Could a heel Cena vs face Reigns work?

It could work definitely and I think it should happen.

Whatever we as the IWC may say about him the WWE has put a lot of effort into Reigns as the face of the company with Cena out for as long as he has been and kind of booked themselves into a corner in the fact that the only way to not make the years of effort they put into him is to turn Cena heel because if they don't Roman gets knocked down a couple pegs when he gets back.

Now we all know Cena will get cheered when he returns so let him play to the crowd for a few weeks up to a couple months and do a slow turn then (at a PPV of course) boom have him go full heel and be the antagonist Roman needs to finally get over.

To bad there's only a 5% chance at maximum of this happening.
Actually a heel Reigns vs a face Cena would actually work better if you ask me and why? Because the smark fans who boo Roman they would actually cheer him more than they would Cena because Cena is universally hated much more than Reigns is so if they do the opposite and turn Reigns heel and have him go up against Cena it would be one way of actually getting the crowd on Roman's side
So I read an article on the main paige about a heel Cena vs face Reigns and if it could help Reigns finally get over. So this got me thinking and to be hounest I'm thinking that this will backfire in the face of the WWE. First Heel Cena on the mic could and will destroy Reigns thus making him look weak, second in my oppinion a heel Cena will get cheared like crazy and Roman will be booed even more. So could a heel Cena vs face Reigns work or will it backfire?

Heel Cena? Won't happen, the fans have been asking for it for over 10 years.
I would love to see cena heel but they wont unless they have a strong enough face to sell merchandise and a way to make cena a cool marketable heel (nwo like)
It would definitely backfire. The crowd who hates John Cena would start cheering for him because they hate Roman Reigns more. John Cena could eat a baby in the middle of the ring in that match and he'd have them offering him ketchup.
Someone who's becoming the "face" of the wwe really needs a strong heel to feud against. Austin vs Vince, Rock vs Triple H, Cena vs JBL and then Edge when he was more securely in that position.

A heel Cena would undeniably be just what Ramen needs, but with the uncertainty surrounding Ramens "face of the wwe" status it would be pretty risky and probably too risky at this point.

I do however believe that without a doubt whoever Cena works with as a heel will get incredibly over as a face. Cena is an incredibly intelligent man and he could work with Ramen to make sure Ramen gets over. Even if the fans don't like Ramen when it's over, they will at least respect him.
Tonight was very clear that the fan fav at wm32's main event its gonna be HHH. Hell, even HHH notice the crown reaction and basically pose for them like a "face".

Roman as it is now, its a lost cause. WWE need to use this 6 weeks, to turn him into the biggest heel, otherwise, you will end up having an underwhelming main event, where the guys that will get the audience behind will be "the bad guy".
Days of your classic heel and babyface are long over. Who cares who people cheer and boo? (I'm not so sure the WWE do) As long as noise is being generated and fans are invested, be it with boos or cheers, it doesn't matter.

Take the Ambrose/Lesnar segment. Ambrose is super over (quite why is another matter, for another topic) yet the crowd were chanting 'one more time' to an F5 from Lesnar. It's the reaction that matters, boos, cheers, it doesn't ultimately matter.

People that generally by the merchandise are kids (Well parents for kids) and they're currently the ONLY part of the crowd/audience that still have a clear face/heel outlook, so as long as they buy t shirts (and plenty buy Roman's) it doesn't matter what the crowd reaction is. The product has outgrown traditional reactions and fans will boo and cheer whoever they wish too, sometimes loving one man, whilst hoping he gets his head kicked in (Ambrose v Lesnar)

I really don't think the E care as much about this as some would have you belief. What they would care about is NO reaction.

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