as I am concerned I have never been tired of their feud, Edge makes Cena look like a competent wrestler which isn't the easiest task in the world. Edge vs. Cena is the best rivalry WWE has produced since Cena rose to the top of the food chain. End of story.
For me, I think the HHH-Orton feud was better. They had more time to actually do battle, and were able to work different angles on it, and the promos were much more interesting because both HHH and Orton are IMO 2 of the best when it comes to promos.
I too have too go with the HHH and Orton feud simply for the last part of it. I loved the whole Orton punting all the McMahons in the head. Then he ddt's Stephanie and kisses her right in front of HHH. Then HHH breaks into Ortons house the next week and goes on a rampage i just loved that whole angle.

Yeah they may not of had one big epic match but the promos made up for it and all their matches were good they were never horrible.
I would say Orton vs HHH for three reasons.
Firstly, It's more personal. HHH 'discovered' Orton, mentored him and helped make him the star that he would later become. Then Orton betrayed him, taking Hunters title, before exchanging it a few times.
Then during their more recent fued, Orton attacked HHH's family. He took them all out and used anything from security to lawyers to make sure he would get what he wanted, a match at Mania.

Cena vs Edge doesn't have anywhere near that level of personal involvement. Sure, Edge slapped Cena's dad, but apart from that, the fued has always been about the title, nothing more.

Secondly, the promos were always a lot better between HHH and Orton. Who can forget the moment Evolution turned on Orton? Or him punting Vince? Or the DDT and kiss to Stephanie with HHH handcuffed to the rope?

I can't think of a single Cena vs Edge promo, because, in the end, they always boiled down to 'I want your title'.

Thirdly, I can't stand any title fued that involves Edge. The character and the gimmick just don't feel 'main event' to me somehow. I've never bought into his title reigns, or believed in him as a champion. So, I guess it's a good job that he never holds the title for more than 2 months lol
Haha I had a discussion with my cousin very recently concerning RKO, JC, and Edge and who their greatest feuds and rivals were with and these were the pairs that we decided. As for me, I feel as if the feud between Randy and Triple, as aforementioned by so many others, has a lot more personal involvement in it. You have the mentor and the student relationship that turns into betrayal, and its not simply just betrayal against Triple H, but all of Evolution. Over the years, no matter who is face or heel, Batista and Randy have not seen eye to eye and Triple H and Randy have not seen eye to eye. Randy was basically left to fend for himself and over the years he definitely has evolved to a predator, similar to the Cerebral Assassin... There feud may not have intense matches, but it has more back and forth action... there is no decisive winner, and its left open to continue.

As far as Edge and John Cena goes, it is not as personal, but it is very much as heated as any regular wrestling rivalry can go, its just both of them getting on each other's nerves. It's a great feud, and they probably are each other's biggest rivals but their feud, at least to me is not as specifically memorable as Triple H and Randy's feud is... and I don't believe I'm being biased because I loveeeeee Edge lol
Personally, I would pick the John Cena vs. Edge feud to be better than the Randy Orton vs. Triple H feud. Here's why...

Back in 2004, when the Orton/Triple H feud first started, I thought it was great. Since, I had no internet sources like I do now, the feud came very sudden to me and I didn't know what to expect. At only 10 years old at the time, I hated all the heels and loved all the faces. Seeing Randy Orton turn face so suddenly caught me off-guard and that's what made me really like this feud. I really enjoyed Orton's face turn and how HHH did all that stuff to make Orton suffer... making Eric Bischoff book Orton in impossible matches, countless matches with Batista and Ric Flair... it was just great. They had a less-than-average World Heavyweight Championship match at Royal Rumble 2005, but the feud briefly ended when Orton started feuded with The Undertaker, and then got drafted to Smackdown.

Fast-forward to October 2007, when John Cena is stripped of the WWE Championship due to a pectoral injury, after holding it for 13 months. Randy Orton is awarded the title, but loses it 20 minutes later to Triple H, fresh off his return from quad surgery. 2 hours later, Randy Orton is able to regain the WWE Championship in a "Last Man Standing match". It took this for me to start to get tired of this feud. At the end, Orton is usually always made to look weak. If you notice... 3 OF RANDY ORTON'S 6 WORLD TITLE REIGNS WAS ENDED BY HHH!

When WWE decided to reveal Triple's H marriage to Stephanie McMahon, it made the feud more interesting for me. However, it still never made me feel the same way. I liked the added personal elements in the feud, but the feud died with me after the first 3 years, on the off.

