Conspiracy Storyline - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

I say if nWo doesn't happen.. which I'm pretty sure won't.. it was just Nash using an old theme everyone is familiar with.. but they should create the Kliq as an on air stable.. Nash could always interfere with the HHH vs Punk match making HHH turn heel.. have X-Pac show up one week to side with them.. maybe HBK could even show up and if Scott Hall is well enough, bring him in.. or hell, bring back Justin Credible and have him team with X-Pac to help with the tag division :)

I'd like to see The Kliq become an actual stable.. i know most can argue that DX and nWo was basically Kliq stables.. but it'd be great to create an actual theme (maybe a DX / nWo remix type theme) and be referred to as The Kliq
The way I am thinking, is that they may bring back the "kliq" or "nwo". The Wolfpack.

Of course the originals would be great to have. Scott Hall(Razor Ramon), X-pac, Michael, etc.....

I have a feeling during the fight at Night of Champions, Nash will come out and attack Triple-H.
Therefore, leading Nash and CM Punk together, possibly others to join.
Seems boring but I would watching Raw more if this happened. Something new/over-used that will catch attention.
Once that would happen, Triple-H could wrestle full time again, or not.

*This seems a bit over the top, but I wouldn't be surprised if WWE made it where Nash, Punk, and Triple-H could join together. Stephanie takes over as CEOO.

Or be normal with Nash and Triple-H together.
Why make a match between Trips and Johnny Ace? That sounds like a waste of everyone's time when there are guys on the roster who need feuds. They could have a backstage feud or manage representatives in the ring instead. There is definitely some tension between the two though. I hope it doesn't lead to the two of them specifically having a match because I have no desire to see Johnny Ace wrestle.
well i think that the power struggle is already on....its johnny ace along with nash and probably vince being the actual puppet master! HHH will eventually side with Punk ..mark my words!
It depends on how Nash is used. He can be useful in the conspiracy angle and in helping get Punk over. However, he should not be in too many matches. Those of us who saw his TNA run know that he can barely move in the ring now. I think that this will be good for WWE as long as he puts over guys like Punk and does not work many matches because at his age and with his body's condition he no longer belongs in the ring.
Vince sent the text to Kevin Nash. It will be Vince coming back and "undermining" Mr. H's and Mr. H's will side with Punk. Kevin will end up wrestling Punk at Royal Rumble or something about there.
Is it not obvious? Nash will turn on HHH thus starting a new group. CM punk, Nash, Miz, R truth. I have been hearing the same word with these people, and that word is conspiracy
Having Kevin Nash become CM Punk's bodyguard would be the dumbest idea ever. It would make zero sense seeing as how he cost Punk the WWE Title and even worse? It would weaken Punk's character. He's an anti hero face. If he needed Nash to cover his ass after Punk would run his mouth he'd lose the anti hero feel because Punk's whole thing has been about him running his mouth and backing it up.

I think it would be cool to bring The Kliq in as a stable but I don't see it happening. Yes we've got Kevin Nash and Triple H who can still go, maybe even X-Pac. But Shawn Michael is staying retired and Scott Hall is not in any shape to be wrestling. And for the love of God people, Justin Cred was NEVER a part of the Kliq. I think he's Sean Waltman's cousin but that's as far as it goes.

I just hope they don't try an nWo thing. It's been overdone and it's been beatin' to death WAY to much.
There is nothing going on between Nash and Stephanie. Not even in kayfabe. Trips is one of Nash's closest friends and Stephanie is his wife. She is likely a close friend of Nash's by this point too. He is sticking up for her. That's all it is. It could be leading into a revelation that Stephanie sent the text. I would not be surprised. Trips is trying to not let Punk's comments get to him now that he is COO because that would just fuel the fire more and Trips needs to be professional. Nash is just standing up for his friend's wife who is being insulted. I don't think it's any more complicated than that.
The way it comes off on TV seems like Nash is just using Steph as an excuse to get at Punk for whatever reason. Honestly I think Punk's constant questioning of HHH's manhood is getting a little played out. He's great on the mic but I think he needs to move on to a new angle.
i get the feeling WWE want to go for the NWO era again and try and bring in more viewers but only having 1 of the original 3 may not work.
Nash HHH and Shawn Waltman Donning the famous black and white and maybe Stephanie McMahon to play the Eric Bischoff role. As the NWO gets bigger this gives C M Punk more guys to go through to make him look better or maybe bring back guys that wwe fired to help like Kozlov and the master piece and form something of an anti wwe and NWO faction
Well...that was anti climactic and stupid. I think it's safe to say WWE dropped the ball once again, eh??

Kevin Nash texted Kevin Nash. Really??

And why did he do it!? So it could make wrestling cool again...uh, what?

WHY did WWE ruin this? I was convinced that the mystery text was going to be from The Miz. It would have made him relevant in the main event scene again, and it's something that would have been very Miz like. Sneaking into Triple H's dressing room and using his phone.

Nice job, WWE. :disappointed:
I don't think this storyline will be over at Night of Champions.

Nash was fired, yes. But, he was seem driving away in a limo with Johnny Ace. So, he's probably still be involved in some sort at NOC.

Plus, the stipulation. It doesn't make sense. First of all, I can't see Punk taking a break, or going away from WWE, after everything that has happened the last few weeks. Punk gets new music, T-shirts, he's pretty much a tweener/face now, and he's been given free control over his mic work. And for what, to take a break in a month? I doubt it.
total letdown.

Nash sent the text? HOW?