Now, with the John Cena vs. Edge feud... you had something different. Just when I felt it was about time that Edge cashed in his briefcase, he completely catches me off guard by cashing in on John Cena and winning his first WWE Championship. The feud continued for 2 months before Edge went on to feud with Mick Foley, apparently for costing him his rematch. It match kept me interested the entire time. I've liked every single second of this feud and it never got old with me. I loved the addition of R.V.D., the involvement of Lita, John Cena's father... everything has been made to keep the feud fresh. It continued to go strong for 3 years and could continue to go strong should they feud again in the future.
CENA AND EDGE is by far better and heres the main reason because there matches didnt get boring and they didnt ruin mania either lmao
I think the Triple H-Randy Orton fued had the better storylines and segments, but Cena/Edge had the better promos and matches. Triple H and Randy Orton, for whatever reason, just don't work well in the ring together. Cena and Edge work very well together. And that's what matters the most, to me, because it's a wrestling company. So I go with the fued that had the better wrestling. Cena vs. Edge > Triple H vs. Orton.

Gotta say, though, I think Cena vs. Orton is better than both. But that's not the topic I guess.
In the words of Jean Girard, "The Beatles needed the Rolling Stones. Even Diane Sawyer needed Katie Couric." John Cena was the hero, and every hero needs a villain. Edge is John Cena's Katie Couric. What's so great about it compared to Orton/HHH is that Cena has always been the face in the feud and Edge the heel. There has been a switcheroo in roles in the Orton/HHH feud which in my opinion makes the feud not seem as good.

The chemistry in the ring with Cena and Edge always gets better every match. Triple H and Randy Orton have been going at it since 2005 and I still can't name a memorable match they've had. Now that both Hunter and Orton are faces it's gonna make the feud seem all the more weaker without a clear cut heel.
It's a hard choice you're making me take here Mitch, I liked the Edge vs John Cena feud because it had great matches, it made Edge a legitimate main event wrestler and it had some great entertaining segments as well, these two have always worked great together, they proved it in 2005-2006, as well as proving it in 2009.

On the other hand we have Triple H vs Randy Orton, my actual favorite feud, so of course I'm probably gonna give this one the edge, it had some pretty good matches even considering the Wrestlemania main event match.

Triple H vs Randy Orton also had some of my favorite promos, the one where Randy Orton challenged Triple H to their match at Wrestlemania, it was the first time I watched wrestling and that promo in itself had me hooked instantly.

This is two great feuds, with 4 future hall of fame wrestlers, but I'm gonna have to give the "win" to Triple H vs Randy Orton, simply because of them both having awesome feuds hard to choose between but Triple H vs Randy Orton impacted my life as a fan.
I have to pick Orton vs HHH...IMO that feud hasn't ended...and I hope it picks up later...this time last year was the time where HHH was supposed to be feuding with Orton some more and was supposed to lead up to their last match of the feud...a Hell in a Cell match at SummerSlam..but WWE announced they would have HiaC ppv instead, so they decided there is no point to wait that long...

I think the time the Orton/HHH feud rally got to me was last year, during Royal Rumble til just after Mania...the feud went real personal, and it was all about HHH getting the ultimate revenge at Mania...
I'd pick Cena Vs Edge because, although Triple H Vs Orton was epic in length, the fact is that Triple H completely bitch whipped Orton back in 2005 and owned him over-all since. At least with Cena Vs Edge it was more...equal. Also Edge got people to have the WWE approved chants towards Cena, which very few heels seem to be able to do.
I'm going to separate it into two parts: buildup and matches

Edge shocked the world when he cashed in his MITB on Cena in 2006 which was the buildup for their first match and later that year Edge slapped Cena's father which set up their second PPV encounter (not including Backlash because HHH was in it). HHH and Orton's buildup is so far ahead to me. Those first few months of 2009 were the best of Orton's career. Punting Vince and Shane McMahon and giving a RKO to Stephanie were priceless. HHH breaking into Orton's house was good as well. I still mark out during the RAW before WM when Vince, Shane, and HHH all came out.

Best Buildup: HHH/Orton

This one is a toss-up depending on which style you like. The one advantage Cena vs. Edge had was even though they had a lot of matches, it was spaced out. Orton and HHH had three title matches I believe in two weeks during June of 2009. They don't have good chemistry together and it didn't make it any better with all the matches they had. I'm tired of people hating on HHH because he won at WM 25. Let's not get into the fact that it was his first WM win since 2003. You look at the whole buildup and it was tailor made for the face to come out victorious. They could have booked the match better with Legacy trying to interfere and the McMahon family stopping them but it was fine.

I don't think any of the Cena/Edge matches have been all that great and I'll be hard pressed to think that any of them will be memorable five or ten years from now. Their Royal Rumble and Summerslam matches were ok and their TLC match may have the best one they have had together. Overall, I say their matches have been pretty average just as Orton and HHH has.

Matches: Even

Since both feud's matches have pretty even as a whole, the buildup of HHH vs. Orton makes this feud the better one.

Winner: Orton vs. HHH

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