How could he have been backstage, when earlier in the storyline we were told nash called for tickets and HHH left them at will call? this implies Nash was NEVER backstage. this is called hot shot booking, and it failed again
It's really hard to listen to Kevin Nash on the mic.. The yelling, the silly scripted things he says, hes just down right tuuurrible.

At this point, I don't give a shit who sent the text, keep Nash off the mic, get CM Punk away from Nash, get him further away from Triple H. This story is going further and further down the crapper every week

Triple H vs Punk is No DQ at NOC, theres a good chance Nash, Waltman, Steph, Vince, Shane, Linda, Dana White, Lesner, Flair, Foley, Triple H and Stephs 3 daughters, Hayman, Hall and HBK will somehow get involved in this match.
yeah I agree, Nash has lost the mic skills. However this RAW, I thought the HHH/Punk segments were good. No more trash talkin, that has been done before just business. I am really hoping this will be a solid match without interferences that will change the outcome. And of course Punk beating HHH. But I don't think that's going to happen.
A once promising SL that had me into wrestling as much as I have been in years and it is going down the shitter. Nash just doesn't have it on the mic kind of makes you wonder why they didn't have someone who still had "it" to "stick" the champion. I know Nash made an impact but think if they had someone who had a much more promising future do it instead of an over the heel no mic skills remaining Nash.

Nash texted Nash to make wrestling fun again? I don't think I could of come up with something more stupid if I tried. Now to make it even worse Punk has kind of gone shitty the past couple weeks. The whole "change" thing is getting kind of annoying not to mention the fake throwing up last week was obnoxious as fuck. I hate to say this but when he was doing that I couldn't help but laugh and be thinking I can't believe I am watching this shit. As far as the names go yea we get it Kevin Nash had other names we heard you the first time.

If this totally fails this could be as or more disappointing than Nexus.
what is going to happen now with nash being 'fired', is this just an excuse for the wwe to bring back the nWo and be a sort of rebel group, we know nash will still be on wwe tv but what will he be doing, or do you think he will come back at NoC and cost triple h or cm punk the match?
I just want to say to the guy who opened the topic that there is nothing whatsoever with your question. Guys, if you think his question is stupid then why are you wasting your time commenting? Its not physically impossible for the match to happen no matter how unlikely you may think it is.

However, I would say its unlikely the two will have a match for two reasons. First off I agree with the notion that HHH is heading down the heel road. I think they are drawing it out for a long period to make it seem less obvious but its the way I think things will go. My second reason is that even if we believe the 'tension' between them, the match simply wouldn't draw in my opinion. The reason Vince's matches worked were because he was The Boss and also his matches were always booked as 'fights' more than anythingelse. Johnny Ace however, simply isn't relevent as a wrestler anymore and if he was in a match against HHH it would just be a short, undermining squash.
Why make a match between Trips and Johnny Ace? That sounds like a waste of everyone's time when there are guys on the roster who need feuds. They could have a backstage feud or manage representatives in the ring instead. There is definitely some tension between the two though. I hope it doesn't lead to the two of them specifically having a match because I have no desire to see Johnny Ace wrestle.

I have to agree with, and add to, Dagger Dias's point, which I fully agree with. Johnny Ace should not get back in the ring.

What you could have, however, is some kind of "wrestles on behalf of" type character, like how DiBiase Sr. sometimes rolled, or Paul Heyman branching out from Lesnar e.g. getting the Dudley Boyz to take out Taker. Sometimes Dolph's programs have been more that Vickie's feuding with someone than Dolph is. Dolph/Edge was a lot like that, and so was the brevity that was Dolph/Riley. Or Swagger/Cole's pairing - Swagger just did the work, it was really Cole who was feuding with people.

So basically, Johnny Ace could be the manager-with-an-agenda type, while his wrestler basically does the ground work against someone like CM Punk.
The way Raw went last night I don't see Nash aligning with Punk at all. If anything at NOC Johnny Ace is gonna get involved with Nash and screw HHH and HHH will enter into a grudging alliance with Punk, which would help build the face character they are trying to develop for Punk. Having Punk come out and bash a legend like HHH on the mic isn't really the way to go, the crowd isn't buying it. But having both him and HHH go after Nash, Johnny Ace, and perhaps Stephanie in a power struggle could make for some great TV.

Which is how I think it will go. IF they plan on keeping Nash on television, how do you make it make sense for him to get "reinstated" without screwing over HHH in the match that just out of the blue has his COO duties on the line? Kind of a no brainer. Johnny Ace wants the company people.
I still see HHH being the one who sent the text. If it was Nash coming out of the office how come they did not show the videotape? It will just be another swerve and Nash will come out and cost Punk at the PPV and align with HHH
not happy with the way this has come around.. not liking the nash sent a txt to himself buisness.. was hoping for another big name to be bck in the frame.. kinda hoping to see mick foley sometime soonn.. hes a wwe legend. should never of been on tna.. everrr
I still see HHH being the one who sent the text. If it was Nash coming out of the office how come they did not show the videotape? It will just be another swerve and Nash will come out and cost Punk at the PPV and align with HHH

How come then that Nash admitted to it? I personally think at NOC Nash will come out and nail both Triple H and Punk, but Punk makes the pin costing H his job. I can see Nash making himself more of a mercenary character, not picking a side but feuding with both of them and that's where Laurinaitis comes in. Anyone remember Team Austin vs Team Bischoff at Survivor Series a few years back? I can see something like this happening with Team Laurinaitis vs Team HHH in a battle for power

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